
Auburn, AL – Wednesday’s announcement of distinguished Advisory Board Members from throughout the United States comes the day after a visit from Country Rocker Donica Knight, whose song Love Ain’t A Prize was the No. 1 iTunes new country release late in 2015.

We appreciate Donica already spreading the word about www.takeback.org as she has a few more followers than us (140,000 YouTube views the first three days she released her first song is a little hard for us to top).

Beth Coulson will chair the National Board of Advisors for Take Back Our Republic, an independent nonpartisan group that is focusing on conservative solutions to problems with the campaign finance system.  The Advisory Board will help promote the efforts of Take Back Our Republic. Some of the 12 members may join the National Board of Directors when it convenes in May.

Ten Regional Coordinators covering all 50 states were announced with a map of the regions earlier this month. Coulson will be joined by:

Abby Moffat serves on the Board of Trustees for The Heritage Foundation. She is a former owner‐operator of an event‐planning business; is chair of the Board of Trustees of the Media Research Center; and is a member of the Board of Overseers of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation. Abby is a veteran leader on the boards of nonprofits and currently runs the Diana Davis Spencer Foundation.

Peter Schweizer wrote The New York Times bestseller Clinton Cash as well as articles such as Who Wrote the Omnibus? Four Lawmakers Many Lobbyists. Pete joined the Advisory Board after taking part in a presentation with John Pudner at the Brookings Institute earlier this year.

Nick Bellas is a New York banker who connected Take Back with numerous potential supporters and major donors during one day in New York.

Randy Brooks most recently built a real estate operation of more than 100 people, following years of experience having interactions with politicians involving development deals. Randy is one of the greatest promoters of multifaceted efforts-from Take Back’s mission to supporting youth sports.

Curtis Colgate is the tallest man in Virginia at 7‐foot‐3, and is a former mining executive who is a hunting and deep sea fishing enthusiast and who won one of the hardest fought battles for a Congressional Chairmanship during which Eric Cantor’s supporters spent heavily against him.

Francis Johnson was featured in Black Enterprise and Ebony Magazine as one of the top five Black Republicans in the country for his ability to raise money and organize grassroots. Francis runs a public affairs/public relations firm.

Judge Ola Lewis made news by switching to the Republican Party as a judge. She recently felt the full blunt of huge dark money when she ran for State Supreme Court. Elected as the youngest District Court Judge, and first African-American in Brunswick County, North Carolina. Created five Speciality Courts (drug treatment, a true night court, mental health therapeutic, DWI therapeutic, sex offender accountability and rehabilitation court)

Kim Vaughn Chairs the Women’s Committee of the Madison County Farmers Federation, part of one of the largest Farm Bureaus in the country which also runs the largest Insurance Company in Alabama. Kim is also on the Board of the Madison Farmers Market, which serves the thriving Huntsville market that is home to high-level engineers for thriving defense companies and NASA, and runs hospitality for Providence Baptist Church. John recruited his first candidate for public office in a meeting at Vaughn Farms, as he and the Vaughns asked Mac McCutcheon to run for office, a race in which he upset an incumbent the the Republican primary and now serves as Rules Committee Chair. John has often cited FarmPAC as an ideal example of how campaigns should be funded, with hundreds of thousands of residents giving as little as $2 to help fund campaigns.

Kahlil Byrd is a Republican whose expertise is building and leading large, disruptive technology based bipartisan reform organizations.  He was president of the education reform effort StudentsFirst and cofounder and CEO of Americans Elect.  His current firm, Forward Progress in Politics is building a national bipartisan community of funders committed to essential and aggressive issue reform.

Rob Schaaf, from St. Joseph, Missouri, has been an active proponent of anti-corruption reforms at the state level. The son of a Republican state senator, he’s been intimately involved with a number of political campaigns and has had a front-row view of the legislative process in Missouri. Concerned by the growth of pay-to-play politics, Rob has worked closely with his father and with numerous citizens’ groups to promote anti-corruption legislation in the Missouri Senate, and he has also become involved with efforts to pass such legislation via the initiative process. He brings to the table not only his expertise as a reformer but also a bachelor’s degree from Harvard College, experience advising small business owners at the Cambridge Microfinance Initiative, and experience working with a team to build a successful startup at TILLS Animal Health.

Camille Solberg served with John Pudner on the National Faith and Values Coalition for Romney 2008. Camille is a Latina leader and a distinguished alumna of one of the most conservative Catholic colleges in the nation (Catholic University). She was a former Drug Free Communities Commissioner under President George W. Bush and currently serves as Regional Director and Minority Outreach coordinator for United States Senator Ron Johnson.

LaNell Morold is a groundbreaking title insurance and real estate executive known for turning around Texas companies, and works with both international and domestic companies. LaNell is also an author and talk radio personality known throughout the Lone Star State.

As expressed on TBOR’s website, “We believe that the way in which we elect our officials is not a partisan issue; it is an American issue. …Our organization was formed and is run by individuals who understand the political process from the inside out, and are now seeking to educate people about the power they have to shape the process from the outside in. Our staff members have participated in elections of all shapes and sizes across this great nation.”

Take Back Our Republic (www.takeback.org), or TBOR, is based near the campus of Auburn University just 90 minutes from the Atlanta airport. Its mission is to conduct research, analysis and public education on conservative ideas for improving the financing of campaigns for public office. One such idea is to incentivize small campaign donations from private citizens. TBOR believes that if more Americans have a voice, politicians will focus less on a handful of large check writers at corporations, unions or special interest groups who expect something in return for their contributions.

The post Country Music Star, Distinguished Advisory Board Promote TBOR appeared first on Take Back Our Republic.

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