
Good morning to all of my lovely readers! Today we have the pleasure of welcoming Charlotte from TRIA Beauty to the blog to share her tips on getting a silky smooth hair free body.


Foot Binding, Arsenic Wrinkle Reduction and Laser Hair Removal


From foot binding in China to medieval techniques aimed at reducing wrinkles using arsenic, the history of beauty treatments can be summed up with the timeworn cliché; no pain, no gain. Women still spend a large amount of their time on beauty treatments and preparing themselves to face the world. While many techniques have fallen out of fashion, one constant throughout history has been the removal of hair. Cultural norms vary surprisingly little when it comes to the location of hair on women and men. Both are allowed hair on the top, while men, typically are allowed to have it pretty much everywhere else, if they choose. To be fair to modern men, they also prefer the hairless look, clean shaven in all kinds of places. For women this is nothing new and there has, historically, been very little choice in the matter; unless you didn’t mind being driven out of the village and/or burnt as a witch.

Razor Sharp Solutions


The traditional route to removing unwanted body hair has been largely focused on the razor. Creams, lotions, depilatories and wax have been more recent solutions and are certainly effective as temporary solutions. Waxing, although a little painful, can remove the need for frequent shaving and is certainly a cost effective solution. For the rich, famous or those with a sufficiently good credit history, laser hair removal treatments have also become an option. For many younger women, and some not so young, laser treatment offers a final solution, but until now it has been a costly option and one that requires regular appointments to complete a series of treatments before results are really visible.

Space Age Advances


Considering laser technology has been around for several decades in the space and medical industries, it seems a little frustrating to think that effective permanent hair removal has not been developed quite as rapidly as it could. Today, we are finally seeing a range of laser hair removal products that can be used at home and these are not only effective but also affordable. Unlike other forms of hair removal, laser treatment does offer a final solution. Although a course of treatments will be required – anything from a few weeks to several months – at the end of this process the problem hair will be gone for good.

Slow Processes


Hair grows in three cycles and each individual hair is in a different stage at any one time. This is the reason that it takes a series of (costly) sessions at a salon to effectively remove hair for good. For small areas the costs are relatively low and the number of treatments likewise, but to achieve the holy grail of hair removal – no more shaving – it can take several months and many hundreds, if not thousands, of pounds. Laser hair removal, in addition to the obvious long term time savings, also gives you much more freedom. Your wardrobe can finally be your oyster, and the prospect of grabbing clothes and going becomes a reality.

Relaxing Settings


Home laser hair removal offers the exact same benefits of salon treatment but with some distinct advantages. The first is the cost; leading brands are available at less than $546, which is a relatively small amount in comparison to even some simple and short salon treatments. While some of us may enjoy the pampering of a salon treatment, hair removal is not the most glamorous of salon treats and it can be hard to fit the full series of appointments in to a busy schedule. Home treatment not only is cost effective but you can top up any problem areas indefinitely and all of this at home, in your own time, without the intervention of even the nicest salon assistant. A glass of wine, a favorite TV show and a hair-dryer sized laser system at the ready and you can finally sit back and relax.

Wow thank you Charlotte for this very in depth article on hair removal. How many of you ladies (hmm and gentlemen) prefer and easy and pain free hair removal process. I know I do, and after reading this article I may even consider researching more on laser treatments. If you enjoyed this article please let Charlotte know via Twitter. 

Ps: The winner for the Mujus.com giveaway is Jessica Caviness. I already messaged you! Congratulations! Thank you to everyone who entered, stay tuned for next months giveaway! 

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