
by Michael Ravensthorpe, Natural News:

Many people know about colloidal silver and its proven germicidal and antibacterial properties. Colloidal gold, on the other hand, is not quite as well-known. This is unfortunate, since this clear, tasteless colloid – which is made from tiny gold particles suspended in water – provides us with similarly impressive health benefits. Whereas colloidal silver cleanses our bodies of microbes and bacteria, however, colloidal gold has a different purpose: it improves our mental faculties and rejuvenates our bodies.

Health Benefits

Improves cognitive function – According to a study by Dr. Joel Dill and Souhaila McReynolds for the Journal of Frontier Sciences, subjects who ingested 30 milligrams per day of colloidal gold over a one-month period experienced noticeable improvements in IQ. Unfortunately, the study also showed that the subjects’ IQ levels returned to their normal levels between 1-3 months after they stopped taking it. Therefore, if you wish to take colloidal gold to improve your intelligence, you’ll need to take it on an uninterrupted, long-term basis.

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