
Award Winner Shares Her Motivations For Animal Rescue

Kristin Avery is a talented and award-winning blogger dedicated to saving four-legged friends

Kristin Avery is fresh off an incredible family trip to Phoenix and a double win at the BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose awards, earning both the “Best Blog Post” and “Best Cause” titles. I was lucky enough to walk the red carpet and sit with her and other fellow nominees at the Gala Event.

Her blog, The Daily Pip, chronicles her lifelong dedication to animals. With her rescue dog, Ruby, at her side, she inspires others to get involved in activism while creating quality content for pet lovers everywhere. We had the chance to ask Avery a few questions about her motivation, inspiration, and charitable endeavors.

Kristin, you’re so vocal about animal causes and often feature rescue dogs on your website. What motivates you to give back?

K: I have always been a fan of the underdog. I root for the team that is behind, befriend folks who have struggled or taken a less traditional path in life, and sometimes champion unpopular causes. And of course, this carries over to my love of animals with special needs, senior pets, those with chronic medical issues, behavioral or temperament concerns as well as misunderstood breeds like pits and black cats. Special needs pet adoption is one of my greatest passions and raising awareness and compassion for these animals in the heart of my blog.

Lucky, a rescue a dog featured in “The Specials” series on Kristin’s blog The Daily Pip.

I also have a 10-year-old daughter who serves as a huge inspiration. I believe raising a compassionate, generous and open-minded child is vital especially in these uncertain and troubled times. By including her in my volunteer and rescue work, I hope she will be inspired to find her own way to make a difference in the world. (We could not agree more!)

As a champion for the underdog, you have saved the lives of many animals. Your adorable dog, Ruby, happens to be a rescue. Would you mind sharing her inspiring life story with us?

K: Ruby was removed (along with several other dogs) from her former home as a result of severe neglect. Because she was part of a criminal investigation, she joined Safe Humane Chicago’s Court Case Dog Program. Once her case was settled, she and the other dogs were  transferred to foster homes through Friends of Chicago Animal Care and Control where we met and adopted her nine months later.

Ruby looking adorably fluffy. Photo Courtesy of Kristin.

Ruby was seven or eight when we adopted her, which makes her a senior pet in the shelter world. She has a history of seizures, autoimmune issues, and separation anxiety as a result of her rough start in life. All of my animals have been rescues, many of them seniors with special needs. They have arrived with baggage, but somehow we have figured it out together. Like Ruby, they have all been beautifully imperfect in their own unique ways.

Ruby happy and smiling! Photo Courtesy of Kristin.

Your BlogPaws win was incredibly well-deserved. What did this win mean to you and how did you celebrate?

K: I’m still shocked, but incredibly grateful that I won both awards. I have the utmost respect for my fellow nominees and know we share the same mission to help as many animals as possible. For me, the best part of winning is being able to help shelters and rescues. Thanks to Hauspanther and Only Natural Pet, the generous sponsors of my awards, Safe Humane Chicago and Friends of Chicago Animal Care and Control will each receive a donation of $500.  I also held a small fundraiser/celebration this past weekend where I raised an additional $600 for both organizations.

Ruby out for a stroll, Photo Courtesy of Kristin.

You recently volunteered at Best Friends Animal Society with your family on your way to the BlogPaws conference in Phoenix. Would you mind telling us a bit about the experience?

I have wanted to visit the sanctuary for many years and the trip did not disappoint. One of the highlights of the trip was spending time with the amazing cats of Quincy House, many of whom have special needs including severe mobility and neurological issues. These beautiful cats were spirited, affectionate, and independent and spending time with them was both humbling and inspiring. We also walked many adorable dogs and visited the parrots and rabbits. My daughter is already planning our next trip to Best Friends! The sanctuary is such a beautiful place both physically and spiritually and I recommend all animal lovers visit if they can.

Avery and her beautiful family volunteering at Best Friends. Photo courtesy of Kristin.

Thank you so much for speaking to us Kristin, a huge congratulations on your win as we are continuously inspired by all you do!

Pop by and meet Kristin:




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