
I read the "when we do not want eggs" topic and link but would like some clarification.

I do not know if i asked it before so if this is a repeat I apologize

I have a question. My cage has no place to nest. Can covering the cage (thus a dark place) encourage breeding? My babies been living in the cage together with no eggs. Then all the sudden today I caught Rainbow trying to mount one of the girls ( my blue girl thats molting). I am trying to figure what was the trigger. She has been defending her favorite perch lately but again no safe place in the cage to nest

I did buy a covered bird bath that attaches to the door. None of the birds used it but I wonder if visually they interpreted it as a hole and a place to nest. I immediately separated the males. I believe they did not successfully mate for I caught them in the process.

I am bummed for I really want to be able to keep them together in 1 cage for they seem happier together. They have been noticeably happier being part of a "flock"

If i stop covering the cage and stop attaching bath to the cage do you think they can be put back together?

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