Slumberjack was known to sleep on the job. He also took the big 'C' to greater heights. Najib Tun Razak will be known as the "lip service only" prime minister. He says a lot but does not deliver on much of what he says. Unless big bucks are involved. Some say it is flip flopping. I think it is more deliberate. It is just a show - like his walkabouts in Brickfields. No more walkabouts now. It was all just a show.
Now yet another one of Najib Tun Razak's initiatives is exposing itself for what it is not. The Global Movement of Moderates is becoming quite the bummer. First of all the GMM has chosen to remain very, very silent over some pertinent issues that have happened in the country. Among these would be the :
i. persecution of the Shias
ii. the prosecution and persecution of intellectuals and writers by the religious authorities
iii. the banning of academic books, intellectual works and even fiction by the authorities.
iv. even the Malay translation of Charles Darwin's 'Origin of Species' has been banned under religious pretenses.
Is this the face of 'global moderates'? Obviously not. Then why bother boasting about being "global moderates"? Isnt it hypocrosy? Yes it is. But the kampong people wont understand all that.
The Global Movement of Moderates has hosted a former leader of the Ikhwan Muslimin or Muslim Brotherhood. The Ikhwan has been declared a terrorist organisation by many countries around the world including Saudi Arabia.
Here is The Star :
Former Egyptian Information Minister Salah Abdel Maqsoud (left) and Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah.
Salah Abdel Maqsoud appealing for support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Speaking to the media at the Global Movement of Moderates (GMM) office on Monday
Here is some advice to Saifuddin Abdullah and the Global Movement of Moderates.
In Egypt in 2012 the Ikhwan presidential candidate Morsi won 25% of the vote with a voter turnout of 46%. That is only 12% of votes. In a second and final round, Morsi won 51% of the vote with a turnout of 52%. That is only 26% of the vote.
Contrary to their claims, Morsi never won the majority support of Egyptians. Which is why one year later in 2013, Egyptian people power had no poblems kicking out Morsi. If Morsi really had the majority support of Egyptians he would not have been kicked out at all.It was people power that kicked him out. The Army stepped in to restore order.
My advice to Saifuddin Abdullah is 'jangan masuk campur hal pak arab bro.' They are all screwed up.
If you want to potray yourself as a global moderate, then please speak up about the brain dead prosecution of Kassim Ahmad who delivered an academic paper at an academic forum. That is all Kassim did. What kind of moderation is it that prosecutes and persecutes intellectuals who deliver academic papers at intellectual fora?
Banning Darwins 'Origin of Species'? The science in that book can be argued - intelligently. But what type of village moron will ban that book? Or any other scientific book? Ini tahun 2014 lah bro. 21st century. Masih duduk bawah tempurung lagi ke?
So what type of global moderation is Najib trying to potray? To impress the village folks and the land settler folk? Just bullshitting around?
So when is the Global Movement of Moderates having their annual dinner? Nak jemput siapa bro? Berani jemput CNN, Al Jazeera, Reuters tak? Atau nak jemput JKKK Gugusan Bera saja? Jaguh kampong style.