
With a penchant for Fleetwood Mac and floaty, bell-sleeved 70s dresses, Cosmic Nat is
Glamour’s resident online astrologer. This November we asked her to look into the cosmos to

predict what’s written in your stars…

Ready to discover your destiny?

Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces | Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra


23rd October – 21st November

Go Scorpio, it’s your birthday! We’re gonna party like it’s your birthday! The month begins with the

Sun in your sign, which is always epic, closely followed by communicator Mercury. As a result you’ll

feel much more on the ball… YOU’VE TOTALLY GOT THIS.

The new moon on the 11th is pretty mega as it’s in your sign *party popper emoji*, forming a sweet angle

to lucky Jupiter, giving you extra oomph in getting any grand schemes you have off the ground. It’s

like your own personal new year, so yay to that.

Venus shimmies into Libra mid-month and you could start thinking about someone from your past over

the next month – an old flame perhaps? Try and get closure on any unresolved issues. For the last part

of the month, a pesky square between Saturn in your financial sector and fuzzy Neptune should see you

being extra careful with how you invest your resources, as there could be a sting in the tail and your

energy might dip as a result. However as long as you keep your wits about you on the financial front, this

month could be the start of something special that comes into fruition in 2016.


22nd November – 21st December

Saturn returns to your sign for the next few years (wooooo), asking you to strip back your existence

(oooh, deep) to prioritise what’s truly important within your heart. Structured Saturn squares with dreamy

Neptune in your emotional sector and some kind of evolution of you as a person seems inevitable.

On the 2nd, Mercury moves into Scorpio, syncing up with the Sun, creating a more chilled, meditative

mood, although you’re working hard. However on the 9th, Venus moves into Libra and reminds you to

get out and see your favourite faces and let your hair down. The new moon in Scorpio on the 11th shows

you that quiet, behind-the-scenes work is often as beneficial as showy, front-of-house stuff, especially in

the long-term. Mercury and the Sun move into YOUR sign at the end of the month, and a chilled weekend

follows. However, practical Saturn will severely test any new ideas you have, if you haven’t ironed out all the

finer details. Don’t get too down ‘bout it though, just start to simplify your life and surround yourself with

those who can help you build solid foundations for the future.


22nd December – 19th January

Hey Cap! November is set to be a very sociable month for you, especially at the start. There’s a big ball

of energy in Virgo, giving you a taste for variety and adventure, plus Mercury joins up with the Sun in the

most sociable part of your scope. Ding-dong!

The new moon on the 13th sees expansive Jupiter forging a nifty link with the Sun and moon in the most

vibrant part of your starmap, lasting for well over a month. You’ll be networking like a badass – you absolute

queen, you. Mid month, planet of love Venus moves into your organisational zone; if you’re serious about

someone, things may get much more solid ‘tween the two of you.

However, come the end of the month, you’ll want to chill as you’ll be feeling more sensitive than usual

as your emotional robustness gets tested. You’re a pretty matter-of-fact person, but your ruling planet,

Saturn, squared up to dreamy Neptune, is asking you to view things from a more abstract point of view.

Despite all your bright energy, you have a tendency to see things in black or white – but what about

the grey areas?


20th January – 18th February

The theme of this month? Believe in your dreams! The challenge? Being your most true, authentic

self, Aquarius. Mercury and the Sun give you the perfect platform to radiate your talent and step into the

spotlight at the start of the month.

From the 13th, Mars sweeps into Libra and your more rebellious streak will come to the fore. If you’re

clear about your future goals, you’ll be able to talk most people around. Watch out for fuzzy Neptune

wreaking havoc on your everyday expenditure, especially during the last third of the month. Mercury and

the Sun relocate on the 21st and 22nd into the friendliest part of your chart which could make for a fun

weekend. However, both planets are then gripped by Saturn, PLUS the full moon gets in on the act and

you’ll feel a bit overwhelmed. You might find someone disappoints you, especially concerning money – so

don’t mix business with pleasure. Make sure you’re surrounded by the right people who truly let you

show-off your personality.


19th February – 20th March

The focus for you in November is pushing through your career fears, Pisces. The month begins with

a big fat ball of energy in your opposite sign of Virgo, and Venus will be sparking some sweet moments

with you and someone special.

When communicator Mercury moves into your sister water sign Scorpio, alongside the Sun, you’ll have

the urge to expand your horizons – maybe around travel or higher education – and everyday life. On the

11th the new moon syncs up with lucky Jupiter, encouraging you to be brave and you might meet

someone special – a kindred spirit – who can transform your situation. Your co-ruler, dreamy Neptune, is

going to be mega influential all month, angling up to structured Saturn in the sign of Sagittarius and world

responsibilities. Not necessarily a match made in celestial heaven. Think and rethink any big plans you have

for expansion. They could overwhelm you.

21st March – 20th April

You’ve got an intense month ahead ram, with a real focus on relationships. Messenger Mercury syncs up

with Scorpio as Venus cosies up with Mars in Virgo, giving you one helluva passionate and playful start

to the month. You’ll be feeling the urge to merge, which is only intensified as Venus moves out of Virgo and

into your harmonious relationships sector.

There’s awesome planetary energy around the new moon in Scorpio on the 11th, making for some sweet

vibes and the start of a really lucky period for you. Be mindful of your ruler Mars going into opposition on

the 12th when you may suffer the effects of planetary PMS #sorryboutit.

The last third of the month sees a tricksy angle between strict Saturn and fuzzy Neptune, and you could

be feeling a little anxious about life in general. Saturn’s influence on Mercury and the Sun will heighten your

need for knowledge, particularly around the full moon in Gemini on the 25th. But stay true to your beliefs,

be brave and go conquer the world!

21st April – 20th May

Money is on your mind this month, bull! It starts with the Sun moving opposite your sign meaning you

could be lacking in energy, but with communicator Mercury making a similar move, you’ll crave

conversations with deep-thinkers, as well as mapping out your life a little more. An intense new moon in

Scorpio on the 11th forges a sweet link with expansive Jupiter and encourages you to make changes, follow

your passions and express yourself; stop being your own worst enemy!

Dreamy Neptune goes direct on the 18th in an idealistic part of your starmap, but squares up to practical

Saturn in your long term resources sector – one income stream might start to dry up (ugh) so it’s

important you’re realistic about your budget, especially with Christmas coming up. The full moon in Gemini

on the 25th will illuminate what deep inside you already know to be true and encourages you to be brave

in achieving your dreams. You’ll have a lightbulb moment on the 29th.


21st May – 20th June

You might feel that life is ch-ch-changing this month, Gemini, as you decide whether you should

stay or go. Your ruler Mercury moves from Libra into Scorpio on the 2nd which encourages deep thinking

and creative vibes; maybe pimping up your pad is part of the plan because, Pinterest goals.

The planet of love, Venus, moves into the romantic part of your chart, linking up with first Saturn and

then Mars, meaning you’re more choosy about who you spend your time with. You’re more aware of

how people perceive you, from a romantic or professional POV – watch out on the work front especially.

A lovely new moon on 11th syncs up with fortunate Jupiter and things could crop up unexpectedly,

taking you in a completely different and unique direction. Motivator Mars moves into Libra mid month,

encouraging you to focus your energies and restore a bit of balance to your life, particularly with your

closest relationships. There’s a tricky full moon in Gemini on the 25th, connected to the Saturn-Neptune

square, encouraging you to create a better work-life balance. Surround yourself with your best gal pals to

get a renewed motivation for life.


21st June – 22nd July

The month begins with the moon in your sign, Crab. With messenger Mercury moving into a shiny part

of your starmap, you could be mega busy or get important news in the first few days of November.

As Venus shimmies out of Virgo on the 9th, you’ll be feeling super creative and wanting to express

yourself, whether that’s through cooking up a storm in the kitchen or getting your craft on, there’ll be a

major nesting vibe throughout. The powerful new moon on the 11th links up with lucky Jupiter – use your

powers of persuasion carefully and you could get your way in a sticky sitch where a partner or work colleague

is concerned.

Come mid-month there’s a cosmic shift as Mercury and the Sun move into your practical sixth house,

joining up with structured Saturn, squared with Neptune. Don’t overburden yourself with too many

obligations – give yourself a little bit of wiggle room to avoid burnout. Create some ‘you’ time to recharge

those batteries.


23rd July – 22nd August

At the start of the month, Mercury moves from Libra into Scorpio, encouraging deeper thinking and

working out what’s most important to YOU, dear Lioness. Mid month, Venus and Mars move into

your communication sector and you’ll be able to successfully handle tricky conversations with those

closest to you.

A powerful new moon on the 11th might make you sentimental for a traditional Christmas or

giving something back to the community – maybe volunteering at a homeless shelter? You’ll feel all the

feels. If you’ve started up a side-hustle or creative project from the comfort of your home, it seems you’ll

get lucky in this area in the coming months. A testing full moon on the 25th encourages you to focus on

quality over quantity when it comes to your friendship groups – stop spreading yourself so thinly. Maybe a

cull on Facey-B is due? You can’t please everybody all the time.

23rd August – 22nd September

At the start of the month, Mercury, your ruler, moves into Scorpio and you’re able to communicate your

BIG ideas much more clearly. Mid-month, Venus moves into Libra and your financial situation looks set

to improve, especially once Mars catches up come the 13th.

With the sparkling new moon on the 11th, and Jupiter in your sign (wooo!), you’re going to be feeling

on top of your game and ready for what life throws at you. This planetary opportunity to transform your

life by embracing what makes you feel more unique only happens once every twelve years. You’re going to be

persuasive and mega compelling.

The contrasting energy this month comes from fuzzy ol’ Neptune in your relationships house, squaring

up to practical Saturn in your emotions sector. Try not to get FOMO and avoid letting other people impact

your feelings so much. By the end of month you’ll start to feel more secure.


23rd September – 22nd October

You’ve been reflecting on life a LOT lately, Libra, but now the Sun has moved on to Scorpio, it’s about

empowerment and standing out from the crowd now. When Venus your ruling planet moves back into your

sign and your first house of self on the 9th, you’ll be looking and feeling FIIIINE, especially when motivator

Mars gets in on the action too, on the 12th. You’ll be a little more sassy and ambitious when it comes to

getting new projects off the ground.

The powerful new moon in Scorpio on the 11th, combined with the Sun and Mercury will see new

beginnings on the horizon IF you use your creative talents and get out of your comfort zone, that is. Towards

the end of the month, there’s an influential square with Saturn in your third house of learning with Neptune

in your sixth house of work so you might be feeling unfulfilled in your current role. The crunch point comes

in the middle of month and you’ll need to invest your energy wisely. Face your fears and show off your

personality in order to progress.

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