
The Sweetwater Aglow team would like to invite you to a time of praise, worship and fellowship on Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Express. As the season of Thanksgiving comes near, we would like to share with you why the Aglow team is thankful. Come join us as we fellowship with the Lord and each other. For more information call 766-2245 or 338-8924.


There is an old proverb that states, “There is no home without its hush.” Sooner or later every home experiences heartaches, trials, troubles and sorrows. Whether it is through the heartbreak of a child, the loss of a parent, or financial troubles, we all have gone through it (and some even have a t-shirt). It has been said there are three kinds of people: Those who are in trouble; those who are just getting out of trouble; those who are going into trouble.

When God led the children out of bondage in Egypt and across the Red Sea they went into the wilderness. Was this a mistake? Had God taken them on a wrong path? Had God lost control? Absolutely not! God led them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. God’s hand was guiding, His eyes were watching, and His protection was there. If it seems you are in a place of trouble, don’t lose hope. It is God’s proving ground for your faith. Just trust and obey.

If you don’t have a church home, we would love to have you worship with us at Broadway Baptist Church where God is changing homes one heart at a time. Our Life Groups, which is for all ages, starts at 10 a.m. Our morning service is at 10:50 a.m. and our evening service begins at 6 p.m. Come and let us be a blessing to you as we worship the Lord together.


First Baptist Church invites you and your family to join us on this Sunday, Nov. 10, for Bible study, beginning at 9:15 a.m. for all ages, followed by the Sunday morning service, which begins at 10:30 a.m. First Baptist Church is located at 213 East Third Street, next door to the Post Office. We warmly greet you. Your presence will enhance our worship experience and our fellowship together.

We are pleased to announce our Intentional Interim Minister, Dr. Fred Meeks. Dr. Meeks, director of the Logsdon Seminary Lubbock Program, is a 1965 graduate of Baylor University where he earned the Bachelor of Arts degree in religion. He completed his graduate studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas, receiving the Master of Divinity degree in 1968 and the Doctor of Theology degree in 1975. Prior to his appointment at Logsdon, he served for 21 years at Wayland Baptist University in Plainview, Texas, where he was the chair (now dean) of the Division (now School) of Religion and Philosophy. Prior to Wayland, Dr. Meeks served as pastor of several churches over 25 years, including Plainview, Lubbock and Lorenzo in Texas along with Durant, Okla. He has served in several denominational roles, including the Administrative Committee of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, moderator of Lubbock and Staked Plains Baptist Associations and board member of the Human Welfare Commission of the BGCT. Dr. Meeks is an active member of Renovare, an organization providing support and training for spiritual formation and Christian discipleship. We are very blessed to have him.

Koinonia coffee is held at The Welcome Center before Bible study each Sunday morning. Coffee is the perfect complement to meeting old friends and new. It is an invitation to sit and talk for a while, to share stories, to get to know one another better. You are invited to join friends each Sunday morning as we all share a warm cup of Koinonia Coffee.

Each month, the Missions Closet will ask for a new item of the month. The item will help keep the food pantry stocked to better serve our community. The item needed for the month of November will be canned corn. Please put donations in the box outside the Missions Closet.

This year we will be moving the Thanksgiving meal from Circle Drive to Hillcrest Apartments at 801 E. 14th Street. The meal will be served on Nov. 16. Volunteers will be needed at the church to help prepare at 10 a.m. Signups for needed items will be in the Sunday school classes. Find a way to participate and let’s have a great time serving together.

Operation Christmas Child boxes are in! After worship, pick one up, fill it with toys, clothes and candy as explained in the directions and return it by Nov. 17. Samaritan’s Purse will put the Gospel in the box and carry it overseas to give a child a Christmas gift. Our church goal is 100 boxes.

This year, we are asking Sunday school classes to fill 20 “baskets” to be given to families as a gift for Thanksgiving. We will have a list of items to include, but you can include much more! Talk with your Sunday school class and figure how many baskets your class can fill, then let a Missions Committee member or staff member know.

A fundraiser will be held on Dec. 1, for the King ministry in Haiti. Join them at 3 p.m. at The Warehouse of 4th and Elm Church of Christ as they return and tell about their first year in Haiti. There is limited seating and tickets are $10 individually or for a table of eight for $100.

The quarterly church conference will be Nov. 13. We will meet to look at the budget for 2013, Committee on Committees member nominations and a recommendation for Deacon Emeritus. All agenda items must be into the office by Oct. 30.

For in depth information on First Baptist Church Sweetwater, find us on Facebook or at www.fbcsweetwater.org.


First Presbyterian Church of Sweetwater welcomes all to join us for worship. Our church is a warm and loving church, and we want you to feel comfortable and at liberty to call on us for anything you need pastorally. We would love to have you be our guest.

All Sunday school classes will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 10, and will continue the study of The Story. There are Sunday school classes for all ages. Paula Carmichael and Linda Rasco will be greeters.

There will be choir practice for the little ones and IBKs at 10 a.m. at the end of Sunday school for their first performance Sunday, Nov. 10, during worship. All the youth will meet at 5 p.m. at the church.

All committees will meet Wednesday, Nov. 13, at 5:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Everyone is invited to join a committee. The committees are: Christian Education, Congregational Care, Mission and Outreach, Property and Worship.

The mission of First Presbyterian Church is to make disciples for Jesus Christ by being an oasis of God’s love. Worship services are each Sunday at 10:45 a.m. We are located at the corner of 14th Street and McCaulley, across from the high school. Find out more information about our ministry by calling 235-5491 or visit the church’s website www.fpcsweetwater.org.


Sweetwater First United Methodist Church wants to invite you to join us on Sunday mornings to worship and praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The United Methodist Church is open to all persons and is a place where all are welcome and encouraged to “come as you are” with the expectation that by the grace of God you will leave different. The change that a relationship with Christ brings about is a life-changing encounter and we believe that while God accepts us as we are, He loves us enough not to leave us in our sins. We believe that Scripture informs all aspects of our lives and should be our rule and authority.

The first service begins at 8:45 a.m. and is built around a traditional model with great hymns of the church. This service uses a more liturgical framework and often employs a wonderful choir. Immediately following the first service we have Sunday school classes for all ages and stages of life. We invite you to try one of our many opportunities to come together and seek God in small groups that emphasize God’s Word and proclaim His glory. At 10:50 a.m. we have a second worship service that has a decidedly contemporary flavor and incorporates more of progressive style and pace. This second service also has a “Children’s Church” for kids in preschool through third grade. The children stay through our time of praise and then go to their own worship service.

Sweetwater FUMC also has youth activities on Sundays beginning at 6 p.m. with a prayer and praise time that we call Adoratio. Every Tuesday and Wednesday FUMC hosts the Gaylord’s Pantry and a clothes closet from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Please enter through the North (4th street) entrance if you would like to receive God’s blessing through either of these ministries.

News this week: Pastor Brian will be continuing a series on what it means to live your life in “High Definition.” This week we’ll look at the third chapter of Philippians to see what the apostle Paul believed gave our lives hope.

Activities this week:

Friday at noon — Relief team leaves for Moore, Okla.

Sunday worship at 8:45 a.m. and 10:50 a.m.

Sunday at 6:30 p.m. — “Secrets of the Secret Place.”

Wednesday at 10 a.m. — Morning Bible study.

Wednesday youth Bible studies — Middle school at 6 p.m. and high school at 7 p.m.

Fun activities are offered at different times during the month for fourth through sixth graders (Club 456) and first through third graders (UMKids). If you have any questions call Linda at our church office (325-236-6617) or email churchoffice@fumcsweetwater.org. If you need prayer or have the need to contact our pastor you can call the same number or email him at pastor@fumcsweetwater.org.


Our Church’s Mission Statement: “To glorify Christ in all that we do by bringing People to Christ and equipping them to serve Christ.”

Join us for Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. and worship service at 10:45 a.m., with Pastor Claude bringing the message entitled, “Absurd and useless philosophies: Stay focus on the Goal.” Worship assistants are Lisa Peterson serving as worship leader, Brenda Alexander leads the congregational hymns and plays the keyboard, pianist is Eugenia Hill and our greeter for the month of November is Rusty Allen. In honoring our Veterans that have served in the United States Armed Forces, Brenda will sing a special musical selection, “The Broken Ones.”

Evangelism committee meets at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 11, in the Friendship Sunday School Classroom. Following coordinators reporting upon their respective outreach ministries, decorative snack bags will be compiled for West Texas Children’s Advocacy Center.

November is the month we set apart to give “Thanks to God.” Take time to stop and praise Him for the creation of the earth and “all therein;” for He said it was Good. The Bible instructs us to praise and glorify God in all circumstances at all times. In our lives, we experience joys and sorrows, good health and sickness, as well as, times of plenty and times of scarcity. “Bless This House” calls for us to thank God for our families and friends, for his love in providing and caring for our needs, for the blessings we give and receive in our communities, country and in the world. Pray we share our bounty with others and support one another with steadfastness in times of life’s trials and tribulations.

You are always invited to join us at 1801 Lamar Street, sharing in our vision of making Disciples of Jesus Christ, growing spiritually, fulfilling our God-given gifts, witnessing to others, and ministering to ones in need.


We invite you to join our church family this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for Sunday school, followed by our 10:40 a.m. service including children sermon, hymnals and praise songs, and Bro. Clay will bring a message from the Bible. Our evening service starts at 6 p.m.

On Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., we offer children activities for first through sixth graders; activities for preschool age; youth activities for 7th-12th graders; and Bible study and prayer for adults led by Bro. Clay. We have started practicing for our Christmas special, come join us for choir after the service.

Upcoming events include our annual Thanksgiving supper on Wednesday, Nov. 20. Members are asked to bring two dishes such as a vegetable dish and dessert. We will be delivering to homebound members and others, so if you know of someone that would enjoy a meal contact a deacon or turn name, address and phone number into the church office. Beginning Thursday, Nov. 21, Melissa Jacobson will lead a Women’s Advent Bible Study at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall.  

To learn more about Lamar Street Baptist Church, visit us at 513 Lamar, find us on Facebook or visit www.lamarstreetbaptist.com , or call the church at 235-1779 and leave a message and someone will return your call.


True Shepherds

By President Thomas S. Monson

When I was growing up, each summer our family would drive to Provo Canyon, about 45 miles south and a little east of Salt Lake City, where we would stay in the family cabin for several weeks. We boys were always anxious to get on the fishing stream or into the swimming hole, and we would try to push the car a little faster. In those days, the automobile my father drove was a 1928 Oldsmobile. If he went over 35 miles an hour, my mother would say, “Keep it down! Keep it down!” I would say, “Put the accelerator down, Dad! Put it down!”

Dad would drive about 35 miles an hour all the way up to Provo Canyon or until we would come around a bend in the road and our journey would be halted by a herd of sheep. We would watch as hundreds of sheep filed past us, seemingly without a shepherd, a few dogs yapping at their heels as they moved along. Way back in the rear we could see the sheepherder on his horse—not a bridle on it but a halter. He was occasionally slouched down in the saddle dozing, since the horse knew which way to go and the yapping dogs did the work.

Contrast that to the scene which I viewed in Munich, Germany, many years ago. It was a Sunday morning, and we were en route to a missionary conference. As I looked out the window of the mission president’s automobile, I saw a shepherd with a staff in his hand, leading the sheep. They followed him wherever he went. If he moved to the left, they followed him to the left. If he moved to the right, they followed him in that direction. I made the comparison between the true shepherd who led his sheep and the sheepherder who rode casually behind his sheep.

Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep.” He provides for us the perfect example of what a true shepherd should be.

I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. John 10:14

We are located at 910 Elm Street in Sweetwater. Our church service is Sundays at 9 a.m. and visitors are welcome. If you would like to talk to representatives of the church about the Saviors teachings, call 1-800 622-5595. Missionaries serving in this area are Elder Sheffield, Elder Olsen and Elder Ellsworth. Call 325 864-2999.

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