
Colostrum is Mother Natures perfectly formed natural Nano-technology for balancing the body and helping with Rejuvenation, Regeneration and Immune Enhancement & Regulation.  The four corners of colostrum are the Anti-Aging factors, Immune Factors, Essential Factors, Basics and Metabolic Factors, in their whole food forms!

For centuries, colostrum, the first milk of all mammals, has been utilized for anti-aging and immune-support purposes. It is loaded with natural growth, immune, essential and metabolic factors to keep the newborn healthy and protected; not only during the first few days of life but for the rest of their lives. As a matter of fact research has shown that without that first “food” you may be prone to diseases such as, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and more.

Colostrum is highly regarded worldwide by public health experts as a safe and effective means of immune and antiaging support. Colostrum can help both the overactive and underactive immune system.

This substance is intuitive, thanks to its proline-rich peptides. As a matter of fact, I have been working with top researchers at major educational diagnostics labs on this little piece and I am about to release a new product which will have a major beneficial impact on auto-immune situations like:

Lupus, Diabetes, Cancer, Crohn’s, Aids, HIV, Allergies, Leaky Gut, Irritable Bowel, Congestive Heart Failure, Fibromyalgia, Hepatitis, Herpes, ITP Disease, H. Pylori, E. Coli, Influenza, Autism, Arthritis, Anti-fungal. . . just to name a few!!

It is safe for all ages and species and is also a fantastic training aid for athletes at all levels because it is rich in natural growth factors necessary for muscle, tissue and cellular repair. For this same reason, it is widely used in anti-aging medicine.

Let’s take a look at something you may not even be aware of, “Thymus Gland”. This little gland is the seat of our immune system; it directs how we respond to bacteria, viruses and all kinds of nastiness, including disease.

The issue is that it shrinks from the size of a small navel orange (Birth to just after puberty) to the size of a pea by the time we are age 45 and to a strand of tissue by the time we are 55.

Why is this important? If the seat of our immune system isn’t functional ask yourself this question, “Do I have the same protection as I once did?”!

The answer is a resounding, “NO”!

Do we have to sit idly by and do nothing? Again, the answer is a resounding, “NO”!

Within “True” colostrum there is a combination given to us by Mother Nature which has been shown to regenerate the Thymus to a normal functional state. What are the three factors; the Captain of the ship, naturally occurring, IGF-1 and Thymosin Alfa and Beta.

It is critical to realize, however, that not all colostrum is the same. Some brands may call their products “colostrum” but may come from milkings other than the very first milking within six to eight hours after birth. Some take the second and even third milkings, which is “transitional milk.” Any dairy farmer or even nursing mother can tell you there is a huge difference between the substance produced at the first milking and the milk produced over the next few days. That initial colostrum is essential in protecting the newborn.

Dr. Don Lein, professor emeritus at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine Diagnostic Laboratory and Expert witness in several court cases, which were won based on his science, has performed numerous tests that substantiate significant differences between true colostrum and transitional milk claiming to be colostrum. Always ask for 3rd party validation, not in-house validation.

~Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith~

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