Posted by: powersthatbe
Welcome to the Activity Check for Synodiporia! Standard Activity consists of the following:
● A total of thirty comments in two or more comment threads.
All of your comments must have been made in the current AC period, but the thread itself could have been started at any time in the last sixty days. We only ask that you do not use that same thread two ACs in a row.
Backtagging is fine with us (and we most definitely encourage it!), but we do want you to be involved in current events! Using more than one thread within the same post is acceptable, but if you have more than thirty comments in one single thread, you still need a separate thread. If you made the initial post, it may count as one comment towards the total thread length.
To gain a skill, you must turn in
● A total of forty-five comments in three or more comment threads.
Also, at least one of these should mention the character’s interest in or practice of the skill in question (though this is not required for Liminal, Telepathic Network, or Combo skills). Telepathic Network Skills are listed here, Liminal Skills are listed here, and Combo Skills are listed here.
To gain two skills, you must turn in
● A total of sixty comments in three or more comment threads.
And one of the following prerequisites must be met:
● The character is in a plot-important role for the current Jaunt.
● At least one skill is a Favor skill, i.e., a skill given to a character by a Trump.
● At least one skill is a character-taught skill of any type.
As above, the thread proof should mention the character’s interest in or practice of the skill in question (though this is not required for Liminal Telepathic Network, or Combo skills). Telepathic Network Skills are listed here, Liminal Skills are listed here, and Combo Skills are listed here.
If you made standard activity, please comment using the correct character journal under the top-level thread labeled JULY ● Standard AC. If you made skill activity, regular or double AC for plot-important infiltrators, comment using the correct character journal under the top-level thread labeled JULY ● Skill AC. The AC and Skill mods will do all the rest!
Characters with Standard Activity
Characters gaining a skill
Please note that AC is due no later than AUGUST 1ST at 11:59PM CST.
If you have not made AC, report under the the Standard AC thread with the word ❝ hiatus ❞. If you are reporting hiatus for the second month running, contact the mods to avoid being idled into a dungeon dimension. For more information regarding the activity policies here at Synodiporia, please read through the Activity Policies page.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to leave them in the appropriate thread located here and we'll get back to you ASAP.