
‎Manga: Organising by chronology. Non-canon goes last.

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Revision as of 13:50, October 29, 2016

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Kirito's beta test avatar (Aincrad manga).png|Kirito's beta test avatar in the Aincrad manga.

Kirito's beta test avatar (Aincrad manga).png|Kirito's beta test avatar in the Aincrad manga.


Progressive Manga Volume 1 Cover.png


Progressive Manga Vol 2 Cover.png


Progressive Manga Vol 3 Cover.png

Kirito's SAO avatar (FD manga).png|Kirito's SAO avatar in the Fairy Dance manga.

Kirito's SAO avatar (FD manga).png|Kirito's SAO avatar in the Fairy Dance manga.

Kirito's fashion show.png|Kirito trying on the [[Mighty Strap of Leather]].

Kirito's fashion show.png|Kirito trying on the [[Mighty Strap of Leather]].

Kirito's initial ALO avatar (FD manga).png|Kirito's initial ALO avatar in the Fairy Dance manga.

Kirito's initial ALO avatar (FD manga).png|Kirito's initial ALO avatar in the Fairy Dance manga.

Kirito's FD avatar (FD manga).png|Kirito's Fairy Dance appearance in the FD manga.

Kirito's FD avatar (FD manga).png|Kirito's Fairy Dance appearance in the FD manga.


Kirito PhantomBulletManga Stage 07.png|Kirito from the Phantom Bullet Manga, Stage 07.


Kirito PhantomBullet manga Stage 07.png|Kirito from the Phantom Bullet manga, Stage 07.


Kirito Real life Phantom Bullet manga Stage 08.png|Kirito Real life from the Phantom Bullet manga, Stage 09.


Kirito Real life Phantom Bullet manga Stage 09.png|Kirito Real life from the Phantom Bullet manga, Stage 09.


Kirito catches Sinon - Phantom Bullet - Stage 008.png


Kirito PhantomBullet manga Stage 09.png|Kirito from the Phantom Bullet manga, Stage 09.


Calibur Manga Cover.png

Kirito in MR Manga no japanese.png|Kirito's appearance in the Mother's Rosario manga

Kirito in MR Manga no japanese.png|Kirito's appearance in the Mother's Rosario manga

Fairy Dance Manga Volume 3 cover.png

Fairy Dance Manga Volume 3 cover.png

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Sword Art Online 4-koma Official Anthology 2.png

Sword Art Online 4-koma Official Anthology 2.png

Sword Art Online 4-koma Official Anthology 3.png

Sword Art Online 4-koma Official Anthology 3.png

Progressive Manga Volume 1 Cover.png

Progressive Manga Vol 2 Cover.png

Progressive Manga Vol 3 Cover.png

Calibur Manga Cover.png

Kirito PhantomBulletManga Stage 07.png|Kirito from the Phantom Bullet Manga, Stage 07.

Kirito PhantomBullet manga Stage 07.png|Kirito from the Phantom Bullet manga, Stage 07.

Kirito Real life Phantom Bullet manga Stage 08.png|Kirito Real life from the Phantom Bullet manga, Stage 09.

Kirito Real life Phantom Bullet manga Stage 09.png|Kirito Real life from the Phantom Bullet manga, Stage 09.

Kirito catches Sinon - Phantom Bullet - Stage 008.png

Kirito PhantomBullet manga Stage 09.png|Kirito from the Phantom Bullet manga, Stage 09.



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