This version of AutoCount Accounting is a maintenance release for version 1.8. Some of the improvements implemented in this version are:
GST Partial Exemption Module.
GST Capital Goods Adjustment Module.
The GST Partial Exemption Module is available since version 1.8.22. However due to the fact that the GST Capital Goods Adjustment Module is a module that requires the first module to be available, the discussion for GST Partial Exemption Module will be done in this release note.
Changes to the internal GST Tax Code
In this version of AutoCount Accounting, some of the previous internal tax codes used by the system is modified to use different tax codes to accommodate the changes implemented for the new GST Partial Exemption module. Below is the list of tax codes that is changed as well as their newer codes.
Original Tax Code
Modified Into
Another tax code is also introduced in this version, which is OS_O. This tax code is for Out of Scope Supplies of Oversea which is taxable in Malaysia. Dealers may be required to notify their users of this change to minimize confusion over the changes implemented in this version.
GST Partial Exemption Module.
In an effort to improve the functionality of the AutoCount Accounting software, Auto Count Sdn. Bhd. is proud to announce a new addition to its module lineup. This module is called the GST Partial Exemption Module and the following portion of the release note will discuss the activation, setup and some of the functionality available in this module.
Activating the module
To activate the module, a user must first purchase the module from Auto Count Sdn. Bhd. or its authorized dealers. After that make sure that the module is selected in the Module Setting for it to be active.
Activate the module in Module Setting
Setup before using the module
Before the module could be used, the user has to finish some setting first before they can properly use the new module. The first setting that the user must setup would be the GST Registration Date. The GST Registration Date field is located under the Malaysia GST section in the Goods and Services Tax category of the Options window.
The GST Registration Date field
The GST Registration Date is the date in which the user has registered with the Customs for GST. It must be on or before the GST Start Date and not after it. After setting up the GST Registration Date, the user must then go to the Tax Code Maintenance window and from the Configure Malaysia GST window execute the Tax Code Wizard again. This is so that the user could answer Yes to the newly added question “Do you need to apply partial exemption?” inside the wizard. After finishing the wizard, just click save in the Configure Malaysia GST window to save the newly added tax codes that the user will use for partial exemption.
The new question in the wizard for Partial Exemption
After configuring the tax codes, the user must also specify the Account Numbers as well as if required, the document number format for Partial Exemption. The user can also set to have the system to either post or not post journal entries for the Period Adjustment. This option must be set before allowing the GST Processor to automatically process the Partial Exemption. This is because disabling the option after allowing the GST Processor to generate the Period Adjustment journal entry will not disable the automated posting of the Period Adjustment journal entry for the whole Tax Year. The reason for this is to avoid data inconsistency in reports that uses journal entry data. Navigate to the GST Settings window and click the Partial Exemption tab to fill in the details.
The Partial Exemption tab in GST Setting
By default, the GST Partial Exemption window is accessible by users under the ADMINS and FINANCEMGR group of user. There are also access rights that allows the user to modify some of the read only columns for User status (discussed later) but by default these access rights are disabled. If the user wish for other users to have access to the screen or have access to modifying the read only columns for User status, please change the access right in User Maintenance.
The GST Partial Exemption access rights
Using Partial Exemption
After the user has finish doing the setup, the GST Partial Exemption Maintenance menu would be visible in the GST menu. Clicking the menu will open the GST Partial Exemption Maintenance window as shown below.
The GST Partial Exemption Maintenance menu
From here, the user can see there is 2 types of data shown on the grid. The first type is AIRR which means Annual Residual Input Tax Recovery Rate while the second type is IRR which means Residual Input Tax Recovery Rate.
The GST Partial Exemption Maintenance window
The AIRR type row displays the summary for the whole tax year and is not editable.
The AIRR type data row
Meanwhile the IRR type rows are based on the GST Taxable Period and begins from the GST Registration Date field the user entered before.
The IRR type data rows
These IRR type rows can be further separated into 2 statuses which is User and System. The User status allows user to enter and manipulate the data in the following columns:
Value of Taxable Supplies for De Minimis (T1)
Value of Taxable Supplies for IRR (T2)
Value of Exempt Supplies (E)
Value of Excluded Taxable Supplies (O1) *
Value of All Excluded Supplies (O2) *
Non-Incidental Exempt Input Tax incurred (TX-N43)
Residual Input Tax incurred (TX-RE)
The reason to allow the entry and modification is because in the event the user is migrating from another software to AutoCount Accounting, they can easily enter the information required for them to continue to maintain their partial exemption.
The User status data
The System status for the IRR type rows will be generated via the GST Processor when it is run. As such the user will not be able to modify any of the data under this status. They can however, drill down the relevant documents that is used to generate the values by double clicking the value in each column*.
The System status data generated by the GST Processor
Drill down result for the value in the TX-N43 column
* = For the Value of Excluded Taxable Supplies (O1) and Value of All Excluded Supplies (O2) columns, double clicking the column will open the Partial Exemption Excluded Supplies dialog in which the user can either enter the values corresponding to the type in the dialog when in User status or double click the value to drill down to the relevant documents that generate the values when in System status.
The Partial Exemption Excluded Supplies dialog for User type data
The Partial Exemption Excluded Supplies dialog for System type data
The drill down result when drilling down the value in Partial Exemption Excluded Supplies dialog for System type data
The final 7 columns is not editable by default, however double clicking the value in the Pass De Minimis? and Residual Input Tax Recovery Rate -IRR (%) columns will allow user to see the calculation rules used for the 2 columns while double clicking the value in the JE Period Doc. No, JE Period Adj. Doc. No. and JE Annual Adj. Doc. No will allow users to drill down to the journal entries created by the system. Note: The Journal Entry drill down will only work for System type rows as it is auto generated by the system when GST Processor is run. Note: For User status, the user can modify the following columns if and only if they have the required access right mentioned previously in the setup portion.
Pass De Minimis?
Residual Input Tax Recovery Rate – IRR (%)
Non-Incidental Exempt Input Tax Claimed
Residual Input Tax Claimed
Non-Incidental Exempt Input Tax Claimed Period Adj. (Hidden in column chooser)
Residual Input Tax Claimed Period Adj. (Hidden in column chooser)
The 7 non-editable columns in the window
Double clicking on the unchecked check box for the Pass De Minimis? column will display why it failed based on the calculation rules
Double clicking the checked check box for Pass De Minimis? column will show why it pass using the calculation rules
The calculation rule for the percentage value in the IRR% column
If the De Minimis rule is pass, it will still show the calculation rule
An example of the Journal Entry generated by the system when GST Processor is run for Partial Exemption
The table below displays what tax codes are used for by the system to generate the values for the following columns:
Tax Code
Value of Taxable Supplies for De Minimis (T1)
Govt. Tax Code: SR, ZRL, ZRE, DS, RS, GS
Value of Taxable Supplies for IRR (T2)
Govt. Tax Code: SR, ZRL, ZRE, DS, RS, GS System Tax Code: OS_C, OS_O
Value of Exempt Supplies (E)
Govt. Tax Code: ES, ES43
Value of Excluded Taxable Supplies (O1)
System Tax Code: SR_C, ZRE_C, RS_C, GS_C, OS_C, DS_ATMS, DS_I
Value of All Excluded Supplies (O2)
System Tax Code: SR_C, ZRE_C, ES_C, RS_C, GS_C, OS_C, DS_ATMS, DS_I, ES_LGU Govt. Tax Code: ES43
Non-Incidental Exempt Input Tax incurred (TX-N43)
Govt. Tax Code: TX-N43
Residual Input Tax incurred (TX-RE)
Govt. Tax Code: TX-RE
GTS Capital Goods Adjustment
A new module is introduced within this version of AutoCount Accounting. This module is known as GST Capital Goods Adjustment and the following portion of the release note will discuss the activation, setup and some of the functionality available in this module.
Activating the module
To activate the module, a user must first purchase the module as well as the GST Partial Exemption module from Auto Count Sdn. Bhd. or its authorized dealers. After that make sure that the module as well as the GST Partial Exemption module is selected in the Module Setting for it to be active.
Activate the module in Module Setting
Setup before using the module
After activating both the GST Partial Exemption module and the GST Capital Goods Adjustment module as well as doing the setup for the GST Partial Exemption setting, the user must also specify the Account Numbers as well as if required, the document number format for Capital Goods Adjustment. Navigate to the GST Settings window and click the Capital Goods Adjustment tab to fill in the details.
The Capital Goods Adjustment tab in GST Setting
By default, the GST Capital Good Adjustment functionality is accessible by users under the ADMINS and FINANCEMGR group of user. If the user wish for other users to have access to the functionality, please change the access right in User Maintenance.
The Capital Goods Adjustment access rights
Using Capital Goods Adjustment
The Capital Goods Adjustment module adds two new menu in the GST menu. These menus are GST Capital Goods Adjustment Maintenance and GST Capital Goods Adjustment Schedule as shown below. We will begin the guide for this module by visiting the GST Capital Goods Adjustment Maintenance.
The two menus added in by the module
The GST Capital Goods Adjustment Maintenance window allows its user to create, modify or delete the records of GST Capital Goods that they are using. From here the user could also access the capability to either
print a listing style report of the Capital Goods they have or do a batch print of the Capital Goods.
The GST Capital Goods Maintenance window
To create a new GST Capital Goods record, just click on the link “Create a new GST Capital Goods” and it will open the required form in which the user can do the data entry for the Capital Goods.
Doing data entry for GST Capital Goods
For disposing the Capital Goods, the data entry form allows 2 ways of disposal for the user to choose from. The first would be by using the Disposal Date in the Master portion of the form and another would be by highlighting the asset and clicking the Disposal button. Note the system still allows user to do asset disposal in a master record disposed Capital Goods as there is a possibility that certain assets are disposed earlier than the master disposal date. (As of the time of writing, there is no checking regarding this behavior, it is however under works and will be released soon.)
Doing a partial disposal on one of the asset in the Capital Goods
The image below shows the result of an asset disposal in the GST Capital Goods data entry window.
Result of an asset disposal
Now we go into the GST Capital Adjustment Schedule window. In this window the user can manage their GST Capital Goods Adjustment based on the Capital Code that is registered. The user can change the data displayed by changing the Capital Code in the lookup as shown below.
The GST Capital Goods Adjustment Schedule window
Change the Capital Code here to access the Capital Goods Adjustment Schedule associated to that code
Expending the detail of each interval will show the detail of each asset in the Capital Goods. Here each record is divided to 4 different types. They are Incurred, Continuous, Disposal and Lost. These records correspond to the assets state when they are inside the interval selected.
The Incurred type
The Continuous type
The Disposal type
The Lost type
By design, the Residual Input Tax Recovery Rate – IRR (%) column is the only column in which the user can change. This is because we wish to allow migrating user from another software to enter their data for the Base Percentage calculation. However if a particular interval is processed by the GST Processor, any user entered data in this column will be overridden by the GST Processor generated value. Any attempt to modify those values will result to the value being reverted back to the one generated by the GST Processor.
Bugs Fixed and Minor Enhancement
Among the newer bugs fixed and minor enhancement introduced in AutoCount Accounting version 1.8 are:
Fix Bug: Fix the Grab GST ID function where an incorrect element ID is used for checking the Custom GST Status causing the function to not work properly.
Fix Bug: Fix errors where BCE.AutoCount.Application.DBSetting was incorrectly used in functions that should have not use it.
Enhancement: Add Select and Unselect All for Filter By AccNo Maintenance.
Enhancement: Add GL Detail Tax Code in designer report field.
Fix Bug: Fix the IRAS audit file where for the CN document the purchase value should be negative.
Fix Bug: Fix Stock Aging current total and total cost calculation being wrong when inquiring FIFO item.
Enhancement: Copy Consignment item description for B/F Consignment transaction when running Year End Closing.
Enhancement: Add drill down for Bonus Point Redemption.
Fix Bug: Fix an issue when a default report is set for Contra, ARAP CN or DN, the preview and print button does not show the option to preview/print default or all.
Fix Bug: Fix an issue in the IRAS F5 report box 5 capturing the wrong value.
Enhancement: Add a button that will allow user to retrieve only the selected debtor/creditor Custom GST ID.
Enhancement: Add Generate GST Realized Gain Loss Result in GST Processor Wizard form.
Enhancement: Support UDF in Item Package for Sales and Purchase.
Fix Bug: Fix an issue in which when a user use the Change Serial Number function to change the serial number of an item, the change does not reflect in Stock Assembly.
Fix Bug: Fix Column [Name] not found issue in Invoice Entry.
Fix Bug: Fixed double amount in Tax Transaction Audit Trail report when ARAP CN and DN is set to Credit or Debit Journal.
Fix Bug: Fix the generate business flow DO logic that causes the program to hang when trying to update the Delivery Request Processing grid.
Enhancement: Add GST on Payment viewer for ARAP CN, Deposit and Payment document.
Fix Bug: Fix an issue in Stock Assembly in which if the finish good item is controlled by Batch No and contains empty batch could still be saved when the Allow to Save Empty Batch option is disabled.
Fix Bug: Fix the issue where Detail Discount is maintained in Debtor/Creditor but does not show the value in transaction.
Fix Bug: Fix the incorrect calculation for Sales and Purchase SubTotal when the Allow Over Transfer of Quantity option is enabled.
Modification: Change the tax code BL_X to TX-N43.
Modification: Change the tax code SR_D to SR_C.
Enhancement: Change the tax code used in auto post ATMS journal entry from DS to DS_ATMS for supply tax code and BL_X to TX-N43 for purchase tax code.
Enhancement: Modify AP Bad Debt to consider partial exemption (TX-N43 and TX-RE) amount.
Enhancement: Change the tax code used in auto post Imported Service journal entry from BL_X to TX-N43.
Enhancement: Support GST Partial Exemption functionality.
Enhancement: The IsCalcBonusPoint field can now be imported in the Import Stock Item.
Enhancement: The Monthly GST Taxable Amount Analysis report is added into the program.
Enhancement: Purchase Gain/Loss is included into Box 3 for IRAS.
Fix Bug: Fix the incomplete grid view caption in Depreciation Net Book Value report and Gain Loss on Asset Disposal report.
Fix Bug: Fix an incorrect filter control used in Export Data for Filter by APCN.
Fix Bug: Fix Bonus Point column never updating when there is a change in the UOM when making a sales transaction.
Modification: Change the suffix of the Capital Goods tax code from _CG to _C.
Fix Bug: Fix a DPI issue in ARAP Deposit.
Enhancement: Add Export as XML Format function.
Modification: Modify the “Import AC Accounting Data” term to “Import AutoCount Accounting Data”.
Modification: Modify the “Import AC Accounting Data by Third Party” term to “Import Third Party Xml Data”.
Enhancement: Display the Tax Business Name, Business Reg. No. and Tax Ref. No. for Bank Charge in Tax Transaction Audit Trail report.
Fix Bug: Fix an issue where a Sales Order that has been transferred to Purchase Order or Assembly Order can be deleted or cancelled when it should not be able to do so.
Fix Bug: Fix a bug in applying Item Package where the setting of column “Print?” does not apply when adding a new Item Package.
Fix Bug: Fix a bug in applying Item Package where the Discount column of Debtor does not apply to Item Package master row.
Fix Bug: Fix unable to save APInvoice when Tax Severity is triggered for auto post ATMS or Imported Service Journal Entry.
Fix Bug: Fix the incorrect Outstanding SO quantity count in Item Inquiry.
Enhancement: Support FormEditOption parameter in all entry forms.
Fix Bug: Fix a transaction deadlock issue in ManageFiscalYear.
Enhancement: Add GST Capital Goods Adjustment module.
Fix Bug: Fix transaction deadlock issue in Cash Book.
Enhancement: Add Tax Permit Number (K2 Number) in Invoice, Cash Sales, Debit Note, Credit Note, AR Invoice, AR DN and AR CN for use in Lampiran 2.
Enhancement: Show percentage in IRRate and Adjustment Rate for GST Partial Exemption and Capital Goods Adjustment.
Enhancement: Enhance Monthly GST Taxable Amount Analysis to only be available for MYR currency.
Fix Bug: Fix the error that creates the following message in Purchase Request Processing: ‘The conversion of a nvarchar data type to a determine data type resulted in an out of range value’.
Fix Bug: Fix the empty description issue when doing Generate Assembly Order Request Processing.
Fix Bug: Fix incorrect symbol issue for supply gain loss in IRAS.
Fix Bug: Fix an issue where group discount not appearing in GST on DO.
Fix Bug: Fix Stock Assembly cannot import issue for XML.
Fix Bug: Fix DPI issue in Serial Number Entry.
Fix Bug: Fix an issue where if there is more than 2 payment method in the knock off document which uses different currency rate, it will only post one payment method account.
Fix Bug: Fix a bug in which the original amount is different with the home amount when the home rate is 1.