
Inspiring Pair Of Special Needs Dogs Make A Difference

We were so thrilled to see Lucy and Wheeler, The Wonder Dogs at this weekend’s Canadian Pet Expo. They may be in wheelchairs and have disabilities but these beautiful dogs are making a difference.

“Most people see what is, and never see what can be”- Albert Einstein

Team Lucy and Wheeler of The Wonder Dogs were among the pets to appear in the celebrity meet and greet program and on the Expo’s celebrity trading cards alongside other crowd favourites, Dozer the Pig (our adorable booth buddy), Pom Pom Chewy, Iggy Joey, Kimchi the Corgi, Smiley the Therapy Dog and Mr. Marcel. These influencers all met and took photos with dog-lovers, especially kids all day Saturday and Sunday up at the International Centre in Mississauga.

Like our lovely friend Smiley the Therapy Dog, Lucy and Wheeler are helping shed the stigma regarding adopting dogs with special needs as they are such happy, friendly, loving companions. They also help inspire kids and dog-lovers with special needs to make the most of life and not feel bad about themselves. They show how cool, fashionable, and beautiful they can be.

Both dogs have had to face so much hardship in their lives but you would never know as they play and enjoy life, just like any other dog.

Lucy and Wheeler chilling with Mr Marcel- stylish group!

Wheeler and Lucy’s Happy Tail

Wheeler is an adorable schnoodle, who began to lose mobility in his back legs at only 6 months of life. Wheeler had an underdeveloped spine as well as a Neurological disorder that was only getting worse. His former owner sadly was unable to pay for vet bills or continue caring for a special needs dog while moving and having a newborn. She found that no one wanted to take on the responsibility of Wheeler due to his issues, so finding a rescue was the next best option. After months of trying to re-home him with little success, things looked really bleak. Luckily help was on the way. Melyssah, a wonderful rescuer and rehabilitator, was not going to sit by and watch a super happy-go-lucky dog like Wheeler be put down.

Lucy dressed as Lucille Ball for the costume contest

Lucy is a stunning poodle who suffered a spinal stroke at 6 months. Lucy appeared in the Canadian Pet Expo‘s stage Best Dressed Fashion Show and strutted across the stage on her wheels dressed as Lucille Ball from I Love Lucy. She really stole the show with her adorable outfit, hair and smile. She brought smiles to all the people she met at the Expo.

Thanks to a lot of hard work and much self-sacrifice, Melyssah was able to raise the extra funds to provide for Lucy and Wheeler’s medical care. Community donations and help from a heroic foundation for dogs with special needs called Bialy’s Wellness Foundation are something this fur-team depend on strongly, as without this help the struggle to pay vet bills for the family would be too overwhelming.

Today, both dogs live happy lives and truly live up to their Wonder Dogs name. They hope their story inspires people, especially children, and raises awareness for dogs with special needs.

Stay Up-To-Date with Lucy and Wheeler @SpecialDogsBlog on Facebook and Instagram

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The post Inspiring Pair Of Special Needs Dogs Make A Difference appeared first on Talent Hounds.

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