
I raised this issue last year when Zahid first announced his brother's company will be involved in bringing the 1.5 million Banglas into Malaysia. I asked if the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry in charge of oil palm plantations, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Minister in charge of mamak restaurants etc had put in a request for extra Bangla workers?

Beause this was a unilateral announcement by Zahid that his brother's company would be involved in bringing in 1.5 million Bangla workers. Here are some graphics from The Light Side (maybe the name for a new Blog).

Here is something from Free Malaysia Today :

Something stinks in Putrajaya

February 18, 2016

Contrary to ministers, local youth willing to work dirty, dangerous and difficult jobs.

young man working at nasi kandar stall in Ipoh, a graduate from UPM

graduate, working as a petrol pump attendant.

graduate from UTAR, is waiting tables at a pub

political science graduate juggling small jobs

early 20’s worked at a mamak restaurant in Penang

later sweeping the streets of George Town

if vacancies filled by foreign workers, what other choice will these young men have?

almost all other jobs in various sectors are snapped-up by foreign workers.
juice bar managed by a foreigner.

cashier at Japanese restaurant foreigner.

supervisor at a gym foreigner.

hypermarkets, supermarkets, boutiques, restaurants, hotels hire foreign workers.

local youth are refusing to take up jobs considered dirty, dangerous and difficult.

offer foreign workers positions: assistant managers, supervisors, cashiers and receptionists. Are these jobs dirty, dangerous and difficult?

Something definitely stinks.

Today ministers are challenging our university grads to take up dirty jobs

they sit in Putrajaya with their SRP and SPM certificates hidden inside their drawers.
To Zahid, Khairy and Azalina find a way to solve our employment issues.

that is your job – or is it too DIFFICULT for you to get it done?

My comments :  1.5 milion Banglas x say RM2000 satu kepala "processing fees" = RM3.0 Billion.

Then to legalise say 500,000 illegal Banglas x RM1000 satu kepala (legalising fees) = RM0.5 Billion.

That is at least RM3.5 Billion.

And you folks are complaining about local boys and girls being thrown out of work? Come on lah. Be realistic. Some people really need that RM3.5 billion or RM4.5 billion or whatever.

If your cousin has to work in a mamak stall, dia punya nasib lah.

If the UUM graduate has to scrub toilets, itu dia punya pasal lah.

By the way, you all know that from time to time I get information that few people know. And I put it in my blog. Thats why my blog has been blocked.

Well I have been given access to some top secret Cabinet papers. And I would like to share it with you.  It is in video format. Here it is :

Conclusion : Folks, why not just let the Banglas take over the Cabinet?

You know why? That is a really, really dirty job. Really full of sh*t.

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