
It’s Tuesday which means it’s time to bring you our RANDOM EPISODE OF THE WEEK from the mind of one of our Ozlets Clifton Gibbons! Each week Clifton will randomly choose an episode from the history of Survivor and go over the events that happened and provide you with analysis and thoughts and opinions from other Ozlets along the way! This week we go back to the finale episode of the 11th season of Guatemala entitled Thunderstorms & Sacrifice! Click below to read more!


Thirty-six days ago among the ruins of an ancient civilization, sixteen Americans began the adventure of a lifetime. Their first surprise came in the form of two previous castaways, Bobby Jon and Stephenie, who were the last two members of the failed Ulong tribe in Survivor: Palau. Bobby Jon joined Nakúm, and Stephenie joined Yaxhá. Immediately, the tribes faced their first Reward Challenge: An eleven mile race through the Guatemalan jungle. It lasted through the night and into the next day. Both tribes pushed themselves to the limits, but it was Nakúm who crossed the finished line first, winning flint and the better tribe camp. Their victory, however, came at a high price as many of the men, including Bobby Jon, were sickened and highly debilitated from the journey. At the first Immunity Challenge, the Yaxhá made a come back, sending Nakúm to Tribal Council. Jim, the most ailing of the men, was sent home.

The tribes continued to fight hard in challenge after challenge despite extreme heats. Yaxhá’s comeback was short lived when they were forced to vote out Morgan and Brianna. On Day 10, the tribes were switched. Gary, Brian, and Amy found themselves outnumbered on the new Yaxhá tribe. At Nakúm, Stephenie and Jamie mixed things up when they immediately bonded with Judd. The rivalry between the tribes intensified, and inter-tribal conflicts boiled over. Nakúm lost Brooke and Margaret. Yaxhá lost Blake, Brian, and Amy.

On Night 18, the tribes merged, and tree mail brought news of a small Immunity Idol hidden in the jungle. At the first individual Immunity Challenge, a tribe divide was exposed when some members of the former Nakúm tribe chose to sit out and feast, while the entire Yaxhá tribe fought for their lives. The tension between the tribes didn’t ease at Tribal Council, where Bobby Jon called out Jamie for having no class throughout the game. Brandon was the first member of the outnumbered Yaxhá to get the boot. Things were not looking good for Gary, Danni, and Bobby Jon.

When Judd won a clue for the location of the Hidden Immunity Idol, he shared the clue with Stephenie only. Judd then lied to the rest of his tribe about the clue’s contents. Gary caught Judd looking for the idol in trees when he claimed that it was supposed to be on the ground. At the next Tribal Council, Gary revealed that he had found the Hidden Immunity Idol. Gary was safe, and Bobby Jon was sent home. By Day 27, Jamie’s paranoia had begun to wear on the members of his alliance. Though his tribe had assured him that he was safe, Jamie was voted out next. Gary continued to give it all to stay in the game, but failed to defeat Rafe and the next Immunity Challenge. At Tribal Council, he exposed Judd’s lie about the idol clue to the rest of the tribe, hoping to divert votes off of himself. All of Gary’s game-playing could not save him.

Danni was now the sole member left from her Yaxhá alliance, and Lydia was on the outside of the Nakúm tribe. Danni decided that she needed to find out who were the people that were in control of the game and “play up to it, because I’m not going home”. At the Survivor auction, Judd bought an overnight stay with his wife. That night, Stephenie assured Judd’s wife that they were together until the end. “Jersey would be proud”. Meanwhile, however, Danni and Rafe were strategizing against Judd. Danni won the next Immunity just when she needed it most, and she pulled out all the stops to turn Stephenie against Judd. Danni’s plan worked, and Judd never saw his elimination coming.

As it all came down to the wire, Rafe and Danni made a promise to take each other to the end. At the Reward Challenge, Cindi won a new car but was given the choice of giving up her car and giving everyone else a car, reminding her of the “car curse”, wherein no one who has received a car has won the game. Cindi decided to keep the car, angering Rafe, who then lobbied to get her out. Stephenie was unsure of how this move would affect her chances of winning over the jury. Stephenie won the next Immunity Challenge, and despite her concerns, teamed up with Rafe and Danni to eliminate Cindi. Only Stephenie, Rafe, Danni, and Lydia remain.

DAY 37


The morning of Day 37, Lydia claims to have woken up with a smile on her face. Realizing that she was one of the Final Four was one of the greatest feelings. She never thought she would make it this far. She always felt like the “odd man out”. Maybe it’s her destiny. Danni confesses that her team the Kansas Jay Hawks, have gone to the Final Four twice recently and lost. Now, she feels the pressure to come home having won a championship for Kansas. Rafe confesses that he is proud of every decision that he has made so far, and he is happy with the people who are with him.

Lydia then finds tree mail for the tribe. She is overwhelmed with excitement after reading a few of the words, and she starts racing back to camp screaming and yelling about it. The other three hear her and begin running to meet her, hoping that her excitement is indicative of some kind of food gift for having made the Final Four. This is not the case. The tree mail reminds them of the history that they have been living amongst and implores them to embrace and appreciate it. They are now a part of the history there as well. Danni, Rafe, and Stephenie are exasperated by Lydia’s excitement over seemingly nothing.

Later, a small group of Mayan people enter the camp, carrying baskets and incense. They didn’t speak English at all, and quietly began setting up a ceremony by the biggest pyramid in the area. They created a circle on the ground with sugar and lit a number of candles. They created a small fire in the circle, pouring honey over it. In Stephenie’s confessional, she is not pleased with this waste of food. She obviously wants the honey. The oldest gentleman chants a prayer, giving thanks to their ancestors. They then took a live chicken, tore off its head, and threw it in the fire as a sacrifice. Stephenie asks Rafe if the chicken is dead. Rafe confesses his incredulity at the question later. He explains that he “got so much out of the ritual and hearing them speak Mayan”. Lydia explains that she felt a kinship with the people given her heritage. Stephenie’s mind was only on the chicken, and she insists that Lydia ask them if they can eat it. They can’t. The Mayan people depart. Rafe is ecstatic to have finally had a cultural experience.


Jeff introduced the next Immunity Challenge as the most complicated maze that Survivor has ever constructed. The shape of the maze is based on the Mayan deity, Vucub Caquix (the “Seven-Macaw”), a giant demon bird who ruled the land and was eventually defeated by the Maya Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque. The four contestants will race into the maze to collect their eight color-coded puzzle pieces from six stations. Every time a contestant finds a piece, they must return to the center of the maze, cross a pontoon bridge, climb a steep stair case, and place their pieces on their puzzle platform at the top. After collecting all eight pieces, the contestant must solve the puzzle to reveal one of three Mayan images.

The challenge begins with the contestants sprinting towards the maze, leaving Lydia in the dust from the onset. Stephenie is the first to make it back to the center with a pair of pieces. Danni follows shortly after. Then Lydia, who has somehow taken the lead over Rafe. Rafe soon drops off his pair, and he quickly finds another piece, taking him out of last place. For the rest of this portion of the challenge, we simply see people dropping off their pieces sequentially, Stephenie and Rage competing for first place. It is edited so that we see both of them collect their final puzzle piece at the exact same time. Rafe makes it back to the center first and crosses the pontoon bridge. As he starts up the stairs, Stephenie makes her way across the bridge. They begin furiously working on assembling their puzzles while Danni races back to the center with her final puzzle piece. She begins working too, but Rafe and Stephenie have a huge lead. Rafe thinks he has it, and he does, winning Immunity as Lydia makes it to the top with her final puzzle piece.


Back at camp, the four comment that that was a “serious challenge”. Rafe confesses that he finally believes that he can make it to the end of the game and win it. Stephenie and him talk about the end of the game, reassuring each other that they want to be at the end together. Stephenie confesses that she wants to sit next to Rafe and the end because he is the only person that she thinks that she can beat. They betrayed and blindsided the same people. From a strategic standpoint, they should take Lydia to the Final Three rather than Danni, because Lydia has no chance to beat either of them in the final Immunity Challenge. Rafe confesses that, while it is a better strategic decision, he is conflicted by the promise that he made to Danni. Danni reassures him that she does not expect to be taken to the Final Two; that wasn’t their agreement. They made a promise for Final Three. Danni also mentions that she won’t have the energy to be able to win anything anyway.

Stephenie cannot take her mind off of the chicken that the Mayan people sacrificed earlier in the day. She and Lydia decide to go “check the chicken out”. Lydia tears a charred limb off of the bird to reveal the well cooked meat on the carcass. They decide to take the chicken over to the others. While they are, Lydia asks Stephenie to consider keeping her for one more night. Stephenie tells her that she has brought the issue up with Rafe, but that he hasn’t given her a response yet. She explains to Lydia that it would be her preference to go with Lydia. They bring the chicken back over. Stephenie says that they can say a prayer to make themselves feel better. Everyone begins digging in except for Rafe. Danni hands him a small piece, but Rafe doesn’t eat it. In his confessional, he explains that the ritual was such a powerful experience for him and that to eat the chicken would undo the power of the experience. The ritual was about NOT eating the chicken. To eat it would be a slap in the face to the culture.

In seemingly no time after they take part in the chicken feast, a huge storm rolls in. The tribe huddles in the shelter to avoid the wind and rain. Stephenie asks if they should say a prayer of forgiveness. Danni confesses that this is the biggest storm that they have had the entire time that they were there. The thunder becomes intense, and Rafe points out that he heard the Mayan people who performed the ritual say the name of the “thunder god” a couple times.


Jeff begins Tribal Council by introducing the jury: Bobby Jon, Jamie, Gary, Judd, and Cindi. He asks Rafe to take Jeff through the day. Rafe explains the ritual that took place at their camp. He says that witnessing the ritual gave him the opportunity to feel like a part of what is going on in the culture. Jeff then mentions the large storm that occurred, and Lydia explains to Jeff that their tribe had eaten the sacrificial chicken. Danni and Stephenie start laughing, embarrassed by their superstition. Lydia says that she knows for a fact that the Mayan gods were upset. It was scary. Jeff then turns to Rafe, saying that they must not have actually respected the ceremony. Rafe explains that he did not partake in eating the chicken. The others all confirm that they did. Jeff then changes topics to the vote, asking Lydia if she would be surprised to be voted out. She reminds them that they have a better shot in the next Immunity Challenge if Lydia is still in the game. Danni says that she makes a good point, but Lydia is a huge threat for the Final 2 and it’s not worth it. Stephenie says that Danni is a big threat and she is well-liked as well. It’s a hard decision. They vote. We see no votes and hear no confessionals. Jeff retrieves the votes and reveals them: Danni, Lydia, Lydia, Lydia. Lydia collects her torch and carries to Jeff who snuffs it out. Lydia becomes the sixth member of the Survivor: Guatemala Jury. Jeff tells them that they should hope that the gods have forgiven them.

DAY 38


The next morning, the tribe wakes to find their camp soaked and their fire out. Rafe comments that they will have to use the flint to try and start the fire back up. The corn is disgusting and full of maggots and mould. Stephenie confesses that it’s Day 38, so you have to be happy regardless. Tree mail reveals that the Final Three will be paying tribute the other thirteen contestants who left the game before them. At the end of the “Fallen Comrades” journey, they will compete in the final Immunity Challenge. Danni confesses that it is a blessing to be able to reflect on the tough competitors they faced throughout the game.


Danni says that Jim was tough and helped lead them through the jungle on the first day. Stephenie says that Morgan was a fighter. No comments are made concerning Brianna or Brooke. The trio find Blake’s torch and immediately start proclaiming “golden boy”. Danni calls Margaret “one tough momma”. Rafe says “happy travels, Brian” as he places his picture in the fire. Danni says that she has never heard more swear words in her life than in the time she spent with Amy. Danni then comments that no one can cut ropes like Brandon. They all smile at the thought of Bobby Jon, but no comments are made. They comment that Jamie’s picture is a good one. Danni comments that Gary was like a father figure. The other two agree. Again, they smile at the sight of Judd’s picture, but no comments are made. No comments are made for Cindi either. Finally, they reach Lydia’s torch. Stephenie says “Lydia, oh, Lydia, we didn’t want to get rid-a-ya.


Jeff takes back the individual Immunity Necklace from Rafe. For the challenge, the three contestants must balance on a wobbly platform that swivels 360 degrees and offers little stability. For the first hour, contestants have the aid of two ropes. After one hour, the contestants can use only one rope. After another thirty minutes, they must drop their second rope and stay balanced on their own. The challenge begins and all three contestants are well balanced. While the challenge is clearly painful, it doesn’t seem to be too hard for them with the aid of the two ropes. Rafe is even able to manoeuvre his glasses off of his head with one of his hands and chuck them off to the side of the challenge. After twenty minutes, Jeff says simply “twenty minutes”. Stephenie quickly asks if that means there are only twenty minutes left. Jeff tells her that it is twenty minutes elapsed. She gives an annoyed look. At forty minutes, all contestants are still holding strong. They hear a lot of noise from some distant howler monkeys.

At fifty-nine minutes, Jeff tells them to prepare to release one of their ropes and counts them down. They each drop a rope. After a second, Stephenie loses her balance and clings desperately to the one remaining rope, which swings her to the side of the structure, which she uses for support. Danni and Rafe quickly follow suit, hanging desperately from their ropes as their platforms swivel them all off. All three contestants put their back to the support beam of the structure and lean against it. Their feet all are maintained on their platforms which are all now slanted a full forty-five degrees towards them. They still have the rope for support so that they don’t slide down the beam. They each maintain this position for the full thirty minutes of the round. Jeff begins to count them down to the next stage where they must drop their final rope. He makes it clear that their hands are not allowed to touch the support beam that they are leaning on in anyway. They each release their last rope. Danni is solid as a rock, while Rafe and Stephenie are clearly struggling. Without thinking, Rafe reaches out and scoots himself up the beam, using his hand on the beam for support. He is out of the challenge. Rafe says that he can’t believe that he lost focus for two seconds, and he is clearly upset with himself.

At the two hour mark, Stephenie and Danni are still at it. Stephenie has shifted down her pole so much that her butt is only a foot and a half from the ground. The legs are stretched out straight for her to reach the platform. Danni remains solid in the position she was at the beginning of the second round, her body still up high on the support beam and her legs at an angle. She picks at her nails. Stephenie mentions that her lower back is killing her. At the two hour and forty minute mark, Danni still hasn’t moved. Jeff asks Stephenie how she is doing. She simply says that she can’t move. She starts to break down crying as she attempts to inch her way back up the beam. She is unsuccessful, slipping down every so slightly instead. She continues to cry and strain herself to move upwards. She cannot and she breaks, falling to the ground. Rafe hangs his head. Danni does not celebrate. Stephenie begins weeping more vehemently, hiding her face in her hat. After everything she went through in the past two seasons, after all the fighting, she was not able to guarantee her spot in the Final 2. Danni comes over to console her. Rafe walks over as well, but immediately addresses Danny instead of Stephenie. He audibly tells her that he releases her from any promises that Danni made to him about the Final 2. If she thinks that she should take Stephenie, she should do that. She tells him that Rafe is a good guy. Stephenie says that she sucks and continues to complain about the pain in her back. Jeff puts the necklace on Danni, reminding her of the decision that she has to make. They depart.


Back at camp, Danni confesses that it feels bizarre for her to know that she is going to Final 2 after all the time she has spent on the outside of the numbers. She tells her tribemates that she hates being in the position of having to decide their fate. Rafe continues to reiterate his releasing of her from his promises, but in doing so not-so-subtly emphasizing the idea that Danni had made a promise to him. Rafe confesses that he feels good about releasing Danni from her promise. He wants to feel like him and Stephenie are still fighting together, and that Stephenie still has a chance. Stephenie confesses that she feels like she has a 50% chance of going. She’s played the best game that she could. Danni confesses that she isn’t sure what she is going to do, but she’s here to win.


Jeff starts by reminding them that voted out the weakest person before the final challenge. Any regrets? Stephenie says that she didn’t know the nature of the challenge, so that it could have gone either way. Jeff isn’t buying it, saying that Lydia is the underdog 95% of the challenges that there are. Stephenie points out that it wasn’t really up to her, the best she could do was tie the vote since Rafe had given his word to Danni concerning the Final 3. Jeff then asks Danni if she ever saw herself being in this position. She says that it is an absolute miracle. Stephenie says that she felt like a failure at the challenge. Rafe then explains the situation of the promise that Danni had made to him about taking him to the Final 2. Jeff asks why he would release Danni of that promise. He says that he wants Danni to take the person who deserves it. Jeff then asks Danni how she makes the million dollar decision of who to take. She could win with one person and lose with another. She says that it is hard. Rafe would be the right choice because he has been an awesome friend to her. Stephenie would be the right choice in terms of taking the person who has made a lot of people angry. Stephenie would be the easy choice to take to the end. Rafe points out that the jury doesn’t like him much more than Stephenie. Danni has always gone with her heart, and if she continues to play the game that way, she will choose Rafe. Danni votes. Jeff retrieves the vote and reveals it: Rafe. Rafe collects his torch and takes it to Jeff, who snuffs it out. Rafe becomes the seventh and final member of the jury. Jeff says the only thing left to see is if Danni made the right decision. They depart. In his closing words, Rafe mentions that he will definitely be voting or Stephenie to win tomorrow night.

DAY 39


The next morning, the two women sit in their makeshift bed, revelling in the fact that they are the Final Two. Stephenie notes that both of their names are painted in yellow on the flag. Stephenie confesses her joy that she won’t have to sleep in that jungle ever again. She came into the game with all of the odds against her. She was the one with the biggest target, and yet she somehow made it to the Final 2. They head out and enjoy one more day at their pool enclosure. “Last time we have to wash out clothes. Last bath”. Danni confesses that Stephenie was the toughest competitor in the game, and it’s great to go to the end with the best competitor. She will miss Guatemala and the experience that she’s had has been awesome. Upon returning to camp, they begin lighting everything they can on fire. Stephenie says that they are sacrificing it all (the things that the don’t want and will never need again) to the Mayan gods. Danni confesses that she plans to be herself in front of the jury. It will be interesting to see how the Jury reacts to it. Stephenie observes that she outlasted everyone and explains to us that that’s why she’s in the Final Two and they aren’t.


The full jury enters and takes their seats. Jeff tells Danni to remove her Immunity necklace. She won’t need it anymore. These seven people that you voted out now hold your fates in your hand and will decide who is most deserving of the title of Sole Survivor and the check that goes along with it. Danni gives the first opening statement, saying that she feels honoured to be in this position. She thought there was no chance after the merge that she would be able to make it this far. She’s overcome some hardships that have made her strong mentally, and she played the best she could. She hopes everyone will come to Kansas city and enjoy barbecue and a ball game. Stephenie starts by thanking the Jury for making the experience what it was. She is honoured to be sitting by Danni, and hopes she can easy the mind of those who are angry with her. Bobby Jon addresses the duo first, saying that no one can ever take it away from them that they made the Final 2. He tells Stephenie that he appreciates her and that he would never be standing there if it weren’t for her. Is she proud of how she played? Stephenie says that she regrets nothing. Bobby Jon says that it is a good answer. He asks the same question to Danni. Danni says that she is happy with how she played the game. She is grateful. She just wishes that Yaxhá had been able to win a few more immunity challenges. Gary is up next, saying he will vote for the person with the most honest answers. He asks them why he shouldn’t vote for them. Stephenie says that she didn’t look out for him at the merge. Danni says that when she aligned herself with Rafe she made a selfish move that operated against Gary. It was selfish, but sometimes in this game you have to be.

Jamie is next, asking Danni who her ideal Top Five would have been. She replies that it would have included Bobby Jon, Gary, and Brandon. He asks Stephenie about her ability to befriend people and then vote them out. How does she think that the Jury sees her because of that? She says that she hopes the jury sees that she had really good reasons and will award her for making the best moves she could. Lydia then addresses Stephenie, reminding her that she had been loyal to Stephenie since Day 6, but that Stephenie voted her out anyway. Stephenie thanks her for her loyalty, but says that she wouldn’t have been comfortable sitting next to Lydia at the end just because she thought that she could beat Lydia. She wanted to go up against the best and beat the best. Lydia then asks Danni why Danni was unable to protect her. Danni says that they kept the lines of communication open and honest, but everyone is trying to come out the winner. It’s a game. Cindi then asks Danni which person she could eliminate from the Jury. Danni says that it would be Rafe because she knows for sure that he will be voting for Stephenie. Stephenie says that she would get rid of Bobby Jon because he was the first one to make the Jury. “I don’t know”.

Rafe is up next, saying that he is proud that one of his “sisters” is going to win a million dollars. He takes the opportunity to remind Danni that she had said that she would take the person to the end that deserved it rather than the person that she thought that she could beat. Danni says that she had a lot of respect for the fight that Stephenie put into the game. She proved that she deserved it. It was a toss up. Both of them were deserving. Rafe then says that he respects Stephenie because of the way that she dominated the game. He then asks her what the best move in the game was that she game that she didn’t tell Rafe about. Stephenie responds that there wasn’t one, saying that she was completely honest with him throughout the game. Rafe, exasperated, tells Stephenie that he wants her to REALLY address why she should beat Danni in her closing statement. Judd is the final Jury member to address the duo. He begins by congratulating them. He then asks Danni if she’s every been ice-skating or roller blading. She says she’s done both, but not very well. Judd says that she is the best skater that he has ever seen. She skated through the game perfectly, while lying to people “a lot”. Danni says that she asks for forgiveness every single day about everything. Judd asks Stephenie if she is still starving. She’s eaten more than he eats at home, and all she does it complain about the fact that she is starving. The only thing she should be starving for is his vote. She backstabbed everyone, and she crossed the line when she told his wife that they had a special alliance. Stephenie says that she planned on going to the end with him, and that she wasn’t lying at the time. It wasn’t her idea to vote him out, it was Danni’s. Judd isn’t having it and goes back to the Jury bench.

Jeff gives them a minute to think about their final words. Stephenie begins by saying that she appreciates everyone’s questions and comments. Survivor is the hardest game that anyone will play. It brings out the bad qualities in people, but we aren’t bad people. Her plan was to stay calm, align with great people, and stick to them. She made decision for herself. She was a leader. She outwitted, outplayed, and outlasted. She would be honoured to have their votes. Danni says that she came into a merge with her head on the chopping block. She wanted to sit back and observe. Stephenie and Rafe were in control and they are the reason each person was voted out. She became friends with them and bonded with them. She would have been gone otherwise. She did outwit, and she did outlast. If they give her the money, it will go to good use. Jeff reminds everyone that votes tonight are FOR the winner, not AGAINST a loser. Bobby Jon votes. Gary votes. Judd votes, saying that he kept his promises and one promise was that he wouldn’t vote for Stephenie. He reveals his vote for Danni. Cindi votes. Lydia votes. Rafe votes for Stephenie, saying that the game is about character. She is the ultimate Survivor. Jamie struggles with his decision for a moment, but then votes. Jeff retrieves the votes and tells them all that they will be revealed in the United States. Jeff departs with the urn and gets onto a helicopter which then soars high over the ruins. The scene cuts to a helicopter flying over Los Angeles. Jeff signals for the pilot to land, which he does on top of a large CBS building with the Survivor: Guatemala logo for a landing pad.

We cut inside of the theatre where the Final 2 and the Jury await. Jeff enters from backstage to the enthusiastic applause of the audience. “Let’s get to the vote”. For the winner: 2006 Pontiac Torrent, the title of Sole Survivor, and a check for $1,000,000. It takes four votes to win. The votes are revealed: Danni, Stephenie, Danni, Danni, Danni. Danni Boatwright is the winner of Survivor: Guatemala. She departs into the crowd where she hugs her family. Jeff proclaims that Danni made all the right moves at the right time without the support of an alliance, and season eleven of Survivor comes to a close.


Guatemala fell during the years that I wasn’t watching Survivor live, so unfortunately I don’t have the perspectives that come with seeing the show as it was happening. In fact, as I filled my brain with seasons of Survivor that I had never seen, for a while, Guatemala was one that I disliked quite a bit, comparing it to Fiji in terms of casting quality and entertainment. Like Fiji, I often found myself losing interest in the pre-swap portion of the game, and that informed my interest in and opinion of the season as a whole. Given thematic similarities, I find it interesting that San Juan Del Sur (the current season at the time of writing) may suffer the same fate for many. After giving the season the appropriate amount of time and direct attention, I think Guatemala may be one of my favorite seasons ever. I’ve come to love the characters and situations that the season offers and think it was an important step in the evolution of the game.

One of the highlights of this episode for me has to be the scenes involving the chicken ritual. Even if the ritual had simply occurred without Stephenie later wanting to go back and eat the chicken, it would still have been interesting. Like many, I love it when the culture of the area prominently bleeds into the narrative of the show, and to simply see these Mayan people come and perform the ritual would have been cool enough. The fact that it also got to bleed over to the actions of the characters and create a minor controversy is all the better. It’s really interesting to me to see how each of the individuals respond to the moral dilemma. Danni eats the chicken but doesn’t have a big reaction about it one way or the other. We don’t really get her views on the ritual. Rafe is extremely sensitive to the meaning of the ritual and moved to the point where pragmatism doesn’t matter to him. Stephenie seems to almost feel entitled to the chicken and seems to have very little respect for any cultural or spiritual aspects presented to her. Lydia both takes great value in the experience of the ritual, but is also pragmatic and enthusiastic about eating the chicken. It’s hard to say where I would fall in this scenario. I would like to think that I would be respectful of the people and the ritual. Spiritual issues to carry a lot of weight with me for whatever reason. At the same time however, they’ve been starving for 37 days! Of course you’re going to want to eat the chicken! It seems almost foolish not to in the most pragmatic sense, but something about it still sits with me the wrong way. Maybe I’m a little superstitious, but more than that I think it’s the blatant disrespect that would make me the most uncomfortable. I almost hope I could simply handle it like Lydia does where she is able to appreciate both perspectives of the situation and not let it weigh too much on her mind. Though, let it be noted that that’s where my desire to be like Lydia ends, as charming as she can be.

The final Immunity Challenge is another one of the big highlights for me that this episode has to offer. I am not generally a Stephenie fan. Something about her really seems to rub me the wrong way. Sometimes she acts like the only one who is suffering, the only one who is hungry, and the only one who deserves to make it to the end of the game. It’s all about Stephenie for Stephenie and she has blinders on to everyone else. The game centers around her. That sense of entitlement, may be what makes Stephenie’s demise in the final challenge so interesting to watch. She is putting everything she can into the challenge with the blind faith that she is meant to win the game. Watching all of that become stripped away as her body cannot handle the task is fascinating. She totally breaks down and we get to watch an emotional transformation. A humbled Stephenie is someone who I wouldn’t have minded watching, and someone I wouldn’t have minded winning the game. unfortunately, a humbled Stephenie did not seem to return to Heroes vs. Villains. It was still all about her and how people feel threatened by her, making me very happy she didn’t last long. I’m sure she’s awesome unedited, and I wish her filet mignon pizza business saucy and awkward success.

Other quick points: the first Immunity Challenge we see in this episode, the giant bird maze, is, in my opinion, one of the coolest and most intricate looking challenges that the game has ever seen from a purely structural standpoint. I found it extra interesting given that it was meant to represent a Mayan demon bird that was supposedly defeated by the Mayan Hero Twins, one of whom is Hunahpu! The other Mayan Hero twin is not Coyopa, making me wonder why they passed up on the name of the other Mayan Hero twin, Xbalanque, as a tribe name. A great remarkably interesting finale upon re-watch, and, in my mind, a very satisfying winner. To those of you who don’t like this season, I’d implore you to give it another try.

What is your opinion of this episode? Do you remember this as a great or terrible episode? Let us know your thoughts below!


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