Posted on April 30, 2014
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By Eve Lorgen
Randy Cramer-aka-Captain “Kaye”, a former supersoldier I Interviewed back in 2006, code named “Zed” (See:
is going public with his testimony about his service for the Mars Defense Force. The MDF is part of the Earth Defense Force, a UN “Unacknowledged Special Access Program”. His recruitment in 1987 into the “US Marine Corps Special Section” began a 20 year tour of duty working for the Mars Defense Force, which is the primary defense unit that protects the Mars Colony Corporation. This defense unit recruits people from many military services globally to protect the interests of the MCC, which consists of five civilian space colonies. Aries Prime is the main human “headquarters” on Mars, and is located inside of a crater.
According to Randy, the atmosphere on Mars is breathable, and the temperature there could be warm at times. He says there are two main indigenous species on Mars, both of which are highly intelligent. Essentially an aggressive reptilian species and an Insectiod species, both of whom were equally capable of defending their territories on Mars. There are bases both on the surface and underground. The indigenous Martian species, a reptoid, “old clan warrior class” are not particularly interested in expanding their territory, only maintaining it.
The EDF’s purpose is to protect the Mars Colony Corporation, and as long as these human interests did not encroach on the territory of the indigenous Martians, then relations there would be stable. However, as Randy tells of his experiences and secret operations while on Mars, maintaining peaceful relations is not always easy. After 17 years into his duty serving the EDF, a covert operation to retrieve ancient Reptilian temple artifacts within a Martian Cave resulted in a disastrous battle. Out of 1000 soldiers, only 28 survived, Randy being among one of the fortunate survivors.
Randy is continuing to retrieve his paperwork and documentation which validates that there is evidence of the Mars Defense Force, Lunar Operations Command, and Mars Colony Corporation as part of the breakaway civilization that is in continuous interaction with various ET species. It is not a black and white situation, as there are species who are considered extremely dangerous, neutral and benevolent.
In reality, for most supersoldier programs, the training starts long before the person is into adulthood or formally “recruited” into a particular branch of military covert operations. For Randy, his first abduction memory occurred at 3 years old or possibly younger, after which the “secret military” took advantage of his “hybrid upgrades” and placed him into a supersoldier project for 14 years as part of the Special Section of the USMC. Project Moonshadow* was actually the childhood program that prepped him for later service for the Mars Defense Force tour of duty. Then at age 17 in 1987 Randy was put into a block of soldiers who were sent to serve the Earth Defense Force. He was then contracted out from the EDF to work for the Mars Defense Force, which is the main defense contractor for the Mars Colony Corporation. He spent 20 years total, the last 2 and 3/4 years which were as a Captain on an airwing attached to the EDSS Nautilaus, under the command of Captain Montgomery Kirkland. At the end of Randy’s tour of duty, he and others were rotated back to the moon for debrief (Luna Operations) for reverse aging, a process that took several weeks to prepare him to be inserted back into his original timeline, 1987. The debrief consisted of memory suppression of his training and duties and some tests to determine the effects of influence of ET consciousness from Mars on his person. Randy’s memories of his ”return before age regression” period included being shown off to some military brass, some gladiator style fighting, and many medical tests and procedures. This reverse aging process was also described by former supersoldier Michael Relfe, of whom I also interviewed many years ago. (See:
Other testimonies about the existence of secret bases and operations on Mars have come forward, such as the great granddaughter of President Eisenhower, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower ( She claimed that covert efforts were made to recruit her to join a colony on Mars. Andrew Basiago of Project Pegasus (See: also came forward with his experiences on Mars, and its breathable atmosphere, as well as some hostile animal species on the surface.
In my interview with Randy, I ask many pointed and personal questions about his memory retrieval, recovery process and ways of life in undercover operations. Spirituality plays a large part in Randy’s life as well as his continued healing and self empowerment journey. Without a solid connection to his “higher Self” and intense desire to be free, Randy would never have survived to tell about his experiences. He is an inspiration because of his resiliency, determination to be free and his willingness to fight for human freedom.
Note from Randy: *Project Moonshadow was the childhood program, there were 300 of us in the original program, about an 80/20 split of boys and girls. Project Moonshadow is/was a USMCss cooperative program with the Bronze ones. In 1987 I was officially transferred to USMCss general service pool. That pool (of about 10,000 personnel) was sent to Luna Operations Command (LOC) for individual assignments in the EDF system.
Interview Questions by Eve Lorgen
1. Randy can you explain the dates when you enlisted into the military (Navy?) and when you were formally discharged?
A: Let me first clarify that my covert drafting into a marine corps program is my military background. My attempt to enlist in the Navy was some sort of attempt, on my part, to do something that I fit in with. My leaving the Navy was a direct order from my Marine chain of command, as this would result in a conflict of duty and obligation and might disrupt my memory shell that was keeping everything contained. Then to answer your question I enlisted into the US Navy around June of 1988 and was done by Jan 1, 1989. Very brief. Right after boot camp I was approached by two men who were sent to extract me, so they could tinker with my programming and then I’d leave the Navy through my own actions, although those actions were programmed.
2. Why did you decide to go public with your story now?
A: After 3 years of trying to get access to my records through my congressman’s office, I was contacted by a former Commander who put me in touch with a Brigadier General who said my orders had changed and that I was to make plans to go public, publish books, do interviews, whatever necessary to get the job done. Or more simply put to your query, direct orders from my lawful chain of command.
3. When did you seriously start investigating your own history, and when did any flashbacks or bleed-through memories surface?
A: Age 27-30 was a period of time with a lot of the memory shell starting to crack open. As I think I mentioned on the phone, it is my current belief that this cracking and eventual removal of the memory shell was intentional and timed. By age 30 I was seriously trying to solve the puzzle, by age 33 I had a raw framework based on highly traumatic events, by 35, the memory shell was Swiss cheese and I could see the forest and the trees for the first time. It was truly shocking. My ego certainly collapsed and I thought my entire identity was coming apart. Turned out it was just trying to hatch out of the memory shell. I got over myself and decided I just needed to do my job. I haven’t really struggled with it since. Sure, there’s been continuing issues to sort out, but I’ve known who and what I am for some time, and I’m very clear on that.
4. In what order did you do self-healing and recovery methods–for example you mentioned in the 2006 interview that you had a healer perform an exorcism-type of spirit release work on you. Then, after this basic spirit release work, was when you were better able to communicate with your “higher Self”. Tell me what this felt like as opposed to other “voices in the head” or telepathic messages that often occur with MILABS and abductees.
A: I’ll say two things about the higher Self before I answer that. My training is that to truly and accurately connect with your higher Self, you first have to be able to connect with your lower Self. Your seven chakras are “you” and are the sandwich between those two Selves. Your higher Self is the eighth chakra, the lower Self is beneath the root chakra, below your feet, at the bottom of the prana tube that runs through your body. Having made that connection, your higher Self can have a way of making it VERY clear that you’re in communication with Him/Her. When “other” beings, even handlers that I think have good intentions, there is still a feeling of being invaded by something from outside of you. When you hear your higher Self, it’s a lot more like feeling some other part of you has been missing your whole life and then you and it are “home” again, once you reunite. It’s a very moving and emotional experience. But the major earmarks are the positive sensations. There’s certainly a bliss component. But also an empowering component. An experience that now, with your higher Self with you, there’s nothing you couldn’t do, but because your higher Self is present, this doesn’t become an ego state of narcissistic flawlessness or some other crazed sense of self importance. Just the very clear realization that all things are possible being connected with your higher Self. Mine used and uses mirrors. I know it may sound a bit odd to some, but I can look into a mirror and say the mantra and do the tone (that my higher Self taught me the first time we spoke) to connect to Him, and the entire reflection in the mirror goes away and all I see is my higher Self and where He resides. It was the COOLEST thing ever the first time it happened, but then I got a bit spooked by it, and for a long time wouldn’t look in a mirror, afraid of what I’d see. I thought I might be losing it. However, mirrors never do anything other than reflect a mirror image at me when I look at them, except when I talk to my higher Self, then and only then does he show Himself. So it’s consistent and without deviation, so I’m confident in the practice now. The mirror is still just a reflecting device, it’s just reflecting back something more cosmic that one might think is possible for a mirror to reflect. This much is certain. Your higher Self will never want you to do anything that surrenders your free will. So if something is trying to convince you that you’re not free, nor should you be, that’s definitely NOT your higher Self.
5. In your earlier interview you mentioned reptilians, draco, human military and other types of aliens. Recently you told me some bronze type of ET, as well as Saurians, Arcturans, Andromedans and other black-cloaked, shadowy “head figures” you realized later to be an aged reptilian masquerading as some powerful dark Lord. Tell me about the Bronze beings, and which ones you consider enemies to humanity and which ones are neutral or even benevolent to humanity.
A: That’s a lot in one question, I’ll do my best. The Bronze ones, also refer to themselves as the Grandchildren of the Great Dragon Li. They believe that the Galaxy is sentient and that they’re job is much like white blood cells in the body of the galaxy. They’re goal is to rid all planets in the galaxy of “cancer” and “disease” as they put it. We’re neither to them, we’re a part of the Gaian ecosystem that should have opportunity to flourish, but “infections” by other species and by a sociopathic strain in our own species threaten the whole ecosystem of the entire planet, and subsequently the entire solar system and this corner of the galaxy, potentially. They would like to stop what’s here before it spreads. Culling back the population to a few hundred million and starting over is an option for them, but they consider it very wasteful and would prefer to save the species, as is, while removing the harmful components. Much in the way a surgeon would rather do the delicate and complicated surgery to save the whole patient, if possible, but will amputate both arms and legs to keep the patient alive, if that’s the only option left to them.
My recollection from the EBE manual is a color coded system with four categories which all known species fall under. Green is for friendly species, White is for neutral/observer/non-interactive species. Yellow is for “potentially hazardous/unpredictable/may result in death” species, and Red for “Hostile”. The bulk of the manual is classified as White (neutral), with a handful in Green and dozen or more in the Yellow and 6 or 7 in the Red. The Red categories that I can recall are 1.Draconian reptoid, 2. Zeta I A’s and zeta I B’s (often referred to as Grey’s by civilians, as Whites by insiders) 3. Betelgeuse III’s (Harians) , and 2 others listed as “Non-Corporeal, Amorphous, Shadow Type A and Type B. Several in the Green category that I can remember would include, but not be limited to (and may have changed) Centauri, Vegans, Tau Cetians, Procynions, and some secretive warrior race called the AK-KA, no idea where they are from, no idea what they look like. But they were in the list, and it stood out because it was weird. That’s about all I recall off the top of my head.
6. Can you share some of the operations and duties you carried out while on the Mars Defense Force?
A: Our primary mission was defense of Forward Station Zebra and Grids 87-125 and 227-277 of Mars Colony “Vulcan” Settlement, named after the blacksmith of the same name. Secondary duties were to aid other divisions protecting the “Vulcan” settlement grid. And when organized by command, to assault or join other forces in assaulting native Martian hives of insectoids and reptoids–the two sentient species on Mars, other than us. We mostly operated in a powered armor/EV suit using some sort of gauss rifle, or rail gun as our primary field weapon. We were kept busy. If we weren’t fighting, we were training. Yes, we had “rec time”, but we spent an amazing number of hours training for future combat missions.
7. What about black operations on Earth for our own military?
A: Nothing exceptional or that I’d prefer to comment on. I recall crawling through jungles on three continents, and working with SEAL teams, Recon teams, and “other” teams using black fatigues and no insignia.
8. One of the most important things I feel need elaborating on is the type of programming you were put under. In the earlier interview you stated a dragon being helping you. Can you tell me a bit about the Dragon being who initially helped you with decoding the sophisticated mind control programming? What did you learn later from experience or your own higher Self, about this dragon being, and the programming details?
A: It appears in this entire process, “piggy-backers” and “parasites” of various kinds, can detect the presence of the main handlers in a MILAB situation, and will attach and/or use the system of implants in place to try and use the subject for their own purposes. The Dragon being was a parasite. He did a very interesting job of making me think I needed him, when I did not. It was simply an evolution process for me to be able to “see” what was real and what was deception. Programming details are hard to describe, when I’m looking at them in meditative theta states, they appear like lines of computer code. It was clear that what I was deleting was all “added software” a lot like malware, when I think about it. Downloaded by an ET hacker. I spent 90 minutes a night for a year deleting line after line after line. Very tedious work.
9. Can you say a bit about what we discovered when doing our hypnotherapeutic work with respect to the “Hero” Telius, a spiritual being who was melded with you, based on being in the same genetic line from ancient Atlantis?
A: That is curious. His name is Talus. I’m still not 100% certain what that’s all about. I’d rather not comment with incomplete data, but I’m working on it. I’m taking it seriously.
10. In hindsight can you explain how your own mind perception was being blocked from clear communication with your eternal Soul essence (higher Self) when we did the Dynamic Triad Color Test?
A: Dorica seemed to think it was a soul from Atlantis that was being “stored” inside me. I’m not so sure that’s correct. I’m not saying I have a definitive alternative answer, but I’m not convinced she’s correct. I don’t think there was an interference. It seemed to work just fine and brought me a ton of enlightening data that has proven very useful. I was having some problems with people above my chain of command whom the General said are “soulless pricks who can suck my johnson”, just prior to that session and things cleared up considerably after that.
11. Can you describe the military super soldier programming and alter personality creation, and how this may be different with what you described as an “over personality” and an “under personality” creation? Is this latter form of identity an alien/ET based type of programming? How do implants help with this type of programming?
A: During the separation of personalities it’s a bit confusing. Post breaking away of the outer personality, also referred to as the memory shell, I can speak clearly on this. In my case, the outer personality was created to hold down the inner personality, for a finite period of time. The inner personality is my true personality. The techniques used to make me have been described to me as “with the grain” style programming as opposed to most “against the grain” styles of programming that try to force supersoldiers to kill anything, anytime, anywhere, and as human animals, most of us just aren’t made that way, so we resist, so the main function becomes suppressing the urge to resist. Not with creating the best supersoldier you can, just the most compliant. “With the grain” style doesn’t try to create something that kills on command, but rather has deep seated instincts to protect its tribe and its territory when threatened. So as long as you can explain the threat credibly, the soldier will use all of its strength and cunning to destroy any that would harm those its genetically predisposed to protect. The more oppressive controls put in by the “soulless pricks” as the Gen likes to call them, were meant to be sorted out over time, which they were. The original design seems to be quite intricate as it seemed to account for an amazing number of variables that were calculated to work out, so the outer personality/memory shell would crack, fall apart, come clean away, and then the inner personality/core identity would be able to self heal and recover and ready itself for further instructions, while maintaining an incredible amount of free will, which I did. The implants are varied since there are several different types that I know are in my body somewhere. Some are simple geo-locaters or an audio/video link. Others that allow virtual teaching and training when you’re asleep. In my case, a host of nannites with the ability to restore cellular damage and fight unique infections. I’ve used them to heal nerve damage twice, on my own, so I can operate them as I see fit. Implants, regardless of what type, allow some kind of two way communication so the handlers can receive data and send instructions to the subject. It’s a very complicated and varied field of covert science. The more I learn about it, the more respect I have for it as very sophisticated and very well thought through technology. Which does make it that much more insidious, at times, and problematic to deal with. If I’ve said it once, I’ll say it a billion times, a yoga teacher of mine said to me, “How lucky for you that you have these machines in your body, what a gift to be given, because if they are in your body, they belong to you, not the men who put them there.” That was one of the most illuminating things anyone ever said to me, and it was the beginning of my implants being under my control and not under the control of those who put them there. The simple perception change on the matter of ownership.
12. In many of our conversations we’ve discussed how certain factions of the “secret government military” wanted to create a super soldier/hero who was created to want to defend his/her country/world on a non-controlled environment. In other words, more of a true superhero for the defense of the country or human race against malevolent alien/ET threats. You have stated it may not be as “black and white” as some researchers and MILABs claim in terms of the military or aliens being all “ good or evil”. Do they ever have any deep concerns about how many people are being “taken over” by malevolent alien types of entities such as possession, (like in the government) and how serious this psychopathic population really is now? Can you say something about this?
A: It would appear that what was once a fairly cohesive effort by a handful of covert programs to deal with the ET/exobiological/technological issues, is no longer cohesive or just a hand full, at all. It seems that it has degraded into a feudal style conflict where every deep black program director who has a measure of control in the larger equation is refusing to share data while trying to steal and acquire everyone else’s data, while trying to keep his/her sub programs hidden so they cannot be stolen. Alliances are made and broken. All high tech is just used to spy and steal from each other with the hope that whoever wins the “Deep Black race” will get to rewrite all the rules and make the world in their image. Because, quite simply, there will be NO ONE to stop them from doing so, with all the competition eliminated or left in the dust. My chain of command has expressed deep concern over what they feel is a scenario under which a certain percentage of the system has been compromised. This may be by undue influence from “unfriendly” ET’s, it may be in part due to an infectious mental illness that has swept through the upper classes who are so high on their on hubris they don’t see the very hard wall at the end of this very short road we are all approaching very quickly. A combination of both or possibly other variables are involved. Regardless, if the system is compromised by more than 51% or the gears grind down below 75% of normal, than conditions exist to set something in motion known to USMCss personnel as Article 21.(This is not the same as Agenda 21) Article 21, mandates all USMCss Officers in Service for Life (we retire when we die, literally) to take measures to prepare for conditions under Article 22. Let’s all hope we can solve it before that.
13. In your experiences did you ever witness any occult, black magic or ritual types of activities in connection with your MILAB or alien handlers at any time?
A: Not as a primary way of doing anything, but there seem to be residual memories of a few “strange” events in which occult symbolism or ritual was used. These memories are like the memories of medical procedures, which are fuzzy from heavy drugging. I can only assume it’s for a similar reason, that drugs were used to prevent subjects from recalling those events with any great accuracy.
14. Can you say anything about the code of ethics and behaviors concerning sexual relationships or even marriage within these “secret MILAB environments” during ones tour of duty? I’ve heard from numerous MILABs who recall having sexual encounters, often time rapes in these environments or even sexual liaisons being used as a tantric exercise in certain situations. Married MILABs in their outer, “normal life” may regularly have sexual relationships with other MILABs in these secret operation environments because they are twinned or bonded for specific reasons. What do you think the secret government knows about this and why do they have such sexual ethics? Or non ethics….
A: Knowing what I do about Tantric Physics, sexual energy, kundilini, as well as more bio-physiologically explained processes, I’ll say this: To enhance the mental abilities, psychic tools of test subjects, whether voluntary or not, rape accesses dark energy that some of the ET’s have taught the humans leading these deep black programs, how to manipulate. Again, I have to make a distinction between the program in which I was trained and others. When I was very young (4 or 5 years old) I was sexualized by my handlers to open up neural pathways and expand my psychic development. I wasn’t raped, but neither was it an act of free will on my part. Again, it was “with the grain” training, so as to attempt to make the process less traumatic and the subject (me in this case) should be more stable and less psychologically fragile. Drugging was also involved as this stage in an attempt to reduce mental and physical trauma. It’s a separate answer about the sexual behavior of personnel while I was in the MDF or EDF. It was very “open”. Closed sexual relationships would have created a lot more conflict and a lot more violence among the troops. We were forbidden from marrying, but that didn’t stop my wife and I. We wanted to get married so we’d be there for each other after death. It may sound strange, but given the environment we were in, it made us feel more secure about living in it if we had a strategy for dying there.
As far as why they have this ethic or lack thereof? They understand the tool and they use it. Like a hammer, used to hit a nail or hit someone in the head. It’s just a tool, how you use it defines the ethic or lack thereof. Compare to any other weapon technology. Men will use it to do what they can, ethics be damned, while others may have a deeper integrity and a counter philosophy in which the “how” is just as important as the “what” or “why”. Hence the cluster-fudge between deep black programs, approaching civil war. It’s very much split along the philosophy of ethics. The message of my superiors is simple, if you want to build a better super soldier, you have to stop making murder machines. They are inefficient and they can be turned against you. Traumatizing your subjects makes them weak at the core, fragile, and short lived. Compromise such a central tool, and the results could be nothing less than a hole big enough to drive an armada through.
15. Can you tell us about the unusual experiences you had while in the Navy, that you discovered in hindsight to be a type of mind controlled deception? (The church thing in San Diego and Camp Pendleton?)
A: That’s such a funny /effed up story, I’ll be glad to relate it. After Boot camp while I was at apprenticeship school, I would take long walks around the NTC (San Diego, CA). I would wander around the less populated areas of the base because I like to take quiet walks by myself. One evening I was walking near the North Gate and I saw two men walking toward me. Not another soul was to be seen, and they made a bee line for me. One, tall, Caucasian, late 30′s, civilian dress. The other, Philipino, late 30′s early 40′s, in Chiefs uniform (later claimed to be a master chief), he was ALWAYS wearing sunglasses, day or night and never unzipped his khaki jacket, so I could never see his name tag, or any other insignia on his uniform. The tall Caucasian, who claimed to be a “preacher” did all the talking. The Chief spoke maybe two sentences to me the entire time. The Preacher was always driving, except when we drove north toward Camp Pendleton, the Chief drove. They wanted to know if I wanted to go to church. Simply put, this meant a couple days or evenings a week I could get off base and out of extra duty. So I said “sure”. We visited the Preacher’s “church” twice. The first time we drove across town, to a neighborhood near Balboa Park. We turned down a street in which the houses on the left and right were all IDENTICAL. Walkways, doorways, windows on either side of the door. All is pastel colors. I could NOT have been able to come back and pick out which house was which. Very clever, I thought, on their part.
The first time, we walked in and I was treated to a small “church” setup in the tiny living room of this pastel cookie cutter bungalow. 6 wooden pews on either side. A white arch over the “stage”(3 inch raised platform) and two fake flower stands on either side. Looked like it all could have been rented from a wedding rental company. There were no posters or inspirational placards up on the wall. Which was odd, evangelical churches LOVE to put up propaganda on the walls, scriptures, inspirational quotes and imagery. The Preacher stood up front with his “wife” and the Chief sat in the back, arms crossed, jacket zipped up tight, sunglasses on, hat off. Silent the whole time. I sat on the left side of pews in the fifth row back. On the right side, second pew was a Caucasian man, early 40′s, balding, comb over, glasses, mustache, pear shaped, wearing an brownish orange polo shirt and walnut brown slacks with a leather belt, and loafers. He smiled, shook my hand once (weakly) and said “hello” and never spoke again. He sat with his eyes open, looking at his folded hands in his lap, most of the time. After that first time, I never saw him again.
In the pew in front of me and slightly to my left was an elderly couple “from the Midwest”. I only did a couple years of theatre in high school, but I learned a couple of things. That’s how to dress and do hair and make up for an audience. The man’s hair was perfect. In the back and in the front, as if it was done by a hairdresser. Not ONE hair was out of place on this guy’s head. His suit looked a style from the 40′s and it seemed to be a size too small for him, as if this was his Sunday suit for the last 30 years that he only wears on Sunday. Fine, but the fabric of the suit was less than a couple of years old, no matter how well maintained it was. Like it was pulled from the costume rack. The woman was wearing a blue dress with white polka dots, white gloves, black leather purse, blue hat and her hair in a bun. The dress looked like a size too big (again, like it was off the costume rack), and her hat looked a size too big, and after they said “hello” they both sat there, motionless and looking ahead or sitting with their eyes half closed. Everyone figits. Even if just a little, people figit in their seats. These two sat like statues, posing (white gloved hands on purse in lap, never moving.) Not a scratch, not a sneeze, not a cough, not a whisper, not a glance right or left. And they didn’t look average at all. They were both “good looking” and “symmetric” like professional actors. They were dressed and made up like actors, they sat like actors. I never saw them again after this one time. It really seems like they were there to make me feel “comfortable” and safe.
The second time I came back to their “church” it was just the Preacher, his “wife” the Chief and I. No one else was there or ever showed up again. The line they fed me about how they wander around the San Diego area trying to get sailors and marines to go to church was wearing thin, as I was always the ONLY sailor or marine present. Why just me? Why no one else? We were always getting warned about con artists or spies that might try and take advantage of us, but they never tried to get me to sign anything or give them any information, EVER. They just wanted me to come hang out with them.
The third time they wanted to take me up north to meet a colleague “preacher”. We drove up the Freeway north, and they had a freshly opened case of “Snapple” from Costco and kept asking if I was thirsty. I had a water with me, and said I was fine. My intuition was screaming at me, “don’t drink anything they offer you”, but I thought I was being paranoid and eventually took one. Soon after I started slipping down into the back seat, not unconscious, but feeling “drugged” and unable to physically move. We drove up to the North end of Camp Pendleton near the artillery range. The Chief got out of the car and had a key to the padlock on the gate. There was no gate guard. We drove out to the artillery range where there was TRB-3 style vehicle there to pick me up. The Preacher and the Chief got me out the car and handed me to two guys in flight suits who dragged me up the gangplank and into the ship. It’s a long story what happened after that, but afterward, they brought me back to the same spot and the Preacher and the Chief were there to pick me and take me back to base. I was late by ten minutes and almost got chewed out by the Duty Petty Officer, but when I showed him the business card of the Preacher and said I was “at church” he just grumbled “get in there, church boy, you’re late”.
16. How is your handler and superiors treating you now that you have decided to go public? Do they still want to use you in secret operations?
A: When I started the legal process to gain access to my personnel files, I felt like I had been abandoned by my superiors and I was prepared to do what I had to do to take care of myself. I was very clear with my congressman’s office I was trying to keep in compliance with my non-disclosure statements. I was willing to give them minimal information on where to look and how to ask for my personnel files. I also told his aide that I would debrief the congressman on what I knew, as I felt he had a constitutional “need to know”, regardless of compartmentalization. He declined, but they were friendly and helpful (to a point) to try and file the SF-180 and the privacy act release form to go to the various record keeping agencies and try and track them down. It was clear after about a year that I was at a dead end unless I could get legal representation (NO ONE has wanted to touch my case with a 10′ pole, all attempts to contact Daniel Sheehan on this matter have met with no response. I’m not putting blame on Daniel for this, just saying those are the facts. I’ve tried, none of my messages have gone through or been answered or whatever the reason. After listening to Linda Moulton Howe recently talk about how her attempt to contact a witness by phone and his to contact her by phone as well, was blocked by someone with access to the telecom system for a full five days before they finally got in touch with one another, both with the same question, “how come you didn’t call me or answer my calls?”, I just have to wonder sometimes.
To get back to your question, after two years, I was contacted by a former commanding officer. Col. Jamieson. We argued, I yelled and called him names, told him I felt betrayed and that if he expected ANY co-operation from me of ANY kind, he better have a damn good reason and have some answers as to the issues of my benefits, my awards and ribbons, and my credentials and my credibility by getting access to my personnel files. I was satisfied with the de-briefing he gave me, and after some heated back and forth, we came to an agreement I felt had been achieved through genuine and effective diplomacy. When I had agreed to listen to my orders, while reserving the right to refuse any and all orders that might violate my officer’s oath or any moral or ethical standards that I thought should take priority. Essentially I’d refused to be anybody’s dog, but I’d be willing to consider mutual interest if the reasoning was convincing enough for me. He put me in touch with a man identifying himself as Brigadier General Smythe. General Smythe gave me a fairly long winded explanation about the “soulless pricks” on “the committee” that he was supposed to answer to and the serious disagreements by USMCss brass with said committee. Without elaborating, I was satisfied with his explanation of the situation on his end, and when he personally gave me the go ahead (he said, and the quotes are his words “I’m giving you the go ahead to go public with everything you know.”) when I said, “Everything?” he said, “EVERYTHING!” and we had a deal. As long as I had the assurance that my direct chain of command was behind me and that I had “no restrictions” on truthful content, I knew it was for real and that he was for real. No one, not even an enemy would want me to do that or tell me to do that. He even said I could use his name, which I just did, to let the people who need to know, that I answer to him, and to him only, and if they don’t like it, they can take it up with him, or the CMC. Let me be perfectly clear about this, I do NOT answer to anyone outside of my chain of command. If they’re outside of my chain of command, I don’t answer to them, period.
17. Did you ever feel a noticeable difference being on another planetary body, where you were no longer in connection with the “earth” energy? Were your dreams different while stationed on Mars base? Was telepathy easier in these places?
A: That’s a great question and a big YES. Being on Mars, one is definitely connected to the planetary energy of Mars. I won’t paint it two dimensional with something like “being more war like”, give me a break, the level of violence burning through humans on planet Earth because of the intense Gaia energy is VERY war like. It’s a more complex and subtle system of differences. Suffice it to say that there is no question on another world that you are no longer on Earth. Dreaming is a mix. Because we’re so close to hundreds of other terrestrial Earthlings, we collectively dream together (like we do here on Earth) but also blend into the collective unconscious of Mars and the terrestrial Martians. If we ever talked about it (which we did from time to time) if one spoke of having one of those “weird Mars dreams”, you knew what they meant. We’d all had them at one time or another. Telepathy is a trickier question since we were equipped with a special implant just for “radioless” communication. Not sure how to gauge “natural telepathy” on another world, since we had augmented implants for augmented telepathy.
18. Did you and your team mates on the Mars Defense Force ever pray together and did you experience a spiritual support system or connection with “Source” while there?
A: We were prohibited from any overt practice of any kind. Some of us would practice a “death ritual” before going into battle. It was something that was passed around the troops, and command turned a blind eye as long as it wasn’t made into a “big deal”. It was something we would do as a squad, and some other squads would do the same thing, in their barracks before combat. It went a little something like this.
“We are dead. Our lives our forfeit. Today our souls are committed to eternity. We go into to battle to reclaim our lives and prove our worthiness to live in our bodies. We are dead. There is no fear of death today, no fear of pain, no fear of loss, for we are already dead, and the dead do not fear. If we are found worthy, we will return with the trophies of our souls, ours to give, ours to live.”
I suppose that’s some kind of ritual to connect ourselves to some kind of source. We didn’t think of it that way, but I suppose in retrospect, it qualifies.
19. And did Mars or the Moon in your opinion have a spiritual presence like Earth has Gaia/Sophia?
A: Mars definitely has its own spiritual presence. The natives call it Gaa’Lu’Ka or She’Na. It has a female personality to them. We often think of Mars as this masculine god of war figure, but to the natives, She is definitely a She. More like a Kali-ma figure. Very warrior like, but definitely female.
Luna (Earth’s moon) is a bit trickier. Luna is very close to Gaia, so you can still feel the influence of Earth there. I didn’t spend enough time there to really comment on Luna’s personal spiritual center, but she has a consciousness, that’s certain.
20. When they shipped in supplies like food, did you know what ports or stargates they sent these supplies from? I imagine they needed fresh fruit and vegetables from Earth. did they grow anything there on the base like hydroponics?
A: Everything was very compartmentalized. I couldn’t tell you about where they grew the food, where it all came from. My best guess (from all available data) is that some was grown locally (where, I can’t say for certain) and some was traded or brought in from elsewhere. We would get strawberry ice cream and strawberry pie, that the cooks swore didn’t have a single strawberry in it, but some other non-terrestrial fruit. They weren’t supposed to talk about it, but hinted at it often enough, I consider it confessional.
21. I know we mentioned a little about the sexuality issue, since it was mostly men and they wanted to “reduce violence” or competitiveness with available women, etc. Did they ever regularly rape the women there? Reason I’m asking is that this is a common report for female Milabs and MK ultra mind-controlled slaves. They are often used for sexual servicing among other things, and especially occult weaponry tactics. Did the Mars Base bring in prostitutes or women for the men to be serviced while you were there?
A: That’s a great point. How command, intelligence and HQ at the MCC (Mars Colony Corporation) conducted themselves regarding these issues might give some insight into the general attitude towards women or their own sexual behaviors and appetites. Since I know next to nothing about the conduct of these personnel, I can’t really say. For us, the troops on the ground, morale was way too important, and troop cohesiveness too important to put female soldiers in such a victimizing position. On the Nautilus, again, not being privy to the command section or the engineering section, I can’t say what was taking place there, but troop morale was a priority. I was involved in a relationship with a younger female officer/pilot that wasn’t abusive, but was pretty manipulative and unkind on my part. When word got up to the Old Man, I was punished severely and it was made very clear that treating my female comrades with anything less than equal respect would be met with harsher and harsher consequences until the behavior stopped. I didn’t need to be told twice.
The behavior you’re talking about, female soldiers being raped to ramp up their kundalini energy, is used a lot in the psychic spying/remote viewing programs. This would be an intelligence dept issue, primarily. I can’t comment, since I never worked in that area of intel. I certainly think this human rights issue is one of the most important issues surrounding the use and treatment of super soldiers and remote viewers. My earlier training would have more of those types of episodes than my deployment. Yet again, because Project Moonshadow was a different type of program, attempting to lessen the traumatic events it takes to create a soldier from front to back. I can only comment on what I know, and can’t comment on departments and divisions working in secret and totally separate from my duties.
22. Were you ever instructed not to utter the word of “Jesus Christ” on any of these bases? (I’ve heard it said that in some underground bases below a certain level on the Earth they are not allowed to speak this name.
A: Again, we were prohibited from any overt religious or spiritual practice. I can certainly recall “Jesus Christ” being uttered plenty of times, but as a exclamation. Par example, “Jesus Christ, did you see the size of that thing?”
Dr.Michael Sallas’s interview with Captain Kaye can be found here:–17-years-at-secret-mars-military-base/
Part 1: Youtube:
Part 2 :
Part 3 :
Part 4:
Part 5: