This is a good time of the year to feed your palm trees again. Remember to stay out away from the trunk of the tree when feeding, stay out on the drip line of the tree when feeding them. ( Where the water drips off the end of the fronds ) This is where the tree picks up most of its nutrients. Use Lesco 8-2-12 it is a superb fertilizer, you can purchase this feed at John Deere Landscape they are located in Fruitland Park at the corner of Thomas and Griffen St. on the S.W. corner. Because of all the rain we have been having and high humidity, this is also a good time of the year to check your plants for "Sooty Mold",look on the leaves and under the leaves of the plants for this. It looks just like soot that you would see in a fire place after burning wood. If your not sure when you see it just rub the leaf between your fingers, if it is "Sooty Mold" it will rub off on you. Plants that are really susceptible to this are Hibiscus and Crape Myrtles. Call your pest control company and have them spray for this, if it is not treated it can damage the plant or bush to the point where it does serious damage or death. If you don't have a pest control company, try to find a oil base spray that is recommended for Sooty Mold. Hope this helps you with your summer gardening.