When you think of homeowners insurance you probably don’t think about your pets but your homeowners and renters insurance typically has liability coverage that includes dog bites.
Dog bite insurance claims
In fact, dog bite insurance claims accounted for more than one-third of all homeowners insurance liability claims in 2012. The average dog bite homeowners insurance liability claim paid out just under $30,000. Wow, that’s more than our homeowners insurance paid for a new roof on our house!
Breed restrictions
To make matters worse, breed restrictions often leave homeowners and renters vulnerable to these claims and being unceremoniously dropped by their insurance providers. Susie Salazar, a Greeley homeowner, lost her homeowners insurance when her insurance company found out she owned a pit bull.
Commonly restricted breeds may include:
Alaskan Malamute
American Pit Bull Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier
Chow Chow
Doberman Pinscher
German Shepherd
Presa Canario
Siberian Husky
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Dog breed restrictions vary by insurance company with some companies outright restricting certain breeds while other companies accept restricted breeds with proof the dog has passed the American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen test. Other companies do not restrict on the basis of breed as long as the dog does not have a bite history.
Reducing your risk of dog bite claims
Image credit Madame Meow
No matter what type of dog you have in your home you can reduce your risk of dog bite claims. Here’s how!
01. Spay/neuter your dog.
94% of fatal dog attacks involved intact dogs. Here are some low-cost spay/neuter options in and around the Fort Collins area. In August only, Fort Collins Cat Rescue & Spay/Neuter Clinic is offering $20 spay/neuter on pit bulls and pit bull mixes!
02. Socialize and train your dog in group training classes.
Socialization and training is essential to the health and happiness of your dog and properly socialized dogs are less likely to bite.
03. Don’t leave your dog chained or tied up.
25% of fatal dog attacks occurred from chained dogs. Chaining dogs leads to boredom, frustration, and aggression.
04. Don’t leave your dog unattended in your yard.
Dogs are great escape artists and can quickly disappear from your fenced yard.
05. Never leave your dog alone with children.
50% of dog bites involved children under the age of 12. Dog bites can happen in seconds.
04. Always keep your dog leashed in public.
Dogs can react to a threat or perceived threat in an instant. While your dog may be well-behaved off-leash, you never know when your dog may react to an unknown person.
05. Get the Canine Good Citizen certification!
CGC training and testing is offered locally at the following businesses:
Canine Companion Consulting
Canine Learning Center
Fort Collins Dog Training
Dog bite statistics taken from American Humane Association Dog Bite Fact Sheet.
Special Thanks!
I want to give thanks to Jennifer Bond from Nancy Bond Insurance for meeting with me to discuss dogs and homeowners insurance.
The post How your dog affects your homeowners insurance appeared first on Tails of Fort Collins.