
It’s Tuesday which means it’s time to bring you our RANDOM EPISODE OF THE WEEK from the mind of one of our Ozlets Clifton Gibbons! Each week Clifton will randomly choose an episode from the history of Survivor and go over the events that happened and provide you with analysis and thoughts and opinions from other Ozlets along the way! This week we go back to the 6th episode of the 8th season of All-Stars entitled Outraged. Click below to read more!


At the last Reward Challenge, the losing tribe, Saboga, was dissolved among the two other All-Star tribes, Chapera and Mogo Mogo. Mogo Mogo (comprised of Colby, Kathy, Lex, Richard, and Shii Ann) selected Ethan and Jerri to join their tribe from the dissolving Saboga. They indicated their plan was to make sure Ethan was voted out while they had numbers over him, since he was considered to be a big threat. The Chapera tribe (comprised of “Boston Rob”, Amber, “Big Tom”, Alicia, and Sue) selected Rupert and Jenna, who were thrilled to escape their Saboga nightmare.

At the immunity challenge, where contestants were required to pass each other on narrow platforms, a naked Richard got to close to her for her comfort. The challenge continued with “Boston Rob” leading the new-Chapera tribe to victory. At camp Mogo Mogo, Colby decides that he and Ethan should stick together and vote out Richard instead of letting Ethan go home as assumed. Lex and Shii Ann do not agree with this plan, leaving Kathy in the middle of the original Mogo Mogo alliance. Richard, meanwhile, after catching wind of Colby’s plan, sets his own plan in motion to try and get Colby voted off. At tribal council, however, Richard’s plan fails, and the new Mogo Mogo tribe vote him off unanimously. He was bamboozled!

DAY 16


The next morning at camp Mogo Mogo, Jerri reveals in a confessional that Kathy made the call at the last minute to vote out Richard. In the water, Jerri and Shii Ann quietly confront Kathy about the decision. Kathy reveals to them that she was offended when Colby sent Lex with the order to vote off Richard, rather than ask for her opinion, but in her confessional she explains that she kept in line with Colby’s decision – even though she could have swung Shii Ann and Jerri to vote him out – because that would create a rift between her and Lex. Shii Ann and Jerri point out to her that Colby is now in control, but in Shii Ann’s confessional she says that its obvious that Kathy is in the power seat.


At camp Chapera, Big Tom confesses that he likes Rupert quite a bit for his easy-going nature. Despite this, he realizes that the arrival of Rupert and Jenna has complicated his game because Rupert could potential take his place down the road in the hierarchy. Rupert is happy on Chapera because no one is currently filling the provider role. He also mentions that Sue seems to be playing her own game and not really engaged with the tribe. She seems to spend most of her time collecting snails. Rob explains in his confessional that how long Rupert stays will be decided completely by himself, and that how many fish he catches will be a big factor in that decision.


In the Mogo Mogo shelter, Shii Ann confronts Colby about comments he made at the previous Tribal Council about not having respect for players who play under the radar. Considering that this is Shii Ann’s main strategy, as she says in her confessional, she thought it was pretty clear the comments were directed at her. Colby reiterates his sentiment, saying that someone has take the risks to get things done, and that when that task always falls on him, he ends up with the target on his back – while others skate by. Shii Ann does not take his comments well. In a confessional, she reveals that she doesn’t respect his game either, but that she’s not stupid enough to tell him that.


Back at camp Chapera, the tribe speculates on who was voted out of the Mogo Mogo tribe at the last Tribal Council. Sue suspects that it was Richard Hatch now that Ethan is there to catch fish. She also says that she hopes that the Mogo Mogo tribe talked to him about “what he did” to her at the last challenge. In a confessional she explains that he threw “his hands up in the air, thrust his hips, and rubbed himself on me”. She tells the tribe that he does not deserve to be there.

DAY 17


The next morning at Chapera, Sue explains that she spent all night thinking about Richard naked. It seems to be traumatizing her. The tribe quietly discusses what she’s going through after Amber notices her crying. Alicia is deeply sympathetic to her concerns about public perception of what happened, especially where her husband is concerned, and tries to make sure Sue doesn’t feel alone. “Be mad. Be upset.” “Boston Rob” is sceptical of Sue’s intentions. He explains that this could be Sue being a smart player and that she could be trying to cash in by suing Richard, she could be legitimately traumatized by what happened, or that she could be trying to use this as leverage in the game. He also explains that they obviously have no choice but to give her the benefit of the doubt due to the seriousness of the allegations. Rupert claims that Sue has thrown in the towel. He says that during the challenge, Sue could have handled it differently. She could have called “foul” then, but she didn’t make a big deal about it. In his opinion, this became an issue only once she developed an agenda. Big Tom’s stance is that “she might be blowing it out… but I’m not that woman.” Either way, he thinks she is done and wants her out of the game.


At camp Mogo Mogo, Jerri is fantasizing about food, going as far as to make a grocery list of items she want. This is driving the tribe crazy, particularly Shii Ann and Kathy. Shii Ann confesses that she is particularly annoyed because the tribe decided to vote off their main food provider, Richard. Richard’s absence, however, prompts Lex and Ethan to make an attempt at catching fish. Ethan hangs back so that Lex doesn’t perceive his as being competitive, and Lex manages to bring in a bounty of fish for the tribe. In a confessional, Lex explains that, now that he has shown he can provide on his own, there is no reason for the women of the tribe to want to keep Colby and Ethan – his competition – around.


Amber and Rob approach Jenna and Rupert in order to make a Final Four deal. Rob wants to form an alliance with Rupert because he doesn’t trust his “squeaky-clean image”. Rupert feels confident about where he’s at. In a confessional, Rob reveals that he now has an alliance with everyone except for Sue and Alicia. Maybe he’ll keep his alliance with Jenna and Rupert. Maybe he won’t. “It’s my game, buddy.”


Tree-mail finally arrives at camp Mogo Mogo, and Lex and Jerri go find the clue about their upcoming challenge. Jerri uses the opportunity to tell Lex that she “absolutely adores” him, and that she is completely on his side. In his confessional, Lex explains that “it’s business this time”, and that, if he needs to exploit a friendship of someone who trusts him to advance in the game, he will.


Back at camp Chapera, the tribe fantasizes over the potential reward. Rupert hopes for a grill with spices, while Rob and Amber want bottle and bottles of wine. Sue is still quiet while the tribe talks. Rupert asks if she’s okay, to which she simply says “no”. Rupert, Rob, and Tom discuss that Sue is going to put them at a disadvantage in the challenges. Even Tom, who vocally dislikes Sue, hopes she can pull herself together. Rupert reiterates that Sue is going to follow her own agenda, regardless of how it effects the rest of them.


At the Reward Challenge, Jeff calls the tribes in and immediately addresses the situation concerning Richard “sort of being inappropriate.” He asks if anyone has any comments. Sue wastes no time in responding.

“I was sexually violated. To have some guy come up… he passed a half a dozen people on the platforms and never touched them.”

Jeff: “Sue, I.. I’m”

“And it went too far, and he crossed the line, and he crossed the line with me.”

Jeff: “Well”

“Okay, I know you don’t know. And you didn’t see it because his back was to you, and he’s too big of a [removed expletive] slob to see around. I WAS VIOLATED, HUMILIATED, DE-HUMANIZED, AND TOTALLY SPENT, JEFF! IT WASN’T SORT OF, JEFF. IF YOU’RE… HIS BACK WAS TO YOU JEFF. THAT’S ALL I’M SAYING… AND I’M SPENT… AND I’M DONE WITH THIS GAME. THERE’S NO WAY I CAN CONTINUE WITH MY EMOTIONS PUSHED IN THE GROUND THAT MUCH.”

During her speech, the rest of the contestants on both tribes look thoroughly uncomfortable. Most of them choose to look at the ground and away from the situation. When Sue is done, Jeff asks if she wants to be removed from the game. She says she’s done, and that she’s walking away. Jeff asks Mogo Mogo if the issue came up at all at their tribe. They say that they hadn’t really thought about it. Everyone’s discomfort seems to be layered with a certain level of confusion. Jeff asks if it makes any impact that Richard was voted out, but Sue says it doesn’t. She says that her mind left the game. Jeff calls in a boat and Sue is taken away.

Upon returning from the boat, Jeff gives the tribe the option of forgoing the challenge, sharing the reward, and taking the time to talk together. Jenna is keen on this option, but the rest of the contestants on both tribes are adamant about competing. They say that it will be fun, and that it will be good to get things back to normal.

For the challenge, tribes must simply catapult six food items into an elevated basket using planks. The winning tribe gets a plate of filet mignon and vegetable skewers, as well as all the items in the basket.

Ethan and Tom are the first up, and Tom scores on his first attempt. Ethan makes it on his second. Jenna and Shii Ann are up next, and both initially struggle to score. Shii Ann, however, scores fairly quickly. Jerri is next and scores another before Jenna is able to. Jenna continues to struggle as Colby scores Mogo Mogo’s fourth point. Jenna finally gets it for Chapera, but it’s too late at this point. Rob and Kathy each score at the same time, making the score 5-3, and Alicia beats Lex, making it 5-4. Amber, however, cannot outrace Lex. Mogo Mogo gets their sixth point and wins the reward.


Back at Mogo Mogo, the tribe revels in their reward. Jerri says for once she’s not talking about it, she’s eating it. Colby can’t stop salivating. Ethan basks in the smoke coming off the meat as it cooks and wants to rub his face in it and sleep next to it. The tribe discusses the hit that Chapera must have taken in losing Sue and the reward in the same day. They also discuss how it would have been if Richard had been there. Kathy says she was sure Richard would have been mortified. Shii Ann agrees. He’s a jerk, but he wouldn’t purposely violate someone. Her emotions are mixed, however, because of the pain Sue seemed to be experiencing. In a confessional, Kathy states, “I don’t like her for it, I’m sorry. I know she went through a lot. Still. You’ve gotta learn how to contain your emotions. I was really offended that she’d bring us that far into her core of hatred. I didn’t like it. So… I don’t know if that’s mean spirited, but it’s how I feel.”


That night at camp Chapera, Rob asks Rupert if he thinks Sue was influenced to leave the game the way she did. Rupert reveals that Sue said she would sue Richard for $10 million dollars. He explains that he had told her that she could still sue him without throwing the game away. Rupert says that Sue gave Mogo Mogo “a hell of a gift”. Rob says that they shouldn’t be discouraged. Each tribe is six strong, but they should be able to pull it out. They make a tribe pact to stick together no matter what.

DAY 18


The next morning at Chapera, treemail reveals that there will be no challenge played due to Sue’s departure. Chapera is excited and celebrate by making rice. Amber explains that it means a lot to lose a member, but they are the happy tribe, and they will always find a way to have fun and stay positive. Big Tom dances while the tribe sings “Ding Dong, The Witch is Dead.” Alicia is not pleased by the insensitivity of the rest of her tribe mates. They enjoy their meal of rice, and Rob proclaims “you can keep the oysters and the snails. This is what Survivor’s all about: Rice, baby. Rice.”


Unfortunately, there is only one talking point for this episode, and it’s not something too many of us are comfortable delving too deeply into. This episode revolves almost completely, from start to finish, around the incident between Sue and Richard. What we do know is that, around the time, there were articles saying that Sue and Richard had moved past the incident. There are some claims I’ve heard that relate this to the apparent fact that the multi-angle video footage didn’t support claims that Richard had physically done anything inappropriate. This isn’t to say that the way in which he acknowledged the situation couldn’t have been hugely inappropriate and drawn unnecessary attention to, what was for Sue, a very uncomfortable position. Even just his outward attitude about the situation in the absence of a physical violation, given his complete nudity, could have provided the spark that led Sue to ruminate on it to the point of trauma. I wasn’t there. I’m “not that woman,” as Tom said. I can’t really make any judgments or statements one way or the other. You can tell that the show is edited in such a way to make it look like Sue’s intentions may have been to make a quick buck, but the show has an agenda just like Rupert on the show claimed Sue does. As Rob says, we just have to give Sue to benefit of the doubt. Nothing more to say.

I’m glad the tribes chose to follow through with the challenge in order to get things back to normal. I was also thoroughly amused that Jenna, the only one who wanted to forgo the challenge and share the reward, was ultimately the reason for Chapera losing. The reactions we get from Mogo Mogo enjoying their food is a delight, and it’s good to see “the happy tribe” Chapera rising above their assumed depression.

The rest of the episode is pretty much devoted to the various contestants’ opinion of the Sue situation, with thoughts all over the table from Alicia’s total sympathy to Rupert and Kathy’s seemingly complete lack thereof. Wish there was more to talk about for this one. Here’s hoping for a more cheerful and less charged episode next week!


I love everything about All-Stars. To me it’s the greatest season of all time and I will fight the point to the death. However this was one ugly mark on a great season. This episode still brought a lot of water cooler conversation and one that still generates a fair amount of discussion. It really is difficult to understand everything that happened entirely without taking a side, as really to that point the only real situation similar was with Ted & Ghandia back in Thailand. I guess to me the thing that makes things a little tricky to fathom is that it took Sue so long to bring it up as an issue and then just blew up about it. I’m not going to go into reasons why she might’ve done that, but that’s just the fishy part. Outside of that moment, the rest of the episode was all kinds of entertaining. The fall out from the Richard vote was a pretty big thing to recover from, because remember at that point in Survivor he was the biggest name to have played the game and was revered as the greatest of all time. So that was a lot to recover from. We have that nice little moment between Lex & Jerri and some interesting comments from Lex which of course seem bemusing given what will happen to him. We also get some classic Tom back at camp with his dancing and some great summary words from Kathy about the situation. Overall another great episode in the greatest season of all time!


Boy, that was discouraging. This episode will always have a special place in the history of Survivor; probably for not the best of reasons, but memorable nonetheless.

In my opinion, I feel that this is a big issue that really doesn’t get addressed, as it should. I do feel that Sue was violated in some form, but the major reason that it is quite challenging to accept her side of the story is because she did make a big deal out of it right then and there. At the challenge she didn’t seem that fussed about it, but in 24 hours she was completely distraught. I am in no way trying to take away from her experience and push the issue under the rug, but a bit skeptical about it all.

Now that the major talking point is out of the way; we saw the formation of the final four in this episode. I had no idea that even happened in this episode, mostly because the only thing about this episode I remembered was the Sue- meltdown. All in all, this episode was ‘interesting’. I don’t know what else to call it; just interesting.


There’s really only one noteworthy event in this episode and that’s Sue Hawk quitting the game. You’d expect in an All-Star season noteworthy events wouldn’t be limited to one person episode, and you certainly wouldn’t hope that the event in question is someone quitting the game, let alone the 2nd quit this season and the 3rd quit in the last 2 seasons. But, unfortunately, that’s what we got stuck with. Of the two quits these season I feel this one generated more criticism than that of Jenna Morasca. I think part of the reason people got upset aside from the general negativity that surrounds quitting is that Sue was one of the players in question in the Tribal Council where Rob Cesternino was voted out, and had she been voted out at that time this scenario could’ve been avoided. But, ultimately, Sue was put in a position that very few – if any – other contestants in this show’s history were ever put in during the confrontation with pseudo Borneo enemy Richard Hatch. Who knows what she felt in that situation. I really have no idea. From a game perspective, this would benefit the game later on because, if Sue had hung in there, chances are Boston Rob and Amber would’ve held even more power later on in the game. That wouldn’t have done much to provide any extra entertainment, except for maybe shuffling the pecking order between Rupert, Jenna L., Big Tom, and Alicia. Can I blame Big Tom for being happy when Sue left? I mean it might seem kind of harsh, but Big Tom can get away with a lot of things since he’s jolly old Big Tom.


Sue Hawk’s quit is fascinating and entertaining, if not a little over-the-top and played up for the cameras. I don’t doubt that Sue Hawk was feeling uncomfortable with what happened to her, but it seemed like such a delayed response. It is interesting that the quit appears one episode after ‘the incident’ and that the editors didn’t highlight it further. Sure, in retrospect we clearly see what happened to her but without context it doesn’t appear to be an ordeal. I am not sure if the All-Star contestants saw up to Osten’s quit in the Pearl Islands before they left for the game, but it certainly seems like there is more leniency and less shame on quitting now that it has happened at least once.

I don’t wish to take anything away from what Sue was feeling, but the shouting rant is perhaps the most entertaining part of the season. She goes on and on and on, interrupting Probst any time he tries to speak. It is kind of fitting that Sue concluded her Survivor story arc with a memorable speech (if you can call it that) just as she was so well known for the ‘Rats and Snakes’ of season 1. While it is such an entertaining and memorable moment of the season, part of me wishes it never happened as I am such a huge Sue Hawk fan. I would have loved to have seen her continue on playing. Bring Sue back! On a side note, I would have shared the reward and not played as some food is better than risking no food at all.

What is your opinion of this episode? Do you remember this as a great or terrible episode? Let us know your thoughts below!


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