
I’m considering a Horus Heresy-era Alpha Legion army. I like their color scheme and I think it’d be relatively quick to paint – I feel like I need to start an army with the mentality that I’m not going to get bogged down by details (as has happened with my Blood Angels) and just finish an army, for once. Clear blue over silver sounds relatively easy.

My favorite traitor legion color scheme is the Sons of Horus’ sea green and black, but I’d spend ages trying to get that right.

My problem with the Alpha Legion is the background. There are a couple of things I like about them, like their use of tank and fast vehicle formations, access to a wide variety of prototype armor and… armor, and their tactical nous. But there are negatives. The big one is that they don’t seem to have been at the Siege of Terra at all. That’s a big loss given that I have Blood Angels already (albeit 40k-era). They didn’t seem to participate in a whole lot of legion vs. legion fighting – granted, Forge World could change that in their future books.

And it isn’t even clear which side they were on. I’m not sure I buy the story that they sided with Horus after some cabal told them that killing the Emperor would result in the Chaos gods’ demise – that was only going to happen via the extinction of humanity, and what kind of tradeoff is that?? I still assume that they genuinely sided with Horus (probably only because of the relationship between Alpharius and Horus). Anyway, it’s a little strange to play as an army that you don’t really understand.

Statistics: Posted by carlisimo109 — Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:06 pm

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