I swear I remember that I have one. I remember at like 2 in the morning, when I get up at 6 in the morning, so I decide that sleep is the best thing for me. Then, 6 am comes, and I put on my big girl panties and do responsible things, like run a business, and homeschool my kids, and shower... maybe. Then, before I know it, it's time for dinner. Then more work. Then bed. And as I'm falling asleep, I remember that I have a blog, and... well, you see the vicious cycle.
I have approximately 27 blog posts that I started on my voice recorder app on my phone. The whole just-got-out-of-the-shower (my thinking time) and have-a-great-idea-for-a-blog-post-so-I-grab-my-phone-and-record-the-main-ideas-to-write-later thing. Now, the posts don't make sense. Like, about how I hate shaving my legs, so my kids got me an electric shaver for Christmas. CHRISTMAS!!! I'm already staring to plan for THIS Christmas, and I have an idea on my phone for a blog post about LAST Christmas.
So, that's where I'm at right now. I know this post is very similar to the last post I did... back in November. But, people keep coming to the blog, and I swear I still have stuff to say. So, this is like a place holder post. I'm doggie earing my blog to say, "Hey, I'll be back soon, I PROMISE!!"
Unless you are totally against doggie earing... then it's a bookmark. I swear, I didn't fold the corner down...
I'm still pretty active over on facebook, so maybe catch up there...
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