
Tier 5


1. Approaching Perfection * (You may remove two Detriments from this model. This Mutation may be gained a second time. If it is, you may remove another two Detriments from this model. There is no downside to this Mutation, but you still do not gain a Detriment for gaining it. If your gaming group is not utilizing Detriments, then you gain nothing if this Mutation is rolled.

2. Create your Own (Make up your own Mutation and apply it to the Titan. This may be nearly anything short of Tier 6 abilities. You may combine lower Tier abilities into one ability if you want, but this is your opportunity to really customize your Titan. Please include a downside to what you create, as not having one will mean gaining one of the Tier 5 Detriments and you really don't want those. If you are a member of a regular gaming group, do get feedback from them on the ability that you create.)

3. Displacement Defense (Once per battle, when the model is about to be destroyed (IE, after the save is failed and the damage chart is rolled on, but before the result is applied), the model disappears into the Warp. It reappears in a location 2d6*10cm towards the owning player's deployment zone in passable terrain where it is not immediately in danger (IE, not within 5cm of an enemy model). If this distance would place it off the battlefield, or if it cannot be placed in passable terrain where it is not in danger, it is considered defeated and VP are awarded (though the model is not destroyed and will be available for the next battle in it's current state). Wherever it appears, it does so as if the hit (or result) that caused this effect did not happen. Note that this effect is an autonomic response to immenent destruction. It cannot be intentionally activated or suppressed.)

4. Respawn (The essence of this model can survive the destruction of it's corporeal form, but at a cost. If this model is defeated in a battle, it grants VP as normal, and is unavailable for the next battle that it's associated force fights in. After that, all the player has to do is pay for a baseline model of the same class as the previous (IE, if the previous was a Warlord, then the new must also be a Warlord; weapons must also be the same) model and all of the Crew Skills, Upgrades, Mutations, and Rewards that the previous had at one level lower are instantly applied to the new body. It looses XP to put it at the minimum needed for the level below the one it had when it was destroyed.)

5. Teleporter (This model gains the Teleport ability and may enter the battle in that manner. In addition, once per battle during the Movement phase and instead of any movement, this model may Teleport to any location within LOS of the model. The selected location must be large enough to fit the model, and must be of a terrain type that this model can enter. After Teleporting, this model may be placed in any facing it desires.)

6. Ultimate Repair Systems * (During the end phase, before making any normal Repair rolls, you may roll a D6. On a 2+ all "damaged" locations are fixed, all "destroyed"/"crippled"/etc locations are changed to "damaged", and any "blown off" locations are changed to "destroyed". On a 1, you may not attempt to repair anything in the normal way this turn. You may choose to not use these systems and use the normal repair rules instead on a turn by turn basis.)

Khorne Rewards

1-2. Create your Own (Make up your own Khorne-themed Reward and apply it to the Titan. This may be nearly anything short of Tier 6 abilities. You may combine lower Tier abilities into one ability if you want, but this is your opportunity to really customize your Titan. Please include a downside to what you create, as not having one will mean gaining one of the Tier 5 Detriments and you really don't want those. If you are a member of a regular gaming group, do get feedback from them on the ability that you create.)

3. Daemon Prince Engine (The Titan becomes a Daemon Prince Engine. See the Chaos pdf page 7 for details on Daemon Prince & Daemon Engine, with two exceptions. Due to their size, a Titan does not gain the HQ ability due to being a Daemon Prince & Pinning class remains as Titan. This ability replaces being a Daemon Engine if the Titan had that ability.)

4-5. Dead Magic Field (All allied models within 25cm are immune to any weapon, power, or effect that is described as Magic or Psychic.)

6. Player Choice. May select any one Mutation or Khorne Reward of this tier.

Nurgle Rewards

1. Create your Own (Make up your own Nurgle-themed Reward and apply it to the Titan. This may be nearly anything short of Tier 6 abilities. You may combine lower Tier abilities into one ability if you want, but this is your opportunity to really customize your Titan. Please include a downside to what you create, as not having one will mean gaining one of the Tier 5 Detriments and you really don't want those. If you are a member of a regular gaming group, do get feedback from them on the ability that you create.)

2. Daemon Prince Engine (The Titan becomes a Daemon Prince Engine. See the Chaos pdf page 7 for details on Daemon Prince & Daemon Engine, with two exceptions. Due to their size, a Titan does not gain the HQ ability due to being a Daemon Prince & Pinning class remains as Titan. This ability replaces being a Daemon Engine if the Titan had that ability.)

3. Death Blast (The Titan gains a Psychic Power usable once per battle in the Combat phase. Place the center of the Chaos Spawn template (the 8cm green circle with an image of a tentacled mass) anywhere within line of sight of the Titan. All living targets that are at least half under this template take a hit at a TSM of zero. Non-living targets are immune to this effect. The Death Blast ignores Shields of all types (including Holo Fields). Any target with a hit location template takes a hit to it's Head or Bridge location. This is considered a Physical Psychic effect.)

4. Life Leech * (Once per battle, during the Titan's activation in the Combat phase, this model may produce a Death Field. When activated, all living models within 10cm of the base of this model take a single hit with a TSM of 0. Robotic models are immune to this effect. The Death Field ignores Shields of all types, including Eldar Holo Fields (and any similar effects). Models with a hit location template take the hit to their Head location. For every model destroyed by this power, the Titan may immediately make one repair attempt. This is considered a Physical Psychic effect. This may be gained multiple times, each time the ability may be used one additional time per battle.)

5. Tumorization * (The Titan's outer surface becomes a mass of tumorous growths which hugely malform it, costantly growing, swelling, turning necrotic and falling off. This has a number of effects.
_ The Titan's diseased carapace falling off causes a zone around it to become hostile to all other models. This zone extends 10cm from the base of the Titan. All models that do not have a Fixed Save take a hit with no TSM. Models with a Fixed Save of any value are immune to this effect.
_ The Titan's Move value is reduced by 10cm, minimum Move of zero. If the Titan retains a positive Move value, it leaves a trail behind it of the tumorous material which acts as per the entry above. If it retains a positive Move value, it may only turn once either before or after all movement. If it has a Move of zero, it may turn up to 45 degrees once per turn if it is not on First Fire orders.
_ All of the Armor Save values on the Titan are worsened by one point. This is due to the inherent structural integrity loss of its now tumorous shell.
_ All of the hit locations on the Titan gain a Fixed Save of 6+. This is due to the constant growth of the carapace material and the possibility of a hit impacting on a bit about to fall off.
_ The Titan's CAF is halved due to the growths impeding it's ability to move freely in combat.
_ The Titan gains the Regeneration ability.)

6. Player Choice. May select any one Mutation or Nurgle Reward of this tier.

Slaanesh Rewards

1-2. Create your Own (Make up your own Slaanesh-themed Reward and apply it to the Titan. This may be nearly anything short of Tier 6 abilities. You may combine lower Tier abilities into one ability if you want, but this is your opportunity to really customize your Titan. Please include a downside to what you create, as not having one will mean gaining one of the Tier 5 Detriments and you really don't want those. If you are a member of a regular gaming group, do get feedback from them on the ability that you create.)

3. Daemon Prince Engine (The Titan becomes a Daemon Prince Engine. See the Chaos pdf page 7 for details on Daemon Prince & Daemon Engine, with two exceptions. Due to their size, a Titan does not gain the HQ ability due to being a Daemon Prince & Pinning class remains as Titan. This ability replaces being a Daemon Engine if the Titan had that ability.)

4. Sadistic Transference (This model's attack can cause an overwhelming wave of pain and pleasure to wash over an opponent, doing more damage and giving this model a boon as well. Once per battle, when this model inflicts damage on a foe (IE, the foe has just failed their save), you cause an additional hit as well. This additional hit is against the Head or Bridge location (regardless of the location affected by the initial hit; a target without a hit location template just takes another hit) and uses the same TSM and Penetrating value (if any), of the primary attack. Once all damage is resolved against the target, this model may instantly repair any one damaged, destroyed, or blown off location.)

5. Sonic Scream (Once per battle, during the Combat phase, place the Large Teardrop template with the narrow end touching the base of this model. Anything at least half under the template is hit on 2+ that Ignores Cover. Any model hit has a 5+ save regardless of the normal armor save of the model. Models with Shields automatically lose one shield instead. This Reward may be gained any number of times, each time gaining an additional use per battle.)

6. Player Choice. May select any one Mutation or Slaanesh Reward of this tier.

Tzeentch Rewards

1. Create your Own (Make up your own Tzeentch-themed Reward and apply it to the Titan. This may be nearly anything short of Tier 6 abilities. You may combine lower Tier abilities into one ability if you want, but this is your opportunity to really customize your Titan. Please include a downside to what you create, as not having one will mean gaining one of the Tier 5 Detriments and you really don't want those. If you are a member of a regular gaming group, do get feedback from them on the ability that you create.)

2. Daemon Prince Engine (The Titan becomes a Daemon Prince Engine. See the Chaos pdf page 7 for details on Daemon Prince & Daemon Engine, with two exceptions. Due to their size, a Titan does not gain the HQ ability due to being a Daemon Prince & Pinning class remains as Titan. This ability replaces being a Daemon Engine if the Titan had that ability.)

3. Flyer (This Titan becomes a Flyer. The feet change into claws, CAF improves by 4, and it may make Swoop attacks as per the Skylok Titan. At the player's choice, you may add wings and their associated hit locations as per the "Large Wings" Reward in Tier 4. If you do so, then this Reward also counts as having a Detriment so you do not have to roll for one.)

4. Reckoning of Tzeentch * (The model has been scrutinized by Tzeentch and found boring. For each of the following categories, roll D6. On 1 to 3 subtract the indicated amount and on 4 to 6 add the indicated amount.)
_ Move _ _ +/- 10cm (minimum 5cm)
_ Save _ _ +/- 1 (check individually for every hit location)
_ CAF_ _ _ +/- 3
_ Weapons (affects Psychic and Magic based powers and effects as well)
_ _ Range _ +/- 25cm (minimum 10cm)
_ _ Attacks +/- 1 (if the weapon only has one attack and the roll is -1, then the weapon may only fire every other turn)
_ _ To Hit_ +/- 1
_ _ TSM _ _ +/- 2
_ _ Template +/- 3cm (if the template is a teardrop or other non-circle shape, do not roll for it)

5. Tentacle Legs (The Legs of this Titan fuse together and morph into a mass of Tentacles of partly mechanical and partly Daemonic nature. The Hit Location templates for Front and Rear must be altered to reflect this. That is, the Right and Left Leg or Legs hit locations go away and the previously empty spaces between them are now considered Tentacle locations. The Armor Save value of each Tentacle location is the worse of the Right and Left Leg or Legs saves for the merged locations. As an example, if a Titan's Front-arc lowest leg locations have saves of 1+ and 2+, the worse of those is the 2+. Any non-merged Leg or Legs locations on the Front or Rear templates also become Tentacle locations. All Side arc Leg or Legs locations change into Tentacle locations. All Tentacle locations have an Armor Save value of 3+. If you rebuild the model or make a new model for this Titan, the Tentacle hit location saves improve by one point. The Titan has a number of Tentacles equal to d3 + half it's number of Honors (rounded down). Any time a Tentacle location is hit, only that specific one is considered to take all further hits until it is destroyed. Tentacle locations use the following damage chart:
1 - 4 _ Damaged. Speed reduced by 5cm.
5 - 6 _ Destroyed. Speed reduced by 5cm for each Tentacle destroyed, minimum Speed 5cm. If all Tentacles are destroyed, the Titan falls over and is destroyed.)

6. Player Choice. May select any one Mutation or Tzeentch Reward of this tier.


1. Achilles Heel (The player must select one legal hit location anywhere on the Titan. This hit location now has no Armor Save value at all. If this location is hit, roll on it's damage chart as normal. Once that result is determined, this Titan becomes inactive for the remainder of that turn due to the pain and crushing humiliation of being hit in it's vulnerable spot. It will defend itself in CC, but will take no further actions.)

2. Doubled Pain (One of the downsides to adding living flesh to a Titan is that it experiences pain, a sensation it was never designed to deal with. This Titan has developed an intolerance to pain. Every time any location suffers a result of 'damaged', 'destroyed', or 'blown off', this Titan takes a cumulative penalty of -1 to all ranged attacks and -2 to CAF for the remainder of this battle. Thus if it has suffered damaged to two locations and had one blown off, it would have -3 to hit and -6 to CAF.)

3. Mindless (The Titan's MIU has suffered irreparable damage from Warp energies which has rendered both Titan and Crew unable to make any decisions for themselves. This Titan is treated as a Robot, and must be given a program to follow (see the Robot model for details). The only exception to this is if there is an allied Command model within 5cm of this Titan that takes no actions other than controlling the Titan. In that case, the Titan may be given orders normally. This Titan cannot gain the Command ability, and loses it if it should otherwise gain it.)

4. Phobia (This is very similar to Irrational Fear, but worse. The model will not willingly move to within 20cm of the subject of it's Phobia, and if forced to do so it acts at -2 to all to hit rolls and CAF is halved. The model cannot attack the subject of the Phobia, or any enemy within the subject, in any way. Roll on the following chart to determine the Phobia.)
_ 1 _ Hills
_ 2 _ Roads
_ 3 _ River
_ 4 _ Buildings (includes Light & Standard Buildings)
_ 5 _ Trees / Forest
_ 6 _ Fortifications (includes Stronghold, Minefield, Trench, Barricade, Bunkers, & Emplacements)

5. Terrible Vision (All of the Titan's sensory devices have been damaged or harmfully mutated by exposure to Warp energies. It has tremendous difficulty targeting beyond 10cm and suffers a few adjustments to simulate this. All attacks at targets within 10cm of the base of the Titan are as normal. Targets beyond 10cm count as double the distance from the titan (one at 12cm counts as 24cm, 25cm counts as 50cm, etc); all to hit values are worsened by 2 (IE 2+ becomes 4+, 5+ becomes 7+, etc); all direct barrages count as indirect barrages; all indirect barrages scatter one additional time.)

6. Vulnerable to Psychic (This model is extremely oversensitive to any weapon, power, or effect described as Magic or Psychic. All such attacks on it have their TSM improved by 3 (including Psychic Saves) and gain Penetrating +2 (or improve an existing Penetrating by +2). This detriment overrides any lower Tier effect that makes the model Immune to Psychic.

Statistics: Posted by MagnusIlluminus — Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:19 pm

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