
Welcome to Author Spotlight! Each week will feature a different author. We’ll get the scoop behind their writing life and dish a little. The authors will also be giving away a copy of their latest book. FUN.

The winner from the last Author Spotlight giveaway of Shadowed by Grace is BARBARA GAUTHIER! Please email info@suzannewoodsfisher.com with your mailing address to claim your prize.

This week we are featuring Sarah E. Ladd! To enter to win a copy of her book, The Headmistress of Rosemere (Thomas Nelson), leave a comment on this post.

Tell us a little about your book.

In each of the books of the Whispers on the Moors series, I tackle the following question: What would a woman in the Regency period not do? In The Headmistress of Rosemere, the heroine, Patience, assumes the role of headmistress after her father, the headmaster of The Rosemere School for Young Ladies, passes away. In an era where a woman’s main goal was often to marry well, this is an unexpected decision!

Those who read the first book in the Whispers on the Moors series – The Heiress of Winterwood — have already met the hero in The Headmistress of Rosemere. The hero is William Sterling, Graham Sterling’s brother.

Here is a quick overview of the novel:

At twenty-five, Patience Creighton is already a spinster. The busy headmistress of Rosemere always expected a dashing man to sweep her off her feet and take her away . . . but that man never came. And since her father’s death, keeping the school running and her mother happy has been plenty to keep her occupied.

William Sterling dallied his way into financial trouble and mortal danger. When he is assaulted by his creditors’ henchmen on the road home from a tavern, he guides his horse to the doorstep of his tenant, the Rosemere School for Young Ladies. After being tended to by Patience, the wounded William rides off into the dawn—but makes a point to learn more about the lovely headmistress.

As he spends more time at Rosemere, something delicate begins to develop between William and Patience. But that will not deter William’s creditors. With little money to repay his debts, and less for the upkeep of his estate, it becomes clear that sacrificing Rosemere may be the only way to preserve his legacy. But it may also cost him his happiness.

How can readers find you and your books?

I can be found online! I am on Facebook, Twitter, and I have a website. My books can be found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Christianbook.com, and most places books are sold.

Anything new for you on the book horizon?

Right now I am working on the edits for the third book in the Whispers on the Moors series, which is titled A Lady of Willowgrove Hall. It will release in October 2014.

Why do you write?

I write because I love it! That might sound a bit cheesy, but it is true! Honestly, it started as a hobby and eventually grew to something that I took very seriously.

If you could wish one thing for your future, what would it be?

I hope for continued happiness and health for my friends and family!

Best author moment?

Probably holding the first official copy of my first book, The Heiress of Winterwood, for the first time.

Worst author moment?

The first time I read a not-so-great review. Yikes!

If you weren’t able to write, what would you do?

I assume we are talking professionally! In addition to being an author, I also work in marketing and strategic brand management. So, if I wasn’t an author, I would most likely continue on with my marketing profession.

Describe your ideal circumstances to write.

I love to write when it is raining or snowing. So cozy! I am an early bird, so I like to write in the morning.

How would you describe your writing style to a reader?

One of my greatest influences on my writing comes from my love of British literature – especially British literature from the Romantic Era (Jane Austen, the Brontës, etc.) – so I like to think that my style is reflective of that influence.

If you could write any book – on any topic – and be guaranteed a publishing contract, what topic or genre would it be?

I love the Regency period, so of course, that is my favorite genre! I am blessed to be writing what I love.

Ever had a bad review? How did you handle it?

Yes, I have had a bad review. Of course, bad reviews sting, but it is important to remember that reviews are subjective. Not everyone is going to like every book, and that is all right! I have found that there is usually at least one nugget of truth to take away from a review, even the bad ones. So even though bad reviews can be rough, it is important to look for that nugget of truth and figure out how to use that to help strengthen the writing.

What’s one think you learned about the publishing industry in the last five years? Last year? Last six months?

I have learned that there are so many wonderful people in the publishing industry! I have been humbled and blessed by the number of kind and helpful people I have met on my publication journey.

How do you solve a grammar dilemma?

I usually either research it online or ask a friend . . . fortunately I have friends who are much better at grammar than I am!

Are you in introvert? Extrovert? In between?

It probably surprises some people, but I am actually an introvert.

Do you enjoy public speaking as an author? Why or why not?

I have not done a lot of speaking as an author, but I don’t mind it. I like being able to connect with readers in a different way!

Can a person make a living as a writer?

I think it is definitely possible to make a living as a writer! It is not something that will happen overnight, but with hard work and dedication, I think it is possible.

What are you working on now? Newest release?

Right now I am working on edits for the third book in the Whispers on the Moors series, which is titled A Lady at Willowgrove Hall. This will release in October 2014.

Any last thoughts to share?

Thank you so much for inviting me to be here today!

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More About the Sarah E. Ladd: 

Sarah E. Ladd received the 2011 Genesis Award in historical romance for The Heiress of Winterwood. Her latest release is The Headmistress of Rosemere. She is a graduate of Ball State University and has more than ten years of marketing experience. Sarah lives in Indiana with her amazing husband, sweet daughter, and spunky Golden Retriever. Connect with her online!  Visit her website, like her on Facebook, or follow her on Twitter. 


Good news! I’m giving away TWO iPads, TWO Kindles, and TWO Nooks to celebrate the release of The Calling! Check out my contest page for more details. Hurry, contest ends 2/8!

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