
Yes, most Americans still don’t like and don’t want Obamacare. But new polling now shows that the percentage of Democrats who turn thumbs-down to the president’s health care takeover scheme has more than doubled in recent months.

As breitbart.com notes:

In May, just 6% of Democrats said Obamacare hurt them. Now, 15% of Democrats polled said Obamacare hurt them.

Equally troubling for Democrats, the poll found that only 27% of Democrats say Obamacare has helped them, a slight 4% increase since May. Overall, more than one in five Democrats (21%) said in the long run Obamacare will “make things worse.”

And if that weren’t enough bad news for Barack Obama and his progressive allies trying desperately to hang onto control of the Senate, there’s more…and this could be even worse news.

Right before the crucial midterm elections — within days of November 4th — hundreds of thousands of voters will feel the sharp sting of Obamacare restrictions when their existing health insurance policies are canceled. Many of those facing the forced cancelation of their health plans are likely getting advance notice even as they are making up their minds on how to vote.

Foxnews.com has published a report detailing the upcoming cancelations because all those policies are not in compliance with Obamacare.

“It looks like several hundred thousand people across the country will receive notices in the coming days and weeks,” said Jim Capretta of the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

The policies are being canceled because states that initially granted a reprieve at the request of President Obama are no longer willing to do so.

The Fox News report notes that 13 states, as well as the District of Columbia, will be hit with cancelation notices. Virginia will be hardest hit, with 250,000 existing health policies on the chopping block…forcing people to seek alternative health care coverage.

Many of those forced out of their current plans and into ObamaCare may not be able to keep their doctors. They also could face higher deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses, making ObamaCare an election issue on the eve of voting.

As we know, President Obama promised repeatedly and without hesitation that people who wanted to keep their plans and stick with their doctors could do so. As we also know, those promises have been shown to be lies.

Most Democrat politicians — especially those in tight races for the Senate and House — have tried to avoid talking about Obamacare. On Thursday, however, Hillary Clinton couldn’t steer clear.

Ms. Clinton was the keynote speaker at a medical device industry conference where she was asked directly about Obamacare’s burdensome tax on the industry. As redalertpolitics.com observes:

Hillary Clinton spent five minutes trying to avoid speaking about the Obamacare medical device tax during a question-and-answer session at AdvaMed 2014….

While she was successful in essentially sidestepping the medical device tax during her initial remarks, Clinton — a supporter and defender of Obamacare — got caught in quite a pickle when the AdvaMed president asked her directly about it later.

As election day 2014 fast approaches, the big question regarding Obamacare will of course be…”Does the issue still put Democrats in enough of a pickle to sour the voters’ mood?”

This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom

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