
It’s the time of the year where there are outbreaks of influenza and the common cold. Since people are inside more it is easier to transfer from person to person. I have 5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System this Winter.

Up Your Vitamin C


Garlic has been long known for its potent antibacterial, viral and fungal properties, which strengthens the gastrointestinal and immune systems. Making it a part of your food preparation and incorporating it into a tea with lemon and raw honey will give your immune system some more back up.

Get Enough Sleep

The majority of your energy goes to repair and rejuvenation during sleep. Getting at least 8 uninterrupted sleep and your body can repair itself.

Get Your Exercise

Exercise improves the circulation of white blood cells throughout your body, but it has been show to increase the production of natural killer T cells, which are essential for maintaining an optimum immune response. The amount of exercise required to obtain an immune boost is relatively low, 20 minutes of brisk walking 4-5 times per week has been shown to significantly improve the body’s immune response.

Add Superberries Aroniaberry Concentrate to your Diet

Superberries is a brand of health and wellness product featuring Nature’s Healer and Protector – the Aroniaberry.

The antioxidant-rich aroniaberry is native to North America and has been utilized for years by those who seek alternative health choices through foods that contain multiple benefits for overall wellness.

Using this superfruit, Superberries has developed a product line including: Freshly Frozen Aroniaberries, 100% Pure Aroniaberry Concentrate, Aroniaberry Gummy Chews, and Aroniaberry+ Daily Wellness Shot. Superberries is headquartered in Omaha, Neb.

Try this new super fruit to help you take on the seasonal bugs. According to scientists, Aroniaberries provide the most balanced protection against the five most common free radicals which can lead to illness. Science has confirmed diets rich in antioxidants can help maintain good health.

The benefits of berries have been in the news, protecting everything from your brain to your heart. Explore this new superfruit, the aroniaberry.

Mix it in a beverage or add it to recipes. I loved adding it to my smoothies.  One bottle is 7 lbs of berries!

Check out their Black Friday Sale – 25 % off all products on Nov. 24th through the 30th

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Superberries. The opinions and text are all mine.

The post 5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System this Winter appeared first on Taking Time for Mommy.

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