There are plenty of venomous snakes in the wilderness. Sometimes they can even invade your home. For survivalists and preppers like us, it is necessary to look out for these dangerous reptiles. Knowing how to identify them is important in preserving and protecting yourself as well as your loved ones.
Survival Skills | Guide to Venomous Snakes
Equally essential is knowing what to do to avoid an encounter with venomous snakes. While you may need to bug out in a SHTF situation, extra care is needed when you are out there in their territory. Wear boots and thick pants to protect your lower limbs. As much as possible, sleep in a tent to avoid the risk of being bitten in your sleep.
Venomous snakes also know how to climb so watch out for danger from up above like the trees and branches. Do not put your hand in places where they live in like holes in a tree, on the ground or under logs. Perhaps the best thing to do when you see a scary serpent is to move away. As venomous as they can be, a great majority of these snakes do not like confrontation.
Now if you do get bitten, do not ever suck off the venom like you have seen so often on TV or the movies. Instead use a suction device if you have one. Best advice though is to get medical help ASAP. Wash the affected area with soap and water immediately. Do not cut the wound, and keep the bitten part below the heart to keep the venom from reaching it.
King brown/Mulga snake (Pseudechis australis)
The king brown, found in Australia, is also known as the Pilbara cobra. Via
The king brown snake is probably one of Australia’s most well known venomous snakes. It is also commonly referred to by many as the mulga snake. The term King Brown to many, implies that this snake belongs to the brown snake family. The fact remains however that this snake is actually a member of the black snake family and as such requires the use of black snake antivenin should any body be envenomated.
The king brown snake has a huge distribution area and is found in parts of all main land Australia and also found in southern parts of New Guinea. Click here for the full post.
Rhinoceros viper (Bitis nasicornis)
It is called rhinoceros viper because of the pointed scales that look like horns. Via
The rhinoceros viper, also called the river jack, can grow to be somewhat large in size. Adults normally grow to be 2 to 4 feet in length. One source even cites them as being able to reach up to 7 feet in length! The head of this animal is considerably smaller in size than its body. The rhinoceros viper’s head is one of its most distinguishing characteristics. The rhino viper’s head is in a triangular shape. There are 2 or 3 “horns” above each nostril. The coloration of the rhinoceros viper is incredible. Because of the various patterns and colors, the rhino viper has often been regarded as one of the most beautiful snakes in the world (see the above picture). Coloration in the rhinoceros viper is an adaptive feature. The degree of light and dark colors of this snake depends on its habitat. This wetland species of adders has darker colors which allow it to blend well with the jungle floor where it would most likely be found. Read more…
Puff adder (Bitis arietans)
Among all the venomous snakes in Africa, the puff adder is the most common. Via
The puff adder Bitis arietans is a large, venomous snake that occurs throughout Africa and in the southwestern Arabian peninsula. This species usually reaches a maximum length of approximately 1 m, but the largest individuals may be nearly twice that long. Its relatively dull coloration, consisting of a pattern of dark chevrons on a lighter tan or brown background, camouflages the snake very effectively. This species is a primarily nocturnal ambush predator, preying on small mammals, birds, lizards, frogs, and toads, and while it spends most of its time on the ground, it can also swim or climb into low vegetation. It is generally slow-moving, but it can strike extremely quickly. Continue reading
Rinkhals or ring-necked spitting cobra (Hemachatus haemachatus)
The rinkhals is one of the endangered venomous snakes. Via capesnakerescue
This snake can be identified by the following, a dull black or brown body (mostly in Gauteng) or a banded patterning elsewhere in its distribution, 2 or 3 white bands on its hood, its keeled (rough scales) and its ability to play dead.
Distribution and habitat
This snake species is widely distributed being found in the Western Cape, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, parts of Gauteng and throughout Lesotho and Swaziland. It has a wide variety preferred habitats which includes grasslands, savanna, low land forest, fynbos and has been known to regularly enter peoples homes. It is also adept at climbing trees and can be found in both trees and shrubs. See more…
West African spitting cobra (Naja katiensis)
This cobra avoids confrontation as much as possible. Via
The West African Spitting Cobra may also be called Mali cobra or Katien spitting cobra. This species is native throughout western Africa. Found in Sudan savanna and semi-desert, its range penetrates into the northern Guinea savanna. However, it is not found in desert or dense woodlands.
This species is a small-sized cobra, growing to an average size of about 2 feet in length, but some will grow to a maximum length of just slightly above 3.3 feet. The body is slightly depressed but cylindrical, tapered and is moderately slender with a moderately long tail. The head is broad, flattened and slightly distinct from the neck. To read the whole article, click here.
Mozambique spitting cobra (Naja mossambica)
Just like the rinkhals, this cobra fakes death to avoid confrontation. Via Field Herp Forum
The Mozambique spitting cobra can eject venom up to 8 feet (2.4 meters) away. It spits from any position, raised or on the ground, and often goes for the eyes. Untreated, its venom can cause blindness. Considered the most dangerous snake after the mamba, the spitting cobra sometimes feigns death to avoid molestation. Read more…
Black-necked spitting cobra (Naja nigricollis)
This cobra can either spit or bite to dispose of its venom. Via sareptiles
Secretive snakes that often live near humans. If so, they generally hunt at night and may enter house or animal pens. Brown body, usually with dark bands on throat, head blunt, neck same width as head. The famous cobra “hood” is only spread when the snake is displaying, not when moving around. Body quite thick. Can grow to 2.5 metres. Young ones may climb trees but generally on the ground, live in holes, termite mounds etc. Cobras try to hold and chew when biting so victim may show untidy punctures or tearing. See more…
Indochinese spitting cobra (Naja siamensis)
This is another threatened species of venomous snakes. Via
The Black and White Spitting Cobra is also known as Indochinese spitting cobra or Thai Spitting Cobra. It is found in Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Burma. It occupies a range of habitats including lowlands, hills, plains, and woodland. It can also be found in jungle habitat and it is sometimes attracted to human settlements because of the abundant populations of rodents in and around these areas.
This is a medium-sized cobra with a rather thick body. The body color of this species is variable from grey to brown to black, with white spots or stripes. The white patterning can be so prolific that it covers the majority of the snake. Adults average 3 to 4 feet long, but in a few rare cases, they can get to 5 feet long. Read the full post.
Samar cobra (Naja samarensis)
The Samar cobra is one of the two most venomous snakes from the Philippine islands. Via
The Samar cobra, also called Peters’ cobra, southern Philippine cobra or Visayan cobra, is a highly venomous species of spitting cobra native to Visayas and Mindanao island groups of Philippines.
The Samar cobra is a species of spitting cobra that can grow up to 1.4 meters in length. Their coloring varies from a black and yellow to green.
There are 17-25 scale rows around the hood, 17-19 ahead of mid-body; 161-184 ventrals, 41-52 subcaudals, basal pairs sometimes undivided.
Habitat can vary widely from mountainous jungle to tropical plains. They can live close to human settlements. Click here to read the article in full.
Black desert cobra (Walterinnesia aegyptia)
The color of this cobra may be appealing because the luscious black scales but it is still a venomous snake. Via biolib
Commonly as the Desert cobra, this snake belongs to the Elapidae family and is the largest among all the poisonous snake families. In Israel it is the only representative of this family. The cobra can reach a length of up to 4 ft .Its body round and its head narrow like many non poisonous snakes. It is found in desert and arid areas from Iran to Egypt. This is the reason for its scientific name (aegyptia- Egypt). In Israel this snake can be found in the Negev, Arava and the Judean desert. During the day the it lives in its shelter underground, waiting until nighttime to search for its prey. Its excellent sense of smell compensates for its weak eyesight and in this way it finds birds, lizards, mice and other snakes. It also feeds on dead animals- carrion. After its first holding bite the cobra will hold its prey for a long time before the venom can be injected and take effect – until the prey is dead. This fact is important to us because if one is bitten by a cobra, generally, there will be enough time to release its hold so as to avoid the venom injection, which can be deadly to humans. The venom attacks the nervous muscular and respiratory systems, causing death. After the prey is dead, the snake releases its hold, unhinges its jaws and swallows the dead animal very slowly. Read more…
Water cobra (Boulengerina annulata)
Not much is known about this cobra because of its habitat, but the fact is that its venom is lethal. Via
One of these majestic snakes is with no doubt the Naja annulata (formerly Boulengerina annulata), better known as the Banded Water Cobra or the Ringed Water Cobra. Don’t mistaken it with the Banded Water Snake, which is a species endemic to the southern United States. The unique water cobra on the other hand, is native to western and central Africa, and together with the Congo Water Cobra, it is one of only two species of water cobras in the world. This aquatic species rarely ever wanders far away from water, and hardly ever shows itself to humans. It is regarded as one of the most secretive cobras on the planet. Continue reading
Egyptian cobra (Naja haje)
It may be called a cobra but this snake does not spit but strikes instead. Via
The banded cobra is a large snake reaching eight feet (2.4 m) in length. The body color of the Egyptian banded cobra varies from yellowish or grayish-brown to a very dark brown with broad black bands encircling the body. When aroused it can rear up some 18 to 24 inches (45 to 60 cm) and at the same time spread a broad hood, which may be more than five inches (12 cm) across.
They are fast-moving snakes and are said to be very intelligent. They don’t spit like the spitting cobra. They are front-fanged snakes and are quite venomous. The venom, which contains a very powerful neurotoxin, is potent and the bite of an adult specimen can be rapidly fatal to a human if not promptly treated. Read the whole article here.
Monocled cobra (Naja kaouthia)
This is one of the venomous snakes that has a majestic hood. Via
Naja kaouthia is a ground dwelling snake in the flat country, which can however climb and swim very well. The monocled cobra is equally at home in a wide variety of places: forest and shrub areas, as well as plantations, rice fields, pastures, villages and cities. The monocled cobra is active at night and day, but more often at night. These snakes eat rodents, frogs, toads, ducks and chicks. When threatened they straighten up, spread the neck flat, and hiss. If you react calmly, they usually take flight. Click here to go to the full post.
Chinese cobra (Naja atra)
This threatened species of cobra can be found in southern China. Via
The Chinese cobra is highly venomous; yet the teeth marks are difficult to see on the wound. Its venom is both neurotoxic and cardiotoxic, with an LD50 of 0.53 mg/kg. N. atra can inject as much as 250 mg of venom in a single bite The cardiotoxins are cytotoxins; victims feel extreme pain, the wound swells, and necrosis sets in quickly. However, this species seldom causes death due to widely available antivenom. Some specimens may spit venom at aggressors, albeit with little accuracy. See more…
Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica)
The gaboon is good at hiding itself through its camouflage. Via
Also called Gabon viper, (it is an) extremely venomous but usually docile ground-dwelling snake found in tropical forests of central and western Africa. It is the heaviest venomous snake in Africa, weighing 8 kg (18 pounds), and it grows to a length of 2 metres (about 7 feet). The Gaboon viper also possesses the longest fangs of any snake, measuring up to 4 cm (1.6 inches) long. The stout body is boldly patterned with rectangles and triangles of buff, purple, and brown, which gives the snake its velvetlike appearance. This pattern provides excellent camouflage and allows this sluggish viper (family Viperidae) to become nearly invisible among leaves and roots of the forest floor. Click here for the full post.
King cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)
The king cobra is without a doubt the most popular cobra in the world. Via
King cobras can reach 18 feet (5.5 meters) in length, making them the longest of all venomous snakes. When confronted, they can raise up to one-third of their bodies straight off the ground and still move forward to attack. They will also flare out their iconic hoods and emit a bone-chilling hiss that sounds almost like a growling dog.
Their venom is not the most potent among venomous snakes, but the amount of neurotoxin they can deliver in a single bite—up to two-tenths of a fluid ounce (seven milliliters)—is enough to kill 20 people, or even an elephant. Fortunately, king cobras are shy and will avoid humans whenever possible, but they are fiercely aggressive when cornered. Read more…
South American bushmaster (Lachesis muta)
Apart from being one of the most venomous snakes in the world, the bushmaster is also the largest viper on earth. Via
The Bushmaster, lachesis muta muta is the largest Pit Viper in the world with a nasty reputation as a “cruel dude”. The Bushmaster is a huge, thick-bodied and highly venomous snake with a triangularly shaped head, one of nature’s warning signs that a snake is poisonous and potentially deadly. Bushmasters live in remote, heavily forested tropical jungle terrain. Isolated in their jungle environment, envenomation by a Bushmaster is very serious, sometimes fatal and particularly dangerous to humans. It is important to familiarize yourself with wilderness survival before entering Bushmaster territory because often snake bite victims are miles and miles away from any traditional medical help. The Bushmaster is the largest venomous snake in the New World, often reaching lengths in excess of 6 feet with a maximum recorded length reaching an amazing 14 feet! See more…
Jararaca/Brazilian Pit Viper (Bothrops jararaca)
Its name was derived from the Tupi term that means large snake. Via
Brazilian pit vipers are slender, with weekly-keeled head scalation comprised of 5 to 12 intersupraoculars. Supralabial scales average 8-9 in number, with the second fused to form part of the lacunal scales, a characteristic exclusive to crotaline snakes. Lacunolabials are also present on the head. Midbody is made up of 23-25 rows of body scales. Ventral scales range from 170-218 total in males and females, respectively. The number of subcaudal scales, which are predominantly paired, ranges from 51-71 scales for males and females, respectively. Average length is approximately 60 cm, but there have been individuals of up to 160 cm reported. These snakes are sexually dimorphic, with females larger than males; females also produce significantly more (220 mg vs 40 mg), and more lethal, venom than males. Venom composition varies significantly between males and females, with male venom containing more protein diversity. Female venom is more potent for hyaluronidasic and hemorrhagic activities, and is more lethal. Continue reading
Cape cobra (Naja nivea)
The cape cobra is one of the venomous snakes found in Africa. Via
Of variable coloration, the dangerously venomous cape cobra may be russet, mahogany, olive-brown, of any one of several shades of yellow to almost black. There is often a profusion of darker speckles or flecks on the lighter colored snakes. The snake has a broad hood. The venom is very potent. If challenged the snake may hiss loudly. Read the whole article here.
Philippine cobra (Naja philippinensis)
Some experts claim that this is the deadliest of all venomous snakes. Via
Cobras are highly recognizable because of their wide neck collars, but most species of cobra aren’t among the most dangerous snakes in the world. The most deadly cobra is the Philippine Cobra. It can spit its venom as far as 3 meters to reach its target. A bite from the Philippine Cobra can lead to death from paralysis within a half hour. Read more…
Forest cobra (Naja melanoleuca)
This is one of the venomous snakes considered to be amphibious. Via
Forest cobras (Naja melanoleuca) are members of family Elapidae. They are big cobras. Called “black and white cobras” due to their body patterning, forest cobras are often combinations of black and white, with dark upper bodies and pale white or off-white undersides. Their shiny top portions, however, are frequently brownish-yellow rather than black.
Forest cobra bites intimidate many due to their venomous natures. When forest cobras encounter human beings, they often react by retreating immediately to clandestine hiding spots. If they are frustrated and feel out of options, however, they will bite. The sturdy snakes’ venom can be extremely dangerous and even life-threatening. If you ever experience a bite from a forest cobra, seek medical assistance immediately. Without urgent attention, death is a possibility, so take the matter seriously and do not hesitate to get help. Click here to read the full post.
Caspian/Central Asian/Oxus/Russian cobra (Naja oxiana)
The Caspian cobra is known to be bad tempered and aggressive. Via
The venom of this species has the most potent composition of toxins found among any cobra species known. The venom is primarily a potent neurotoxin, but it also has some cytotoxic activity (tissue-death, necrosis). Two forms of “cytotoxin II” (cardiotoxin) were found in the venom of this species. The bite of this species may cause severe pain and swelling, along with severe neurotoxicity. Weakness, drowsiness, ataxia, hypotension, and paralysis of throat and limbs may appear in less than one hour after the bite. Without medical treatment, symptoms rapidly worsen and death can occur soon after a bite due to respiratory failure. A woman bitten by this species in northwestern Pakistan suffered severe neurotoxicity and died while en route to the closest hospital nearly 50 minutes after envenomation. See more…
Green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps)
It is still a venomous snake whether it’s the Eastern or Western green mamba. Via pets50250
This snake is dangerously venomous. As it is with all mambas the elongate, flat-sided head is often referred to as coffin-shaped. When stressed an eastern green mamba may elevate the forward portion of its body and flatten its neck into a narrow but discernible hood. They can and may gape and hiss, but are less likely to do so than the black mamba. Read more…
Tiger snake (Notechis scutatus)
This snake is just as dangerous as its namesake. Via
The tiger snake is a usually timid species which, like most snakes, usually retreats at the approach of a human. They are an interesting snake which despite the name may not have any striping at all.
The Tasmanian tiger Snake has recently been shown to be the the same species as that which occurs on the south-eastern Australian mainland, (Notechis scutatus). The markings are extremely variable and should not be used in isolation to identify snakes. Colours range from jet black, through yellow/orange with grey bands to sandy grey with no bands. There are unconfirmed reports of red-bellied tiger snakes in north-east Tasmania. Typical forms are of a black snake with either no bands or faint yellow to cream bands. Dark olive snakes with yellow bands are fairly common. Continue reading
Common death adder (Acanthophis antarcticus)
The death adder is easily identified by its short and squat body. Via
Death adders are easily distinguishable from other snakes by the very short, squat bodies, rapidly tapering tail and the broad triangular head. Colouration varies widely but most species exhibit some form of banded pattern in shades of brown or grey. The tail tip is usually a different colour to the rest of the body, often brightly coloured and is used as a lure by wriggling it to attract potential prey. Adult death adders are rarely longer than a metre in length. Despite their short size they possess the longest fangs of any Australian snake. For the full article, click here.
Eastern brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis)
The Eastern brown snake is fast and aggressive. Via
The Eastern Brown Snake is usually orange-brown in colour, but variations from light to dark brown colour to an almost black are also found. Their belly is a light cream colour, often with orange blotches. They possess a small blunt head. Some juvenile snakes may also have dark head markings and may even be banded. The Eastern Brown Snake rates number two on the world’s most venomous snake list. Read more…
Inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)
The inland taipan is one of the snakes considered the most venomous in the world. Via
Australia’s inland taipan is considered to be the most venomous snake in the world. The venom from one bite is enough to kill 100 fully grown men. It is, however, very rare for humans to be bitten and in the few cases that have occurred, anti-venom treatment has been successful. Small rodents, mammals and birds are not so lucky. The inland taipan has a rapid accurate strike, delivering the extremely toxic venom deep into its prey. The taipan just has to wait for its victim to die before returning to consume the meal. This snake exhibits dramatic seasonal changes in skin colour. It is light in summer and dark in winter and this helps regulate its body temperature. Click here to know more.
Malayan/blue krait (Bungarus candidus)
Kraits are known for their potent venom and the Malayan blue krait is just one of them. Via
About 50% of all bites from this krait results in human death – even with the administration of anti-venin. Death is the usual result if no treatment is given. The closely related Bungarus multicinctus is ranked 3rd in the world for toxicity of venom (terrestrial snakes). Do be careful.
Venom Toxicity: Very toxic – even many times more so than the Naja kaouthia (cobras). Bungarus krait venom is neuro-toxic and attacks the human nervous system, shutting it down. Coma, brain death, and suffocation due to paralysis of the muscles necessary to breathe (diaphragm) are frequent causes of death. Death results usually 12-24 hours after a bite that is not treated. Little or no pain is usually felt at the bite location. The black/white kraits in Thailand are more toxic to humans than are the yellow/black kraits. The yellow-black kraits (Bungarus fasciatus) can still kill you easily. See more…
Many-banded/Chinese/Taiwanese krait (Bungarus multicinctus)
The word krait means black which was derived from the Hindu term karait. Via
The Many-banded krait аlsо known аs the Taiwanese krait оr the Chinese krait, іs а highly venomous species оf elapid snake found іn throughout much оf central аnd southern China аnd Southeast Asia. The species wаs fіrst described by the scientist Edward Blyth іn 1861. Thіs species has twо known subspecies, the nominate Bungarus multicinctus multicinctus, аnd Bungarus multicinctus wanghaotingi. The many-banded krait mostly inhabits marshy areas throughout іts geographical distribution, though іt does occur іn оther habitat types. Read more…
Terciopelo viper/Fer-de-lance (Bothrops asper)
The fer-de-lance is notorious for its great number of bite victims. Via
The Terciopelo (Spanish for velvet) Viper is one of the largest and most dangerous venomous snakes in the Neotropical rainforest. The Terciopelo (Bothrops asper; Central America)and Fer-de-Lance (Bothrops atrox; South America) are closely related pit vipers in the family Crotalidae. They reach up to eight feet (2.5 m), with heads up to four inches (10 cm) wide.
These snakes are greatly feared and have many common names. Barba Amarilla (yellow beard) is what larger individuals like this one are often called.
Terciopelos are responsible for the majority of venomous snake bites in Central America. Their venom is a hemotoxin, meaning it attacks the blood, and causes clots that lead to death of the surrounding tissues. The bites are very dangerous if not treated with antivenom. Continue reading.
Saw-scaled viper (Echis carinatus)
When threatened, this viper makes a hissing sound by rubbing its scales. Via
The saw-scaled viper is highly venomous and listed as one of south Asia’s most dangerous snakes. It is quite a common snake, lives in proximity to people and is quick to bite when it feels threatened. These vipers are mostly nocturnal and sometimes bury themselves in sand. Saw-scaled vipers give birth to live young and those that live in colder climates hibernate in winter. For the full article, click here.
Russell’s viper (Daboia russelii)
Also known as Daboia, this snake is known for many snake bite incidents and deaths. Via
Its name is identical to the herpetologist who published the first description of it in a scientific journal in the 18th century. In India the Russel’s Viper is responsible for many fatalities and they call it Daboia.
It is a fast and vicious snake. It can reach a length of about five feet. In general larger snakes are slower than smaller snakes, but the Russel’s Viper is somewhere in between, but very fast by nature.
For most venomous snakes the percentage of so-called dry bites, without envenomation, is relatively high. The Russel’s Viper very seldom delivers dry bites but goes for maximum dosage. See more…
Common krait (Bungarus caeruleus)
There is nothing so common about this krait except the knowledge of its deadly venom. Via
The common krait, Bungarus caeruleus is a relatively small (3 foot) venomous snake and one of the most venomous snakes in India. Kraits have colors ranging from black to grey with white stripes that are more prominent on the lower part of the body.
Kraits can be found in a number of habitats. As their preferred food source is rodents, they tend to occupy places where rodents are found, such as rat holes, old houses, and semi-aquatic environments. Kraits are nocturnal creatures; therefore the risk of being bitten by a krait is highly increased at night. Click here to read the whole article.
Indian cobra (Naja naja)
The Indian cobra can spit or bite and its venom is one of the deadliest. Via
A large, highly venomous snake, the Indian cobra feeds on rodents, lizards, and frogs. As well as biting, the Indian cobra can attack or defend itself from a distance by “spitting” venom, which, if it enters the opponent’s eyes, causes severe pain and damage. The snake actually forces the venom through its fangs, by exerting muscular pressure on the venom glands, so that it sprays out in twin jets for 2 m (6 1/2 ft) or more. In its characteristic threat posture, the Indian cobra raises the front one-third of its body and spreads out its long, flexible neck ribs and loose skin to form a disklike hood, on the back of which there are markings resembling eyes. Read more…
Coastal/Papuan taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus)
The Papuan taipan has a neurotoxic venom that destroys a victim’s nerve ending as well as irreversible blood clotting. Via
Description: A large, fast-moving snake that is typically greyish, dark brown to black above with a broad orange-red dorso-vertebral stripe that extends along most of the back. The belly can be white to orange in colour. The tip of the nose and the sides of the lips are usually creamish. There is local and regional variation in colouration and even specimens from the same location may differ considerably in colour. Head long and distinct from powerfully muscled but slender neck and forebody. Papuan taipans have large distinctive heads that are crudely rectangular; the body is large, long and muscular; the tail is round and tapers to a fine tip. The mouth is large and the lower jaw articulates well back beyond the labial scales giving these snakes an enormous gape and the ability to accommodate very large prey items. To read the whole article, click here.
Black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis)
This snake is the most dangerous in Africa and it is known to be fast and smart, too. Via
Black mambas are fast, nervous, lethally venomous, and when threatened, highly aggressive. They have been blamed for numerous human deaths, and African myths exaggerate their capabilities to legendary proportions. For these reasons, the black mamba is widely considered the world’s deadliest snake.
Before the advent of black mamba antivenin, a bite from this fearsome serpent was 100 percent fatal, usually within about 20 minutes. Unfortunately, antivenin is still not widely available in the rural parts of the mamba’s range, and mamba-related deaths remain frequent. See more…