Happy National Bird Day!
What a way to usher in the New Year: by celebrating National Bird Day. This day was developed to showcase issues critical to the protection and survival of birds, both captive and those in the wild.
The History of National Bird Day
Bird Day was first started in 1894 by Charles Almanzo Babcock, the superintendent of schools in Oil City, Pennsylvania. He felt it was important to promote bird conservation as a moral value and his idea, luckily, became widely accepted. Babcock’s Bird Day eventually morphed into International Migratory Bird Day, leaving January 5 as National Bird Day.
We humans seem to operate better when we have a day that helps to bring particular topics to the forefront of our mind. This is good for the birds – according to Day of the Year “approximately 12 percent of the world’s bird species could face extinction in the next century. That includes nearly a third of the 330 different species of parrots. Things don’t look a lot better for numerous species of songbirds, not to mention some penguin species and others like the kiwi bird. The largest components of these threats of extinction are habitat destruction and pet trade.”
How Can We Help the Birds?
One thing is for sure – we have a shared reality with birds. I don’t know about you, but when I consider that, it puts things in perspective and opens my mind to ways that I can help those with whom I have a common reality. Birds of a feather, and all that good stuff.
Here are a few things you can do everyday that will help the birds:
Put a bird bath in your yard as a year round clean water source for the birds. If needed, use a water heater in winter time
Erect bird feeders in safe places in your yard and keep stocked with appropriate food. If you’re wondering what food your birds like, taking a peek at the beak will give you a clue
Eliminate the use of lawn chemicals and toxic pesticides in your lawn and garden. These harm not only the birds, but all wildlife and your family animal pals
At night, pull the shades so migratory birds, who are attracted to light, don’t collide with your windows
Teach children about birds and our mutual beneficial relationship with them
Donate to an organization such as the National Audubon Society that protects and helps birds
Communicating With Birds
I would be remiss if I did not mention animal communication specifically with birds.
Birds were often thought to be the messengers from the gods as their wings allowed them to go between the heavens and the earth. Early humans thought the birds could cause the thunder and rain. Depending on the society, birds were either good or bad omens, bringing either good news or foretelling death. Numerous folks thought the birds were the souls of the dead.
You might find these posts of interest as you are exploring your relationship with the birds in your life:
Reuniting with Nature – The Winged Ones
Symbolic Attributes of Birds
Communicating with Birds
Communication from Pileated Woodpecker
How will you be honoring and helping the birds today, this National Bird Day? Leave your comment, and let your comment spark ideas to help the birds for other folks!
Here’s To New Beginnings,
Janet Roper