
Write your name in the color text you used in the story

Continued from page:18
For anyone who is not familiar with the campfire story concept: This is a story that can go on forever. Anyone is welcome to add to the story starting from wherever the last person left off. For characters, you can use any cast member - past or present - of Supernatural (if you bring in a deceased character, you need to find a way to make it believable within the context of Supernatural), yourself and any other member of the Supernaturalfanwiki.

Pick a color for your text to be (this is how we will know who wrote what). Any time you add to the story, make sure you use the same text color!



M&Ms_are _provisons

Members in the story:
TheNiteHawke~ left
jackles~Escaped from hell
UNnatural_95Killed by samrulez01~ ya da ya da..died... ~ Came back as leader of hell.~lilith became devil ~ Became werewolf king to stay. AND NOT DIE AGAIN LIKE DEAN DIES!
lovedean~killed by UNnatural_95

Characters in the story:
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby Singer
McBain - (book)~ Dead
Bela~eaten by werewolves
John Wichester~Disappeared with Deansgirl666
Lilith~ in full power, was reborn in DCMS's body. ~devil
Azazel (yed)~killed by Dean


"were tracking the demons who are tracking DCMS." said Samrulez
"thank you at least someone gets my plan here." sarah said her head poking out of the tree. "now come on!"
Samrulez jumped into the hollow tree while Bjones looked in side before desending itnto the portal.
" now what" asked Jackles.
"we find our demon guides and follow them." sarah said as she pointed to a group of blured shadows on the red colored walls.
"those are demons?" asked supernaturalchick.
"yeah there just distorted because were in this portal." Sarah said follong the shadows as they traveled farther up the corador of the portal.After what semed a while of walking teh demons stoped and began growling, their howls distorted by the portal.
"whats happening?" asked samrulez
"they didn't get to her first." sarah said slowly
She'd been running for a while, but she kept running , the hate propelling her forward. She hated every thing, all the trees, rocks, leaves, ants, birds, everything, she didn't know why but it didn't matter. And the black spots that were dancing around in her vision, plus all the red stuff she was leaking wasn't helping her mood. A twig snaped and she spun around just in time to see a iorn net fall onto of her, forcing her to land on her bleeding stomach. The iorn, it was biting at her skin, she was thinking about how much she hated iorn when a man walked through the trees long range rifles straped to his back, carrying a large duffle bag over his shoulder. She started growling at him as he took iorn stakes out of his duffle and was staking the iorn net into the ground.
"poor girl. That demon must have had a temper problem for her to end up like that." he said looking at teh trail of blood. He took a leather bound book out of his pocket and was fliping through the pages until he found the one he wanted, he started chanting in latin.
DCMS hissed and tried to break free of the horrid iorn chains, this guy was starting to piss her off, speaking to her in some godforsaken language. When he finished he looked at her taken aback, he quickly stuck his hand in his duffle and pulled out a vial of holy water and tossed it on her. Now she was 6 times madder than before her vision was begining to take on a cranberry hue. Hes getting her wet, whats that for?! when she gets out shes gonna make him see a world of pain.
Sarah started drawing on the dirt wall.
"i dont think nows the time for art practice." Dean said
"there going to get us up there..." sarah said before she started chanting. The ruins on the wall started to glow then they were no longer in a red collored corrador they were back in the green forest standing behind a guy pointing a long range rifle at something in an iron net.
"hey stop!" shouted bjones making teh guy turn around.
"where is she?!" shouted Samrulez looking arround. Then a long growl filled the air, making everyone but the guy jump.
"oh ****." Said Warriorsgirl as she moved to see what was behind the man.
"DCMS!" Samrulez shouted, as she lept up from teh ground and started to run over to her, but the man blocked her.
" GET OUT OF MY WAY!" she yelled struggling to keep in control.
"No, this is my hunt, there are plently of other demons out here tonight." the man said.
"your hunting DCMS?" asked Sam.
"yeah, shes like a rabid dog and its my duty to put her down."
"No you cant!" warriosgirl said trying to edge past the hunter.
"i can and i will" Said teh hunter truning around and aiming the gun at DCMS's head for teh seccond time, another growl riped from her throat making samrulez cringe.
"whoa, no you wont. you shoot you wont live to see the gun buck" Dean said his gun pointed at he hunters head.
"why do you care about this girl, shes dieing, and is mad with senseless rage, ive seen what people like her can do." The man said not turning to look at Dean.
"because me and him" nodding to sam "would feel responible for her unrully death. And that wouldn't be right." He said as teh hunter finaly turned to look at him.
"why?" he asked.
"because were charged with keeping all of these people safe, including her." Dean said steadying his gun arm.
"Yes, that's right, so back off!" hollered Sarah, "We haven't came this far just to watch you kill her!"
The hunter looked at all the wiki members in wonder and then glanced back at DCMS. "You honestly want to save her life? I mean, she's not even human anymore, not really! She can barely speak and has been riddled with evil. Her human body is suffering, the demon that was a part of her put her through the ringer. Death would be a mercy!"
"Not if she's going to hell! I'd rather her alive in this way then suffering in hell no hope of relief. We can do something for her, get Doc Benton dug back up, zombify her, I don't care what you do, just don't kill her!!!" screamed Samrulez.
DCMS growled and then shook on the ground, rolling around, spitting and scratting at nothing. Her body contorted in ways that no human body should, and tears poured from her eyes while her teeth ground. Suddenly she was spewing blood and chunks of tongue, which she had bitten off in her fit.
"What are we going to do with her, Dean?" asked Sam quietly, looking on in horror and in pity at both DCMS and the wiki members.
"Normally, I'd say let her go, but, well, we own this people something. They have helped us all night."
Sarah was listening in and began to think about the situation at hand...It's the only way she thought and then walked away into the woods, beyond the sight of all the hunters, even Sam and Dean, grabbed a lock of her hair, some herbs, and then spit into the dirt and buried it.
"This isn't a crossroads, pixie *****," spat a black-haired red-eyed demon. He wore a black jacket and and even blacker attitude.
"Oh, someone trying to do a Matrix impression?" teased Sarah.
"Stop screwing around with me. You don't have a soul, what do you have to offer a crossroads demon?"
"Oh, just an eternaity of service, never aging, always existing, with control over water elements," rattled off Sarah, staring at the demon and trying not to shake as she thought of her life bound forever in the service of evil.
"So, that's it? You for your DCMS? Maybe we can..." he began but she interupted him.
"NO! Not just DCMS. I mean, no one else is evil, got it? No more demonic possession once I make this deal. It's air tight. And they have their memories wiped of this night, and of me, for forever. So they can't make a deal for me. Understood? Those are my terms, if you don't meet them, no deal!" proclaimed the fairy, standing her ground in the face of the CRD.
"Hmmmm....sounds like a high price."
"I promise I'm worth it. We gonna kiss or what, bastard?"
"DEAL," he thundered, "Someone to walk among humans and not die, perfect!" Then he was on her, grabbing her by the arm and forcing a hard kiss on her mouth, biting her lip as he withdrew his lips so blood spilled from her mouth. A clap of thunder filled the air and then light flashed in the sky. "It's done," he smiled coldly, "And now you are mine, forever, with no one to recall you in the human world!"
Sarah glupped and paled a bit at those words, thinking of how long an eternaity of evil was going to be, and how no end was ever to be in sight. Death would be an option, death in the form of non-existance. She would take it, if she could, if...
"I can hear those little wheels in your head turning, deary. No dying out of this deal, either. You can't die on purpose or the deal is off!"
"Great, since you own my mind, body, and soul, now, what should I call you?"
"Leviathan, demon of the abyss, and Levi for short."
"Oh how cute, a demon with a nickname," Sarah mocked.
"Enough!" Leviathan grabbed the fairy's wrist and pulled her away, burning the flesh on her arm with his touch, turning her into black, choking smoke and slipping down threw the Earth to the fires of hell.
Everyone was knocked back by the sudden explosion of thunder. They are filled with a sense of sorrow, their memories wiped of the last couple of days with Sarah. Everyone feels forlorn, but they don't know why.
"Does anyone feel that?" asked Samrulez, shuddering.
"You mean the sudden burst of sadness within me? Yeah" said Dean. "I don't like it."
The wiki members shudder at the feeling.
"Witchcraft!" the hunter shouted in rage. "You aren't hunters, not if you're dealing with the black arts!"
"We are hunters!'' Dean persisted.
"Ok, then, how do you kill a vampire?" the hunter questioned.
Samrulez moaned. "We don't have time for this!"
"You chop it's head off," Dean answered as if saying he's going to the store to buy some milk.
"I'm still not convinced," the hunter muttered. "She's a demon," he points to Ruby." I have no clue what they are," he points to UnNatural and Faith. "and these two are demons as welll," He points to Sam and Samrulez. "I've been doing this job for too long now. You can't tell me what's human and what's not."
Faith's fists are balled at her side, and she's trembling from head to foot. She wants to rip this guy limb from limb.
DCMS is suddenly up on her feet, looking up at eveyrine with bafflement.
"What's going on , guys?" she asked, confused.
Samrulez stared at her." DCMS? Is that you?"
"Yeah, whoelse would it be?" DCMS snapped."What are we doing here? Can someone tell me what's going on?"
Ruby and Faith start conversing in Latin.
Ruby looked down at DCMS."It's her, just be careful. I don't get it. One minute she's possessed, and the other minute she's not? What the hell?"
Dean glanced around, feeling some kind of warning that starts to go off in his head. He heads deeper into the woods, the wiki members following him with curiosity.
"Where are you going, Dean?" Warriorsgirl demanded.
Dean doesn't answer. He keeps on straight ahead and finds Sarah's hair on the ground. Faith and Ruby tremble.
"This is dark magick, but it isn't witchcraft," said Ruby. "It's almost fae magick."
"Yeah," Faith agreed. " We're dealing with fairies now?"
"And crossroad demons," said Ruby.
"How do you know that?" Dean exclaimed, bewildered.
Faith shrugged." I don't know, but whoever did this-they're suffering for it in Hell. It's quite fresh. Five minutes fresh. And I sense a demon-a male one."
Samrulez dropped to the ground and touched the hair. A vision flashed through her mind of Sarah making the crossroads deal. She comes out of the premonition.
"What did you see?" Faith inquired.
"A woman...the fairy, making a deal with a crossroads demon...it's like I was her...I felt everything and knew everything she knew.'' Samrulez shuddered involuntarily. "Who would make a deal with the crossroads demon?"
"Maybe we should ask the demon, see who he took," Ruby suggested. "Obviously you got that vision for a reason."
"See!" the hunter proclaimed, pointing. Everyone jumped, unaware of the hunter's presence. "you are involved some sort of dakr magick! All of you! And now I'm going to kill you!"
Brandon landed a punch in the guy's face. The hunter's eyes lolled in the back of his head and he fell to the ground, unconscious. Everyone stared at him in shock.
Brandon shrugged." The guy was getting on my nerves."
"Thank you," said Faith, smirking.
"No problem," Brandon assured her.
"So, how are we going to summon this crossroads demon?" Warriorsgirl asked.
everyone staired at sam and dean. "why are you looking at us, its way beyond our paygrade." Dean said holding up his hands.
"samrulez did you see how this person summoned teh demon?" asked warriosgirl
"uh...its blurry..some plants, herbs or something... and she spit. thats about it... but even if we did know we probably wouldn't be able to do it because who here know withchcrafty-blackmagic?" she asked. No one raised there hands "thought so"
"yeah but standin around isn't gonna help either." DCMS said sitting down under a tree and closing her eyes.
"then what do you think we should do ?" ruby said angrily.
"do i look like i know much of whats going on?" she asked.
"neither do we but for some reason i think our memories were erased in this deal or what ever." said ruby.
"well i have less than a memmory than you do." DCMS snaped without opening her eyes.
"what do you mean?" asked Samrulez.
"i mean there is this dark, pain full, hate full blob and everything before that was blurry. i only can remember what happened before the blob, but places are blacked out, and after ruby and faith started chanting." DCMS said rubbing her head.
"I remeber everything..."UNnatural said stepping up. "trust me you don't won't to know, i am an angle DCMS and if you don't remember.Man... my whole life disapeared in one night and it happened to all of us our lives wont be the same, ever!" there was a flash of light and everyone felt refreshed.
"Thanks" Samrulez said walking over to UNnatural"
Dean walked over to DCMS. "You are a strange group...When will this thing all end?!?!"
"Could you catch us up UNnatural." DCMS begged
"No, maybe when we should get out of here first." Sam replied.
"............Your an angle!!!!!!!!! No! you can't" SPNFanatic laughed just realizing what he said." your insane!!!"
"Shut up and come on." UNnatural stated started to get annoyed.
"OK but i need proommmpphhh..." SPNFanatic said but his lips stopped moving like they were superglued to each other.
"there lets go." UNnatural said laughing and walking over to the middle I know how to summon a demon."
***With 1983Sarah and the demon Levi****
"I've got plans for you tonight, we're going to actually start having some fun," Levi grabbed Sarah's arm and pulled her up to Earth again. She didn't struggle for anything was better then spending more time in hell, more time being ripped open and beaten, then healed and starting all over again. Then being alone, with nothing but sounds of screams for mercy to fill her ears.
"So, what's the deal? You gotta hot date and you're letting me stay with the babysitters?" Sarah joked, but her heart wasn't really in it.
"Nothing so wonderful for you, my dear," Levi cackled. They were topside again, in the sunlight. It almost looked like a normal day.
"So, what is it?" she asked with some fear and trepidation.
"Well, I need you to do a little damage here. You know, bring me a few souls, kill and maim a few others...nothing too big for your first time."
"Like Hell I..." but Levi made one move with his hand and silenced her, then forced her to walk forward, saying, "It's not very far from your little forest friends, really. If they walk a half a mile up the road they will be able to see you and your destruction...besides, they are gonna try to summon me anyway, so might as well give them a show..."
"You sick bastard! And how do they know to summon you? You welshed on the deal!" she screamed at him but Levi just laughed.
"No, I did not, but you didn't count on UNnatural being an angel and being able to heal his own memory...or at least enough to piece together some things. Your friends aren't stupid, you know."
"I know that, and they will kill your ass if they do summon you..."
"Don't bet on it, I have an ace up my sleeve, and that would be you!"
"They won't care about me once they see me killing, they'll kill me!"
"I doubt that...now start doing some damage, *****!" Levi yelled, then pushed her forward, channeling his powers through her fae magic. She felt her hands moving, her feet moving. She was casting powerful magic on the house in front of her, shaking it's foundations, flooding it from the basement to the top. Inside, the family screamed. At the windows, bodies could be seen floating on the water. One turned and looked in horror at her. Sarah turned away, but Levi's demonic powers forced her head back at the house. She could see the ghosts of the victims coming out of the house, and Levi was gathering them like flowers, sending them to hell.
***In the woods***
DCMS looked at UNnatural, "So, are you gonna summon or are you gonna stand around all high and mighty?"
UNnatural just glared at DCMS for a minute, "You know, you're talking to an angel, like my man Cas said, you should show me more respect."
Samrulez retorted, "We'll show you some respect when you deliver the goods as promised, bucko!"
"Fine, fine, I'll get the summoning thing going. But one more thing. I am not sure if it will bring us to them or them to us. 50/50 chance."
"WHAT?! You mean you wanted us to go unprepared?" hollered Dean.
"I'm telling you now, smartass. Now shut your cakehole and let me get on with the ritual," thundered UNnatural.
Warriorsgirl, Faith, and Ruby gave UNnatural the items he would need to summon the demon, or send them to the demon, whichever came first. The herbs, spittle, and angelic powers were blended together and everyone suddenly was bathed in a brilliant white light. They found themselves standing in front of a house, a male demon snatching souls while another creature they couldn't identify seemed to force water inside the house and kill all the people inside. Which were a lot, since it was actually more like an apartment complex.
"Stop, you evil sonsofbitches!" yelled DCMS.
Sarah turned and looked at her once-friend, sadness and pain in her eyes. All the hunters had grabbed holy water, rock salt, and other such things to ward off demons and spirits. Sam started reciting the roman ritual. DCMS charged forward with a knife in hand, prepared to stab the creature while the others were getting ready to kill the demon. She was quickly on Sarah, and plunged the knife into her stomach.
All sarah could do was gasp at the sudden pain. She fell to her knees as DCMS pulled out the knife and stood above her. There was a crash of thunder, as lightning flew through the air and hit levi as sam stoped chanting, making DCMS look distorted in the failing light. Rain burst from the suddenly cloudy sky as Warriosgirl, Samrulez, and UNnatural ran over to her.
"No! what did you do!?" shouted UNnatural as blood started pooling around sarah.
"thank you... for releasing me.." sarah whispered puting her hand over the wound as if trying to stop the blood gushing out of her.
UNnatural, started saying something in Latin, then a white flash filled the air.
"what are you doing?" mumbled sarah as UNnatural pick her up.
"trying to save your life." UNnatural said hurriedly as he walked over to the angel who had just popped up.
"why?" asked DCMS who still had the knife in her hand and was clutching it so tightly that her knuckles were turning white.
"because she saved all of our lives." UNnatural said handing Sarah to the angel.
"but..." DCMS looked confused.
"she made a deal, and it included wiping all of our memories of her, to save us from you. and to save you.." UNnatural said after giving rapid instructions to the angel who flew off after.
"what do you mean save you from me?" asked DCMS looking at the knife.
"long story.." UNnatural said as he started walking towards the flooded building."come on, we have to see if anyone's still alive."
"yeah.." said Warriosgirl and Samrulez walking after him, leaving DCMS staring at the knife.
Sarah weakly looked up at UNnatural," Why are you doing this?" She coughed a little from the strain talking caused her. "I made a deal, and I'll stick with it...you...," she paused and closed her eyes once more, weary from the blood loss and the torture that she had endured for the last few hours, which were like months in Hell. "You were never supposed *cough, cough* to remember. I did it cause I love you all so much..." her voice drifted off and her head slummped down to her chest.

"NOO!!" Samrulez cried out, falling to her knees and cuddling Sarah's head. "Don't go! Please, don't go! Don't leave!"
"She's gone," DCMS whisperef breathlessly, unable to believe it.
"No, no, she's not," Samrulez protested. "She's not gone. Ruby, UnNatural, Faith, do something! You're the best at this! Bring her back!"
"And what would you have us do?" Ruby wondered. "Bring her back from Hell? I'm sorry, but, we're not even going to risk that! We've had too much experience."
"Plus, I'm not exactly welcomed in Hell with opened arms," UnNatural admitted sheepishly.
"None of us are," Fath reminded him. She shuddered. "Too many enemies."
"Why can't you just cast a spell to bring her back?" Samrulez asked.
"There's no such spell that allows a soul to be freed from Hell," Ruby replied.
"Dean came back!" Samrulez persisted, pointing at him.
"An angel helped me out," said Dean. "No spell did that."
"Well," said Samrulez, standing,"let's summon the angel who dragged you out of the pit."
Everyone exchanged nervous looks.
"What?" Samrulez demanded.
"Not a good idea," answered Ruby.
"Why not?" Samrulez's eyes were narrowed.
"Demon? Hello? And whatever she is," said Ruby, pointing to Faith. "And plus, angels like to come of their own free will. They hate being summoned. It puts them in a bad mood."
"I frankly don't care," Samrulez snapped. "We don't have a thousand years to wait on angelic assistance. You three might." She indicated Ruby, Faith, and UnNatural,"but the rest of us are not immortal."
UnNatural sighed. "I'll see who I can drag down here."
He vanished.
Faith scowled. "I think we've had enough angelic assistance for one day."
" I don't," Samrulez protested. "If UnNatural doesn't come back with anybody, I'm placing you in charge to do the summoning."
"Peachy," Faith muttered sarcastically.
Ruby smiled. "Better you than me."
"Enough!" Samrulez ordered. "We are going to wait right here for UnNautral."
"Why don't we just summon the demon who Sarah made the deal with?" Dean suggested. "It would be easier and we could persuade him to give Sarah's soul back.
"That actually doesn't sound too bad," DCMS agreed.
**********************************************Inside Sarah's Mind*********************************************

Where am I? What's going on? Sarah thought. Suddenly, Levi appeared. "YOU!" she shouted. "Yes, me. I still have claim to you're...well, whatever you are! I don't plan on letting you go. They may have sent me away, but if they summon me I will come! You are no good to me nonexistent." "I'd rather die!" Sarah screamed. "Nope, it's not going to work, they are going call me back, just to try to save your sorry ass. And when they do, I'll have control of you again. "How come you don't have control of me now?" Sarah asked, puzzled. Then she noticed that she wasn't really corporeal. "Oh, I get it, I'm not dead but not alive yet either. And since it all hinges on me being alive, since I don't have a soul for you to have, then you can't quite get to me in this in between state." "We have a winner," Levi smirked. "Well, this sucks. I'm neither here nor there," Sarah tried to will Levi out of her mind, but for better or worse he was there, sticking to her memories and her very being. She wandered in the ether that was her own thoughts, feelings, and emotions. She listened and could hear them starting the ritual on the Earth below. She felt a tugging at her very being too, one that seemed to drag her out of this safe and comfortable zone and back into the pain of the world and her wound. Suddenly, everything went black and she found herself gasping for air. Around her, others started chatting yet another ritual. One to summon the demon and "fix" what was going on. Because if they didn't then she would just die again...this time for good.

A pentagram has been drawn and a weird looking symbol inside interconnects it. Ruby and Fath have finished setting up the necessary ritual process to begin the summoning.
"Now, what?" asked Dean.
Ruby eyed him squarely. "You've never performed a ritual before?"
Dean sighed . "No, not to the expence you're willing to go, and not at the level of magick you two are using."
Ruby rolled her eyes. "Whatever. We're going to need some demon blood to summon the demon."
Dean cocked his eyebrow. "You're kidding, right?"
Ruby threw up her hands with frustration. "Fine! Faith, hand me your dagger. Gotta do everything myself."
Faith handed Ruby her dagger. Ruby sliced her forearm with the dagger and blood dripped onto the pentagram straight in the middle. Ruby gestured to Faith, and Faith began to chant in a mixture of Latin and what appeared to be Ancient Hebrew. There was a huge blast of wind followed by the clouds covering up overhead and turning grey as if there were a thunderstorm approaching. Faith never let up her chanting and continued, her voice growing with firmness and rising. There was a flash of darkness and then everyone was flung onto their backs. Sarah stood, staring around the scene calmly, the wind and the darkness vanishing. Ruby let out a gasp.
"Watch out!" she screamed. " Demon!"
The wiki members were in shock to find Sarah before them, a malicious smirk on her face and the blood from where she was stabbed completely gone along with her wound.
"Hello, Ruby," said Sarah, her voice dark. "Nice to see you again."
"Leviathon!" Ruby hissed. The other wiki members wen back and forth between Ruby and the demon possessing Sarah.
Levi's smirk widened. "Indeed. Nice summoning. I congratulate the artist. Who was that, by the way?"Levi glanced at each wiki member in turn before resting his gaze upon Faith. "Huh. A newcomer. Congrats! I haven't had a proper summoning in I couldn't tell you how long, and just because you summoned me in such a proper manner, I'll do you a favor."
"We want Sarah's soul back in her own body," Samrulez blurted.
Levi's eyes went wide with amusement and he laughed. "Her soul? Sorry to inform you, but I can't do that."
"And why not?" Samrulez demanded.
"Because I made the deal with her," Levi explained. "Sarah wanted to make the deal, and I just complied."
"You son of a *****!" Samrulez shook with fury, her fists balled at her sides. "Bring her back!"
Levi cocked his head to the side. "Are you hard of hearing? I cannot bring her back. Not from Hell, anway."
"You can't, or you just don't want to?" asked DCMS, furious as the rest.
Levi shrugged with a smudge of arrogance. "Both. I think I'll keep her soul. However," he looked over at Faith," I might be able to do an exchange. Possessing a body with knowledge and power such as yours would definitely benefit me instead of using that no-good fairy. Her and her pure of heart. It disgusts me."
Faith went bland, her face paler than usual. Samrulez glanced at her with pleading eyes.
"Please, Faith," Samrulez begged. "Sarah sacrificed herself for all of us."
"So, I'm supposed to give myself up in return? Where's the sense of justice in that?" Faith's voice was tight.
Levi grinned. "Aww...it seems to me like you've already had an experience of Hell. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so nervous."
"Shut up," Faith snapped. She glanced around and gave into Samrulez and DCMS's pleading eyes. She caved and shook her head. "This isn't right. This isn't fair. What did I do to deserve this?"
"I'm waiting," said Levi, tapping his foot impatiently. "Do we have a deal or not?"
Faith stoof, flinging her arms up in the air. "Fine! I'll go, but only on one condition; you are not allowed to hurt my friends, got it? You break it, and the deal's off. And I'll trade my soul for Sarah's."
Levi smiled. "Wonderful! Now, all you have to do is come forth."
Faith walked forward, her legs shaking uncontrollably, sweat pouring down her forehead as if she were running a temperature.
"We'll get you back," Warriorsgirl promised.
"You better," Faith muttered. "I don't want my sacrifice to be in vain." Levi grabbed her wrist and she looked at him in confusion. "Hey! What the Hell?"
"Hold on tight," said Levi. There was a swirling sensation and Faith and Levi vanished. Ruby and the other wiki members sat in silence for a few minutes before Dean finally spoke up.
"Now, what?"
"We summon someone to help us," said Ruby with dismay. Her gaze shot back and forth between DCMS and Dean with anger. "So much for your plan."
"Ruby calm down. We need to work together if we want to get out of this crap." Brandon said this looking at Ruby. "Fine I will stay out of it then."Ruby said. "Good now anymore plans?"Brandon asked.
"I got a few," said Sarah as she walked up to the wiki members.
"Sarah!" Samrulez cried. She ran up to Sarah and hugged her. "Sarah, thank God!"
Samrulez released Sarah quickly. "Sorry! You're back!"
"How could you..let her do it?" Sarah asked. "You let her do it. Why? How could you?"
"We wanted you back," said Samrulez with innocence.
"That was selfish of you," Sarah scolded. "Why? I sold my soul for you and this is the thanks I get? You allow someone else to take my place?"
"What else would you have us do?" Samrulez demanded. "Ruby and Faith didn't want to storm into Hell, so the only thing left was to trade one of our souls."
"That wasn't your only option!" Sarah spat. "You could have asked an angel to pull me out...I know one...you could have had UnNatural pull me out since he's an angel!"
UnNatural held up his hands. "Sorry. I can't do that. I'm not that dependable. You need Cas for that."
"Whatever," Sarah snapped. She turned on Dean next. "And you. How could you let anyone suffer the same fate you did?"
"She volunteered," said Dean. "How was I going to stop her?"
"I am disappointed in you. All of you." Sarah stared at each wiki member in turn to accentuate her point. "I am a fairy. The pain isn't going to effect me in Hell. My soul is too extracted, unlike yours. And now, we have to worry about freeing one of our own from an extremely powerful demon."
"Leviathon is not one to mess around with," Ruby agreed. "He's going to use Faith's own powers against us. We have to be ready."
"How can he do that?" DCMS inquired.
"He can tap into the powers of his servants and use their powers to his advantage whether they like it or not," Ruby explained. "He's stronger than Lilith and much more dangerous. We have to be ready. For anything."
"So, what are we going to do?" Brandon asked.
"Get to work on a solution to this freakin' mess, that's what we are going to do," Sarah said, but there was sorrow in her voice despite it's gruff nature.
"Well, get, that clears my question up! I repeat, does anyone know of anything that could defeat the all powerful Leviathan?" Brandon once again questioned the hunters.
"I don't think that my little pick-sticker is going to help us any. But we might be able to combine some aspects of my demon knowledge with Sarah's fae and UNnatural's angelic...plus we need to get that little **** Cas over here again. Someone wanna call him that's NOT a demon or with demon blood running in their veins?" Ruby glanced around the woods at the rather defeated looking hunters.
"Ruby's right, we need to join forces to fix this mess," Dean began.
"What, you're agreeing with Ruby? Hell has just frozen over," commented Sam, the shock visible on his face even though his tone was in jest.
"Desperate times, Sammy. So, what would you all suggest would work, mojo wise, to get Levi," here Dean cracked up a bit at the thought of the nickname, "to get Levi to give up the ghost and give back the soul?"
"Well, this is just a guess and a rumor, mind you..." Ruby stammered a bit as she tried to focus her thoughts.
"I think I know what you are thinking," Sarah said, wearing a grim expression on her face, "Blood summoning and poppet ritual combined?"
"Yeah...but it's gonna be dangerous as hell." Ruby grinned but still showed concern in her face and in her voice.
Dean walked to the center of their group with a pissed off look on his face. "Somebody wanna start sharing right now?"
Ruby sighed, "Ok shortbus, this is how it is. Blood rituals are always very powerful, you are combining the life essence of someone with some type of request or magic. Now, one can use a poppet, or a stand in for a person, to make the ritual work better because it gives the magic a place to rest until it can find it's true owner. However, what we want to do..."
"Is nine kinds of crazy, but it's our only chance," finished Sarah, who was annoyed with the detailed explanation, "Basically, what black-eyed Barbie here is trying to say is that we want to combine ALL types of blood and create a sorta of hybrid that would be able to challenge Levi. However if that hybrid gets out of control then we're gonna have issues because it'll be nearly impossible to stop without killing it by setting it on fire."
"I feel like I'm in a horror movie with a stupid freakin' plot," Samrulez said.
"Tell me about it, but I'm all for this hybrid thing if you guys can figure it out...what do I have to do?" asked DCMS.
"YOU do nothing, you crazy *****," Ruby glowered at DCMS.
"We need to combine stable blood types, sorry DCMS, that ain't you with all the demon blood you been mixed up with. The host needs to be pure of heart too, so, I'd say it's either me or Cas or Anna on the chopping block for that. And I doubt Cas and Anna are willing to get their blood dirty with demon blood. So, I guess we should start combining Ruby's, UNnatural's, Cas's, Dean's, and Sam's...and of course mine. And get that poppet around." Sarah said.
"What the hell is a freakin' poppet?" Dean hollered.
"I think it's just a doll type thing to represent the person, Dean," warriorsgirl said matter-of-factly.
"Why couldn't they just say that then?" Dean questioned, annoyed with the whole situation. He much preferred a guns blazing scene.
Ruby grabbed some sticks and leaves and made sort of makeshift human figure out of it. She also found a piece of bark that had fallen off a tree it make a bowl for the blood they would need to collect.
"Just how much of this blood do we need to give?" Samrulez wondered aloud.
"You don't have to give any, Dean and Sam will work for human traits...although I am concerned with Sam's demon infused blood, we might want another human and angel to try and counter balance it. So, anyone up for summoning angels while we get this show on the road?" Ruby asked, a sarcastic tone raising the ire of many of the hunters.

"well who wants to go first?"UNNatural_95 asked knowing the answer.
no one said anything.
"I knew it, fine i'll go first"
UNnatual sighed as he pulled out a small blade and took it to his arm. Blood began too ooze out onto the ground in a small puddle. Ruby sighed in satisfaction.
"Who's next?" She asked.
"I'll go," Samrulez01 offered.
"Can't you blood is to laced with demon blood," Dean said with a small sarcastic grin.
"Not true, she has about 75% demon but it might help, her ans Sam's will give it the power it needs," Sarah said.
Samrulez smiled at Dean in victory and cut her arm and bled into the puddle, the blood darkened as sulfur was added.
"Wait, 75%?" samrulez asked as she wiped blood from her arm.
"Yep, your about as demon as ruby. Sarah sighed. "Sorry,"
Everyone else cut there arms and Ruby scooped it into a cup and handed it out to the group.
"Any takers?" She asked.Everyone shot worrisome glances to each other.
"I'll go," Samrulez offered walking up to Ruby.
"No," Warrriorsgirl shouted.
"Well i have been to hell before and i know how to get out by myself without taking anyone of you down or calling on an angel, just let me go and I will be back in a few hours." Samrulez01 said.
"No, someone else just take it!" DCMS barked. Samrulez ignored her and grabbed the cup. She took a large drink, not finishing it.
"It tastes like a crappy salad," She said and took the last gulp.
"Feel anything yet?" Ruby asked and turned Samrulez around to face her.
"I'm ready to go," wasall she replied as her eyes flicked different colors
"Wait, before you go, drink this" Sarah said, and handed Samrulez a birch bark cup.
"Gah, it tastes like ass! Wait, is it witchcraft?" she asked, and her eyes got big.
"No, it's Fae magic, shortbus!" Sarah retorted, looking at Ruby as she said this. "It'll provide us with your location...think supernatural lo-jack while you are in Hell. We can scry for you better in case you need some assistance we can save your sorry ass. Now drink up!"
Samrulez scowled at Sarah but finished the drink, tossing the cup to the side.
Samrulez turned to UNnatural "Try to get brained while I' m gone."
"Random....Oh ha ha very funny, GO TO HELL!!!!"
"Too late, I already am," Samrulez snapped.
"Get a move on it, we don't have all day. That stuff wears off in 24 hours. So you better get in and outta Hell fast!" Sarah gave Samrulez a stern look.
"I know! I'm not completly stupid!" Samrulez said as she walked away.
"Heh, liar." Dean laughed.
"I heard that," Samrulez barked and Sam stared at Dean.
"What do we do now?" Dean asked trying to get the heat off of him
"We wait while she goes in there and tries to save Faith." Sarah said.
Faith awoke to find herself chained to a wall. She looked up at the chains, groggily, and started muttering to herself. "This is the thanks I get fot being a good and decent citizen."
"You've earned your punishment," said Leviathon, stepping out into the light to reveal himself.
Faith chuckled with no trace of humor in her voice, only bitter sarcasm. "Now, there's a face only a mother could love. You demons sure are ugly."
Leviathon smirked. "Keep it up, smartass. You should have never been granted the power to see a demon's true form. Now, you're not going to like the results."
Faith rolled her eyes. :"Ooo....I'm shaking in my overly expensive boots. Please, you demons are a joke."
Leviathon strolled over to her and slapped her across the face. "I am your Master, now. Your soul belongs to me, and if you don
t start showing me some respect, your going to find yourself in a predicament you don't want to be caught up in. I've been too lenient with you, slave."
Faith leered at him. "Sorry, but I'm no one's *****. I don't care if you own my soul or not,"
Leviathon clenched his fist. Faith started to scream in agony as her insides started to bleed. She moaned and Leviathon stopped.
"See what happens when you disobey?" he inquired calmy. "You see, on earth, you've been missing for not even a day. In Hell, you've been here almost a week. You remember Hell, don't you? You loved it so very much when you came down here to gain your mother's soul back. Another trade. If it hadn't have been for that *****, Ruby, you still would be in my possession. When you offered up your soul to me again, it was like good old times."
Faith growled. "Bite me."
Levi sneered. "Maybe later. Right now, we have to test those wonderful powers of yours."
Faith shook her head, pleading. "No. Please! You wouldn't."
"You know I would," Levi said gleefully. "And you know that I show no mercy."
He waved his hand. A huge rack appeared, souls strapped to it. Leviathon grabbed one of the souls and threw it on the ground. The soul materialized into a woman, pleading and sobbing in agony, bruises already on her back from her previous tortureer. Tears streamed down Faith's face as Leviathon unshackled her wrists and pushed her forward. Faith shook her head as the woman begged for mercy.
"Please. Don't. Show mercy."
"Use your powers," said Leviathon, urging Faith.
"No," Faith protested. "I'm not going to torture this woman."
"You will, or it's you who will be in her place!" Levi snarled. "Do it!"
Faith shook her head defiantly. "No. I vowed to myself to never again use my powers for evil."
Levi sighed. "Fine. Then, I'm just going to have to force you to break your vow."
He tapped into her powers. Faith struggled as Levi forced her to hold up her hand. A hot stream of white light shot forward and hit the woman square in the back. Her body arched and she screamed in agony as the waves increased. Faith sobbed as Levi brought Faith's other hand forward and it shot another stream of light at the woman. She moaned and shrieked.
"Enough!" Faith cried. "Please!'
"NO!" Levi shouted.
He augmented her power. The woman rolled on her back in pain and the blast hit her in the abdomen. She started bleeding and losing consciousness. Levi released Faith of using her power and Faith fell to her knees next to the woman, her eyes wide in shock at what she had done.
"I'm so sorry," Faith cried. "Please, forgive me."
"Give me a break!" Levi waved his hand and the woman changed back into a soul ball. It flew into the rack and the rack vanished. "You disobeyed me." A knife appeared in his hand. He scatched Faith's wrists and dragged her to the wall and chained her to it once more. "You're going to learn to obey, slave, or you're not going to like Hell very much."
He stabbed her once in the stomach, a long, deep stab as he twisted the blade around one of her major organs. Faith screamed an ear-piercing shriek.
"You know it should be easy for her since she is the devil...im probably going to have to kill her eventualy..." UNnatural_95 sighed.
There was a sudden flash of light and UNnatural turned to Sam and charged. Sam was knocked to the ground and yelled,"What are you doing!?!?!"
"Its not me! Its Lilith she's realy pissing me off,"A werewolf said a couple feet away." This was the closest body too. feels wierd to be a werewolf again! We should grab a few friends and just invade hell and destroy all the demons." UNnatural joked
"I thought we destroyed her." Sam said looking at Dean who was asleep up against a tree grinning.
"aaaww Deans having a dream with his rainbow crapping unicorns" Sam laughed but quickly realized what was happening again when a knife flew and stabbed Dean in the shoulder.
"What the hell just happened here? We're SUPPOSED to be helping Samrulez get Faith out of hell, not KILL each other in the process! You're all a bunch of dumbasses and I knew I shouldn't trust humans, DCMS was the exception to the rule. You all just love to fight to damn much." Sarah rushed over to Dean and used her fae magic to heal Dean's shoulder.
"UNnatural, what are you doing?" she questioned.
"Nothing, I've just been turned back into a werewolf."
"Well, if you can't control it you're going to have to find your grace again and head to heaven, or we'll end up sending you the hell as the monster that thing can be!" Sarah retorted.
"We'll are we going to open this portal so I can find hell and Faith?" Samrulez questioned.
"Yes, give us a minute." Sarah snapped her fingers and started a blueish colored fire and tossed some herbs and, of all things, water on to it and it flared up.
"Ok, now, just step in and and find her now, we've not much time to waste...I'm coming with you too, because if you need help it's best if you have someone that's an immortal anyway." Sarah siad, pushing Samrulez into the flames and flowing after her. The flames extuigshed and the hunters were all left standing in the darkness.
"Well, I guess all we can do is track them with this thing Sarah gave us," said DCMS.

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