
by Marshel Couso

A friend of mine was showing me a bike helmet that Mike Jabbs and MSJ Hydrographics had ‘dipped’ for her. It looked so cool that I had to know just how he did it. Mike told me that hydrograghic printing is a 3D decorating process where elaborate graphics like wood grain, carbon fiber, camouflage or geometrical designs are applied to a product surface.

The hydrograghic process is used to decorate items that range from entire all-terrain vehicles and car dashboards to complete firearms, bows, hunting equipment, helmets, motorcycles, auto accessories, and knives. Mike has access to over 2,000 patterns and the films can be applied to all types of substrates including plastic, fiberglass, wood, ceramics, and metal.

For the most part, if the item can be dipped in water, the hydrographic process can be used, so pretty much, the sky’s the limit.  With multiple dippings, hydrographics printing can achieve full 360° coverage of the surface, including small crevices.

Mike has been dipping a lot of firearms lately and wants you to know that he has his Federal Firearms License and is fully licensed with the California Department of Justice.

MSJ Hydrographics has two professional tanks, a four footer for firearms and smaller pieces and an eight foot tank for larger items.

Check out some of Mike’s beautiful handiwork below. You can call MSJ Hydrographics at 530.260.2252.

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