
I wasn't going to enter into this debate because it is so pathetic and I completely echo what Amy has said. There are people who have real problems to deal with and this is just a shameful waste of time that only succeeds in damaging the reputations of would be businesses.
What I will say is that when a few of us decided to start up a forum dedicated to candle making we were clear about one thing, we wanted people to feel free to have their say, browse around and learn good chandling practice. What we expected in return was that the same people would reciprocate and pass their knowledge on to others . I believe we have achieved that and will continue to achieve it with the help of our members.
I think I can safely assure you that under no circumstances will we be making TTW a secret forum, we will continue to be open to everyone, the only time we would remove someone from our group would be if it was felt by ALL of the moderators (because we are a democracy not an autocracy) that said person was mischief making. The moderators will not remove members because they have a personal vendetta against them, or because they are members of another group and they will not apply stringent censorship that prevents posts that do not suit their point of view.
I feel really sad that our members are being singled out and removed from a FB group just because they are members of this group ...shocking behaviour and those responsible should hang their heads in shame, tyranny has no place in good business .

Statistics: Posted by Isabel-S — Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:21 pm

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