
Redis Conference 2015 at the Innovation Hangar at the beautiful Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco.

Thanks to sponsors Rackspace, Hulu, Redis Labs, Heroku, and others.

Talks list

Redis’ 6th birthday today!

Redis Keynote by Salvatore Sanfilippo (Pivotal) a.k.a. @antirez


Big equivalence principle : Today’s startups can do everything with everything, but a subset
of tools can be better suited for a given use case

Focus & Relevance

Cache, queue, shared state, database?

Redis is a small, networked, DSL interpreter, with optionally persistent state. Hence

Economically sustainable?

It is rare to get a lot of work from non paid developers

Pieter, Matt, Salvatore : VMware, Pivotal sponsorship

Most contributions to core and other areas often sponsored or with ROI in contributing.

Development model

95% users happy with feature set, 5% create pull requests and want more; number of users
grow, 5% grows bigger but core team size remains same, so number of github issues is not a
good metric.

New branching model

Stable (2.8) <- Testing

Testing (3.0) <- Unstable

Unstable (3.2) : New features go here

Future optimizations (prefix “maybe” to every point below)

If you do not use pipelining, most time will be spent in network I/O

Memcached threaded I/O?

Threads for socket I/O, request parsing, etc.

Command execution via Global Lock

May require big core changes

Worth a try


90% less memory - RDBs more compact

Faster to serialize

Same concept is applicable to Sets and Hashes at least

Cluster optimizations

Non-blocking migrate

Auto rebalancing

The Big Refactoring Project

Redesign in terms of granularity + additional layers of API

Operations optimizations

Diskless ops WIP

nosync branch for slaves to get only new data from master, not history

Sentinel changes

API changes

Bloom filters

API is not obvious, since Redis has no object creation rule

Can’t use fixed params like HyperLogLog

Design effort needed

Geo coding

Matt’s branch 90% ready to be merged

Useful for lot of users

More list ops

Lists don’t have obvious APIs


Unification of types?

Hashes and Sorted sets unified?

Ordered maps

Frequency estimation

You can already use sorted sets for top N problems

Good companion to HyperLogLog

Binary counters

Specialized stripped down spin-offs

Disque / queues

Multimaster cache

Evolution of caching

Make it simple to mutate only existing state

More APIs to check / analyze data

Why Redis

Better system software -> Better technology -> Better world

Redis in the Real World by Bill Anderson (Rackspace)

How are users using Redis

Rackspace surveyed tens of thousands of instances of Redis hosted for customers

600 billion commands

Top Commands

23% : Get

18% : Setnx

13% : Llen

7% : Lpop

6% : Zrangebyscore

Operations by Data type

Lists > Strings > Sorted sets > Hash > Set

Is it coincidental that most used commands are the fastest commands?

Reads, Writes, Checks

54% : Reads

35% : Writes

11% : Checks

List operations

36% : LPOP (write)

36% : LLEN (read)

So we use list data structure as a queue?

Sorted set

84% : ZRANGEBYSCORE (reads)


42% : HGETALL (all)

28% : HMSET (subset)

But shouldn’t we just use a string key + JSON value to store hash instead?

Strange that HGET is not commonly used!

What does all this mean?

Top commands are indeed fastest

Since we know time complexity, we can predict performance of Redis commands, this is great

Favor Setnx > Set in general benchmarking

Favor list ops in general benchmarking, then sorted set


Benchmarking makes you go bald ;-)

First rule of benchmarking : Don’t do it

Benchmarking is like choosing a car based on it’s top speed

Don’t benchmark Redis, benchmark your application!

Instrument your code, gather the data, analyze the data. That’s what matters.

If you still want to : redis-benchmark, memtier

redis-benchmark is by Salvatore


Gold standard


Doesn’t support all commands

Can’t do complex scenarios

Terrible output format for analysing



Can tune writes vs reads

Can adjust concurrency


GET/SET isn’t a Redis benchmark, it tests networking (99% of time in networking)

Terrible output format for analysing

Time of day for benchmarking is important because your network could be saturated

Let us benchmark by use case


Object cache


Page cache

DB query cache

Introducing Commissar, to do exactly this

Both benchmarking as well as documentation on design patterns a.k.a use cases

Separate server time vs. network/client time

Example Leaderboard output - 99.91% time spent in network/client, 0.09% in Redis server

Will allow us to compare uses cases

Will allow us to compare and improve implementations for a use case

Will allow us to compare and improve client libraries

But there are many different ways to do a thing…

How can you help?

Write more implementations

Write a spec for a new scenario

Port to your favorite programming language

Monaco, Redis as a Service at Hulu by Keith Ainsworth

What is Monaco

Clustered service that provides Redis as a service

Supports sharding for large data sets

Addresses production Redis challenges (setting up clusters, failovers, etc.) that was faced
by multiple teams

Production Redis issues


Redis Cluster is great BUT one management layer for one cluster of redis servers


FS based persistence has quirks

RDB can use huge amounts of RAM, fork speed


Monaco provides one management layer for many redis server clusters

Per cluster

Monitor state of all servers

Maintain replication roles & failover

Expose servers transparently to clients (use existing client libraries)


Rack-aware clustering + External backups

Web interface

Create a cluster, etc.


Monaco nodes do health checks on redis servers

If a failure, promotes DB replicas for any lost servers in order of their replication
sequence. After ensuring all user servers have a responsive master, Monaco creates replica
servers as necessary

If redis-server failure (never seen in production), Monaco slaves notify Monaco master that
will pick ideal redis slave to promote to redis master

Major components

Load balancer

Provides interface to redis-clusters in Monaco

Monaco masters

Monaco slaves

Hosted on internal Heroku-like service

(incomplete notes, could not capture many points because speaker had to run through the slides)

Monaco cluster node

Daemon : Maintains threads

LeaderPaxos : Maintains leader <- Quorum of Monaco nodes


Similar in behavior to redis-sentinel

Master : Responsible for MGMT DB <- Web API

Slave : Maintains user DB

Stat reporter : Continually polls local MGMT DB for redis-servers allocated to that node

You built Redis as a service on top of Redis!?



Monaco eliminated a lot of inefficient hardware use

There were many single-purpose VMs and clusters

Redis can be guiltlessly used for a tiny cache or huge persistent DB, without a barrier of

Hardware : 12 x 24core, 128 GB RAM servers, 5 more this month

110 production clusters of redis-server

190 unique redis-servers

468.5 GB total hosted space

1.6 GB/s in, 1.1 GB/s out

~1 million ops per sec

Beyond Hulu

Desire to open source

Hard part is load balancer configuration API which is currently internal Hulu API

Problems & Future Work

Beta support for Twemproxy as a proxy for sharding
and multiple databases (did I understand that right?)


Latency issues because of load balancer? Not really, an extra hop in the network path

Redis-server version upgrades? You can mark a node in maintenance mode, upgrade and then

Paxos implementation used? Custom code following “Paxos made simple”

How to benchmark Redis against other databases by Itamar Haber (Redis Labs)

Redis Watch newsletter

Interesting developments such as:



Similar in topic to Bill’s talk earlier


Python & Fabric

Let’s differentiate profiling and benchmarking

Lahav Savir comes on stage to talk about use case of a TV show voting platform and comparison of
NoSQL for the high-spike traffic use case (2 million votes per second / 7 million rps)

Redis pipeline feature is critical for performance

(Lunch discussions)

Redis seems to be usually an individual developer’s decision to use and then it grows and grows in
scope of use, as opposed to centralized decisions of the main database, etc.

Redis as a data store for personalization engines by Ted Price (Knowd)

Web analytics

Redis changed everything, it made storing web analytics trivial

Use hashes, sorted sets

Use case : Tracking Links + primary category + secondary category

Started tracking users

Recommend content based on click-through rate (CTR)

Use HttpRedis2Module : where possible, hit Redis server directly from nginx

Use case : Classifiers

Gender classification of website, article (women, neutral, men)

Fact: Celebrity gossip visited almost equally by women and men

For returning users, filter widgets by classification, and this resulted in traffic

Geo classifier

Publishers wanted more North American traffic

(This also supports Salvatore earlier saying that geocoding would be a great API addition
to Redis server)

Tier classifier

Tier based on website’s traffic levels

Use SVM (Support Vector Machine)

Use lists, hashes, sorted sets

Ruby gems aplenty

Other Redis use cases

Cache busting

Job queueing


Performance makes it an ideal choice for real-time personalization, clustering, segmentation
of content


Audience who went through similar exercise suggested using a
queue for activity stream processing
(immutable write-ahead log) instead of a mutable merged database such as Redis

Real-time Events-based Document Index Store by Siddarth Kothari (Appbase)

https://appbase.io : now open source


Built on node.js


relational data vs linked data

Pull a Mongo on top of Redis!

Collection has documents (JSON object)

Add references : { "/ref1" : "user/item#3" }

user is a collection


Network topology : a -> b -> z -> x becomes “/a/b/z/x”

Event subscriptions

All built on top of simple Redis data structures

Redis at Heroku (missed attending this since multiple tracks)


Building a massively scalable job queue on Redis by Jon Hyman (Appboy)

Appboy is marketing automation for mobile apps

Job queues

Hundreds of millions of jobs per day

100K rps

“Redis is the only database that actually delivers what it promises”

Scheduled jobs

zadd payload to sorted set key with score of timestamp for job

zrangebyscore (O(1)) + zrem

Use Lua to overcome race conditions

(More details, hopefully Jon will put up the slides online)

Use jitter (random microseconds) added to the scheduled time so that it doesn’t load Redis

Maintain counters on top of the queue using MULTI


rpop means queue message can be lost in crash

Use rpoplpush to pop from one queue and push to another reliable queue

When job is finished, lrem from reliable queue

Check queue on process start for data recovery


One instance for everything

Increased machine size

Dedicated Redis process for job queue

EC2 latency / noisy neighbours hurt performance, moved to physical machines via
Rackspace OnMetal

Spikes in job queue peg individual CPU

At some point, you will hit your max rps and you may not know it

Application-level sharding

Round-robin lpush to multiple instances

Queue starvation

First thing everyone does is add simple priority queues or weights

Queue weights are not a bad idea, but static queues are

Queue per customer is hard to scale because a lot to manage

rpoplpush supports only one key at a time

Create a queue as-needed for work, remove it when work is done

Add new queue name to a “dynamic queue” set

When looking for work, smembers to find all dynamic queues

When rpoplpush-ing dynamic queue, if no job found, atomically srem using Lua to
re-check queue to avoid race condition and losing jobs

Be conscious about rpoplpush, use brpoplpush where possible

Pause processing for maintenance of data

How to pause generic, non-dynamic queues?

Tag all jobs with customer identifier

Push customers under maintenance using PUBSUB

When jobs are picked up by worker server, check customer identifier, re-enqueue

Easily done with middleware around job processing

Here be dragons

Restoring from backup = hard / dangerous; definitely use slaves


What if a job worker died, what happens to process in a reliable queue?

Cron job that checks entries in reliable queues and sends alerts

Running Twemproxy in production by Manju Rajashekhar

Proxy for memcache and redis, built at Twitter, open sourced in 2012, used now at pinterest,
wikipedia, twitch, snapchat

Motivation: Lots of remote connections to Redis, so familiar computer science solution of
indirection : twemproxy is deployed as a local proxy on each app server

Not recommended to deploy as a remote proxy


Fast & lightweight

Persistent server connections

Implicit protocol pipelining (will work across multiple connections connected to one

Shards data automatically

Ketama a.k.a consistent hashing

Avoid double-copy problem (?) using mbuf (fixed-size memory buffers)

Fault Tolerance

Client retries on transient errors

Don’t do it on invalid argument errors, etc.

What happens if it is a slow redis server?

Configure timeout on twemproxy, it is infinite by default

Re-routing on failures

Remove host from ring after 3 consecutive server failures / timeouts

Use auto_eject_hosts: true when redis is being used as a cache

Use auto_eject_hosts: false and node names (instead of host names when doing sharding),
when redis is being used as a database

Have number of client retries > number of twemproxy server retries if you want a query to
have highest chance of success

Simultaneous failures

Have larger server_retry_timeout

Trade-off between transient failures and permanent failures

Use node names for hashing, instead of host names or IP addresses

This makes deployment easy

Use server1, server2, … instead of,, …

Check configuration syntax errors early

Use --test-conf flag


By default, disabled

Use at log level LOG_NOTICE (-v 5) in production

Graphing ejected servers

hash_tag: “{}”

What if you wanted to do SDIFF on set 1 on server 1 and set 2 on server 2?

Map two different keys to same server by suffixing a common tag to the keys, but this should
be in your design early


@antirez requests supporting redis cluster protocol

Manju is busy with his own startup and would love help and is willing to mentor

Scaling Video Views by Andres Rangel (Hulu)

Problem setting

High traffic (10K+ RPS) of data to be tracked per user, per video (even video progress!)

Low latency (99% < 20ms)

High Availability



Long ago, when there was no redis cluster, built masters and slaves via zookeeper

From MySQL to Redis + Cassandra

Redis as cache

Add job to queue to load data from Cassandra to Redis

Redis as job queue

Redis as database : video progress, video metadata, recommendations list, etc.

Redis as sync point : locking for cron jobs


64 shards

12 physical boxes

Sharded by user id, simple % operation

384 GB RAM boxes

Dual Hex core, 24 hyper-threads

1 GB/s network

Redis 2.8.19 - recently upgraded

HA-Redis, similar to official Redis-Sentinel design

sentinel : monitoring nodes

client : drop-in replacement for standard python/java redis client

reads from zookeeper to determine who is master, slave, and then will make the actual

Why not Redis Sentinel? HA-Redis predates Sentinel

(Lots of implementation details of how they use Redis & Lua scripting)

Keep up to 1/2 of RAM free in case there’s a slave sync

Single-process architecture can be scaled by multiple instances per machine

Lua scripting is very powerful, helps reduce data in redis, helps reduce network trips

If you want low latency, do not save to disk

To save memory usage (50% reduction) in redis (tradeoff is CPU usage), set
*-max-{ziplist,intset}-entries to 4096


The Secrets behind Redis Development by Matt Stancliff (Pivotal)

Freewheeling talk

Worked 16 hours per day for 6 weeks to implemented quicklist (mentioned by Salvatore that it
reduced memory usage to one-tenth of what it was before)

Went dark on GitHub, did not look into there at all


People build valuable, multi-billion dollar businesses on top of Redis

Redis: You use Redis? Great, but that’s your problem

Users: We use Redis, we expect features and bug fixes, but we won’t pay

So how to balance what everybody wants? Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem

Redis internals are no longer simple, so many different concepts

Secret: We have enough work for 50 people. One-person-does-everything does not scale!

JSON support : @antirez does not like, but world has standardized

README finally in Markdown in 2015 :)

Was not done before because it didn’t look good in a terminal

But more GitHub users > terminal users reading the README, so @antirez did now

New idea? After six pull requests over past four years!

Pull requests for spelling mistakes are ignored

Secret: A standard procedure of ignoring all users because of limited time

Redis doesn’t always realize it’s actually a big, really important project.

Somedays feels more like hobby++

A Plan

Extract : make reusable C libraries, server, distributed systems


Make it easy for new people to contribute


Fix many many holes


Add JSON support

Add geocoding support

Allow reading config from network config storage (etcd, consul, etc.)

Again, Redis development does not scale!

Closing Comments by Matt Barker

All talks have been recorded and will be put online in the coming weeks


Thanks to @vedang for letting me know about this conference!

Final note - Totally amazed that there is so much being built on top of Redis.


@harikt says:

Nice post

@erictyliaw says:

Thanks for sharing your notes!

@RedisLabsInc says:

good summary until the videos are online, thank you!

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