
I am honored to present to you an interview of Dr. Diana Kirschner, psychologist and bestselling author who has helped thousands of singles and couples to find the relationships of their dreams.

I wanted to interview Dr. Kirschner because I knew she was going to resonate with my female readers in search of the man of their dreams.

Just like me, Dr. Diana Kirschner has suffered through bad relationships.

And just like me, this was due to her childhood subconscious programming, which is why we both have been inclined to help other women who have not been able to find the man of their dreams yet, or maybe are still in a destructive relationship right now.

If you are a woman looking for true love, no matter how old you may be, it’s not too late. It’s never too late to make it happen. As a matter of fact, the older you are the more likely you know what you want and the better you can use your knowledge and maturity to  find your perfect partner.

So, without further ado, let’s see what Dr. Diana Kirschner has to say about women and relationships and how it can help you ladies!

Q: Thank you for accepting my interview Dr. Diana Kirschner as I am sure that this will help my female readers greatly. To start with, could you, please, tell us a little bit about your background and how you’ve started helping people with their love relationships?

I was an unwanted child, a fifth girl born to parents who truly wanted a boy!  Needless to say, I had lots of trouble when it came to dating—settling for crumbs, going for the bad boys, choosing guys who abandoned me, etc.

This made me want to learn all I could about love!  I was very fortunate to be able to meet and marry my true soulmate and we have had decades of wonderful love.  I want to pay that forward!

Q: You have decades of experience helping women find their true love, and I’m myself helping women who have had a broken relationship pattern, attracting toxic men into their live. What would be the first advice you’d give a woman to spot Mr. Wrong rapidly?

Notice what is missing!  Is he impolite?  Does he not have a job?  Is he not available on weekends?  Is he not introducing you to his family?  Is he not getting closer and more loving towards you?

Q: What would you say are the main pitfalls of falling in love too fast for a woman?

Heartbreak, heartbreak, heartbreak!!!!!  You don’t know this person and chances are he is not the right one for you.  Because dating is a numbers game!!!  You need to see who stays the course and really wins you!

Q: What are some of the tell-tale signs of an abusive or controlling man?

How he treats the waitresses and waiters at dinner.  How he treats the people who work for or with him.  A hair-trigger temper.  Lots of resentment.

Q: Should a woman worry if a man puts on a pedestal almost as soon as he meets her?

Yes.  Although this can be tricky to judge.  Because when a man is in love, he tends to only see your perfection.

Q: What would you say to a woman that is afraid to lose a man because she doesn’t want to have sex with him right away?

Great things are worth waiting for!!!!  And a winner guy loves to have a challenge!  Holding off puts you in a more valuable position.  And keeps you safe from heartbreak too!

Thank you so much for having taken the time out of your busy schedule, Diana. I am sure this is going to be very helpful for women who are looking for true love.

Psychologist Dr. Diana Kirschner was a recurring guest on the Today Show and starred in a PBS Special on love, based on her smash bestseller, “Love in 90 Days.”  Along with her team of Love Mentor® coaches, Dr. Diana has helped tens of thousands of women around the world to create personal empowerment and lasting love. Her website www.lovein90days.com, offers free coaching sessions by phone or Skype and is a leading source of dating and relationship advice.

The post Interview With Dr. Diana Kirschner Relationship Expert appeared first on SylvianeNuccio.com.

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