
Symmetry Electronics will join an estimated 4000 individuals, divided relatively equally among manufacturers’ suppliers, distributors, and manufacturers’ representative personnel at EDS 2016 in Las Vegas being held May 10-13, 2016

Symmetry Electronics, founded in 1998, is the only global authorized distributor focusing exclusively on the sale, technical support and distribution of wireless, audio/video and embedded semiconductor products from industry leading suppliers including AMD, DecaWave, DIGI, Lattice, Multi-Tech, Silicon Labs, Silvertel and Telit.

Symmetry’s expertise in connecting engineers to the right technology allows customers to save time and money by getting their design projects up and running quickly.

EDS operates for the benefit of the three functions in the distribution channel, manufacturers, distributors, and professional field sales (manufacturers’ representatives). All three groups derive financial benefit through their participation

EDS, Where the Electronics Industry Connects is operated not-for-profit under the sponsorship of the two electronic industry trade associations most concerned with distribution, ECIA and ERA. (Originally organized by manufacturer groups in 1937, the distributor association joined in a year or so later, and the Electronics Representatives Association became an equal partner in the early 1970’s.)

Contact Symmetry Electronics for more information. – http://symmetryelectronics.com/contact

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