
The folks at Milk Life asked me to talk about A Day in the Life of our home and how I instill healthy eating habits, and as the kids had a heated debate over who was going to eat the last Nutella and Go, I had to chuckle.

Because that’s really it right there.

Nutella is life.

I mean, it has dairy in it, right?!

No, no, no … that isn’t my message.

At least not this time.

An hour earlier and they were divvying up the roasted broccoli to make sure they each had a heaping plateful.

And that’s my message.

All things in moderation.

I don’t harp on what is healthy, and what isn’t healthy necessarily. I more or less guide the kids as to what may be a better choice, and what we need to keep a rein on (see: Nutella), and it’s served me well over the years.

Madeline eats cherry tomatoes like they’re Hershey Kisses. And Nick loves to snack on frozen grapes and yogurt. And yesterday, when they saw I came home with a bunch of broccoli for dinner, they high-fived each other. Because roasted broccoli is everything. No joke.

From the time we wake up to the time we hit the pillow, we just try to make smart choices most of the time.

A grab-and-go breakfast like these Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins, a granola bar, a Go-Gurt, or something else along those lines.

Snacks for school are “one healthy, one not.”

And dessert is not every day.

The latter of which is a battle I’m losing lately.

Because man, their sweet craving are something else.

But we balance out the homemade treats, occasional Oreos, and, ahem, Nutella, with family hikes, cheer, soccer, and running me ragged.

I educate them in a subtle manner, explain how different foods make us feel different ways, and how it’s fuel for our bodies, and away we go.

I don’t harp. I don’t nag. We just focus on 80/20.

To help drive home the benefits of milk and healthy daily habits, the folks at Milk Life have asked me to do another giveaway. All you have to do is tell me how you include milk throughout the day to make healthy snacks or meals,  and you will be entered to win a month’s worth of free milk (an $18 value). Follow me on Instagram, Twitter, or Snap (@cateomalley) and you can get an easy extra entry. Contest closes on Saturday at 11:59 pm, and two winners will be chosen. Good luck!

Be sure to visit Milk Life for more milk facts, recipes, and the most gorgeous pictures ever, and follow them on Pinterest and Instagram.

PS! Come join me on snapchat (cateomalley), and if you take a screenshot of the story where I mention this blog post, I’ll count it as an extra entry in the giveaway.

*This is a sponsored post but, as always, all opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the clients that I work with.

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