
Yet Another Great Writer Who Never Received a Nobel

I don’t have too much good to say about the Swedish Academy, which decides who will receive the Nobel Prize for Literature. If you look at the list of its recipients, it would not take too much effort to produce a list of as great as or even greater literary figures who have not received the laureate. Let me take a stab at it:

Kobo Abe (Japan), Woman in the Dunes

Chinua Achebe (Nigeria), Things Fall Apart

Ryunosuke Akutagawa (Japan), Rashomon

Jorge Amado (Brazil), Gabriela: Clove and Cinnamon

W. H. Auden (UK), Poetry

Georges Bernanos (France), Mouchette

Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina), Ficciones

Joseph Conrad (UK/Poland), Nostromo

Richard Flanagan (Australia), The Narrow Road to the Deep North

Graham Greene (UK), The Heart of the Matter

Vassili Grossman (Russia), Life and Fate

Henry James (US/UK), The Ambassadors

James Joyce (Ireland), Ulysses

Yashar Kemal (Turkey), Memed, My Hawk

Gyula Krúdy (Hungary), The Red Post Coach

Stanislaw Lem (Poland), Solaris

Osip Mandelstam (Russia), Poetry

Vladimir Nabokov (US/Russia), Lolita

Fernando Pessoa (Portugal), The Book of Disquiet

Marcel Proust (France), In Search of Lost Time

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (Russia), Roadside Picnic

Italo Svevo (Slovenia), Confessions of Zeno

Leo Tolstoy (Russia), Novels and Stories

Mark Twain (US), Novels and Stories

Evelyn Waugh (UK), Brideshead Revisited

Virginia Woolf (UK), Mrs Dalloway

As you can see, I have not overloaded the list with the names of American authors, in the interests of being fair. If I wanted to, I can add names like Philip Roth, Ursula K. Le Guin, Joyce Carol Oates, Philip K. Dick, Cormac McCarthy, James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, and a few others.

These can replace such figures as the following, whose reputations have not kept up with the times: Bjornsterne Bjornson, José Echegaray, Giosue Carducci, Rudolf Christoph Eucken, Paul von Heyse, Verner von Heidenstam, Karl Adolph Gjellerup, Henrik Pontopiddan, Carl Spitteler, Jacinto Benavente, Grazia Deledda, Erik Axel Karlfeldt, Pearl S. Buck, Frans Eemil Sillanpaa [SIC], Johannes Vilhelm Jensen, Earl Russell, and a few dozen others—mostly Scandinavian nonentities which at one time were highly thought of by a couple dozen mouldy Swedish academics. (Please forgive me for being lax about the diacritical marks in the above names.)

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