

Only IntuiFace accounts in possession of at least one
annual Composer Enterprise or perpetual Composer Enterprise license
can request the creation of and manage secondary

Design agencies and other IntuiFace users often work on multiple
projects with multiple clients simultaneously. To simplify license
and experience sharing with these clients - and to limit client
visibility to experiences specific to their project(s) - IntuiFace
includes the notion of secondary accounts. Every primary account -
i.e. any traditional IntuiFace account - can have one or more
linked secondary accounts.

For each secondary account, as with any IntuiFace account, a
primary account can
loan subscription and perpetual licenses. However, use of
secondary accounts grants some additional benefits.

share floating perpetual
Composer licenses, no need to formally transfer them. See

here for details.

share your cloud storage account(s) for experience publishing
and sharing.
here for details.

share data point plans for IntuiFace
data tracking. See
here for details.

experiences onto any Player associated with the secondary
account. See
here for details.

automatically log into the secondary account's Management
Console to share and delete experiences published by the secondary
account. See
here for details.

The result is an ability to access and deploy both experiences
and licenses at the project level. Each project could have its own
IntuiFace account - a secondary account - and that account would
only have visibility to the experiences and licenses the primary
account holder wanted to share.


The only way to create a secondary account is in
response to a request from a primary account - see the next
section. If you have not explicitly responded to a request, you
have a primary IntuiFace account.

Creating a Secondary

Secondary accounts are created in response to a primary account

Secondary account requests are disallowed under the following

Preexisting primary account contains purchased or
loaned licenses. Only after all loaned and owned licenses
are removed can a primary account become a secondary account.
Loaned licenses must be
retrieved by their owner. Owned licenses must be manually
transferred by IntuiLab Technical Support into the account of the
PA making the request. To work with Technical Support, submit a
ticket through the IntuiFace
Support website.

Preexisting secondary account is targeted.
Secondary accounts cannot be transferred to a new primary account.
The secondary account must first be upgraded
to a primary account in order to receive a new secondary account

Steps for creating a secondary account:

The primary account holder logs into the Manage
My Secondary Accounts section of Management

In the upper left-hand corner, enter the email address of
either an existing IntuiFace account or of the person/company you
would like to work with.

An email is automatically sent to the address you specified.
The table on the Manage My Secondary Accounts page
will be updated with a new row for this email address. The
Status will be set to

The email recipient decides whether or not to accept the
secondary account request

Those with a preexisting IntuiFace account just have to accept
the request. Conversion to a secondary account is automatic. The
now secondary account holder can still access all experiences it
had access to as a primary account.

Those with no preexisting IntuiFace account are directed to a
custom IntuiFace registration. Completion of the registration form
creates a secondary account for them.

At any time, the primary account holder can cancel this
request. The email address targeted receives an email stating the
request has been cancelled.

Cloud Storage
Rules for Secondary Accounts

Secondary accounts inherit access to the cloud storage accounts
of their parent primary account (A secondary account doesn't have
access to the "Storage Settings" button in the Management Console).
At the same time, secondary accounts retain access to all
experiences it published and to all experiences shared with it
prior to secondary account conversion.

Here are the rules for cloud storage use by secondary

All experiences created as a secondary account

Published to the primary account's cloud storage

All experience published prior to secondary account conversion

Remain in the original cloud storage account.

Changes made by the secondary account or those granted Write
privileges for these experiences are also published to the original
cloud storage account.

In summary, IntuiFace remembers which cloud storage accounts
were used prior to secondary account conversion and continues to
use them with experiences published to those cloud accounts.

Data Tracking
Rules for Secondary Accounts

Secondary Accounts can define their own
data tracking connectors and have exclusive access to their
data points. Primary Accounts cannot see data points collected by
Secondary Accounts without first
logging into the Secondary Account.

However, the Secondary Account's monthly
data point limit is defined at the Primary Account level.
Secondary Accounts cannot purchase their own Data Tracking

If a Secondary Account is promoted to a Primary Account, all
data points and connectors will be placed into the new Primary

Managing Secondary Accounts

Within Management Console, primary accounts have four options
for each secondary account. (Click the following image to

Share Floating Licenses

By default, the Can use floating licenses
option is set to Yes, which means the secondary
account can access and consume floating perpetual
Composer licenses associated with the primary account. Set it
to No if you don't want the secondary account to
have access to floating licenses.

Close: Close the Secondary

By selecting the Close option, the primary
account holder is expressing their desire to close the secondary
account. To prevent unintended closure, the primary account holder
must submit a ticket to Support at http://support.intuilab.com,
requesting the closure of a specified secondary account.

NOTE: Secondary accounts cannot be closed if
they contain

experiences published to any of the primary account's cloud
storage providers

subscription licenses transferred by the primary account

Published experiences must be
deleted and transferred licenses
returned before the secondary account can be closed.

Upgrade: Convert to
Primary Account Status

By selecting the Upgrade option, the primary
account holder releases the secondary account, returning it to
primary account status. The secondary account holder will receive
an email notifying them of the upgrade.


Secondary accounts can only be upgraded if they do not contain
experiences published by the secondary account to any of the
primary account's cloud storage providers. The cloud-based version
of these experiences must be
deleted via Management Console. Locally-saved versions can

Any licenses transferred into the secondary account will stay
with the secondary account after it is upgraded. If the primary
account wishes to keep licenses transferred into the secondary
keep, those licenses must be retrieved. See
this article for details.

After a return to primary account status, the secondary account
regains the
cloud storage configuration it had prior to becoming a
secondary account.

Remote Login for Deployment and Experience Management

By selecting the Access option, the primary
account holder is logged into the secondary account's Management
Console. The primary account holder can now

share and delete experiences published by the secondary

deploy experiences to Players associated with the secondary

view data points collected via the
Data Tracking interface asset.

In addition, the License Dashboard can be accessed, permitting
the primary account holder to release licenses consumed by the
secondary account.

NOTE: To return to the primary account's
Management Console, log out of the active Management Console
session then log back in using primary account credentials.

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