2015 August 15 – Q & A with Cobra
Dear Promise Friends,
We wanted to get this up as soon as possible due me being tardy to get this to you. In the mean time until the transcript is complete please send your prayers to Mr. Truthseeker my newsfeed genius. He is having some health concerns and is taking a hiatus for some time.
Though I do not follow his every post nor ENDORSE every word or article he shares on this page I am so grateful for his time and love to make that page an important source of information for this site. I hope you have been viewing his many posts here.
Also the Mt Shasta Summer Conference was a grand success and if you wish to see the fun we had please go here. So many wonderful heart filled people came with their love and support to make this a tremendous and powerful healing time for all https://www.facebook.com/groups/1438816349759350/ The recordings of the conference will be available at some point soon. You may see here a nice Andromedean Sphere Mothership that appeared over conference during closing ceremonies in a chemtrailed sky. Zoom in on this godess vibration and see the details this was our guardian for the conference :
Sorry my computer skills are lacking I dont know how to zoom in on the treetop and save a close up on this sphere ship next to tree top in middle left of picture. It is quite awesome in the closeup. Unless some can do this for me a send it to me I will have webmaster do this soon. It is very cool we had some support in broad daylight!
The Bolivian Solar Initiation to Lake Titicacca and other site was also a success. We recieved aknowledment of our friends on cue in Urmirri a sacred external retreat. See Luis and his facebook page here Luis Maertens see the photo of GWB Ship photo here:
Intro – Hello, Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to another special edition of the Victory of Light Radio show. I’m your host, Rob Potter, here at the Pyramid One Network with my producers, John Allen, down under, and Bob Charles, stateside. I thank you for all tuning into another Cobra interview.
We’ve got lots of stuff going on as usual. Before we get started, I need to thank Rique Seraphico for his wonderful introduction music and, of course, his excellent sound editing qualities in the details and the love he puts into this interview, also
DaNell Glade, the ever tireless, wonderful light worker, who does such an incredible job in the transcription of these interviews for us on her own time. Thank you so much DaNell. Always so much appreciated. Thank you, Sam Ritchie, for the final editing of the final version. It seems that Neo-tech is the gentleman who is doing the recordings of the Cobra interview. I’m going to ask Mr. Neo-tech to keep my intro intact for these interviews. My information I would like to see shared with the world too. I think it’s viable information.
We’re all working together as a team here. Anyway, why I’ve been out of range for those of you who’ve been contacting me. I want to thank you all so very, very much. I’ve received so many kind, wonderful letters of support and gratitude. It’s such an honor to be in this position sharing this information with you.
For those of you who are tuning in, waking up and looking behind the smoke and mirrors to find out what is going on, we hope that we are doing an accurate job – definitely doing the best we can with the love and support from all of you. I’d like to thank my friend Luis Martinez, Anna Pole and group 1 and 2 in Bolivia. I went down there for an amazing experience for the solar initiation experience filled with synchronicities.
We had a full moon, blue moon on the Island of the Sun about as solar as you can get down there. We were not too far away from the actual Great White Brotherhood retreat, which exists beneath Lake Titicaca on the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca the minor.
According to Luis, this lake was artificially flooded about 5,000 years ago. They put a hole in the mountain to bring the water in and they also altered a river and filled up a minor aspect of Lake Titicaca. And at the bottom of that lake is a small area. It’s on a hill and it’s surrounded by some columns and it’s called the Golden Disc of the Sun.
It’s made from transmuted Gold and is kind of shaped like a UFO disk and there’s a giant topaz on top of that. It’s a very powerful instrument that is used by the spiritual forces in the non-material government to aid the planet Earth. In fact it was misused some time ago and caused a tilt of the earth’s axis and caused us to have a wobble on the planet.
Hopefully we can rectify that situation. Luis, our friend, has been to this inner retreat beneath the lake and next to it he noticed another dome and that was a Confederation Base. Also, beneath the Golden Disc of the Sun is a small community. An Agarthan network from many, many thousands of years ago. Luis met both the masters that control that Retreat – the master Soriam and Soramez – Atlanteans – both probably in the range of 40,000 years old. Luis also has been to the Abbey of the Seven Rays in the Andes there.
We went to visit that location. Nearby is also another Confederation Base showing that the Great White Brotherhood/Sisterhood work hand in hand with the Galactic Confederation to bring about change on our planet behind the scenes.
We’re the ones who are not only preparing for change but becoming the change in our daily activities for those of you who follow http://www.prepareforchange.net. We know that many of you are becoming active and this is what we were really hoping to see that people can become aware and find your own voice and your own decision in how to raise your own vibration to bring about healthy change on the planet, not by sitting around waiting for change or complaining that things aren’t happening and you’re tired of the way things have been going on.
Realize that this has been a process for thousands of years. We’re at the final stages and we must be patient, we must be diligent and we must be honest and sincere in our efforts and the primary watchwords are unconditional love and forgiveness.
Those of the, I guess I would call them keywords or the watch phrases of the Great White Brotherhood as well. They are very much involved in the spiritual evolution of individuals and the energetic patterns of the planet, the down stepping of the energies .
We did not make it to Tehama, which is another giant mountain not too far away, about 5 hours from La Paz where the large egg-shaped Cintamani stone, the primary Cintimani stone on the planet, resides and was moved from beneath the Gobi desert not too long ago.
Speaking of the Cintimani stones, we will have more stones available. We’re in the process of preparing this. It’s quite an effort when these sales come in to get these out to you. We have a limited number, of course. We did get some more stones given to us, so we’re happy to pass them forward to you all. We will have certain segments for free, not too many, but these will be little packages. We’re not going to send the little slivers out any more.
We’re going to get little packages of them and we’ll have a few of those available and, of course, some of different sizes and different prices. Those are going to be available on http://www.thepromiserevealed.com
We will also have special order for larger ones that will be sold individually, if you are interested in those. I am having some of those made into jewelry pieces. If you want, we can custom make a jewelry piece for you.
That is going to be available soon on my website. Look for the stones in a little bit of time. Just be patient on that. You don’t need to call us. Just wait till they come up. If you want a larger one, you can contact my assistant, Tracee Houghton, who was absolutely instrumental in the Mt. Shasta Conference, which was another reason I was out of touch for so long.
I’ve had lots of great reports. If you go to ‘Mt. Shasta Summer Conference’ on Facebook, you can see the wonderful pictures taken by everyone. We had an amazing display of orbs. Omnec Onec was awesome off the hook. She’s an absolute doll and sweetheart. She blew a lot of minds. She smokes and drinks. She started smoking at 52. Not highly recommended but dont judge her.
What a wonderful soul who really taught us that judgment and fear is really out the window. She confirmed a lot of things. Those videos of the Mt. Shasta Conference are being edited. Hopefully, they’ll be available soon. I handed that off to another capable party who’s handling that. I hope to offer that as well on my website in the not too distant future.
So we had the Mt. Shasta Conference with Alex Collier laying it down incredibly, Michael Salla, what a great presentation he gave . All of the speakers includingTed Marhr who started it off with a wonderful sharing of his personal life’s journey as a psychic and intuitive. And then, of course, Scott Lemriel, holding down the anchor of the spiritual essence of the conference. And then Craig Campobasso giving us a screening of Stranger in the Pentagon. So we had a popcorn and a movie the first night.
Then, of course, Tolec was in the house for the second time he has appeared in public – of course, the largest group he had presented in front of and was well received. What a kind, gentle soul he was.
I’m just really honored that so many people came to support the conference and the event throughout the weekend. We had some great music. It was just overall wonderful. You can see the pictures there on the Mt. Shasta Summer Conference on Facebook. Feel free to join and check it out.
Next year I’m not sure what’s going to be happening. I am going to be doing a special three-day program with Luis Maerten. We’ll be doing a solar activation here in Shasta as well as in Maui this winter.
Translator needed
I’m going to announce right now – I’m really looking for someone who can translate Spanish into English to be an interpreter for next summer for Luis on the West Coast tour. We’re going to be starting sometime in the summer for about 10 days and you get free pass to the conference, of course, and some financial renumeration.
Appeal for book translator
And we’re also looking for professional translators to translate Louis’s books. There are some great books there for people to see. The Runa Antillis is a well written account about his visit to Ganeymeade through the Xendra Portal and the teaching of his guides who share some more detailed aspect of the plans for individual and planetary transformation.
Cobra’s been having some amazing posts lately – the Sublunar operations and some of his other posts have really been bringing out some great information. And in this interview, you’re going to hear Cobra . . . He basically clears up a lot of misinformation that Everyone wants to know about. The global currency reset is one and there’s a lot of talk about this Wave X or super wave, you know, photon belt, different names. I call it the Galactic Plane.
There’s an energy vibrational upliftment and attunement. And it’s been in process for a long time.
I don’t think any one scientist, especially an Earth-based scientist, is going to be able to delineate a specific date. But everyone wants to get a date and hang on it and then be disappointed afterwards. So Cobra has always been very clear – it’s a window of opportunity, which makes a lot of sense to me.
There will be continual upticks in vibrational attunement in concert with cosmic forces – magnetic, solar, lunar planetary conditions. Let’s just call them astrological aspects of magnetic influence on consciousness is bringing in different rays of energy.
Something very interesting at the conference, which Cobra is adamant is not real . Alex Collier stated that there is a dwarf star that is in the infrared spectrum. It’s about the size of Jupiter, maybe a little larger, that is carrying planets with it and is coming into solar system. He says it comes in every 3,600 years. There are different names for it. People talk about Nibiru. I really don’t want to hear about that Nibiru is related to the Annunaki and all of that stuff.
I’m unsure of it. I was with Cobra saying I don’t see it. I want to find out if it is real. I want evidence. We should be able to observe it.
Alex states that he has a contact in the government who says that it is real – that he does have a picture that the guy sent him, but he would not allow me to see it even though I promised not to release it to the public. I wanted to use it for my own research and edification.
But I think eventually at some point if it’s real, someone will bust out where it’s at and everyone can take his or her telescopes and look at it through an infrared lens and see if this small dwarf star only visible in the infrared spectrum is really coming here.
Alex said that it would come between 2016 and 2017. It’ll have some major influence for about three months. I asked him, ‘Did you get confirmation from the Andromedans?’ and he said, ‘Yeah’. They told him about it in person and they told him about it telepathically and they confirmed that this picture that was given to him was real.
Now, as you knowI really like that physical contactees for my best source of intel. Now, of course we nmust acept, they even have different viewpoints. So I guess we’re going to find out in the future when it arrives.
Cobra says, ‘Absolutely, not’. He would have been told about it. He doesn’t see it. There’s no evidence of it and I would really like to side with Cobra for emotional hope is good reasons. It seems that it would make things a lot easier, that’s for sure.
Some of the indications of this comet if it is real is that due to the protection of the Galactic Confederation, we will not have any major cataclysmic drastic upheaval. We may have some earthquakes causing some shifting and we are already having a bit of a pole shift already. Whether it flips completely or not and what the changes will be remains to be seen. I agree with Cobra and Alex as well, that they won’t be that bad. It won’t be that cataclysmic. It’s under control to a certain extent. Whether it is from the vibrational attunement or dwarf star that is invisible in our visual spectrum it will not destroy all life and civilization is assured to transform albeit up to us how this will proceed.
So here we have, again, folks, the compartmentalization of the differing views from even bona fide contactees. I have to have great respect for Alex Collier and, of course, for Cobra as well, for their tremendous work and body of information that they’ve done and time will reveal the truth on this one.
So we’ll have to see how that is, but in either case there is no need to go into fear or worry about anything negative from this planet. We should be prepared and I think if it is real that the Galactics can precipitate the Event and to let people know if there will be some changes to give people time to move and to get to some safe zones. We probably will be having some telluric activities in either case as Luis is explaining as well that this is somewhat inevitable.
Luis Maerten also confirmed to me from his contact and he’s been to Ganymede – to the moon, artificial moon around Jupiter. He was on the interior. There’s a crystal city and a city called Morland and he’s also been to the crystal city . He’s been to Venus and he’s been to the Pleiades physically and he’s also been inside several GWB retreats. He’s a tremendous lighting rod of activation of ground crew for down-stepping of spiritual energies in activations at various locations on the planet.
I’ll be joining him in various locations next year. We’re probably going to Israel and some other places to work on the Dragon lines and to stabilize some of the earth’s consciousness collective energies to get released on the acupuncture grid lay lines, or as Antoine calls it: grid-work. So this is a very important aspect of the work of the lightworkers. It’s all coming together in spite any differing viewpoints or opinions. The truth is going to come out slowly and steadily.
To talk about something else that’s really cool. I’m really into the pineal and pituitary gland from my information that I got from the self- realization, teacher my meditation instructor Babaji who taught me Kryia Yoga. Kriya is really focused on the pineal glands development to bring about spiritual change. I was happy to see that Corey Goode and David Wilcox also had a talk on their last http://www.GaiamTV.com transcript where Corey talked about the government technology where they use sound to activate the pineal gland. This resonace type of healing is something Dr Bell and I were sharing so many years ago.
I want you to know folks that I do have a new product out there called the Violet Wand that I really enjoy. Nicole Tesla. I think that’s up on site now. I have a description. It’s probably not complete. I need some more stuff there.This absolutely stimulates the pituitary gland when used properly.
The Violent Wand is a plasma field generator of a purifying conscious energy ray you can read about. If you put a Cintimani stone, your own quartz or put it on your 3rd eye in your major acupressure, acupuncture points, you will notice great changes, especially around the chakra areas. Give yourself some good therapy with a tachyonized crystal. So that’s a great new product.
I also have a new product called a Promise Light Watch and this is a watch that I used with the scientists from the Dragon Society in developing laser tools that I have on my website. We took the base unit and I basically disconnected the wand part, which is custom made and uses crystals and tachyonized stones there, and instead I just have the Light Watch. The Light Watch itself is amazing folks. It basically is a watch that goes over where you take your pulse. They call it the Nei Guan acupuncture point. It purifies your blood. Arthritis, diabetes and arterial sclerosis and actually heart disease have been proven by extensive studies in china to positively effect the body.
The studies that are very well done and very well documented indicate that 35-45 minutes a day shows tremendous improvement. That’s simply from the documentation of the studies which are available. I really like that one.
It also has a nasal attachment that you can put in your nose and it will hold in there and stimulated your pituitary gland with a photonic field in the red frequency which is congruent with the ruby ray connected to the pituitary body and is symbolized as the third eye and a red dot in india is often placed on the forehead brow and is sometimes called a bindi.
So we’re really getting into the sound, light and color vibrational therapies on my site trying to carry on this work of the pleiadeans / service for many years and this information is like what David W and Corey Goode talk about.
You get some Tachyons and some Cintimanis and some lasers and some violet wants pulsing on your third eye, you’ll begin to experience these vibrational attunements. By raising our vibration we can keep our consciousness high and we can keep our awareness away from fear in general.
It’s time folks, to just have confidence and know that you’re an immortal consciousness soul being and there’s really nothing that can happen even if we pass over in this body. Have no fear, things are moving along. I’ve got some other things I’ll be talking about on my other radio shows but I know you’re all chomping at the bit for Cobra.
I’d like you to know to keep in touch and follow my stuff. We’re going to have more interesting information. I have put some more things on the inner circle group with Dr Frank Stranges and Commander Valiant Thor and that will be coming out a lot more regularly from now on we hope as time permits.
Without further a-due I’m going to bring in Cobra on the beautiful interview we got coming up here. I thank you all once again for your kindness and support. Victory to the light and don’t forget http://www.thepromiserevealed.com and http://www.prepareforchange.net. Check out the good work they’re doing there. God bless you all. Here comes Cobes.
Rob – Hello Ladies and gentlemen. Again, as promised, here is our dear friend Cobra, the emissary of light, and we’re going to be sharing some wonderful information today on the liberation of the planet. Quite a bit has been going on. Again, I have to apologize, I was been very busy. I was in Bolivia with Mr. Luis Maerten and, of course, my Mt. Shasta Conference.
We are officially recording this on the 31st of August. It is a monthly interview but It won’t post till September. Hopefully we’ll get another one in in September. I apologize for the delay. I know many of you have been waiting and I want to thank you for your patience. We’ve got some very interesting things going on. Without further a due, Cobra welcome once again to our edition to our special edition of the Victory of The Light Radio Show. It’s an honor to have you here, again, as always.
COBRA – Thank you for the invitation again.
Rob – I’m going to start out with a couple of personal questions here. We’ve got lots of great questions here this month. I was just in Bolivia with Luis Maertens, the gentleman who’s had quite a few experiences down there with the Great White Brotherhood. He spent seven days in what he called the Abby of the Seven Rays and also he’s been to the Dome city which exists beneath Lake Titicaca the minor. He said the minor lake was actually created to protect the information there some 5,000 years ago.
I guess it was decided to protect it and they put a hole in the mountain that rerouted a river and there is an energetic field that’s not even made of glass. It’s kind of a small retreat center where sits the Golden Disc of the Sun. In some of the questions that I asked him, he had said that the Golden Disc of the Sun had been misused and it had caused the planet to wobble and I ask him, ‘Did that cause the flood?’ When did the planet start to wobble? I guess it was fairly recently. We started to have the seasons. Was that 24,000 years ago?
COBRA – There were many periods in human history when there was a wobble in the planetary axis so this is not a new phenomena on this planet.
Rob – It’s not in the history. So is it true that at some point the planet will end it’s wobble and we will go back to having a spring and a summer? That’s kind of what I was told it would be like.
COBRA – The weather patterns on the planet will change, but this is not only connected with the planetary wobble. It’s more connected with the condition of the energy flow from the Galactic Center.
Rob – Okay. Also, another thing that I found. We went to these different locations down there for these activations and initiations and each place we went he would say, ‘In that mountain is a base of the Confederation and near-by there was always a retreat of the Great White Brotherhood (GWB).’ Could you comment on the relationship between the Confederation and the GWB, and how they work so closely together?
COBRA – Basically, the GWB are ascended beings that have gone through Earth incarnations and after they’re ascended they realized they are part of a greater Brotherhood which is called the Galactic Confederation. It’s because Earth is just a planet which is about to be accepted in the Galactic Network of Light, so there is a deep working relationship between those two groups and they are very deeply interconnected. They are working very closely together for planetary liberation.
Rob – Okay. That makes a lot of sense. What I asked him down there when I was talking about the stuff that you reveal and things of this nature, it seems as though Luis mentioned that it’s completely different. He’s been working with different groups over the last 30 years that he has contacts with and they achieve certain things and they have activations, kind of like you have when you go do meditations in sacred sites. It seems his work is very much involved in that and he really wasn’t like involved with the changes in the physical aspects of the political change to liberate the planet. He seems to be more energetic level. What he indicated to me was that the GWB work with the energies, the elementals and kind of like on the spiritual realm, and he indicated that the Confederation is more actively involved than actual programs. Would you agree with that assessment?
COBRA – Not completely because also the GWB is working on the physical plane, not so much directly but through their disciples and through certain people they send certain energies that have a great influence on the physical plane.
Rob – Yes, yes. It’s more of a energetic spiritual work that they do as opposed to directly involved in like removing plasma scalar field type stuff. Is that correct?
COBRA – I don’t think we actually . . .They are very much involved in the removal of the scalar plasma field.
Rob – The GWB is?
COBRA – Yes.
Rob – Okay, and by the way, folks, a lot of people have questions. We say GWB. White stands for purity and it’s actually brotherhood/sisterhood. Is that correct Cobra?
COBRA – Yes. Absolutely. I think that’s very much obvious.
Rob – Okay. He told me that in one of the satellite pictures, because I was kind of like saying that this stuff is going on and he said, ‘Well we don’t really focus on that’. He says, ‘The more you focus on it, the more real it becomes’. And I kind of got that but I said, ‘We have to focus on it so it’s a real thing.’ But what he said was the entire Earth is kind of in . . . He described the quarantine as kind of like it’s own time zone and that when the Voyager went out and took a picture of the Earth, it wasn’t even there. So he kind of indicated that it’s kind of like the feeling I got was that the Earth has been inserted into like a time bubble hospital, so to speak, where there’s changes being made. Can you talk about that type of information?
COBRA – Things are a little bit different. Time has a vector which goes from the past to the future and the Earth is where it is so when the Voyager took the picture, the Earth was there. The only thing is that the light has to travel from Earth to the Voyager, which took about 8 hours in that instance. This is what people meant by saying that the Earth was not there.
Rob – Oh, okay. He was kind of saying that the negativity and everything is going on is kind of like a false reality in a certain sense and when we achieve liberation it will be re-attuned to the consciousness of the spiritual realms. There won’t be the negativity like you’ve said.
COBRA – Yes, of course when the Event happens, the negativity will be removed from the planet.
Rob – Yes. He said that, another thing I’m kind of curious about. He said that they work a lot with what he calls the Ring of Fire, which is the magmatic or the telluric energies, and he said it’s related to consciousness and he said that the magma flows of the Earth are very important in interacting with human consciousness. Do you agree with that?
COBRA – Yes, exactly.
Rob – Okay. Another thing I’d like to ask in regards of that. He went through a portal and he went to Ganymede and there was a dome or an energetic field. He was on the surface as well as on the interior. In any of your travels did you ever get to go to Ganymede?
COBRA – Actually, I was close to that location to the moon of Jupiter when I had a tour of the solar system with the Pleiadians many years ago.
Rob – Okay. He said there’s a city there called the Morlan and that it was very interesting. He said that there the plants actually have consciousness. When he was there, he said a plant was moving across the landscape and he said, on your Earth plants are group consciousness and up here they are individual consciousness. I just thought that was very interesting. He described that Ganeymeade as a place where those beings who wish to help the Earth are trained in becoming guides for the people of the Earth and that Ganymede is very important in the Jupiter Command as far as healing the Earth with the advanced people. Could you comment on that or anything that you learned from the Jupiter command centers up there?
COBRA – Actually, I made a whole post about the Ganymede portal and the importance of Ganymede. It’s one of the major portals for the solar system and for the galactic energies and transmits those galactic energies throughout the solar system. There are many bases of Galactic Confederation on Ganymede and below the surface of Ganymede and those bases are anchoring the light for the whole solar system.
Rob – Okay. That’s kind of what he said and it was very interesting and it’s wonderful to hear you guys on the same page with a lot of that stuff. I appreciate that. I just finished the Mt. Shasta Conference and we had speakers and one of the interesting things for me was Alex Collier. At the end of his talk he talked about a dwarf – I’m not sure if it’s brown or red dwarf star – that he maintains is coming to the solar system very soon. And I asked him, ‘How do you know this? and he said, ‘I have a picture from a gentleman in the Navy who said the government knows about it. It can only be photographed in infrared.’
He says it’s approaching the solar system. I don’t know if it’s inside yet. He said it’s already causing volcanic activity outside Pluto. I asked him, ‘Did the A’s confirm this?’ He said, ‘They told me about this a long time ago’. My question is, I read in Billy Myers Contact notes many many years ago, when I was very young with Fred Bell, Wendell Stevens was sending them. They called this body that comes every 3,600 years the “Destroyer Comet”.
They actually said they had bumped it and it won’t be as much of an issue. But Alex, in his talk said that the Galactics will absolutely protect the Earth as much as possible but there may be some earthquakes, some tsunamis and tectonic movement, but it would not be cataclysmic or causing things. Furthermore, he said the peak influence will probably come sometime in 2016 or 17. Just curious. I always thought it was a myth. I thought if it’s there we could see it, but he said that, so I’d like to hear your views on that.
COBRA – I cannot confirm the existence of that body and, absolutely, I cannot confirm that there is a certain object that is coming to cause cataclysmic events on this planet. Basically what’s happening is the activity of the Galactic Center is increasing and that is why we have more earthquakes here and that is the main reason why we are having all those changes.
Rob – Okay, so from your contacts can you not confirm it for security reasons, or you absolutely do not know that the ET’s have not mentioned it to you at all and it’s never been brought up in any of your communications?
COBRA – I have never received any confirmation about the existence of anything that is returning in 3,600 years and making destruction in our solar system.
Rob – Okay, he didn’t say cataclysm, he said in the past it’s caused some activities and it’s very interesting, I was quite surprised and I guess that just comes into the different groups have different understandings. I really respect Alex Collier so I wouldn’t be very surprised if this does come through and if it doesn’t. Let’s see, let’s go into the other questions. We have a lot of questions from people now. We’ll try to get through these in your usual wonderful fashion.
A lot of people have been talking about this thing called the Wave. I don’t know, there’s allegedly some scientist who supposedly has nailed it down to the thing. I kind of feel like it’s we are in the wave now, aren’t we Cobra?
COBRA – Actually we’re in the wave for quite some time. As I’ve said many times before the increased activity of the Galactic Center. And people have various names for this and one of the peaks is coming in the next few months and there will be much much more of those energy peaks happening in the future and one of those peaks will result in the event. It is extremely hard to predict which one will be the right one.
Rob – Exactly, that’s what I was feeling. It’s a succession of increases that have windows of opportunity.
COBRA – Exactly.
Rob – That’s one of the things that I have a lot of respect for you, that you’ve never set a date. It’s always a window or a possible time zone. You would agree that there is a window of opportunity peak coming in the near future, yes?
COBRA – Yes, yes, I would agree with that.
Rob – Okay, thank you. We’’ll just go through a bunch of these questions here. Someone wants to know if you can give any information on Bernie Sanders as the president possibility elect. He obviously is well intended. I’m not sure if he has the depth to hold things, but people are kind of wondering if you’ve had any information on his efforts?
COBRA – Okay. It’s extremely unlikely that anybody who has not been chosen by the Cabal would become our president, if, of course, there will be elections next year.
Rob – Yes, I was curious about the possibility of the elections. I would really be shocked with the movement we’ve made forward in awareness on the planet. Do you think we will have elections? Would it come down to Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton? Do you think that’s possible?
COBRA – Many things are possible but more so a surprise is possible. Of course, if the event happens before that time frame, the elections will not be.
Rob – Okay. Another question here. We’re going to jump around here a bit. Someone wants to know, what is the process with the Archons and the Cabal? How did they corrupt the Islamic religion and other religions? How do they do that?
COBRA – This question would need to be a little bit more specific.
Rob – Okay. I guess I’ll skip that one. It’s on PFC, folks, but I thought I’d ask it anyway. Someone wants to know when the actual event comes what do you recommend for the average person? Probably doesn’t feel like they want to be one of the people handing out the community leader’s brief or going into that thing. What do you recommend the common people do during the event?
COBRA – Whatever they feel guided to do. I’m not here to give any suggestions to anybody. I would just say for everybody to listen to his or her own inner guidance. There is enough Intel out there to make informed choices and find your own way of contributing to the event when it happens.
Rob – Okay. Some people were wondering after the event, how quickly will certain jobs and, for instance, someone asked, ‘Will big sport teams and that type of thing like Major League Baseball, football, world soccer, would those types of things end in the light of the revelations that will come during the event?’
COBRA – It will be a gradual process. It will take somewhere between a few months and a few years.
Rob – Okay. A lot of people asked the specifics about the elixir. What . . . Can you give us any possible earthly-based current, I guess, nutritional technology that would approximate these types of technologies from the benevolent?
COBRA – Not at this moment because what is most important with the immortality process is the state of consciousness. With the right state of consciousness, everything else falls into place.
Rob – Okay, Luiz said that when he went to the – he called it the Temple of Purity – that he would place his hand in a device that would read his body’s nutritional needs and he said that they primarily were living on vegetable and fruit extracts. Is that going to be possible shortly after the event that we’ll have devices that would read what we would need and be able to create the food very quickly?
COBRA – Yes, it will be possible for those who will be contacted by the Resistance Movement. This will actually increase gradually as more people are contacted.
Rob – Okay. Someone wants to know, after the event how much of the average work-day is going to be phased out? Will we still be working 8 hour-day jobs in the beginning to get things going, or will there be a general relaxing of the, I guess, frenetic pace of work that we currently have?
COBRA – Right at the event, the working day will still be about 8 hours and this will gradually decrease over a few months, a few years period, to be maybe about 4 hours. Work, it will not be an obligation anymore. There will be a certain minimal income guaranteed to anybody and everybody and those who would like to be more creative, of course, will continue to work in their own way.
Rob – Will the event be postponed if the surface circumstances are all set and ready, except the plasma scalar field is not quite cleared? Would they attempt to pull that off until that’s ready, the plasma field must be down for the Event to take place?
COBRA – Actually, the plasma field with the strangelet and toplet bombs is the most critical part of the situation and has to be cleared to a great degree before the Event can happen. Basically all strangelet and toplet bombs need to be removed completely before the Event can happen.
Rob – I didn’t really get into the details myself of your post, but I’ve read all of your posts at some point. One person said you have not explained what a toplet bomb is as opposed to a strangelet bomb. I don’t know if that is true but they said that they were wondering what is the difference between the strangelet and toplet bomb?
COBRA – Actually I have explained that but I will repeat it again. The toplet bomb is made of top quarks where the strangelet bomb is made of strange quarks. The toplet bomb is a little bit more massive and quite more dangerous. It is very difficult to make so there are not very many of those present, but still there are some in existence and they all need to be removed.
Rob – Thank you, very much. Can you tell what the radiation is at Fukushima is at this point?
COBRA – The situation is not as drastic as many people like to portray, but still it is quite much of a pollution in the environment and this situation will be completely dealt with after the Event.
Rob – Okay. Someone was wondering, when a planet is liberated there’s different types of planets, they would like to know if there is any major difference between the planetary liberation process? I guess they were kind of referring to, are all planets have plasma scalar fields? Are there different types of liberations have taken place in the past?
COBRA – The situation on planet Earth is very unique, because this is the most complex planet with the most extensive programming and a mixture of different races, so this is actually the hardest planet to liberate.
Rob – Okay. This is kind of a guess thing out there. They want your guesstimation, I guess you could call it, of these top Cabal members. Is there a percentage of them have realized the game is up and want to get out, or are a lot of them headed towards the central sun? They were kind of wondering what is their emotional state? There are reports that they are extremely fearful and panicked or are they resigned? What’s going on there?
COBRA – Basically, those who were ready before to cross over into the light when the opportunity comes, are still the same and those who have a tendency to be resisting till the end, will resist until the end. So this didn’t change much and we are just waiting for the right time for the changes to happen and then, of course, those who were ready even before, will go into the light.
Rob – Okay. I got three of these questions this month and I’m not sure if you had a post regarding this. Several people wanted to know how many dimensions are there?
COBRA – Depending on your definition is of a dimension, there are actually gradations of refinement of frequency that are gradually converged into the one.
Rob – Are there, I think Dr. Bell said there are 7 or 8 parallel universes. Are these related to, in esoteric terms, what we would call the plains, the cosmic, the physical, the mental, all of that? Or within those, there are also more refined gradations of dimensions as well?
COBRA – Yes, yes.
Rob – Okay. Someone has said, and I don’t know if this is true, they said the new BRICS system was invented by George Soros and Goldman Sacs. Is that true?
COBRA – That is not true, but it is true that the, actually the light forces were behind this but the Jesuits and their minions tried to infiltrate and are still trying to infiltrate this and they have been successful to a certain degree.
Rob – Okay. Someone from Argentina seems to feel that the president of their country is quite cozy with the Pope, and they were wondering if you had any information on that?
COBRA – There are always negotiations taking place and what is happening on the surface is not always what is happening behind the scenes.
Rob – They also have said that in Southern Argentina there is a Chinese military base being built and they are wondering what is that purpose. A lot of people are concerned that this is from the standard mainstream view down there that China is trying to infiltrate communism into Argentina. Are you aware?
COBRA – No, I just know what is happening. What is happening is there is a strong Archon black nobility Illuminati presence in Argentina and the Chinese are trying to create a counter balance to that.
Rob – Oh, so the Chinese are establishing a presence to be able to intervene if they try to do, what did you call it, the Project Doom at the time of the Event, yes?
COBRA – Not exactly, but there is a lot of activity happening right there and the Chinese are balancing or counteracting certain actions of the Archon families there.
Rob – Okay. This is an interesting question. I think you kind of answered it before. Is there supposed to be another, as you said, influx of energies between October and December – is what this person says. Does it have the potential to trigger the Event?
COBRA – It window of opportunity has the potential to trigger the Event, including this one.
Rob – Okay. Could you comment on the current situation with the subterranean strongholds of the Chimera group? Are there still some strong holds? Have there been some victories down there? Are they being arrested? What’s happening with the Chimera group?
COBRA – Okay. There has been a lot of progress in the underground strongholds of the Chimera group. Not much of this is left, so this is good news, actually.
Rob – What happens to the space? Does the Chimera spread out among the planet when the thing happens or are they all actually being arrested and removed from the Earth into I guess maybe motherships of the Light Forces? What happens down there when that takes place?
COBRA – They are actually transferred to the Ganymede crossing facility and the majority of them go to the Galactic Central Sun. Some of them choose to actually cross into the light and they are then going through a certain re-education process.
Rob – Wow, that’s great, so when you mentioned the Chimera group has some major strongholds and they were quite strong, can you give us a percentage? Are we down to, let’s say 10 years ago the Chimera had so many bases and activities where they guarded their toplet bombs and I think you mentioned they actually have scalar plasma fields systems down there as well. What percentage of that has been removed at this point?
COBRA – I would not speak about percentage, but I would say the vast majority has been removed.
Rob – Wow, that makes me think between 75% or somewhere in that range.
COBRA – Far more than that.
Rob – Wow, that’s really good. Some people were wondering, before the actual physical Event, will the veil be somewhat lifted or is it exactly at the same time? How does that work?
COBRA – Okay. The veil is already being lifted to a certain degree, so we are already in the process of veil removal and this will gradually increase up until the point where all, where the Event happens.
Rob – So there are different individuals, it seems as though, I’ve been giving a lot of reports of some tremendous progress being made by a lot of people on a personal level, making great strides in their personal spiritual development. Is this part of the veil being removed or is this probably also some of the work of the contact from the Galactics being allowed to take place on a more regular basis now, yes?
COBRA – Actually both things are part of the same process.
Rob – Okay. Is there anything you can share with us about any plans for contact with certain individuals? Are there going to be any plans for more intense landings where they will stay on the ground and people will get to see them, or is that a little farther out?
COBRA – No, no this is not going to happen before the Event.
Rob – Okay. So not much open interaction, or none at all until the Event. I guess someone says here, ‘Are the incarnated Archons able to communicate or act or interact in some ways with the octopus?. I don’t know what that means, really.
COBRA – Not directly, but they can communicate through their meditations.
Rob – Okay. Does the plasma scalar fields on the sub lunar operations are making a great process. How is this affecting the implants in the human population?
COBRA – Actually, this is assisting very much in implant removal. The implants are far less intense and this is going to assist the human beings in contacting the light much more easily.
Rob – Are these implants, you mentioned there is an invisible one, it’s kind of like . . . It actually shifts. You kind of said that it can be suppressed or removed or subjugated to a certain extent with different technologies, but you said it kind of can grow back and kind of have more influence. Is that being limited now with the work that’s being done or is that still kind of the game?
COBRA – It’s still happening but to a little bit lesser degree.
Rob – Okay. Another question someone here has. I guess they’re quoting you here. It says, “Regular intake of the Elixir of Life to support the process – the two versions avalable. The mineral version is more effective and more powerful than the herbal version.” This person would like some clarification of the difference between these two versions of elixirs.
COBRA – Okay. I have said as much as I could say already in the article.
Rob – Okay. It’s kind of a hidden thing. Someone wants to know, and I don’t know if this is definitely going to happen, but they said that Cern is planning on something in September and they’re wondering, is that going to cause any aftermath in the energetic time-lines, or of the magnetic conditions of the Earth?
COBRA – No, no. Those fears are ungrounded. People have those speculations about Cern, about September 23rd. None of these are of any concern to the light.
Rob – Yea, my feeling has been that everything is going to be all right and that these, these bad guys are kind of on the way out. We don’t have too much more to fear, do we Cobra?
COBRA – We actually have nothing to fear.
Rob – Okay. I guess I could say, they still may have a few things that can cause some issues, do you see any of these agendas that they have taking place in terms of manipulating the people and false flags like that? Are those pretty much all done?
COBRA – Things like that can happen, yes.
Rob – Okay. Someone mentioned . . . They wanted to hear your perspective . . . I think in a week or two the Jade Helm officially ends and they wanted to hear what you thought about that. Were there forces, did they have plans going on that were going to be better but everyone knew about it so they couldn’t do it? What was the situation? And we still, I think they said have two more weeks of Jade Helm officially. Can you comment on Jade Helm and what that was?
COBRA – Actually, the whole situation was exaggerated as usually and as I’ve said many times in the past, you don’t need to worry about this. Jade Helm will be over and after it’s over, a few weeks later, everybody will forget that it ever existed.
Rob – Yea, I kind of felt that it was a very real possibility, the technology described was kind of scary, but it’s good to know that it’s fluttered out as you’ve predicted. People want to know if you can comment, if you know, What is the Pope’s true agenda when he comes here as you’ve been revealed any more intel on that. You mentioned in our last interview that certain things are going on. This has been a persistent . . . I got many, many questions on that and they want to know. If there any new developments could you would share that with us?
COBRA – Again, his visit is not as important as it seems. It’s just their attempt at programming the masses. There will be no cataclysmic or life shattering revelations or anything of that nature.
Rob – I’ve been speaking with a gentleman who’s been in contact with the treasurer and Christine Legarde and he maintains that things really are changing, and I noted to him, I said, “The hundred dollar bills now say ‘Federal Reserve Note and Treasury note’”. Can you comment on that? Is that kind of the transition dollar that’s going on?
COBRA – Yes, there are changers behind the scenes in the structure of the financial system, and those changes are quite deep and they will lead towards the financial reset.
Rob – Okay. Will the dollar keep it’s purchasing power after the reset? Will there be a drastic situation for the US dollar where, like in some countries you could use it in your fireplace it’s so cheap, not worth the paper it’s printed on. I was kind of wondering what the situation is with the dollar?
COBRA – No, there will be no drastic devaluation. There might be a devaluation to a certain degree, but the US dollar will not become worthless paper. This is not the plan.
Rob – Okay. There was a question in regards to that giant explosion in China. I think you had mentioned that it was a Cabal activity and they were wondering if it was nuclear?
COBRA – Unfortunately, yes. Like there were nuclear explosions before in Yemen and Syria.
Rob – Wow, okay. The message was from the Cabal to China. Is that what they were doing?
COBRA – Yes, exactly, yes.
Rob – People were wondering what is going on with Netanyahu. Is he being kind of curbed and controlled to an extent? Is his power still strong enough to create a lot of havoc or is he kind of waning in his power?
COBRA – He is loosing power daily because his old allies are shifting alliances recently because they are realizing that things are changing.
Rob – Yes, some people have been wondering. I thought it was quite interesting. I saw in the airport that Hillary Clinton, you know they put some smoke and mirrors that she’s under investigation for an unsecured computer. What is the purpose of that little leak there? Is that meaning there is something else deeper going on there, of course, or is that a little smoke and mirrors there? What was the purpose of that?
COBRA – It’s the usual rivalry between various factions in the politics. There are deeper things going on but not related to that particular case.
Rob – Yes, people want to know, after the take-down, what happens with the GMOs? Will those crops be destroyed? Are there plans to take care of that where there are seeds and that influence? What will be the process to heal the plants that are growing under GMOs after the Event?
COBRA – Most of the crops will be destroyed. There will be some genetic reverse engineering as you might call it. They will be unengineered back to their original DNA.
Rob – Okay. Some people want to know. What’s going on with Trump’s candidacy for president? I kind of see him as an absolute buffoon personally, but he said that vaccines cause autism and he also has stated that politicians are bought and paid for by billionaires like him. Is he been put up to this or is this just really just an individual, an ego maniac with lots of money who’s on his own agenda and wants to become president or is he part of the Cabal? Has he been put into that position?
COBRA – He has not been put in that position but he has some ideas that are quite aligned with the Cabal’s goal. He is not the savior as some people are expecting him to be.
Rob – Yea, I don’t think so. Another question here. People are wondering about . . . Are there any extraterrestrials of the negative side working in the Vatican or underground there?
COBRA – No, no. Not any more.
Rob – Okay. People are wondering, what changes will they be feeling at the time of the Event when the plasma field comes down? They were kind of wondering if you could describe the physical symptoms perhaps, some idea of the feelings that will take place and how quickly will it be? Will it happen very quickly or will this be over several weeks the energies will just shift? They kind of wanted to know, the light workers, what should they should look for and how could they aid that process along?
COBRA – It will be a very strong energetic event and people will be able to feel very strong energies and that might cause also strange physical sensations. This process will accelerate as it comes closer to the Event and peak at the moment of the Event.
Rob – Thank you. We talked about this privately but some people have asked, “Why are there so many empty cities being build in China, Africa and some cities in America and no one’s in there? What is the purpose of these ghost cities?”
COBRA – The Chinese need to park their money there somehow. They have a lot of money to invest and they just build cities.
Rob – And eventually they’re going to more people in there. (Yes.) Someone wants to know and I ‘m not sure how this can be stated. You’ve mentioned the, I guess what we would call evil and this negativity is caused by the random anomaly, but people were wondering, is there a planet where this evil originated from, the Orion system, or was it in other areas of other galaxies as well?
COBRA – Actually, there were a few planets of origins, the main ones being in the Orion system, but there were a few other points when this has spontaneously evolved after the begining of the experiment.
Rob – Can you talk about how it came to be that the random anomaly caused this negativity?
COBRA – It was the choice of certain beings to experience that anomaly directly and they have developed technologies to do so, so that experience was extremely unpleasant to the point that their consciousness has been mutated beyond repair.
Rob – Okay, very interesting. That kind of dovetails in with what Omnec Onec said at the conference. We had asked her what was the situation and she said that there were genetic manipulations that took place and that some of the beings from not all the Pleiades, some of the beings from the Pleiades and other areas had disagreements on this experiment that you talk about and that they purposefully deconstructed our DNA to cut us off from our spiritual connection, which she said was natural and are given birthright. Would you agree with that?
COBRA – I would not agree that the Pleiadians did something like this.
Rob – Maybe that some beings from the Pleiadians did that?
COBRA – No, I would not agree with that.
Rob – Okay. Alex Collier states that and she said that some beings from there, whether they had a base there, I don’t know, obviously there are many view points of that. People were wondering, after the financial reset, how long will it take for our current monetary system gold-backed after the Event to transition into it, I guess we would call it, the universal prosperity economic system of the Galactic Confederation?
COBRA – I would estimate a few years.
Rob – Oh, that’s really good. In a couple of years we will be finished with the actual exchange of currency then?
COBRA – Yes. That is our expectation.
Rob – Yes, and will this be run along computers and based on an individual’s service credits and exchanged in that way?
COBRA – No, when the technologies become available to manifest everything with replicators, there will be no more need for a financial system.
Rob – Wow, that is exciting Cobra. In a few years it can take place?
COBRA – This can take place very fast after the Event.
Rob – Obviously, there’s really good plans for that. That’s really good news, thank you. This is a quote from someone. It says, “Christine Lagarde announced twice in national speeches that there is no such thing, there will not be any global reset, period”. And I guess the question is, is she lying to us? I thought that I’ve heard from sources that she’s kind of involved in it.
COBRA – Who said that?
Rob – Christine Lagarde.
COBRA – She’s not involved directly with the reset.
Rob – Okay. She said there won’t be one.
COBRA – She can say whatever she wants, but there will be one.
Rob – I know, but so, I guess that kind of makes me think she’s a little hostile to it. There have been indications that she’s been attempting to help that along. But here’s a thing that someone says, “To date there is many family and friends as well as some private exchange RV group have indeed already exchanged their currencies”. Now, it says, “The public is waiting”. They would like you to acknowledge or confirm or deny if that has been happening in the last few weeks. Is there some revaluation going on?
COBRA – The reset will happen on a planetary scale at the same moment for everybody. There will be no backdoor deals as a part of that reset.
Rob – Okay. So there is no one who is exchanging Dinar or these financial things. Nothing’s going to happen until the reset happens at the moment of the Event. Is that what you’re saying? (Yes)
Okay. I have a question about that. It’s such a large. . . . it’s such a huge shift over. Do they have a plan for this to take place in certain countries first or is this really going to take place all over the planet at once?
COBRA – This is going to take place all over the planet as once, at the same moment, in real time.
Rob – Wow. I just think with the human element in play here. I mean it just seems without it being experimented or explained to the public about what is going on and it’s just happening. How will everyone who’s in the position of finance know how to deal and support this, even if they’re really good, honest and good ethical people and there’s lots of them who are in the financial system. It’s just their job and their mindset. They’re stock traders and stuff. How will these people be able to assimilate the new system? Is it going to be so simple that anyone can do it?
Rob – Okay. For many of the stock market traders and people in the financial sector it will be a big shock. Those type of people will have the greatest difficulties in accepting this transition.
Rob – Will there will be people to take their place? I mean, I guess Cobra I’m not a super good financial guy, but when large amounts of food are shipped and trade that keep societies and countries running, I think specifically of food, that’s all done thru the stock market. I mean how . . . I guess there are contingencies now for that to take place.
COBRA – Yes, yes of course.
Rob – Okay. And I guess there is obviously must be a lot of people involved that already know about this? Are they in contact with the RM of the Galactic Confederation?
COBRA – Most of them are in contact or I would say they receive instructions from the positive military. They just know part of the plan not the whole plan. They know just the part of the plan that is directly connected with their actions.
Rob – Okay. Here is another question. It says, “In a recent interview, you
said deep earth changes were at least 15 years late. It’s quite obvious that our Galactic friends have been monitoring and protecting us – the sun and the Earth to make sure that such deep changes like volcanic activity are kept at bay for some time” and this is presumably to give mankind more time to awaken and raise their consciousness. What they wanted to know was, “Are these changes connected to the photon belt in any way and given the earth changes that will take place in the future you see some of these changes taking place before 2015 is over?”
COBRA – Okay. There is no thing as a photon belt because the majority of the incoming energy flow from the galactic center is not coming through photons and as I’ve said I’m not giving any exact time line predictions of when things are supposed to happen.
Rob – Okay. Someone was talking about the wobble in the Earth’s axis and the human consciousness. Is the planetary wobble and aura intimately associated with human consciousness? (Yes it is.) Would you agree that there will be a pole shift, maybe not a pole flipping on it’s axis, and is there a time period that this window more likely occur than any other time?
COBRA – We are all ready in the process of the magnetic pole shift. So this is already happening.
Rob – Can you talk about how pole will shift?
COBRA – The magnetic poles are shifting already and this is not going to trigger any massive cataclysm. About the physical polar shift, I am not speaking yet.
Rob – Okay. The magnetic polar shift is. Can you talk about the distance from where the North Pole is now, magnetically? How far is this going to shift? Will this be thousands of miles, several hundred miles? What is anticipated?
COBRA – It can be thousands of miles and it could be a complete polar reversal.
Rob – It could be. Would a polar reversal precipitate more physical upheaval? (No) Interesting. So we could have a magnetic shift where the south pole becomes the north pole and the north pole becomes the south pole and not have a drastic movement within the tectonic plates or earthquake, is that correct? (Yes). Very good news.
Someone wants to know, what lightworkers should do to protect themselves in their financial situation in the world today. You recommend investing. I know you’re not a stock person, but do you recommend holding some gold and silver? Some people have been feeling that the currencies are going to fluctuate and that . . . Would be the safest way to put your money?
COBRA – Okay. First, pull it out of the bank. This is #1. And #2 put it in something tangible or even better put it in projects that improves the quality of your life and the quality of the lives of the people around you.
Rob – Okay. D