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(Bridgewater Washington) Page 3 >>
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(Ravenna Nebraska) Page 5 >>
(Tacoma Washington) Page 6 >>
Mark Halverson Missing Page 7 >>
Hunting Party Page 7 >>
Animal Attacks Continue Page 8 >>
Strange Creature Spotted (New Jersey) Page 9 >>
Mysterious Deaths (Pecos, Texas) Page 10 >>
Family Slain (Roanoke, Virginia) Page 11 >>
Murder (Missouri) / Slaughters (Illinois) Page 12 >>
Bodies Missing (Oregon) Page 13 >>
Young Women Taken, CA, Page 14 >>
Wait for new hunt Page 14.1 >>
"Welcome to Harvelle's Roadhouse Bar. You'll never find a more wretched hive of villainy. Kidding! These guys are pretty harmless. Most of them anyway. well at least half. Just keep away from Ratboy Jim over there in the corner." Hunter- Origins.
It was late after noon, and the sun hung low nearing the horizon. Harvelle's Roadhouse was busy, as was typical for this time of night. Whether the clientele be the odd tourist stopping at the only place to eat for 5o miles or the larger number of hunters. Who were either wiating for the sun to set so they could begin a hunt, or drinking of the horrors of a hunt just completed. That was the idea, Bill had worked for with the roadhouse until the Hunting took its toll and he had died. Leaving Ellen with a young child to raise and a bar to run. But Ellen had survived all the things life had thrown at her, now she stood at the bar, serving drinks. Jo was all grown up and had left months ago after her first hunt. But that was okay Ellen had Ash to help around the bar. Ash was a lot like his hair, Ellen just had to remind him sometimes when it was time to party or time for business. As Ellen surveyed the faces that littered her bar she saw a lot of new faces. It seemed to Ellen that these days there was getting to be less and less of the old faces that she knew from when Bill had still been alive. Thats when the Front door opened and....
well go on start! Morgan walked in she looked around and smiled. "God this place has not changed" she said recalling some childhood memories. She took a seat at the bar. She took out her phone to see if she got a call from another hunter. "Where is she?" she muttered. Morgan looked up and smiled when she saw a farmiler face. "Yo whats a girl gotta do to get some service around here?" Sarah entered The Roadhouse in a cloud of dust and exhaust fumes. she swore to herself that was the last time she would accept a lift from a weird hillbilly in a pick up. She waited until the noise level in the roadhouse returned to a normal level before she shrugged out of her coat and hung it behind the door. She crossed to the Bar and took a seat next to the blonde. "Hey Ellen. Can i have an EL Sol when your ready?" Sarah swivelled on her stool land leaned back against the bar she could see the door and pretty much everyone else in the bar. so she waited.
Ellen cracked open an El Sol and placed it on the counter for Sarah.
"Morgan Lanford as i live and breath. its been a while. What can i get for you?"
"You stink like ass", all Keaghan could do was roll her eyes cause all her strength went into saving this putz from having a demon get up in him. "Your welcome" breathed Keaghan. She has no idea how she always ends up saving the buttholes. She should just let them get rode hard and put up wet by a demon, maybe teach them a lesson, but that damned voice in the back of her head won't let her. The guy gave her a strange look cause she was kinda just standing there, staring off into space. So he just shrugged and asked," Hey you wanna go grab a shower and let me make the night worth it for ya?" Keaghan snapped out of her thoughts and cracked the guy upside with her sawed-off shot gun. "I need a drink." and that's all she said before slinging her bag in the back of her 1968 shelby mustang convertable, jumped in the front seat, slid her shades on, and drove off into the sunset. Or rather to the beloved Harvelles's Roadhouse. She had a old contact she need to get up with. "I hope she's there already, me and small talk don't mix." she thought as she continued down the dusty dirt road.
Colby sat in his favorite seat at the end of the bar and looked out at the other hunters scattered around inside the Harvelle Roadhouse. This place had practically become his home since he persued the career of a hunter a few years back. He recognized some new faces, new hunters. This brought a smile to his face as he thought back to the first time he walked through those doors. The fear and rage and caution. But that was no more. He felt at home hear, surrounded by people who understood him, who didnt think he was crazy. He picked up his drink and scanned the room. The sun was beginning to set and the tourists began to disperse until it was clear that only the hunters were left. He hoped to find some others to come on a hunt with him tonight. He was sick of hunting alone. The thought made him smile. "Just a coke, I got into a little trouble last month for drinking and only being 18. I mean seriously once your 18 your an adult right so why can't I drink" Morgan said as reached behind her and rubbed the pentagram that was now a scar. For some reason when she was around other hunters it bugged her, but she never gave it any thought. "I'll can I have something to eat, I'm starveing. Just surprise me" Morgan looked at her phone again then looked at the door and scaned the room. Bored and wanting to talk to someone, she turned to the hunter next to her. "So you on a hunt to?"
Sarah almost choked on her beer as she gulped down a large mouthful. She had been so intent on checking out all the new and old faces at the Road House. Plus she was certain that the rather cute guy at the other end of the bar was totally checking her out. She hadn't even noticed that the girl next to her had leaned closer until she spoke. "Uh No, Not at the moment. Are you?" Sarah replied as she tried her best to remain looking good and wiping at the beer that was now dripping from her chin.
" That was real smooth" Morgan said laughing. I'm Getting ready for a hunt. I'm waiting for another hunter, an old friend sorta friend any ways." Morgan scanned the room again. "Lotta hunters here, not alot from when I was a kid. I haven't been here in a good five years.....I wonder where 'Doctor bad ass' is" She said takeing a sip of her soda
"he'll be in his room naked!" Sarah turned to the blonde and smiled. "Names Sarah by the way. You know you just described about everyone in the room with that sort of friend remark. Im just here for the beer." Sarah rested her elbows on the bar behind her and took another swig from her beer. "So, you hunting with family or for family? if you dont mind my asking."
" Oh well I'm Morgan. Umm for family actually, My mom died when I was young, she was torn apart by a werewolf and begged me to kill her. Why a mother would but her 10 year old daughter would in her that kind of possition....and my dad, well I was trying to look for him but a Demon by the name of Ruby interfered. I never met my dad so I hope maybe If I hunt enough I'll find him. After my mom died I lived here untill a hunter did this to me" Morgan turned around and showed Sarah the mark. "He put this pentagram on me cause...well he was nuts so, was your child hood as messed up as mine?"
Sarah raised an eyebrow and considered the question also wondered if she new the crazy bastard that had ****** Morgan up like that. She took a swig from her beer before she spoke. "My childhood... huh" Sarah shrugged. "If i ever find out i'll let you know." She placed the empty bottle back on the counter and signaled for another. Things felt pretty sombre at that second and Sarah had no inclination to reminisce about a childhood she had no memory of. "Hey handsome!" Sarah called to the Hunter at the end of the bar. "want to join two hot girls in a drink?" Sarah winked at Colby and nudged Morgan with her elbow. "Make that three hot girls." Keaghan announced as she walked up to the bar, taking a seat by Morgan. "Sorry it took me so long. Duty called and like a dumbass, I answered. Friggin frat boys, I swear....", Keaghan leaned around Morgan to peer at the new faces. "Hiya! I'm Keaghan Morrison, you can call me K-Mor or Keages, I answer to both. So, what's going on 'round the waterhole these days, man I haven't been here in forever and a day."
Colby took a deep breath, drank the rest of his beer, and walked towards the three ladies farther down the bar. "Hey, uh..." Colby began to raise his hand, then decided against it halfway through the greeting. "Im Colby" he smiled awkwardly and sat in the empty seat next to Sarah. "Any of you got a hunt planned?"
"Yeah we do." Morgan looked over at Keaghan. "You got anything on the Demon?" Morgan looked over at Colby. "I'm Morgan by the way" She looked over to Keaghan. "Half these hunters are piss drunk, I bet we could some money off of them" She said with a smile
Keaghan took a deep breath, " Un-frigging-fortunately I found out nothing new, the frat boy kinda threw me off my game a little bit, but we'll worry about public enemy number one come sun-up." Then Keaghan remember the last part of what Morgan asked and a smirk began to form on her lips,"As for the latter offer of giving these drunken grandpas a run for their money, i'm game!"
"Hey Keagan and Colby pleased to meet you. I dont have anything specific planned. But I was hoping to talk to Ash about something i have had simmering for a while. Hey Ellen can i have four beers? Oh and you probably shouldn't try and swindle anyone in here you two. They all know how to screw you back! but it's your funeral." Sarah laughed.
"So Colby, I've seen you in here before haven't i?"
"Probably. I come here every now and then. **** place is the only real home I have, besides my car anyways." Colby shrugged. He remembered the nights sleeping in his 2006 Chevy Camero, his prize possession before this nightmare began. After that he thought back to the days of building up his arsinal hidden in the trunk. He smiled to himself. How much he'd changed...
"So you said Ash might have a hunt? If you dont mind the company, I wouldnt mind joinin' you."
"Hey, Jo taught me the perfect way to swindle these guys" Morgan said with a laugh. "I was taught by the greatest, plus I watch Chris Angel alot. Morgan sighed and bit her lip. "I guess we should ask Ash for help...he'll never let me live this one down. Keaghan, you go first I don't want my eyes burned out by Mr. Bad Ass's glory."
"Some friend you are, throwing me in the line of fire." Keaghan joked with Morgan while going down the hall to lair of Dr. Bad Ass. As they approached the door, Keaghan took a deep breath," Alright, let's get this over with." *Knock, knock, knock* Nothing. *Knock, knock, knock* "DR. BAD ASS!! YOUR SIGN SAYS "IN", SO GET YOUR MULLET SPORTIN' BUTT OUT HERE ASAP!!!" The girls waited for a minute, then the door swung open. Keaghan immediately jumped behind Morgan and used her to shielded herself from the frightening unknown. Morgan ultimately ending up in the line of fire.
Ash was sound asleep. Dreamin about that time in Pheonix with that chick. What was her name? Carmen? No... Candice. Yeah that was it Candice. Oh man she had legs that went all the way up to her a*Knock, knock, knock* oh yeah all that soft flesh and her large *Knock, knock, knock*"DR. BAD ASS!! YOUR SIGN SAYS "IN", SO GET YOUR MULLET SPORTIN' BUTT OUT HERE ASAP!!!"
Ash rolled over and climbed out of the bed. Scratching himself as he opened the door, Just a crack.
"This better be good! I was dreaming about one hell of a hot..."
When he saw who it was his frown changed to a smile.
"Morgan, Keaghan! what a pleasant Surprise. How the hell are ya?"
Morgan gave Keaghan a look and sighed. "Were great Ash! Look we need your help, and before you give me the biggest I told you so you should know that I could have tracked down this demon myself but he is an expert at hideing and he may know something about my mom and how she new my dad. He also is responsible for what happened to Keaghan's family. So if you can help us it would be awesome." Morgan said giving Ash her best puppy dog pout.
"Oh no i dont think Ash has a hunt. I was just hoping he could help me out with something i been workin on for a while now. you know fresh eyes and all that." Sarah stared into the bottom of her beer for a moment. thinking of how long she had been looking and she had nothing. No clue what had happened to her mother. What had happened to her before John had saved her. Had found her shivering in the darkness and brought her into the light.
The sudden noise of Ash yelling drew Sarah from her thoughts.
"But that doesnt mean that Ash wont know where we can find one."
"Well then I guess i had better get my pants!" Ash stated as he turned back into his room.
"I'll be out in a minute!"
Ash rummaged around in his room finding pants and a half drunk beer. after about two minutes he re-emerged. Dressed in a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt with no sleeves or buttons.
He had a bunch of circuit boards tucked under one arm as he crossed to the bar.
"Hey Ellen, beer me. Oh hey Sarah, Colby dude!" Ash put out his hand for a high five.
Colby smiled and gave Ash the high five he wanted. "Hey Ash, havnt seen you in a while. You think you can find a hunt for us? Maybe somethin' good. I'll tell ya, I'm gettin' pretty sick of poltergeists and hauntings." Which was true. It seamed like that was all he could find the last couple of months, not that he was complaining, any supernatural hunt was better than wasting time chasing after the usual petty theives with the FBI.
Colby shook his head and motioned for Ellen to grab him a beer as well.
"I don't know man, I honestly wouldn't say no to a pissed off poltergeist right now. I'm in need of something a little more simple and lots of fun." After all the stuff with the frat boy, Keaghan kinda lost her motivation to hunt demons. "I think this demon doesn't wanna be found, which leads me to think that he isn't as high up on the food chain as he claims to be. I just wish he would quit his thumb-ringing and just show up." Keaghan turned to Ash, "Don't the really badass demons go around parading their junk? I mean, yeah I know they will go on hiatus from the one their effin' with for a bit but they always have somethin' brewin' in the pot." Keaghan sighed," I haven't heard from the ***** who did my parents in since he did the **** thing."
"Well as long as it doesn't bite or its at least solid enough I can bite it back i dont really care what ti is as long as some evil goes down!" Sarah said. Raising her hand for a hi five.She was liking the idea of hunting with someone else for a change. she could handle cantankerous and annoying. She was looking forward to trying to hunt with fun!
Ellen brought across a beer for each of them except for Morgan and Keaghan who she gave cokes instead.
"Hey Ash if these kids are looking for a hunt why not put em on that one you found in the paper?" Ellen suggested before she moved away to clear tables.
"Well hell yeah! Not like i was gunna go chasing it up." Ash lay the pile of circuit boards on the table infront of him. then he folded ot open to reveal a notebook monitor. It was obviously one of Ash's home made laptops.
he typed in a few commands and then started at the screen after about two minutes, he slapped his hand on the table and turned the monitopr toward them saying "There ya go read that article about Stacey Devlin just try and tell me that aint unatural! and besides i ant got enough information for any of you girls. Sorry Sarah i'm still followin some leads. why dont you investigate that while i track those leads down."
"That sounds awesome!!" Keaghan yelled, then she saw the looks the others were giving her and quickly added,"I mean for a hunt to blow off some steam. Not that it was awesome for that to crap you guys know what I mean. Anyways, i'm game." Keaghan then slouched down in her seat and started sipping the coke Ellen brought over not too long ago.
"Sounds good to me" Colby said, nodding and opening his beer. He reached down and pulled out the black Smith and Wesson that was tucked in its holster at his side and pulled out the magazine. Regular .45 bullets. Not tonight. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a new magazine, this one with specially made bullets. Rock salt, cast into bullets. He smiled while he fixed up his gun then stopped, realizing he had totally spaced and forced his attention back to the small group of hunters in front of him.
More than half the bar held their breath when the gun emerged. A couple had even reached for their own guns secreted in belts and boots.
"You might want to think about keepin that holstered in Here Colby." Ellen suggested as she passed the table and crossed back to the bar.
"Yeah dude some of these fellows are a little Jumpy. Hey Ratboy Jim, chill dude! Colby's cool." Ash added with a laugh. Rat boy Jim had produced a shotgun and taken cover behind the pool table.
Sarah settled back in a chair and rested her right arm over the back of it. She read the article pulling out the points that seemed relevant.
"Im in." She stated. She watched Colby He seemed to be miles away and she wondered what it was that kept pulling him into his thoughts. Wondered as he slid his hand into his jacket and absently pulled his gun from his holster. Purely on instinct the knife from the sleeve of her jacket slid into her left hand. More the rest of the occupants tensing than her actually being worried.
But Sarah knew that it was better to be cautious being lax in your awareness in this job always led to death. Always.
"So Colby, whats a girl gotta do to get an offer of a ride?"
Colby, who was watching the hunters in the bar, turned to face Sarah. He smiled. "You want a ride? hmm... I gotta warn you though, I tend to have a led foot," He said, smirking. He loved speed, or more so the thrill of it.
"Well if we're all in how about we get going?" Colby said, turning his attention to the others.
"I'm with ya man, let's get this show on the road!" Keaghan said, grinning at Colby. "If anybody needs a ride, i'm pretty sure Shelby won't mind haulin' some extra weight."
"Well if you guys want to go check that out i will get my butt into gear and make sure i got some stuff on your Demon Kheagan and Morgan. And Sarah I cant promise anything but i will try and track down that family contact." Ash said as he downed another beer.
Sarah stood and finished her Beer.
"Well there's no need to fight over me. Come on lets go check out these wheels and we'll see who gets the pleasure of my company. Hey Ash, Its been 17 years so Im not expecting any miracles." Sarah Hugged Ellen promising not to let it get so long between visits. Then she made her way to the door, colelcting her jacket and her duffle on the way through it. Standing on the verandah Sarah Looked as the last rays of Sunshine faded from the horizon. Therewhere about fifteen cars in the lot. Sarah whislted when she saw what Keaghan had refered to as Shelby. It had to be the 1968 Shelby Mustang Convertable. there where a number of pick up's and 4x4's, two Harleys a 65' Pontiac GTO that had seen much better days and 2006 Chevy Camero. Sarah couldnt help but chuckle.
She was gunna have difficulty deciding between the cool muscle car and the hot guy! But she couldn't help herself.
"Hey Colby i think i might travel with you!" Sarah said with a smile
Head to Stillwater, Ohio Or you can hang in the Bar.
Sarah, Colby, Keaghan, Morgan
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(Bridgewater Washington) Page 3 >>
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(Ravenna Nebraska) Page 5 >>
(Tacoma Washington) Page 6 >>
Mark Halverson Missing Page 7 >>
Hunting Party Page 7 >>
Animal Attacks Continue Page 8 >>
Strange Creature Spotted (New Jersey) Page 9 >>
Mysterious Deaths (Pecos, Texas) Page 10 >>
Family Slain (Roanoke, Virginia) Page 11 >>
Murder (Missouri) / Slaughters (Illinois) Page 12 >>
Bodies Missing (Oregon) Page 13 >>
Young Women Taken, CA, Page 14 >>
Wait for new hunt Page 14.1 >>