
post is part of YummyMummyClub.ca's support of the
Dove® Celebrate
Mom Contest. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation.
This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the
sponsors. You can nominate inspiring moms here: www.CelebrateMom.ca.

Did you know that only 9% of Canadian girls (ages 10­‐17) are most comfortable using the term "beautiful" to describe their looks? A positive role model can make a world of difference by helping a girl develop a positive relationship with beauty and encourage her to achieve her full potential. When girls feel they have a role model, they are less likely to let anxiety about looks hold them back.

Role models don't need to be perfect to be wonderful.

Visit www.CelebrateMom.ca by September 4th to nominate a role model who inspires women and girls in the Dove Celebrate Mom Contest. Four inspiring women will win $2,500 for herself and $2,500 to be donated to the charity of her choice.

There are dozens of women who I could easily nominate for the Dove Celebrate Mom Contest - my grandmother, my aunt, my mom, friends far and wide- but the one I have chosen to nominate today is Tanis, the Redneck Mommy.

Why Tanis?

I adore Tanis.

She faces the crappiness of life with strength and humour and a determination to be herself and fight for what is right. She advocates on behalf of her special needs kiddo and special needs children everywhere with passion and intelligence. She embodies the truth that beauty is so much more than skin-deep. And she is darn funny.

I know many of you are familiar with Tanis' story but for those of you who are not - Tanis started her massively popular Canadian blog, The Redneck Mommy, 4 months after the sudden death of her young special needs son back in February of 2006. She and her husband (and two older kids) then went on to adopt another special needs son. Her blog chronicles her life with her three kids and her life in rural Alberta.

I found Tanis' blog just after I started my own blog almost 6 years ago- while I was in the midst of my third bout of post partum depression and we were in the process of having my oldest son diagnosed with Autism. Finding her blog and following her story encouraged me to find the humour and hope in my own life, to find the beauty in the midst of the crap, and to be thankful for all of the good- even in the midst of the truly awful.

Tanis is one of the inspiring women in my life that I know to be an incredible role model to her children and the girls / young women around her. Who are the amazing women in your life?

And don't forget - you are being watched! We all have the opportunity to be a positive role model. Make sure you are sending the right message to the girls in your life.

Every time you buy Dove, you help raise a girl's self-­esteem. Research by the Dove Self­-Esteem Fund tells us that positive female role models can play a powerful role in nurturing self­-esteem (more so than friends or the media). Help introduce young girls to real role models who inspire women to reach their full potential by participating in the Dove Celebrate Mom Contest.

Visit www.CelebrateMom.ca by September 4th to nominate a mom
who’s an inspiring role model to women and girls in the Dove® Celebrate Mom Contest. Four inspiring women
will win $2,500 for herself and $2,500 to be donated to the charity of her

And check out
more stories on YummyMummyClub.ca about amazing role model moms: www.yummymummyclub.ca/family/mummy/celebrate-a-mom-in-your-life

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