We have often heard and read about the “Living God”. Joshua in chapter 3 verse 9 states: “He is among us.” David in I Samuel 17 states that “He is not to be defied”, and in Psalm 42:2 we find that David’s soul thirsted for the living God. Other references to the “Living God” include Psalm 84:2; Isaiah 37:17; Jeremiah 23:36; Acts 14:15;
I Thessalonians 1:9; Hebrews 10:31; and Revelation 7:2. Yes, we read it, we hear it, but do we truly believe it? Do we practice it in our daily lives? Often we lose sight of the fact that God is THE LIVING GOD! He is now what He was thousands of years ago. He has the same sovereign power, the same saving love and the same desire that all should come to repentance. He is, according to scripture, the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the LIVING God, the unchanging God and the everlasting God. We can trust Him, we can believe Him, we can follow Him, we can serve Him and in our darkest moments we can lean on Him. Let Him be your LIVING God, today and every day.
Sunday, Feb. 10, during the morning service, we have David Warren and Family coming and sharing their unique Gospel music. The Warrens Southern Gospel Music is with a slight bluegrass influence. They sing and preach in an average of 150 churches a year across the U.S. They specialize in playing live music with singing. Those instruments are guitar, bass guitar, fiddle, keyboard, banjo, Dobro and steel guitar. We would like to give you an invite to come and enjoy their Southern Gospel Music.
This Sunday, we begin a series of Growing in God’s Love by “Paying It Forward”. If you don’t have a church home, we would like to welcome you to come and visit us this Sunday. Our Life Groups, which is for all ages, starts at 10 a.m. Our morning service is at 10:50 a.m. and our evening service begins at 6 p.m. Come and let us be a blessing to you as we worship the Lord together.
First Baptist Church invites you and your family to join us on this Sunday for Bible study, beginning at 9:15 a.m. for all ages, followed by the Sunday morning service, which begins at 10:30 a.m. First Baptist Church is located at 213 East Third Street, next door to the Post Office. All are welcome. Your presence will enhance our worship experience and fellowship together.
Spots are still available to volunteer to help facilitate our children’s church. If you facilitate a class for one month on Sundays during the morning worship hour, you will find it to be one of the most fulfilling things you have ever done. Please call the church office for more information.
KidX resumed on Jan. 30 at 5:45 p.m. All children in Kindergarten through sixth grade are invited. KidX is a fun way for children to learn about Jesus.
On Feb. 3, immediately following the morning worship service, we will have our fifth annual Souper Bowl Sunday. Please bring your best soup or chili and your family for a fellowship meal. Also, at that time, please bring some non-perishable food items to replenish our food pantry.
On Feb. 23, we will deliver the shoes that were collected as a part of our Advent services. We will take a tour of the distribution warehouse in Mesquite, and learn more about Buckner International and its “Shoes for Orphan Souls” ministry. The church bus will leave at 6 a.m., arriving at Buckner around 10 a.m. The trip is limited to 20 people, so if you are interested, please call the church at 236-6348.
On Feb. 13 at 6 p.m., we will have our quarterly church conference time. All members are encouraged to attend. Group leaders and committee chairpersons are reminded to contact the church office if your committee has anything for the agenda.
There are many upcoming events. Growth Groups begin on Feb. 10.
There will be a Senior Adult Appreciation Meal on Feb. 17. There is a Marriage Retreat at FBC Abilene on March 1-2. XA Weekend is March 1-3. The Zahasky Family Concert will be on March 17.
For in depth information, find us on Facebook and check the website www.fbcsweetwater.org. We also have two new exciting websites for children and Pre-Teens: www.fbcsweetkids.weebly.com for first through fourth graders and www.firstbaptistpreteens.weebly.com for fifth and sixth graders.
Sweetwater First United Methodist Church wants to invite you to join us on Sunday mornings to worship and praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The United Methodist Church is open to all persons and is a place where all are welcome and encouraged to “come as you are” with the expectation that by the grace of God you will leave different. The change that a relationship with Christ brings about is a life-changing encounter and we believe that while God accepts us as we are He loves us enough not to leave us in our sins. We believe that Scripture informs all aspects of our lives and should be our rule and authority.
The first service begins at 8:45 a.m. and is built around a traditional model with great hymns of the church. This service uses a more liturgical framework and often employs a wonderful choir.
Immediately following the first service we have Sunday school classes for all ages and stages of life. We invite you to try one of our many opportunities to come together and seek God in small groups that emphasize God’s Word and proclaim His glory.
At 10:50 a.m. we have a second worship service that has a decidedly contemporary flavor and incorporates more of progressive style and pace. This second service also has a children’s time and children’s church for kids in preschool through second grade.
Sweetwater FUMC also has youth activities on Sundays beginning at 6 p.m. with a prayer and praise time that we call Adoratio.
Every Tuesday and Wednesday FUMC hosts the Gaylord’s Pantry and a clothes closet from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Please enter through the North (4th street) entrance if you would like to receive God’s blessing through either of these ministries.
News this week: This Sunday we will be continuing a series on Holiness by looking at a basic facet of God’s nature: Forgiveness.
Pastor Brian is starting a new Evangelism Class this Sunday. We will meet earlier than normal (3 p.m.) this week for an orientation and questions.
The Youth and Club 456 will suspend regular activities this week to have a Super Bowl Party. Youth location is TBA and Club 456 meets at the Brownlows (1407 Tanya).
Activities this week:
Sunday at 3 p.m. – Evangelism Class Orientation.
Sunday at 5:30 p.m. – Super Bowl parties (Youth and Club 456).
Wednesday at 10 a.m. – Bible Study.
Fun activities are offered at different times during the month for fourth through sixth graders (Club 456) and first through graders (UMKids).
If you have any questions, call Linda at our church office (325-236-6617) or email churchoffice@fumcsweetwater.org. If you need prayer or have the need to contact our pastor you can call the same number or email him at pastor@fumcsweetwater.org.
Our Church’s Mission Statement: “To glorify Christ in all that we do by bringing people to Christ and equipping them to serve Christ.”
You are welcome to join us for Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. and worship service is at 10:45 a.m., with Pastor Claude bringing the message entitled, “The Unstoppable Power of God: Jesus Went His Own Way.” Worship assistants are Jenene Taylor serving as worship leader, Brenda Alexander leads the congregational hymns and plays the keyboard, pianist is Eugenia Hill and our greeter for the month of February is Helen Rowlett. This is Communion Sunday when we have the opportunity to participate in the Sacrament of Holy Communion in renewing our spiritual walk with Jesus Christ. Remember to bring your rail offering that is applied to our “family funds” as directed through the United Methodist Church in the Northwest Texas Conference.
You are invited to attend a new “young adults” Bible study class led by Pastor Claude, starting Sunday, Feb. 10, from 9:30-10:30 a.m., in the Claudia Clift Lounge. The class will begin with a comprehensive study of the Gospel of Saint John. This opportunity is not only open to congregational members, family and friends, but especially to other members of the community. Call the church office @ 235-2454 for further information.
Evangelism committee will meet Monday, the 11th, at 7 p.m., in the Friendship Sunday School Classroom. Coordinators will report upon their respective outreach ministries, followed by goals being set and plans made for implementation of further outreach into the community.
Looking at a map of the United States, it is apparent that the flu and other related winter illnesses have run rampant across the nation, effecting all ages. Many of us, loved ones and/or friends and neighbors have been sick. Bless This House asks prayers for God’s continued healing power, as well as, the caregivers that are ministering to the afflicted.
You are always invited to join us at 1801 Lamar Street, sharing in our vision of making Disciples of Jesus Christ, growing spiritually, fulfilling our God-given gifts, witnessing to others and ministering to ones in need.
“As we follow [the Savior], He blesses us with gifts, talents, and the strength to do His will, allowing us to go beyond our comfort zones and do things we’ve never before thought possible.”
—Robert D. Hales, “Being a More Christian Christian”
Christianity: Following Jesus in Word and Deed
Salt Lake City —
Anyone familiar with the history of Christianity knows that it has been quite a complicated matter. The word “Christian” was first used during New Testament times (see Acts 11:26) to describe the disciples who accepted the message and redemption of Jesus Christ. Now after two millennia, Christianity has weathered centuries of change and experienced periods of growth, persecution, reformation, schism, globalization and more. While inspiring believers of every race and nationality, Christianity has taken a multitude of forms and advanced a diversity of doctrines. As a result, questions about who should be called a Christian and who should not continue to be discussed by some within the religious world.
Religious beliefs are no light matter, and it’s only right that they are taken seriously. Yet, earnest and well-meaning interlocutors have sometimes, in the words of the president of Fuller Seminary, Richard J. Mouw, “talked past each other,” due to their differing doctrinal lenses.
For some in the Christian tradition, an individual’s Christianity is defined primarily by theological boundaries. Accordingly, one must adhere to a theological tradition stemming from formalized creeds or statements of belief (such as the Nicene Creed and the Chalcedonian formulation) composed several centuries after Jesus Christ died and the New Testament was written.
There are differences between the post-biblical creeds and the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Most notably, Latter-day Saints believe God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are one in will and purpose, but are not literally one being, as the creedal conceptions of the Holy Trinity suggest. Also, members of the Church believe in living “apostles and prophets” (Ephesians 2:20) and a more open canon of scripture, which includes both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and the Book of Mormon as another testament of Jesus Christ.
To describe The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a non-Christian church to any audience spreads a misconception that there is something other than Jesus Christ at the heart of the Mormon faith.
For Latter-day Saints, Jesus Christ is the Savior of all people, the divine Son of God. He is the same Jesus Christ of the New Testament, who taught about faith and about love for God and mankind. Jesus Christ — not Moses, Paul or Joseph Smith — is the object of Mormons’ devotion and worship. As the Prophet Joseph Smith himself taught, “The fundamental principles of our religion are … concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it.”
This is indeed the daily reality for Latter-day Saints. Jesus Christ is perpetually front and center in the lives of practicing members of the faith. Whenever Mormons pray to God, for instance, they do so in the name of Jesus Christ. Baptism by immersion, according to the symbolism of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, marks a person’s entrance into the faith. The sacrament (what other Christian traditions call communion) is administered weekly in Sunday services for members to reflect on the mercy of Jesus Christ. When Latter-day Saints seek forgiveness, they do so through Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice. They serve the poor and needy and give of their time and money to numerous humanitarian aid efforts in order to follow Christ’s teachings. Images of Christ adorn the faith’s meeting houses and temples. Church leaders and members testify of Jesus Christ’s reality and divinity. The Son of God appears in the Church’s official name: “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” While some outsiders know Latter-day Saints as Mormons, members know themselves as part of Christ’s Church.
At their best, Latter-day Saints’ behavior, speech, thoughts and identity all reflect Christ and His teachings. If you ask a member what it means to belong to the Church, he or she will tell you that most fundamentally it means to believe in Jesus as the Savior of the world and to follow Him.
For Latter-day Saints, being a Christian means being a disciple of Jesus Christ, loving and worshiping Him above all. It means prizing Christ and centering one’s life on His teachings from the New Testament. It means striving to live the kind of life that Christ commanded, honoring Him in word and deed. This is the meaning of a Christian, and there is no doubt that Latter-day Saints — who pattern their lives after all of these things — belong to Christ’s fold.
To learn more about how Latter-day Saints worship Jesus Christ, read the Church’s official statement on the Savior, titled “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles.”
2013 Calendar:
Feb. 3 – Sunday church service at 9 a.m. Visitors are welcome.
Feb. 4 – Monday home evening.
Feb. 6 – Wednesday youth activities: Young women, Scouts, Cub Scouts and Achievement Day Girls at 6:30 p.m.
Feb. 10 – Sunday church service at 9 a.m. Visitors are welcome.
Feb. 12 – Tuesday Adult Institute of Religion at 6:30 p.m.
Feb. 13 – Wednesday youth activities – Young women and Scouts.
We are located at 910 Elm Street in Sweetwater. If you would like to talk with representatives of the church about the Saviors teachings, call 1-800 622-5595. Missionaries serving in this area are Elder Weldon and Elder Rios. Call 325 864-2999.
Our church-wide breakfast is in the morning at 8 a.m. in the rec. building, come enjoy a great breakfast and wonderful fellowship.
We are pleased to announce Bro. Billy Oliver as our interim pastor. He attended Texas Tech in Lubbock, Hardin Simmons in Abilene, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth. He has been in the ministry for over 40 years; serving 21 years as a missionary in Yemen and Tanzania under the Southern Baptist International Mission Board. He also served as Director of Missions for Halifax Baptist Association in Daytona, Florida. He and his wife Janice reside in Nolan.
Join us Sundays at 9:30 a.m. for Sunday school, followed by our 10:40 a.m. service including children sermon, hymnals and praise songs and Bro. Billy will bring a message from the Bible. Come again at 6 p.m. for our evening service.
On Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., we offer GAs and RAs for first through sixth graders, Mission Friends for preschool age, youth activities for 7th-12th graders and Bible study and prayer for adults.
Please continue to pray and encourage the members serving on our pastor search committee and members church-wide. There is a mailbox in the foyer to send uplifting words to our brothers and sisters in Christ.
We want to remind members that are many opportunities to give within our church, for example, our food pantry, our two Zambia kids we give to each month and more.
Upcoming events include a Valentine banquet for “those who live alone” on Friday, Feb. 15, at 6 p.m. in the fellowship hall; also the youth will be having a Valentine’s party on Friday, Feb. 15, please contact Carolyn Mullican for details.
To learn more about Lamar Street Baptist Church, visit us at 513 Lamar, find us on Facebook or call the church at 235-1779 and leave a message and someone will return your call.
In reading a new book this past week entitled Cold-Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace, it’s interesting to note that of all the homicide/investigative techniques used by law enforcement the world over, there are none (yes, I said NONE) that can disprove, dispute or explain two things concerning Christianity: the empty tomb and the Resurrection. Isn’t that awesome? Our Lord is the undisputed Champion of Love! If you do not have a close relationship with Jesus Christ or a church to call home, we urge you to worship with us at Trinity Baptist Church, located at the corner of Hailey and Santa Fe here in Sweetwater. Our Church Family consists of people from all walks of life and people who are at different places in their walk with God. The casual, family atmosphere works well with our weekly worship services, which include both traditional and praise music. Our service schedule is:
9:30 a.m. — Sunday school (for all ages, nursery through senior adults).
10:45 a.m. — Morning worship.
6 p.m. — Adult and youth Bible studies, children’s choir.
6:30 p.m. — Adult prayer time; youth Bible study, TeamKID (first through sixth grades).
This Sunday, is SUPER GOAL /SUPER BOWL SUNDAY. The day starts off with SUPER GOAL high attendance in Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. The class with the highest percentage in attendance will win — something! You have to come to find out! Later that day, we will have SUPER BOWL SUNDAY at 5:30 p.m. The big game will be shown in the Choir/Media Room 107. Board games, etc. will be played in the Seekers Room 111. The Family Life Center will be divided in order for both younger and older kids to be able to play games there. Bring your favorite “game food” (snacks, finger foods, etc.) and join us.
On Sunday, Feb. 10, the Seekers Sunday School Class is hosting a fund-raiser Mexican pile-on lunch to help raise funds for Delbert Davis as he goes to Belize on a spring-break mission trip. The meal will be served in our Family Life Center by donation. If you can come to support this cause, please make plans to attend and fellowship with us. If you cannot come and would like to help, donations are appreciated and can be sent to Trinity Baptist Church, 1503 Crescent, Sweetwater.
Watch the upcoming editions of The Sweetwater Reporter for Trinity’s latest program — TRI-FIT. TRI-FIT is a new ministry effort designed to inspire us to be healthier so that we are better prepared to serve God. Our purpose is threefold: to attend to our physical, spiritual and relational lives. TRI-FIT Volleyball has already begun at noon each Monday in our Family Life Center. TRI-FIT Run/Walk will begin on Saturday, Feb. 9, at 9 a.m., also in our Family Life Center. TRI-FIT Run/Walk will then continue each Saturday at 9 a.m. Watch for more information in the upcoming article.
We are enjoying our latest adult Bible studies. r12, Living on the Edge, by Chip Ingram, is held each Sunday evening at 6 p.m. in the Family Life Center. We are learning how to be Romans 12 Christians. The ladies are studying Malachi: A Love That Never Lets Go, by Lisa Harper. Two sessions are offered for the ladies’ Bible study, at noon and at 6 p.m. each Wednesday. Ladies are able to choose which session best suits their schedules.
DivorceCare continues on Thursday evenings at 6 p.m. in Room 109 here at our church. If you have recently gone through (or presently going through) a difficult time of separation or divorce, please consider joining us for this 13-week session of DivorceCare. It is led by caring, concerned individuals who know how to help through this process. Even though the class has already begun the current session, one may join at any time and feel welcomed. If you would like to know more about DivorceCare, you can visit their website at www.divorcecare.org or call our church office. Childcare is provided upon request.