
Have you been struggling with the full burden of raising your children alone while their absent parent contributes nothing? You want the very best for them, so you work long hours trying to provide them with the necessities and once in a long while a little extra something. You have a court order saying that you are entitled to child support but you and the children haven’t received anything for months. They don’t understand when you have to say no to their request for a new outfit or the latest toy that everyone else is playing with. You didn’t conceive these precious kids alone and they shouldn’t have to do without because their parents are no longer together. This is when you need someone to provide the child support help you need to collect the money owed to you and your children.

I’m sure you have attempted to collect the child support owed to you by contacting your local government child support enforcement agency. The people working for these agencies are well meaning, hardworking people, but sometimes, even when they do their best, government agency budgets are limited and inevitably children are left without the support they need. Jail time seems to be the only option the government agencies offer if the absent parent refuses to keep a job, but it won’t help get you the monetary support you need. Many times, the non-custodial parents will even work somewhere that pays cash to keep from having child support taken from their check.

Don’t fight this battle alone any longer. Get the child support help you need. An independent child support collection agency can offer you the help you need. An independent agency has the experience to move with power and authority to ensure that you and your children receive the support owed to you. Even if your child is over eighteen, the back child support is still owed to you and can be collected. A large percentage of state agencies won’t pursue child support after the child turns eighteen. They leave you on your own when your child is in need of help with college and many other expenses that don’t end just because a child turns eighteen. Get the help you need to ensure that your children have what they need.

Author Bio:

Sarah Daskin blogs about the child support collection industry, focusing on the growing need for the assistance of independent collection agencies to help collect on unpaid support. If you are a single parent looking for professional and effective child support help, Sarah recommends that you visit http://www.supportcollectors.com/resources_california.php to see how Support Collectors can help you.

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