
Personalized license plates are a common offering among motor vehicle departments across the nation. Whether through a message or the design of the tag itself, motorists are able to express causes or issues close to their hearts.

For some Wisconsin legislators, drivers who want to ensure that more babies are killed in America should not be left out. Democrat State Rep. Chris Taylor recently proposed an initiative that would allow residents to purchase a “Support Planned Parenthood” license plate design.

Taylor, who previously served as the abortion provider’s public policy director, said she favored the option for “consumers who feel very passionately” about snuffing the life from a defenseless human child.

Her proposal came just weeks after Republican lawmakers voted to introduce a “Choose Life” tag design.

Naturally, leftists in the state felt compelled to answer the conservative message with their own barbaric beliefs. Furthermore, all purchases of the plate would result in a $25 donation to Planned Parenthood.

An organization that funnels millions of taxpayer dollars into its network of abortion mills obviously needs the additional revenue stream in order to maintain its dedication to “women’s health.”

On the other hand, often underfunded crisis pregnancy centers across the state would benefit from a portion of the pro-life plates’ sales.

Taylor defended her position by concluding “[n]obody’s forced to purchase these license plates,” though that is hardly a valid excuse to produce a design.

Fortunately, officials project that the proposed bill will fail to advance through the transportation committee. It is disturbing, however, for elected representatives to show such enthusiastic support for a state-sponsored endorsement of such a heinous act.

As for the pro-life option, there is some indication it will ultimately fail, too. Last year, a North Carolina judge struck down a proposal in that state to offer a very similar plate design after the American Civil Liberties Union objected.

One wonders how involved that group will be in seeking to stop Taylor’s proposal from moving forward.

–B. Christopher Agee

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