
And then things get even stranger!

I was running the Performance view from our first management server. I then logged onto our second management server and all the performance counters are there, for the same server, with data!

I opened the local SCOM console installed on my workstation and found the same problem as the original- only health service performance counters are available.

So, I can only get the performance counters for this server on the second SCOM management server.

In fact, even when opening Diagram view, I only see ONE item, not the tree of related objects of a server.

So, for some reason, I cannot drill-down into a server's objects and properties. This is CRAZY!

Of the three SCOM admins here, only my access is garbled!? Does anyone know where I can look to have this fixed?

EDIT: I just got a call from one of the other SCOM admins- he says that he sees 27 performance counters in the console running on the 2nd management server and 38 performance counters on the 1st management server when running the console on that server (via RDP), for a particular server.


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