
Alfred Hitchcock. Stanley Kubrick. Steven Speilburg. There are plenty of the great directors to choose from. But even the greatest of the greats will not live on forever. Someday we’ll have to choose a new director to be the greatest, so why not now? In this list, you will see younger up and coming directors, as well as directors who have already soldered themselves into Hollywood stardom. Most of these directors have just released movies in the past two years. All of them are great peices of work. The directors on this list are probably already planning on a new movie. I would suggest you rent out some of their work. Until then, here are the 10 best generation X born directors.


10. Wes Anderson

Best Of: Rushmore, Moonrise Kingdom.

Why He’s Huge: Wes Anderson is famous in his own way. Not Oscar famous, as I don’t think I can recall any Oscars that he has won. But Wes Anderson sure deserves an Oscar as much as Madonna doesn’t deserve to live with the fact that she covered American Pie. Wes brought Bill Murray’s career back to life, and single-handedly created Owen Wilson’s. As his fans know, each of his movies have that ‘Wes Anderson’ niche to it. The camera pans, slow motion shots, and some amazing music moments happen in almost all of his films. He is sure to be iconic as his career progresses, and who knows if he’ll get that long deserved Oscar? He can only get better through time, as far as we know.


9. Guillermo Del Toro

Best Of: Pan’s Labyrinth, The Devil’s Backbone.

Why He’s Huge: ‘Famous’ is a disclaimer. Guillermo Del Toro is on his way to becoming a legend. He’s a badass, and he knows it. Rumor has it that Del Toro was watching a screening of Pan’s Labyrinth with author Stephen King. The pale man chase sequence apparently gave Stephen the chills. Now if you know Stephen King, the King of horror, this is quite extraordinary. There are plenty of stories about the great Guillermo, how he saved modern cinema, about how he just doesn’t give a crap about anything. Guillermo knows what it takes to be a legend, and that’s where he’s going.

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