
I promised you guys when we hit 5,000 likes on the Tasty Yummies Facebook page that I would host a huge giveaway. Well, last week we hit that number and then some. So here we go, as promised!

As a thank you for being super awesome – for this giveaway, I put together a package of some of my very favorite things! ALL of the items from Amazon are being supplied and purchased by ME! Both Vega and Vigilant Eats also so graciously offered to share some of my favorite goodies of theirs, with the winner of this giveaway.  This entire package is shipping to one lucky winner!

This Giveaway Includes:


1) Set of 4 Stainless Steel Straws (plus a straw cleaner) (Value $3.99)

I absolute love my stainless steel straws and I use them one almost every smoothie and juice that I drink. Great way to use less plastic, super easy to clean and they are just so cute.

2) Tovolo Groovy Ice Pop Molds, Set of 6 (Value $11.48)

I think I am beginning to love my popsicle molds more than my ice cream maker. So simple to throw together tons of different flavored popsicles, then pop them in the freezer and they are ready a few hours later. These are great if you have kids. These molds are made from BPA-free plastic, super durable and great for using over and over.

3) Microplane 40020 Classic Zester/Grater (Value $12.95)

I use this nearly every single day. I zest my organic lemons before I make my morning warm lemon water every day and I keep the container of zest in the freezer. It’s great to just pull out and add to pasta, veggies, grains, sauces, etc.

4) Organic Cotton Mesh Produce Bag – Set of 6 (2 ea. M, L, XL) (Value $17.95)

Admittedly, I don’t personally have these just yet, but I really want them and they are on my MUST buy list the next time I buy stuff on Amazon. These bags are great for produce, bulk grains, beans, etc. Save all the plastic bags and reuse these over and over.


5) One large tub of French Vanilla VegaOne Nutritional Shake mix and two boxes of 30 Vega Sport Sugar-Free Energizer (Value $180)

I am in love with Vega’s products. The VegaOne shakes are great on their own, but I love adding things to them as well, frozen bananas a little almond butter, etc. So good. The Vega Sport Sugar-Free Energizer is a BRAND new product from Vega that I was lucky enough to try out this week. I really love the extra boost it provides for my evening yoga practices when my energy level is a little lower. It’s also great for shorter runs and lower intensity workouts.

6) One Assorted 4 Cup Sampler of Vigilant Eats Superfood Cereal (Value $19.99)

I adore Vigilant Eats’ Superfood Cereals. Naturally gluten-free, vegan and certified GMO free, these are sooo great for traveling and being on the run. I particularly LOVE the Maca Double Chocolate flavor. I always pack one when we have early morning events.

*Bonus prize*

One additional lucky winner will receive my very favorite kitchen resource, this book:

7) The Flavor Bible: The Essential Guide to Culinary Creativity, Based on the Wisdom of America’s Most Imaginative Chefs (Value $25.79)

This book will change the way you cook, pair foods together and look at your ingredients. It is life changing. I love this book!


Again, with the exception of the Vega and Vigilant Eats products, this giveaway is being sponsored and paid for by ME, including shipping on all of this to the winner(s). This giveaway is only open to my US readers.
The prizes in this giveaway are valued at over $250!!!


How to Enter to Win:

If you want to enter to win, here’s what you have to do – you have a bunch of opportunities to enter so PLEASE read this all carefully:

1) Sign up to receive Tasty Yummies emails. This entry is mandatory to participate in this giveaway. You MUST be on the email list to be eligible to win. Enter the email you are signed up with in the Rafflecopter Widget below, to continue. (You are welcome unsubscribe at anytime after the giveaway is over, though I of course hope you won’t. In the very near future, I will be sending out exclusive email-list only content that I hope you will stick around to see.)

2) Click through and check out the links for ALL of the products I am giving away above. In the comments below tell me which one(s) you are most excited to win and why? Select “enter” from the Rafflecopter Widget after you have done so. This will earn you 4 credits. This isn’t mandatory but it is encouraged.

3) Share the Tasty Yummies Facebook page on your own Facebook wall. This entry will earn you 10 credits. This isn’t mandatory but it is encouraged, it gives you lots of extra chances to win.

4) Using the Rafflecopter Widget below, you can pick and choose as many additional ways as you would like to enter. You can do them all if you wish, there is no limit. Your name can be entered to win over 30+ times! Obviously the more you do from the list, the more entries you get and the better your chances are. Some options even allow you to enter daily throughout the giveaway, such as posting about this giveaway on Twitter and sharing it on Pinterest.

5) If you already follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram etc – just follow the prompts and you will still receive an entry.

This giveaway is limited to US customers only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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