



(not sure how to write script, so I will write story line)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 - FINALIE


High noon reaches across the sky as the shimmering black Impala barrels down the forest framed road. Inside the song, “dreamer” by “Ozzy Osbourne” has just begun playing over the radio. The driver, Dean Winchester stares out the windshield his mind drifting to other places. The passenger Sam Winchester wipes the sleep from his face as he wakes from another stiff neck, cramped limbs sleep he has grown to accept.

The roar of the engine bounces off the forest wall, shaking as it dissipates among the clouds that have begun to gather overhead. Suddenly, without warning Dean slams on the brakes. The Impala forced into a tight fishtail then stopping dead center in the middle of the road. Dean and Sam look at each other. Disbelieve written all over their faces.

Hands reach from the back seat and Bobby Singer pulls his head between the two boys with his jaw dropped. “What the hell?” Confusion keeps him and the others starring at what sits before them. “Is this an illusion boys or have we crossed over into the- this can’t be zone?” Bobby gets no answer as Dean steadies Baby, his Impala, and continues driving to their journeys end that lays just a few hundred yards ahead.

Parking close to the road Dean and the others step out of the car and walk towards the sound of hammers, saws and the faint chatter of a dozen or so people. Sam’s hand reaches for the door and slowly pulls it open. Inside things look very familiar. The smell of smoke and whiskey fill their lungs. The juke box is playing, “The Devil Went Down To Georgia” by “Charlie Daniel’s”.

Dean, Sam, and Bobby just stand in a humdrum state. Out walks a familiar face, long missed and should never be seen again face, from the back room next to the bar. “Well, it’s about time boys, the usual, whiskey in a fast glass?” Ellen Harvelle walks behind the bar and grabs three glasses and begins to pour. She looks at the three still standing side by side. Her attention directed at Dean, “Wow, Are those for someone or are you just showing your feminine side?”

Looking down at his arms Dean hesitates for a moment then walks up to the bar and like a shy little boy he hands Ellen the oversized bouquet of white and yellow roses with one black rose purposely placed directly in the center. “Why... You shouldn’t have.” Ellen looks the flowers over. “Black rose- nice touch.”

The three men in unison chug down the whiskey shot in front of them, keeping their eyes on Ellen.




A Whiskey bottle, with just a few drops left, sits on the bar counter in front of Dean, catching a ray from the descending Sun that penetrates through one of the high windows on the side wall. With a spinning motion Dean puts down the empty shot glass and wipes his lips. “Why not, it isn’t like any of us here hasn’t cheated death at least once… why not Ellen?” Dean leans on the back of his bar stool while twirling the empty glass on the counter. His stern face overwhelmed with questions and concerns, wondering who brought Ellen back and why.

Hearing Dean’s dilemma from the other end of the bar where she was placing a drink in front of a young man Ellen responds, “I didn’t die.” She walked over to the three who were interested in hearing more. “The moment I pushed that button an Angel appeared.” She heard a holler from a table and gave a nod. “I need to take care of business.”

Ellen filled a pitcher of beer and walked to a table in the back while Dean and Bobby spoke to themselves. Sam was busy going over information on his laptop when he finally stopped and looked to Dean. “Hey, we need to get going, another teenager has gone missing. That makes six in as many days. And who knows if there are others.” Closing the laptop he gets up to leave.

Returning to the bar Ellen went to grab the empty glasses but Bobby held to his. “I think I am staying. You said you added a motel to the back.” Bobby looked at the boys who were standing and then to Ellen. “I could use a room for a few days. The boys can handle this job on their own and I have had enough to last me three life times and into my eternal rest.” He tapped his glass which Ellen refilled.

Dean raised his eyebrows toward Ellen. He wanted to ask about Joe. But just the thought brought flashbacks of her lying on the hardware store floor. Her insides barely held in and blood everywhere, so he couldn’t ask. The lump in his throat left him standing silent to watch Ellen approach from behind the bar and give him a hug and then watch as she walked up to Sam and did the same.

She gave the boys each a look then smiled like a mother watching her sons go off to war. “You two go do what you do and when you get back we can roast marshmallows and swap stories during share time.” Giving Dean one light kiss on the cheek she walked back to her duties.




With his gear draped over one shoulder Bobby gives “Baby” a pat on her roof then steps aside to watch the Impala slowly pull away. For a moment she sits still her motor purring then all barrels kick in sending the Impala flying down the road and out of site. Alone in the after-dust Bobby stands starring at a building that was nothing but soot and ash the last time he was there. Standing in the dusk of night Bobby looks over the Roadhouse and watches the red neon sign secured across the front of the building flicker on. This was his cue to give the road one more glance before walking back inside the bar where Ellen hands him a room key attached to a chain with something that looks like a crystal sphere filled with glittery liquid and the number seven floating around inside.

Using the master key Ellen unlocks the door. “Hey, Bobby I have a bar full of hunters I need to get back too. I am going to let you get some rest and maybe tomorrow we can do some catching up.” She watches Bobby agree as he walks inside.

Alone in a double bed room, Bobby tosses his pack onto the small table sitting near the only window, then heads to the bathroom. “Oh! Buggers,” Bobby is disappointed when he looks at the box sitting in the bathtub, still closed with the sink cabinet inside and the toilet waiting to be attached to the floor, “At least the showers in.”

Removing a wrench from a tool box he finds in the corner Bobby begins the task of putting the bathroom together. After a few knuckle scraps and assorted angry phrases he is done. With the work out of the way he takes a shower before returning to the bar for a bite to eat. The place is close to empty with just two men sitting at the back table with a fresh pitcher of beer. Ellen leaves the men and approaches Bobby. “I bet you could use something to eat.” She walks past him and continues into the kitchen after opening a bottle of beer and placing it on the counter.

Seeing the invitation Bobby sits down and takes a swig. “Ah…there is nothing like a cold one to start your meal off right.” Before long Ellen returns from the kitchen with a thick roast beef sandwich and places it on the counter for Bobby. “Thank you.” He watches her crack a cold one for herself and after swallowing his first bite he pauses for a moment. “So, Ellen, if you don’t mind me asking, how did all this come about?” He was referring to the bar and motel.

Swallowing the beer and placing her bottle on the counter Ellen grins at Bobby. “I had the place over insured. You can’t be too careful when you’re dealing with a bunch of hunters… most of them out of control or so wild-eyed crazy you don’t know what there capable of!” She takes another drink. “I need to finish closing the place.” Ellen starts to walk away then turns to Bobby, “I didn’t know the guys still needed to finish your room. I will have them start on your bathroom first thing in the morning.”

“Don’t bother, I already did it. But you can have them pick up their tools and the trash I left outside the door.” Bobby holds his bottle up to Ellen and she in returns clangs hers against his and they both smile then Ellen gets back to putting chairs on tables while Bobby finishes his sandwich before heading off to bed.




Waking up in Telluride, Colorado Dean stretches off the lingering stiffness of the long drive from the roadhouse. He glances at his motel mattress, which had seen better days a hundred years ago and then sees Sam’s bed empty. Hearing water running Dean looks at the closed door and gives a quite holler, “Hey, don’t use all the hot water.” While waiting for the bathroom he grabs a flyer about the local area and reads, stopping every now and then to share some trivia. “Did you know that Telluride was first named Columbia? It looks like the Postal service kept getting it mixed up with California.” Dean shakes his head. “Wonder how they keep North Bend, Oregon and North Bend, Washington and North Bend, Virginia straight. Thank goodness for the zip code system”

Walking over and opening the bathroom door Dean finds Sam brushing his teeth. “Nice, keep those pearly white.” He flips the flyer. “We should go gold digging. The first gold was found in eighteen-fifty eight by John Fallon. Maybe he left some… hmmm!” Dean gives a grin while Sam spits in the sink. “Bet you didn’t know Butch Cassidy committed his first recorded major crime here, huh!” Dean steps back to let Sam out of the bathroom. “They say Butch Cassidy borrowed without asking, twenty-four-thousand, and five-hundred and eighty dollars.” Dean smiles and looks at Sam. “We are standing in a great place Sam. History”, he emphasizes his words, “history Sam, and real history.” Seeing Sam’s lack of interest Dean puts the flyer on the small table-stand near the door.

Still in a giddy mood Dean starts to play roll. With his hands to his side he raises them as if holding two colts and starts finger shooting the room. “Oh yah”, he blows the play smoke from his fingers. “I could have ridden with the kid.” Dean stands in day dream.

After putting his laptop into the black briefcase Sam puts on his suit jacket. His voice filled with concern, over Dean’s lack of commitment. “Look Dean we don’t have time to play vacationers. There are kids missing in this town. All of them high school girls and the only lead we have is… well we don’t have any, so I am going to go out grab us some coffee and see if I can catch wind on local information..”

Being more sincere for the moment Dean gives Sam a big brother look. “Your right Sam, we need to find out more, but we also need to do for ourselves. This constant battle with every ugly, dark, vile thing out there is starting to turn my brain into black goop.” He gave a wide eye look, “I need me time Sam, me time and if that means reading this flyer and learning that loved ones use to call out”, Dean shouts and throws a hand into the air pointing to the ceiling, “To Hell You Ride”, “when men would head here to find their riches, then that is what I am going to do.” Taking breathe, he feels a bit foolish and crosses his arms then brushes his nose with his thumb.

Standing at the open door Sam looks back at Dean. “Fine, have your moment of you time. The water is still hot but there is no shampoo so you will have to use the bar soap to wash your hair.” Closing the door Sam leaves Dean standing alone starring. He walks into the bathroom in a whimsical mood, shooting the air with his fingers, then kicks the door shut behind him.

Information for Telluride, Colorado were collaborated from
The telluride site at http://www.telluride.com and
From the Wikipediac site at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telluride,_Colorado




Figuring there would be real gossip where secrets get spilt Sam enters a local barber shop. Inside he finds the place alive with conversation, most over the missing girls. A young receptionist behind the tall counter draws his attention, “Hello, sir, do you have an appointment.”

Walking up to the counter Sam looks the place over once more then turns to the girl. “Umm, yah”, He brushes back his hair and then answers her question. “Oh sorry, I am a walk in. Is this a good time for me to get a shampoo and condition, you do look busy.” He sees the smile come across the girls face before she turns to the appointment book.

Looking down the long room of parlor chairs the girl finds who she is looking for and calls out to him on her headset. “Hey, Paul I have a walk-in for shampoo and conditioner, are you busy?” She listens, and then looks at the schedule, “Not until one.” After a moment she turns to Sam. “Your in luck, Paul is available. If I could get your information he will come get you.”

After giving false information, Sam sits down in the open waiting area and starts to read the local newspaper. Finding pictures of the girls on the front, with a full page article, he begins to read. Paul arrives and with the newspaper Sam follows him to a chair sitting midway in the room.

Paul begins with a soft brush and then comb before he starts running his fingers gently through the hair, giving a delicate scalp massage. This makes Sam tense up and Paul can feel the rigid-ness. “If I was a female would you be more comfortable?” Paul stops his massage. “Don’t be a stereotype. I am straighter then a straight line.” Paul resumes his scalp treatment for another minute or two. “There, now that wasn’t so bad.” Paul kicks the pedal, placing the chair in the upright position. “A scalp massage helps to exfoliate your natural hair oils. Let’s go over to the sink.”

With his head leaning over the basin, conversations floating around the room drip into Sam’s ears. He takes a deep breath to relax, hoping to absorb the key points of gossip.

Paul notices the newspaper on Sam’s lap. “Big story that one. Can you believe eight girls missing, counting the one that was taken from the park last night?” Paul worked the soap into Sam’s hair and scalp. “It is the worst thing that has happened in this place sense Butch Cassidy robbed the bank.” He rinses the excess shampoo from his hands. “Let that sit a minute to work in. Your hair is very fine, but the shampoo you used this morning is smothering every strand so I am going to do a double wash before conditioning.”

After a half hour at the sink Sam was back in the chair with the blow dryer putting on the final touches while Paul worked his magic with a comb. “There, now look at that, your hair is like brand new.” Paul took off the hair apron around Sam and placed it on the back of the chair.

Looking in the mirror, Sam is pleased with the outcome, his hair, perfectly in place with a silky soft touch. “Thank you.” Reaching into his pocket Sam pulls out some paper money and hands it to Paul. “I don’t think you are gay, I am just not use to someone else washing my hair.” Sam walks up to the counter at the door where the young girl has finished with another client. He pulls more money out of his pocket and places it on the counter. A young man dashes through the door, almost running Sam over.
Grabbing the boys arm to keep him from running into anyone else, Sam can see the fear in his eyes. “Whoa there, are you alright.” Sam releases his grip and watches the young man dash behind the counter and take the young girls hand.

It took a minute for him to catch his breath. “Carmella you have to come with me. We are getting out of here before it’s too late.” He pulled on her arm but she stood fast behind the counter.

“Derrick, My shift isn’t over. I can’t just up and leave. She saw a look in Derrick’s eyes that scared her. “Oh my God, what is it.” Carmella placed a hand on his shoulder. “Derrick, you’re scarring me. Just tell me what is wrong.”

Taking Carmella’s empty chair Derrick sits down. “The B.A.U. is here.” Just as he said it two black SUV’s roll down the street. “Look, they were out at the park. They found bodies at the end of Spruce Street, but there not saying anything. They want to see what the medical examiner has to say before they make any conclusion.” Everyone in the room stood in silence as Derrick spoke, including Sam. Derrick rubs his hands together. “They didn’t say how many bodies, but there saying it looks like the work of a serial killer.” He starts to freak out. “A serial killer, I can’t believe it.” Derrick hung his head and shook then looked to Carmella. “We have to go, they say their targeting virgins.” Derrick grabs Carmella’s hand. “We are out of here.”




Getting more information out of Derrick then all the gossip Sam decides to follow the two outside. “Hey, where would they take the bodies?” After getting the directions he calls Dean leaving a message. “Dean, they found bodies so I am heading over to the morgue. Oh and the B.A.U. is here so we will have to down play this one.” Closing his flip phone Sam puts it in his pocket, noticing one of the black SUVs was parked and two men were approaching the barber shop.

The two men stop in front of Sam. “Hello, I am Aaron Hotchner and this is Dr. Reid Spencer we are with the B.A.U. were investing the current disappearance of several young students in the area and are looking for any information.” Hotchner gives Sam a questioning look.

Caught totally off guard Sam nervously pulls out his F.B.I. credentials and flips it open. “I was just on my way to the morgue. I finished questioning a few locals inside the barber shop and they seem to know as little as me.” Sam notices Reid paying extra attention to his credentials and quickly puts it away. “Sorry, I am detective Nick Ballinger.” He shakes Hotchner’s hand. “My cousin and I were dispatched to the area to offer our assistance.” Sam watches one of the SUVS pull up.

Hotchner walks to the SUV, “Reid I need you to head over to the morgue with detective Ballinger. We will meet you there later.” He gets into the front passenger seat leaving Reid and Sam alone on the sidewalk.

The two stand for a moment looking around until Sam breaks the awkward feeling. “Can I get a ride with you? My cousin took the car out this morning.” They walk in silence to the vehicle, which continues as Reid pulls away from the curb.

Needing his curiosity answered Reid breaks the wall of silence, “You don’t look like an F.B.I. agent. However I did notice you’re from South Dakota and they do things a little different there. Most likely due to the Indian Reservations in the area and the form of government they use. It is odd they would send their own so far off the reservation.” Reid rambles on his tone fluctuating with every sentence.

Unable to take it anymore Sam interrupts, “Hey, hey kid slow down, I get it. You don’t see me as an F.B.I. agent.” He shakes his head and looks out the side window at the building they pull up to then turns to Reid. “Do me a favor, you may think I don’t look like an F.B.I. agent, well you haven’t met my cousin. When you do”, Sam climbs out of the SUV, “Do yourself a favor and don’t tell him he doesn’t look. Thanks for the lift.”




On the main door to the medical building Reid and Sam read the paper taped there.
“All patients are being directed to the family practice office at 135 W. Colorado Avenue #2D. If you have an appointment today, we apologize for any inconvenience and ask that you call our office in a few days and reschedule. Should there be an emergency, again go to the family practice building. Thank you for your understanding from the Medical Staff.”

Reid and Sam are curious about what lays beyond the big glass double doors and they peer through the windows in search of anyone who may still be lingering about. There vision is somewhat blocked by the darkness inside that is offset by one fluorescent bulb giving insight to the abandoned building.

Sam knocks on the door then returns to gazing through the window. “Reid.” Sam gets his attention. “About not looking, have you looked in the mirror lately. You don’t look anything like an FBI agent let alone the BAU. But I don’t question your looks. We are here to stop the vicious murders raining down on Telluride and if looking the part would help find the un-sub then I will go out and buy a better suit today.” Sam puts his nose to the glass. There are no signs of life. No sounds of footsteps rushing to greet them. The building was truly evacuated to another location leaving the corpses of the girls alone in some dark cold storage drawer waiting to talk. Waiting to tell someone what happened to them and to listen to goodbyes from those they know.

“My people skills lack”, Reid things a moment, “Well, people. Morgan says I am rusty when I talk with others, but rust can’t grow when there is nothing to grow on.” Reid walks to the end of the sidewalk. “I apologize for my spontaneous judgment. It is just your eyes not your clothing that makes me feel there is more to you then just an agent and my mouth always seems to act before my mind settles in.” Reid’s instincts still holds him at bay about Sam but there are more important things happening. “I need to call in.” Reid is quick on the phone. “Hotch the medical building is shut down and it doesn’t look like anyone is here, what do you want me to do?” After getting his answer Reid turns to Sam who has just hung up his phone. “I need to head over to the High School, do you need a lift.”

Turning to look down the road and then back Sam shook his head. “No, but thank you, I called my partner and he should be here in five.” Having called his brother Sam could only leave a message and wanting to be ahead of the B.A.U. Sam needed to break away from Reid. He shook Reid’s hand. “If we find anything out, where will your team be basing at?” After Reid tells him they were setup in the school gym. Goodbyes were said and Sam stood alone, watching Reid disappear.




Swiftly Sam moves, using special tools to open the main doors. A thick gush of putrid air rushes out and Sam unprepared takes a large amount into his lungs, sending him a few steps backwards. He became slightly light headed from the intense fumes and for a moment thought about throwing-up, but without breakfast or coffee that soon passed and he prepared himself to walk inside where he found the building directory and headed straight for the examiners room. His face covered by his jacket.

At the door he found Dean sitting with his head in his knees on the floor. “Dean, Dean are you ok?” He watched Dean raise his head, his hair tossed about like he was blasted by sticky air. “What happened to you? You look awful.” Sam stepped back as Dean stood.

With his butt against the wall, hands on his knees Dean looks up at Sam. “I got a full shot of that smell in my face and threw-up in the sink.” Dean rose. “You think it smells like roses out here, wait till you go in there. I think Hell had a better air freshener.” Just then a doctor walked out of the room with full gas mask on. “Sam this is the work in progress trainee Haggerdille and he is a friend of Bobbies.”

The young man, not more then twenty-five years of age, took off his mask and held out his hand to Sam. “Hi, just call me Dan. Everyone has too much fun with my last name, except me. I am one of the examiners here and I help demon hunters on the side. If you ever need a bullet popped or knife would zipped. Come to the morgue and I will fix you right up.” He tucked his face mask under his arm. With a smile on his face Dan spoke, “Well, I suppose you’re here to see the dead girls too. I cracked one open when they arrived. That I must say created the aroma effect that makes anyone in smelling distance a tad-bit queasy.”

Sam looked at Dean and Dean looked at Sam and just shook his head. “I got your messages, so it looks like we are going to have to hit this one running.” Dean entered the examination room with Sam and Dan following close behind. “Wow, the room almost smells like a real morgue. That idol dicer does a bang up job on the air.”

No one corrected Dean on his miss-wording of the air analyzer-de-ion-zone Aromatherapy Diffuser, Dan just smiled and continued towards another set of doors. “That is a prototype and we are hoping it helps cut down on the so-called morgue smell.” Dan held the door open allowing Dean and then Sam to enter first before he entered and led them to a stainless steel table.

Grabbing latex gloves for himself Dan passed the box to Dean. “This table here is actually the washing table where we bathe the dearly departed.” He tilted his head, “Or corpses if you wish to call them that.” Dan grabbed a diagnostic page. “Yep, just as I suspected the girls were pregnant. There are key traces of Placenta or after birth.” He paused, “It looks like they were impregnated by none other then a demon.” Dan walked over to another wash table where he had been working.

A screen table top laid three inches above the actual table and was covered with the remains of at least three girls. There could be more, but only three skulls showed their boney faces from the human soup that was being slowly sifted through the screen top. Dan pointed to the remains. “The liquid is almost too thick to go through the screen.” He walked over to a stainless steel table on wheels and rolled it along side the other table and stood between them. He picked up a skull. “This is horrifying. How are we going to tell the parents their children were pregnant?” He grabbed another skull. “Worse, how are they supposed to find closure? I can’t show them a bag of bones. The thought just makes me sick inside.” Dan continued to remove skeleton pieces and set them on the rolling table.

Stand-offish from the table Dean offered a solution. “Maybe after you identify the remains you can put the bones back together then cover them in that rubbery stuff they use to make people. Or maybe use wax?”

“Yah and maybe you could find a better shampoo for your hair.” Dan walked away from the table, tossing his dirty gloves into the receptacle bin and grabbing folders from a desk that sat against the wall. “These are the medical records for all the girls. I will go through this first group and try to identify what exactly happened and where. Then I will call you to go find this s.o.b. and send him back to hell.”

Sam had shunned the sight at first and then grew uncomfortably comfortable. “There are only three girls here.” Sam watched Dan point to two unopened barrels. “Wow,” Sam choked, “If this is just one barrel that would make three girls per barrel for a total of nine and as of early this morning they had a count of eight.”

Dean stood by the desk and glimpsed at the medical records with Dan. Then he took a deep breathe. “We better get going. The B.A.U. can show up anytime and being the most wanted. This is not the place for me. By the way it is not my fault the motel we’re in doesn’t provide shampoo and the soap I think is home made.”

“I know the place. You might consider a hotel. That motel is known for its lack of sanitation.” Dan tosses a plastic container of powder that Dean catches. “Here take this with you. If you stay you might want to dust the bed for bedbugs and mites.” Dan watches Dean give a look of disgust. “You may just want to powder the whole room or burn the place down.”




Sitting alone in a large Hotel room Sam is fully committed to his laptop when Dean comes rushing through the door. “Wow!” With a brown grocery bag clutched in his arms, he leans against the door, his hair soft and fluffy. “We need to find another Hotel.” He walks over to the table and sits across from Sam. “The BAU, FBI, hell the whole alphabet soup is staying here. I was stuck in the woman’s room for a good ten minutes waiting for them to leave.” He relaxes and takes a burger out of the bag for himself and a salad for Sam.

Closing his laptop Sam takes a tall drink from the bag. “Apparently it isn’t uncommon for Demons to intermingle with humans. At least not in biblical times where it was a common practice for Angels to come down to earth and mingle with the residence and after Lucifer fell with his army, many of those followers took up residency and had lots of children.” Sam took a large swallow of his drink. “There is no reference to the woman exploding.” Sam looks at his salad. “I have a few answers. It is possible the Demon seed and human isn’t compatible. So they kill the girl and until they get it right there going to keep taking girls.”

While listening to Sam ramble on Dean enjoys the hamburger while trying to talk behind the food in his mouth, “All good Sam, did Dan call? We need to get on top of this and get out of town.” Dean continues on his dinner

“No, Dan hasn’t called and I want to be ready to move when he does.” Sam places his backpack on the bed after preparing it for travel then returns to his salad and drink. “Another scenario which is worse then the first is some crazy Demon out there is trying to build an army from scratch using these girls as part of some sick ritual.” Sam stops to eat on his salad and gives Dean a questionable look. “Your hair looks better.”

“Why is everyone around here hung up on my hair? The soap at the motel made it stand up straight like straw on a scarecrow so I went to that little place you did and had them do the works.” Dean gets up and throws the trash into the garbage can. “Looks good,” He gives a sexy grin and fluffs his hair back, “Don’t it!”

Shaking his head Sam ignores Dean’s playfulness. “We need to find out if those babies went full term. I mean we are talking rapid development here. I don’t know any demon or human who can get pregnant one day and pop out a bouncing baby devil the next. Do you?” The cell phone sitting on the table rings and Sam answers. “Hello… Dan, what did you find out?” Sam listens. “Did you find any signs of the babies?” After a few more minutes of listening Sam hangs up the phone and looks at Dean. “We have a location.”




While Dean and Sam are still at the hotel preparing to leave the BAU are also preparing to leave the examiners office. Agent Hotchner finishes talking with the driver of a large cargo van and then returns to Dan who is just getting off the phone with Sam. “Thank you for your assistance. Like I said earlier we can find out more of what exactly happened here using the forensic lab in DC. Once they are done we will ship all the bodies back for proper burial.” Hotchner heads to the main room of the morgue with Dan following to the front exit door. “Agent Jareau will handle the press and talk with the victims parents. We want to keep a lid on this. So it would be in the best interest of the missing girls still out there that we keep quiet of what we know so far.”

The main doors open and Reid along with Kevin Lynch walk through. Kevin is carrying a laptop that Agent Derek Morgan and Reid had found at an abandoned mine. Kevin was called in with the hope of finding information from coded files. “Hi, Agent Hotchner thank-you for the opportunity to help out, Penelope found some information she wants me to give you.” He hands Hotchner the file he carries under the laptop. “I am getting close to cracking the coded files.” Kevin stands waiting for an answer.

After looking over the files Hotchner gets on his cell phone. “Derek where are we on setting up?” He listens for a few minutes with everyone standing quietly watching. “Don’t do anything until I get there. I just looked over the files from Penelope and it looks like this case started back in Montana with twelve girls missing and another twelve girls missing in Idaho. This person or persons seems to be sticking to the upper States and if consistent we could wind up with more girls missing. We need to proceed with caution.” Motioning Reid and Kevin to follow the three disappear out the door.

Waiting to make sure they were gone Dan quickly gets on the phone to Sam and is left to leave a message. “Sam, you and Dean need to stay away from the mine. It is surrounded by SWAT. They are going to hold until Agent Hotchner gets there but that won’t be long. He just left here.” Dan wipes the sweat on his forehead. “Be careful. I am going to call Bobby. OH, and by the way. They took all the bodies. There on their way to DC.” Dan hangs up the phone. Takes a moment to look at the mess the FBI team left. He turns off the lights and leaves




Alone in the dark Dan is standing beside his pickup, waiting for Bobby to answer his phone. “Well, it’s about time you picked up. I have been calling you for the last half hour. I have been standing knee deep in agents, real ones not your run of the meal team, oh no there the BAU. They took the bodies to D.C. along with demon remains.” Dan can hear Bobby asking him to slow down on the other end of the phone, but he is worried his job could be jeopardized over this. “My report left out any inclination of unknown substance, when they see that in D.C. and then come across…” Dan climbs into his cab. “Bobby, I could be in a real pickle here.”

Sitting at a table in the Roadhouse with Ellen, Bobby is sipping on his beer after giving in to trying to stop the rambling of the crazy man on his phone. He looks to Ellen, “The boys are in the frying pan this time.” He hears Dan talking, “I wasn’t talking to you Dan. I was talking to Ellen. You were so busy spitting the poop out of your mouth I figured you could finish your spill without me.” Bobby finishes off his beer and Ellen takes his bottle and hers to the bar, giving Bobby some privacy. “Dan, is there anyone else there we can work with besides Dean and Sam?” Bobby listens to Dan whose speech was much calmer. “Well good, get him on the horn and see what he can do for us and don’t worry about the boys, they have been in tighter spaces then this and have managed to come out ok.” Bobby gets up from the table and walks up to the bar. “Great any more problems give me a call.” Bobby hangs up the phone and wipes his face. “This is going to be a long night.”

Ellen gives bobby a grin and passes him another beer. “Here drink this and then I am cutting you off.”

Bobby gives Ellen a gnarly glance. “When did you become my wife?” He chugs on his beer.

Placing both her hands on the counter Ellen looks straight into Bobby’s eyes. “It doesn’t take a wife to know when a man is wrapped up in so much worry that it constipates him.” She takes a drink of her beer. “I have been there Bobby. I can’t count the times I worried. About the only good thing that came out of it were some tight stomach muscles.” Finishing her beer and seeing Bobby had done the same she pours them each a whiskey nightcap. “Here drink this up and then I will tuck you into bed, like a good wife should.”

A small twinkle appears in the corner of Bobby’s eyes and a grin seems to sweep across his face. “Is that an invitation?” The two looked at each other and laughed. Bobby throws back his whiskey letting the smooth bite stream down his throat. “That’s what I thought.” He gets up from the counter and heads to the back door. He stops and turns to see Ellen talking with the other bartender and shouts at her. “Well, you coming or do I have to find my own way in the dark?”

Bobby is just unlocking his motel room door by the time Ellen catches up. “Hey, I said I would tuck you in.” She holds up a fifth of whiskey. So why don’t I and Jim Beam here keep you company while you wait to hear from Sam and Dean.” Ellen didn’t feel like worrying about the boys on her own.

Ellen preferred those times when she didn’t know what was going on. She knew hunters were out there fighting, but actually knowing a battle is going on just brought it closer to home and that is when Ellen worried about hunters the most and would always be there by the phone just in case they needed help. Ellen watches Bobby gesture the invite and the two disappear behind a closed door.




Back in the woods of Telluride, Colorado, FBI and local police have strategically surrounded an old mine where they believe the un-sub is holding up. Whether by coincidence or by chance this is where Reid and Derek had found the laptop, inside a junked out bus. Once used to transport mine workers from one place to the next. Now it sits after years of loyal service with tires flat, a couple bare rims and only a few windows remaining in tack. Derek looks to Hotchner who is standing beside him and points to the bus. “There is where we chased the un-sub. Into that bus where he dropped the laptop and where we lost him. He must have gone out the back emergency door, but I don’t know how.” Derek hands a pair of binoculars to Agent Hotchner. “I swear Hotch I about tore my muscles trying to open that door and I searched for other ways out and I couldn’t find any. We should have had him dead center in that bus.”

“Well, it is probably good you didn’t. After seeing the victims I would say our un-sub has no emotional connection with humanity at all. He isn’t targeting virgins as we were led to believe. Three of the girls had abortions and one left behind a six month old boy. He may be after girls that can conceive.” Hotchner felt stumped on this one. No profile seemed to fit.

“Then why kill the girls?” Derek c

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