Now you can take Pixar’s ‘The Art of Storytelling’ course for free:
Calling all storytellers! This is real!!!
Free Video course by the creators from Pixar.
“Have you always wanted to be Pixar animator? Now that process is a tiny bit easier. The animation studio recently made a number of courses available on the Khan Academy website to help you start your journey - and they’re free.”
The group of courses are called “Pixar in a Box” and include short lessons on everything from character modeling and animation to using virtual cameras. Today, it added a new course into the mix: The Art of Storytelling.
The free course is an exploration into the storytelling process at Pixar. From the course description:
“What makes someone a good storyteller? Storytelling is something we all do naturally, starting at a young age, but there’s a difference between good storytelling and great storytelling. In this lesson you’ll hear from Pixar directors and story artists about how they got their start, what stories inspire them, and you’ll begin to think about what kinds of stories you might want to tell.”
Read the full piece here