







Appears as:

Appears as:

Unseen by all, Faith snuck up behind Sarah and shot her through with a beam of now dark light. Sarah gasped and fell forward, blood bubbling up from between her lips. No cry could escape as she panted on the ground, fighting the dark energy that was slowly squeezing the life out of her.

"Oh, you can't beat me because I have a rabbit's foot so you go after the faerie!" Sarah heard UnNatural shout.

"You're not my only priority anymore," said Faith, her face expressionless. She turned to Samrulez. "You at least tried to save me. I won't kill you."

"You kill my friends and you will kill me!" cried Samrulez. "Heal Sarah! She tried to save you! Don't you like Sarah?"

Faith blinked. "Not particularly, no."

"She didn't want this for you, Faith," said Samrulez pleadingly. "She was in your position! Levi has a way with messing with people! Don't let him win!"

Faith struggled to fight while Sarah fought for her life. Faith, shaking uncontrollably, walked over to Sarah and bend down. Sarah's body arched and shivered. Faith gritted her teeth, her eyes going from black to their normal ice blue.

"I don't think she's going to be able to do it," Dean commented, his nerves building.

"You'd be surprised," said Castiel.

Faith placed her shaking hands over Sarah's wound. A light that shifted from white to black hit Sarah's wound. The light began to grow and Faith began to scream as did Sarah.

"Cass, you can heal!" Samrulez exclaimed. "Help her! She's not going to be able to do it!"

Castiel stalked forward and placed his hand over Sarah's wound. The white light overwhelmed the flickering dark light. Sarah's body stopped shaking and she sat up with a gasp, her wound fully healed. She glared around blankly, her gaze stopping on Faith. "You *****!" Sarah shrieked.

She went to tackle Faith, but Faith's eyes lolled in the back of her head and she collapsed to the ground.

"Easy!" Castiel advised.

"Easy! She shot me!" Sarah screeched. "After all I've done for her she shoots me! Why couldn't she have shot Dean or Brandon?"

"Hey!" Dean and Brandon shout in unison.

"She healed you," Samrulez explained. "You know what happens when someone is around Levi. They become warped. We have to kill that demon."

"I'd love too. Got any bright ideas?" Sarah asked with sarcasm. "He's not allergic to holy water. Salt doesn't affect him. Your powers damn sure won't. Now, what?" Samrulez nodded to Faith. "Crazy ***** said what?"

"We use her," Samrulez said calmly. "He is still after her to get even with her."

"Or we could tie her up and toss her body in a lake," Sarah suggested. The Wiki members stared at her. She shrugged. "Fine! Whatever! I'll help. Just don't stare at me like that. It makes me paranoid."


Appears as:

"Okay where are we going?" UnNatural said walking into a tree. "Ouch..."

"HA-ha-ha!" Brandon laughed

"I can kill you still because...well...your loud"

Brandon walked over to him and tried to punch him but UnNatural caught his fist and twisted his arm around backwards.


"keep on trying and I’ll cut your arm off." UnNatural said grabbing his sword and turned around and ran into the tree again. Everyone laughed at him.

"Okay that’s NOT funny..." UnNatural said grabbing Dean by the throat and throwing him into the tree.

"Dude..." Dean wined rubbing his head.

"Oh, I thought you were Brandon." UnNatural said and Brandon fell on the ground laughing, and UnNatural kicked him as hard as he could into his face.

"You broke my nose!!!!" Brandon cried

"Oh, I was trying to break your face!"

"As fun as this is," Sam stopped their fighting,'' we should get going and no cutting off limbs!" He said looking at UnNatural who was putting his sword up.

"Fine..." UnNatural said running into the tree. "uuuugghh!! Hey uuummm where is the foot?" Brandon held it up

"Brandon took it didn’t he?" UnNatural started but was cut off by a flash of black light. Then they were all in a big metal dome.

"I can see!!!!" UnNatural yelled. Levi appeared floating above them all," Oh come on!!!!"

"I have healed you all!!!" Levi started, “But now you have to kill each other, you have gun and spikes are everywhere!" Levi laughed, "UnNatural I hate you and you only have your sword."

"Does this mean I am not an angel?" UnNatural asked

Levi replied "This dome makes so that basically you are just plain mortals!" he disappeared, "GO!!!!"

"What do we do?" Samrulez asked

"We kill Brandon, he stole the necklace and got us all in this mess..." UnNatural said taking out his sword.

"OR, we could kill you for picking it up in the first place." Brandon spat back.


Appears as:

"Oh, and you can’t get out and whoever wins is my minion and you can’t escape it." Levi laughed and went away.

"How about UnNatural take the first kill!"

UnNatural started twitching and stabbed himself, then Brandon then just shook his head and it was like he just woke up.

"You guys have all been through hell and back...I’ll be his minion I’m no help to you guys, what can I do that you guys can’t?" UnNatural said.

"Auggh..." Dean thought out loud

"That’s my point... you guys can make it out of hell... easier without me let me win but make it convin..." UnNatural was cut of by Brandon jumping into a pile of spikes...

"OH MY GOD!!!" Brandon cried dying.

"uuummm...wow..."UnNatural laughed

"No!!! I'm not going to let this..."Dean tried to say getting cut off by growling.

"Since I know you guys aren't going to kill each other I’m sending in non-stop werewolves they only infect if not kill maybe..." Levi voice came over there heads

The werewolves took out half the group from the start. "I have a silver sword! I can’t die.” UnNatural yelled blood shooting from his wound and blinding DcSammy who was then bitten by a werewolf.

"Did I say that they turn you into a werewolf instantly?" Levi asked

DcSammy shot up behind Warriorsgirl and bit her "UnNatural you idiot why did you blind DcSammy with your blood!?!?!" Dean screamed

"I'm not scared to kill you..."UnNatural glared.

Warriorsgirl was trying to bite Sam but Samrulez saw but couldn’t stand killing her best friend and Warriorsgirl got Sam.

"Samrulez I’m going to..." Dean tried to say but was bitten by Lford.

Jackles came up behind Samrulez, who a dual desert eagles

"Watch your back!" UnNatural said stabbing Jackles with his sword. "We are the only ones left!"

"What?!?!" Samrulez screamed

"I know..." UnNatural said. The werewolves leaped at UnNatural who in one swift move sliced them to pieces and Samrulez shot down werewolves all over the place.

"IS that all you got?" They both said at once with no more werewolves in sight. A werewolf jumped down towards Samrulez but was kicked into a spinning saw blade by UnNatural.

"Fine you didn't die so...I’ll bring back all of your friends in exchange for taking you both as my own demon warriors." Levi said

"what do you think?" UnNatural asked.

"Us for all of them... well I’m sure they can find a loop hole in the contract." Samrulez assured.

"So yes or no?" Levi asked

"Yes." They both said looking at each other before they answered...


Appears as:

"Excellent! Levi exclaimed.

"Damn!" UnNatural swore. He looked over at Samrulez. "You sure about this?"

"No," Samrulez admitted. They both let out a scream as they were dragged to the deepest depths of Hell. Everyone awoke with a jolt. The wolves were gone and they were back to their original selves.

"What the hell just happened?" Dean demanded.

"Levi's what happened!" Ruby shouted. "He took UnNatural and Samrulez. Couldn't you for once not be so human and actually save them?"

"And where were you when they were being sucked into Hell?" Dean asked.

"With Castiel trying to heal Faith!" Ruby yelled.

"We can't worry about that!" DcSammy shouted. "Samrulez and UnNatural are gone! Do you understand? Gone! With Levi! He can freaking use their powers against us!"

"Actually, this is perfect," said Ruby, calming down.

"What?" DcSammy inquired, taken aback.

"We were going to use Faith, but Samrulez and UnNatural work," Ruby explained. "We can use Faith and the other two to stop Levi."

"That is a good plan!" said Dean, leaping up. "I knew it all along!"

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right."


Appears as:

Appears as:

"Well...what do we do now?" Dean asked

"We have to get out of here. "DcSammy answered. "And...how...the hell is Brandon still here?

He was torn apart by the blades." She said looking at him.

"Levi is crazy..." UnNatural said looking at Samrulez.

"Yeah, hey do you wonder how he brought Brandon back?" Samrulez said back

"Yeah but I don’t c..." UnNatural was cut off by Levi

"Come with me..." Levi said they both stepped forward. "No just UnNatural..." So UnNatural kept walking.

"What are you doing?!?!" Samrulez asked furiously

"Its okay...or maybe not..."UnNatural said. As they walked through the doorway.

Samrulez could hear UnNatural yelling.

"no...no...NO!!!" They walked back in his arms and head hanging limp and giant black bird wings.

"What did you do to him?" Samrulez asked repeated, "What did you do to him?"

"I gave him some improvements, gave him some behavior stuff." Levi laughed

"What are you going to do to ME and what did you mean behavior stuff?"

"I don’t think you need the behavior stuff because he will do anything I say, and if you try and attack me I will make him kill you, his sword is poisoned now too."

"Oh no"

"Yes now lets go mess with your friends." Levi said oddly

"You said you would let them go!" Samrulez yelled

"I said I would bring them back but not bring them back and not attack either. Besides you have no choice."


Sarah snuck off into the woods, muttering to herself. "Didn't plan on having to safe the whole damn lot of them from themselves. DcSammy was the one that needed help the most, and I owned her a boon. Now, the darn lot of them are screwed to hell, either injured or in debt to Hell. ****! I guess I've got to get more fire power." She continued to slip off into the darkness of night, this night that never seemed to end, and search for aids in helping the hunters once again.


Appears as:

"You know... its not quite as satisfying when UnNatural cant suffer." Levi sighed snapping UnNatural raised his head.

"What......" UnNatural said looking at Levi

"Lets send your friends a present."

"What do you mean?" Samrulez asked

"Like a hell hound."

"They won’t listen to you." UnNatural broke in.

"But I know one that will listen to you..."

"NO! I had him since he was a killer puppy."

"Release the hounds...hound." Levi said and they appeared in front of the group.

"What?!!!!" DcSammy asked yelling

"Tell him... tell your little 'puppy'."

"No," UnNatural refused, “NO!!!"

"If you don’t listen...oh I think you know" Levi said holding up the contract

"Fine...Sick ‘em..."

"What...AAAAGGHH!!!" DcSammy's leg snapped and was torn off by his hellhound.

They climb up a tree.

"Wow...Samrulez do you mind putting that pyrokenisis to use."


"NOW!!!!!" Samrulez shot fire at the tree burning her friends out on to the ground

The hellhound started gutting Brandon, "Good taste in prey..." UnNatural smirked.

Samrulez could see the evil filling UnNatural’s eyes.

"Hey, come here boy attack!" UnNatural pointed to Levi

Samrulez felt the evil taking over her too

Levi fell to the ground and started getting shredded black smoke erupted through the wounds. The hell hound jumped through the smoke making it fade.

"Didn't see that coming..." Dean mumbled

"Stay away from us unless you want to be dog chow" UnNatural said they could now see the thing that attack DcSammy and Brandon. UnNatural, Samrulez and the hell hound (Cyrus) walked away.

"Oh and here is a parting gift." He snapped and Brandon stood up and a bunch of arms reached through the ground and one grabbed DcSammy and as she tried to pull her foot up she pulled Lovedean from the ground.

"How the Hell did he do that?" Sam yelled as DcSammy kicked Lovedean in the face making her...it let go.


Appears as:

Appears as:

"So what do we do now? we are down a person and half of us are injured!" DcSammy screamed at Sam.

"We have to go find them!" Sam said.

"Sam, right now I think we should get fixed up before we go after your little girlfriend." Dean sighed

"The zombies what do we do about the zombies?" DcSammy asked frantically

"What do you think" Dean asked

"These zombies are of all the people we killed" Sam said. "How did they get here?"

"Son of a..." bluebird yelled as she got bit by Lovedean.

"Oh no..." Dean said. "where are our guns!?!?!"

"I don't know!!!"

"I can't... not again" UnNatural said coming in slicing heads off one by one "I cant go evil. Samrulez I’m not sure about." They could see Cyrus jumping and crushing zombie heads.

"Dang you wiped out the zombies in a second." Dean laughed as UnNatural killed Lovedean (zombie) who was sneaking up on him without looking back.

"No...there is one left." UnNatural said looking at the ground and pointing his sword up at bluebird.

"What" she asked jumping back

"You were bitten"

"Get away from her." Samrulez said jumping out of no where kicking his sword away, "Do you want them all to die because the second we turn our backs she will turn and bite someone!"

"Yeah well how about we just watch her a make sure she doesn’t."

"I am tired of you butting in you always have to be the best and I’m going to show you your not." UnNatural said suddenly sweeping his leg under her and tripping her and running around grabbing his sword and swung it down and had almost cut off the bitten limb but his collar was grabbed by Samrulez who pulled him back, but he swung her around and smacked her into the tree.

"That’s it!!!" UnNatural said picking her up from the ground by her throat but she kicked him in the throat knocking him back holding his throat. She broke out punching him but he grabbed her fist and twisted it around but she kicked him in the stomach.

"Oh look my gun." She grabbed her desert eagles and shot at him he ran along dodging them and stopped and ran at her deflecting the bullets with his sword but missed one and was shot in the leg, knocking him to the ground.

He grabbed his sword and jumped up stabbing her arm.

"Remember its pio..ooofff!" he was saying but was punched in the face by Samrulez. "you broke my nose AND knocked my tooth out!" UnNatural yelled knocking her back

"Wow..." Dean whispered standing with the wide-eyed group by the tree.

"Shouldn't we do something?" Sam whispered back

"No this is their fight" DcSammy whisper looking at her skinned leg

Samrulez was knocked over by Cyrus but she punched him as hard as she could and stabbed him over and over with a stick making him run.

"NO!!! You didn’t just do that!" UnNatural said tackling her and stabbed the ground next to her head. "I have proved my point" He said walking away stood by Bluebird

"You decide- do you think it will be best if we kill you or if you live?"


Appears as:

"Kill me...NOW!" she yelled and UnNatural held up his sword but was punched by Samrulez in the side of the head and was knocked out.

"We can do what we can to fix it." Samrulez said "Sam do you still remember Latin?"

"Yeah but I don’t know what I can do to keep her from being a zombie"

Samrulez reached into UnNatural’s pocket and pulled out his chant book thing and he was now sitting against the tree. she picked up a rope and tied him to a tree

"Where did you aaaaggghh never mind..." Dean started to ask in wonder

"Lets go..." Samrulez said walking off motioning for them to follow, Dean shrugged and started hiking.

By the time UnNatural woke up with a headache it was two hours later. "This bites...hey...my sword!" He reached as far as he could tied up. "Dang..." UnNatural kicked up his sword and caught it.

"How am I going to cut it like this?" UnNatural looked up and saw a strange man in black "where did you come from- Hell?"

"No but that is where I am going to send you and all of your friends one by one"

"What? why were just a bunch of kids?"

"Try and call on your cell phone."

"Look man the phones are down...and I’m tied to a tree..." The stranger untied the ropes UnNatural flipped on his cell and tried to call DcSammy and it worked. "You know what this is all about and your really going to kill me..."

"UUUUUMMMMMM.....hi its UnNatural you know we have had AC/DC moments out her like the songs would really fit and ok by..." UnNatural said into his phone "what are you talking about and...the phones are working and time is moving but how did you..."

The stranger reached out and grabbed UnNatural by his shirt collar. "Dude I didn’t want to have to do this but..." UnNatural kicked the stranger in the neck. The stranger dropped him and UnNatural grabbed his sword and cut the strangers legs and it falls off but sends off sparks and then his leg grows back the stranger shoots electricity from his finger tips paralyzing UnNatural and tied him up. "Just to make sure"

The stranger carried him back to the impala (Dean’s) and tossed him into the back. "You were created, so was your 'cousin' and so was I...in a lab you were a shape shifter to be able to be what ever you want whenever you want...you are project 95 your 'cousin' is project 97 you two were successful your cousin was a shape shifting project too but she has to see it to be it... you two ran off and disappeared. we stopped time to find you two you got yourselves into trouble we needed to find you two...who knows what you two could have done."

"Why cant we remember?"

"Long story..."

"And that wasn't?"

"Shut up..."

"Guys!!!" DcSammy said excited. "Our phones work and there is a sunset!"

"What that can’t be right...why?" Dean asked looking out at the horizon

"I don’t know, oh and Samrulez your cousin called."

"This whole thing is getting really, really weird..." UnNatural said to the 'project' "This whole thing is stupid!!! what’s up with this?!?! I just want to go home this whole night is pissing me off!!!!" UnNatural suddenly broke the ropes. "I am getting tired of all these problems!!! If you come back I will personally kill you!" UnNatural kicked the door off the hinges and jumped out "Lets put this shape shifting to the test!" UnNatural ran in front of the car and turned into a werewolf and jumped through the front windshield grabbing the guy by the face and throwing him at a tree.

"Hey...maybe we shouldn’t have tied him to a tree...Samrulez grabbed the wrong book and Bluebird has gone brain-eating on us." DcSammy whined

"Flesh-eating" Said Samrulez

"UnNatural is the only one that can help..."

They heard a crash behind them and saw a guy crash through a tree. They saw UnNatural walk out from behind the tree and pick up, then chopped the guys head off...slowly...


Appears as:

In the deep heart of the forest Sarah came to reason with herself and declared there was only one way out of this vicious circle her friends and she were caught in. "OK, I feel like this whole thing is straight out of the twilight zone. So I guess even more twilight zone is the way to go." She tapped the trees and called on the spirits of each of them. Before long, hundreds of fairies, in all shapes and sizes, filled the forest.

Alright, brothers and sisters. I think we all know what we have to do...reset time. Everything has gotten too messed up in the human and demon world. Even the angels can't be trusted and are being hunted and killed or turned."

"What are we supposed to do, wave a fairy wand and smack them all up over the head? That would take far too long," a beech tree spirit asked.

"I think I know what she's suggesting. And it's never been done before. He's a GOD dear," a motherly maple spirit cautioned.

"Well, I think it has to be done. So we should at least TRY to get Father Time to go back and change things," Sarah begged.

"Chronos, call him by his right name," a voice cried out.

"That's just his Greek name, dumb-ass. We're going to call him whatever the heck we need to in order to get him here and to reset it all so that the Wiki hunters never endure this madness and the Winchester's can get back on their true path of hunting and saving people. Right now it's just a perpetual cycle of dying and returning. We need this to never have happened."

The other Fay folk nodded their heads in agreement, though a few scowled and shook their heads, muttering that human affairs were no business of the Fay people.

Finally, they all gathered in a circle and chanted in the Fay tongue, a high pitched buzzing to those who were not fairies. When they were finished, a figure appeared: Serpentine in form, with three heads - that of a man, a bull, and a lion. He spoke in a deep bullish voice. "Who trifles with time?"

Sarah stepped forward and bowed low, "If it please you, oh ancient one, we have called you to aid the humans. They have lost there way and require assistance. We, the Fay, feel only a reversal of time will correct the errors that have occurred. We beg thee to answer our plea."

Chronos breathed deeply, "So shall it be as you say." The Bull snorted, the Lion roared and the man blew a fierce wind as a thick smog bellowed from their mouths and rolled across the ground. The forest disappeared, the sky became unseen. The heavy fog rolled into the cemetery and over the parked cars. It continued on its path heading in all directions before it melted into the earth, bringing back the dawn to Friday the thirteenth and making the past no more a part of the world.

Rising in her own bed to the sounds of morning birds singing, Bluebird grabbed her cell phone from the night stand and called DeLive, "Hey it's Friday the 13th!"

DeLive rubbed the sleep out of weary eyes, "Yeah, you woke me up! If that's the case, though, we should totally rest up for tonight and head to the cemetery."

"I don't know about that...I have a bad feeling about this," Bluebird chewed nervously on her lower lip.


Appears as:

The last reminisces of the fog faded from the forest that was shadowed in the early morning darkness, "It is done," said Chronos with a nod.

"Is that the best you can do?" someone snickered.

Everyone turned to find a figure leaning against a tree. Sarah stiffened and a few of the Fay muttered.

"Faith," Sarah snarled. "What are you doing here?"

"Making sure time doesn’t restart."

Sarah stood straight up. "You're too late. The Winchesters will never meet the others and they will never meet you. How come you weren't affected?"

"Angel, remember?" said Faith sarcastically. "Time doesn't affect us."

"What do you want?" Sarah asked.

"It's not about what I want, otherwise, I wouldn't be doing this," said Faith absently.

Sarah cringed at Faith's vacant tone. "Do what?"

"Samrulez must meet the Winchesters and the Winchesters must meet me," Faith answered cryptically.

Sarah huffed. "Why?"

"Because Sam Winchester must die. Samrulez must kill him. And I must lead Dean," Faith explained. She hopped off the tree and approached the others. "So, without further ado, let's put things back the way they were."

She flung her hand out at Chronos. A huge stream of light shoots out from her palm and hit Chronos. Chronos screamed and a gigantic burst of energy slammed into Faith. She absorbed his power and grinned at Sarah.

"You *****!" Sarah yelled. "Why?"

"Because God ordered it. I'm just bumping it up a step. Now, time will return to normal. Starting now."

In a flash time was rest leaving everyone in dismay.

"Well, this was fun," said UnNatural, rubbing his temple. "Did someone mess with Time?"

"Yeah," Ruby murmured.

"Why would anyone want to mess with time? Someone has to be really foolish."

"Or really brave," Sam corrected.


Appears as:

"I bet it was...Sarah or Faith, maybe even both." UnNatural said to Jackles

"I'll take that bet! Five-hundred says it was someone else!" Jackles said

"You don’t have a dollar, let alone five-hundred." UnNatural laughed "Oh...no guys!!! how did we get here?!?!?"

"Where is the graveyard?" Samrulez asked walking up "Where are Sam and Dean?"

"Probably gone. We did go back in time. But that’s not the point guys we are on Zombie Road" UnNatural gasped

"NO!!!" Samrulez yelled," we cant be! I thought it was all over..."

"Where is Zombie Road and why is it called that?" Jackles asked not worried at all

"Its in St. Louis, Missouri, strange things like disappearing towns and dozens of peoples dying on the railroad getting killed by strange monster or getting hit on the railroad or drowning but some just disappear!!!!" UnNatural and Samrulez said at the same time

"Okay weird...that you said it all at the same time and same way!" Deansgirl said walking up.

"Your back?" Samrulez asked

"Regretfully we are too" NiteHawk said walking up with Bobby, Sam, Dean, Mc Bain and Bela.

"Oh my god..." UnNatural said jaw dropped.

"Uuuuummm guys speaking of Zombie Road and strange stuff...John is here..." Samrulez said staring past them.

"Dad!!!" Dean said turning around and seeing John." I mean hey dad... oh who am I kidding this is so weird."

"Dad!?!?!" Sam said turning around. "your not really there" Sam reached out and touched John's arm. "but you are..."

"Um, sorry to brake up the reunion but we need to find weapons." UnNatural cut in. "We meet back here. Travel in pairs" They all started to search after a few minutes they met back at the road. "anybody find anything? Samrulez found a lantern and I found a two-handed machetes in some guys head."

"How convenient!" Samrulez said

"Indubitably!" UnNatural laughed "this is the only light source we have." UnNatural said holding up the lantern

"No, I have a flash light" DcSammy said pulling a flashlight from her back pack and UnNatural smacked it from her hand "never mind"

"Okay" he said


Appears as:

Appears as:

Back in the forest, Sarah glared at Faith. "Why the HELL would you even do that...and HOW. That's the big question! You're not working for God, of that much I'm certain. Just who is the question!" Sarah turned to go and Faith shot more power at her, killing her instantly.

"Well, if you won't join me, then die. See if I care." Faith smiled smugly, "Any other takers?"

All the Fay around quickly disappeared back into the forest as if nothing had ever happened. All that was left of Sarah was a pile of ash.

The Fay stared at Faith, afraid to move, afraid to do much of anything for fear of winding up like Sarah.

Faith rolled her eyes. "Come on, this is pathetic! I thought fairies would at least put up a good show! No?" The Fay remained silent and still. Faith smirked. "I guess this whole forest will burn."

Faith threw up her hand, her palm glowing in a bright light. She is suddenly flying through the air and crashes into a nearby tree. She sits up and moaned, rubbing her head. "What the hell?"

Castiel and another angel. Zachariah, appeared. "Enough!" Castiel ordered. "Enough of this, Lilith!"

"You angels are no fun," said Faith, her eyes turning milky white and then changing back to their normal color. "That's one thing I will eliminate during the Apocalypse."

"You won't be around long enough for the Apocalypse to start," said Zachariah darkly. "Now, release her! She is not one of you!"

"No," Faith stated. She smirked. "But she soon will be. I will have full control over her powers. Then, nothing will stop me."

"I thought you were possessing DcSammy?" Castiel asked, confused.

Faith glanced at her fingernails, observing them. "I was, but, she was so boring! She didn't want to fight! This one.. this one wants to. You know how much rage she has built up inside her? It's...exhilarating. All thanks to Levi. I really should thank him."

"How are you back?" Zachariah eyed her evilly.

A smile formed around the corners of Faith's mouth. "I just manipulated a few things, made some arrangements. It's really not that hard. Besides, rules are meant to be broken, correct?"

"I don't think so," Castiel and Zachariah muttered in unison.

"Release her," Zachariah ordered. "Release her or feel the wrath of God!"

Faith narrowed her eyes. "You wouldn't kill one of your own."

It was Zachariah's turn to grin. "Who said anything about killing her?"

Faith's eyes widened. "You wouldn't! No!" She backed away from the angels, bumping into the tree behind her instead.

"Yes." Zachariah nodded. "An exorcism. Do you remember the last one we performed on you? Of course, you do. I can see it in your eyes."

Faith shook her head frantically. "I won't let you do that to me again. I won't!"

"Sorry, Lilith."

Faith soared over to the angels by Zachariah's power, the angels pinning her to the ground. Faith writhed and shook, screaming and hissing under her breath. Zachariah and Castiel began to chant. Faith let out an ear piercing scream and her eyes flashed white. The forest swayed as breeze blew wildly, darkness covering the entire forest.


Does Not Appear

Does Not Appear

Appears as:

"I will kill you," Faith vowed, her tone filled with hatred and pain. "I will make you beg for mercy! For death! You cannot defeat me! Never!"

In a dark, musty room a young witch named James was chanting from his spell book after he felt the loss of Lilith from the world. With a glistening silver dagger clutched in his hands and the final words from his lips, James was teleported into the air above the last place Lilith was and with his dagger raised to strike James plummeted down towards Castiel. But before he could make his deathly strike a strong wind knocked him unbalanced.

"Oh you poor *****, oops I mean witch. You are quick in seeking revenge on Lilith’s behave, I must give you that." Zachariah teased as he waved his finger in a displeased manor

James stood in anger and laying a hand on Castiel he was able to transfer a spell that left Castiel bloodthirsty

Castiel roared and screamed for blood "He's a changed person Zachariah, anyway you can have him but be careful.” James spit on the ground between them. “My revenge has begun and now I must part from your sight.” James snapped back as he gripped onto his spell book and begun to chant, Zachariah tried to pounce on James but it was to late the young evil witch was gone leaving Zachariah to deal with Castiel and worry about what James would do next.

His revenge did not have time to grow cold as James found his first victim. A you girl Castiel had saved years ago from being killed by a demon who was suppose to keep her from becoming a prophet of the Lord.

With the warm blood of her parents still dripping down her face and splattered all over her body Destiny found herself wandering through a gnarled thicket of woods not far from where James was located. She radiated the smell of fear to any by-standing demons or monsters, just seeing her family ferociously murdered by a creature she couldn't identify.

"Mom...... dad........ they're dead....... why did it leave me? I tried saving them I did but I couldn't save them. It left me covered in their blood.........." Destiny emotions over flowed with her loss and fear of what she watched. Her voice cracked and broke, her face becoming hot with tears from fear, "I want my parents back. Give them back!" She yelled into the sky and begged and begged for mercy and grace on her behalf so she could stay strong through her future but sat at the base of a tree and wailed into her knees, absolutely saddened, scared, and angered at her loss of her parents, swearing on her heart and mind that she was going to bring her parents back someway somehow.

Wrapped in her own world Destiny did not see the smirking look on James’s face as he crept up behind her to strike with deadly force and send Destiny’s life from her at a moment of despair which would not let her soul go to Heaven or Hell but to limbo where she would grief for eternity.


Does Not Appear

Does Not Appear

The last one standing "So Sammy where are we going" asked Dean as he turned on some AC DC, not bothering to keep his eyes on the road at all. He finds the song he wants and looks back at the road as he waits for Sam to reply.

"Well, like I told you before i was on the Internet and i saw this couple walking one night and then end up dead the next morning, in Columbus Ohio" He said ignoring the music as best as he could while looking out the window.

"And what makes you think this is our kind of good"

"Well i wouldn't if i hadn't done a little back ground checking, I found an article about this and how there have been four other cases the same way , two couple walking alone all end up dead the next day "

"Sam you do realize that there are killers that have nothing to do with us right just serial killers that are human". Dean said

"Yes Dean, I realize this but do any human serial killers us these kind of symbols on there victims." Sam asked as he reached in his bag and pulled out pictures of the crime scene. There was a symbol burned on to every victims body somewhere. Some had the symbol on the chest, some had it on the legs, arms face, and backs, but the symbols were all the same on everybody. Sam and Dean had both seen the symbols before and knew that only demons and hunters knew them.

"Okay so we have symbols on bodies that only hunters and demons know, could we be dealing with a hunter who's gone wacko" asked Dean.

"We could have if the victims hearts hadn't been frozen from inside there bodies" Sam said putting the papers back in his bag.

Dean looked over at him with a surprised and con-fussed look on his face. "Have you ever heard of anything like this before" He asked

"No" replied Sam. "I'll call Bobby" They drive off toward there new hunt with wonder and confusion on there mind as the phone rings.

"About time I heard from you boys how are things going"

"Bobby we need your help"

The conversation lasted a few minutes then Sam went to put his phone into his backpack and missed. “Dean… I feel weird, kind of light headed.”

Looking at his brother Dean seems a bit off, “Yah! I have the same feeling. I was thinking it was the greasy bacon from breakfast.” Dean looked in the rear view mirror noticing they were the only one on the road.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead Sam questioned Dean about the hole in the Exhaust pipe and if the patch job they had done was holding. Taking into consideration the possibility of carbon-monoxide getting into the car Dean pulls over and together they give the Impala a through look over.


Appears as:

Appears as:

VjKnight watched memories flash into his mind as he worried about UnNatural, he had been unable to find him. VjKnight’s cell phone rang. "Hello," he answered.

"Could You come help me out?" UnNatural asked. "Sure," he said, overjoyed to know UnNatural was alive. "Where are you?" "Columbus Ohio, I killed the demons but there are some weird deaths going on here. Sam and Dean Winchester are on their way." UnNatural informed him. UnNatural hung up.

"UnNatural needs our help in Columbus, Ohio," VjKnight told the rest of the group. several hours later in Columbus, Ohio. VjKnight pulled in at a McDonalds where UnNatural was and noticed that UnNatural had healed himself and got his eyes back. That was cool.

Sam explained that something had frozen people's hearts from inside them and left marks burnt on the bodies. Bobby admitted he had never had a case like it either. Brandon and Limpair decided to ask all the locals about weird stuff. VjKnight began to talk about his similar hunts as he remembered his past. Suddenly, Leviathan appeared. UnNatural stood and his eyes turned an icy blue. A beam of light shot from his hand. The whole area where he stood glowed with blinding light. the Wiki members had to cover their eyes. When they looked back, Leviathan was running away at breakneck speed. "Cool!" some of the Wiki members exclaimed in unison.

VjKnight planned to pursue Levi. He asked Sarah, UnNatural, Samrulez, and Amber to come with him. They took VjKnight’s car and they began to pursue Leviathan, leaving the others behind. Sam caught up and got in. The others (including the ones that the something had recently killed) went on the trail of Lilith. Little did they know they were heading into a trap. Little did anyone know, Leviathan had not been the something that had killed the people. No one had a clue about anything except that they were following demons.

VjKnight continued to zoom down the road at lightning speed chasing Leviathan. VjKnight also kept remembering his past. He had powers given to him by the angel Castiel. That was how he made the sword earlier. He also remembered what Castiel had said about Leviathan "There is a Crossroad demon named Leviathan, he is actually as strong as Lilith. You must kill him." This worried him. He also figured out that the memory of UnNatural beating him was a false memory placed in his head by Levi.

"Well, not to complain or anything...but what the HELL is going on here? I mean, I'm grateful and all to oh, gee, not be a pile of ash anymore. But seriously? Who pulled the strings to get me out of that?" questioned Sarah.




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