



PG01 / PG02 / PG03






At the same time Lucifer was finishing his second elf when the pain hit. Both Lucifer and the crystal blue eyed elf buckled over in pain, falling to their knees and fighting back the screams. Lucifer fought the final bits of pain and rose to his feet. “Two more and I will try again.” He looked at his arms, “Down here in Hell this vessel survives but the blood gives it new feeling. I almost feel like I am being melted to this vessel.” Lucifer was excited, “you know what this means Cane.” Cane didn’t answer he was still disappointed about losing the cane. He felt he should have held on to the cane and gone through the rock with Dean, but now all his centuries of planning were gone in a moment.

Inside the cell a young woman appeared without a stitch of clothing. She laid there waiting for the pain to subside then crawled to her clothing and put them on. “Lord, please help me get out of here. I need to find my daughter. Lord we need help down here, please can you help us, please help me.” The woman passed out on the floor.

Across the land, in a place only angels could go, Castiel stood before a great rainbow. With one mighty throw he launched the cane into the brilliant color stream and together they disappeared. Then Castiel disappeared and reappeared by the young woman with the blue crystal eyes. Then they too disappeared.



Inside the motel room Dean and Sam were preparing to leave. “We only have four days left. Today is the tenth and Cane needs forty-five people.” Sam stops and looks at Dean who is putting his knife behind his back. “I don’t think Cane is going to stop just because he doesn’t have the cane. He has been at this gig for too long to give up now.”

“I know Sammy.” Dean took a deep breath, “I was only in Hell half a day and almost one and a half days went by here. It makes me feel like I wasted my time.”

“Dean, you didn’t waste your time, you got the cane and you made it back here.” Sam walked to the small table and closed his laptop. “It could have been worse, you could be an elf.”

The two brothers looked at each other and laughed. From the far corner of the room came a voice. “What’s funny?” Castiel asked. “I have some news, well maybe a lot of news.” Castiel walked over to the small complimentary refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water and began to drink.

Being impatient, Dean insisted, “Cass, quit holding us in suspense.”

Putting the empty bottle in the trash bin, Castiel wiped his lips. “Well, the rock as you call it is not a rock but a portal for the eve of God. It was the closure for Eve’s grave, but it was also made ready to be used like Jacobs ladder.” Castiel paused a moment. “The eve of God is when God turns his face on the earth and destroys all that remains, but before that Jesus will send down his armies and they will slew many yet take many more through the portal into Heaven to stand witness before Jehovah and from there will be decided their fate.” Castiel had a worried look on his face, “Centuries ago the portal disappeared and a Legion of Angels have been searching. Without the portal many innocent souls will be lost forever.”



“But far worse then that, it has changed itself. The arch framing three sides use to have guardian Angels and Cherubs blessing those who pass through. Now because Cane took it to that damnation well, there are demons being held at bay by the Angels and in Hell there is little hope of getting it back.” Castiel looked at Dean and then Sam, his voice held a sad tone. “There is little hope of salvation without that portal.”

Tossing his pack on the bed, Dean grabbed a beer from the front pouch and popped it open. After drinking a bit he looked at Castiel and Sam. “Great, why have we been wasting our time all these years just to be turned into dust in the wind?” Dean became demanding, “Huh, tell me why Sam and I went through so much pain and suffering only to wind up as dirt balls on a dead planet?” He continued to drink his beer.

Castiel walked closer to Dean and Sam who were both sitting on the edge of opposite beds. “All is not lost, I have given the Legion the location of the portal and they will find a way to put it back in place and bless it.”

Dean looked sorrowful at Castiel, “Great, they put the stone or portal back then what. An army of angels come down to kill us all.” Dean stands up and walks towards the table then turns to face Castiel and Sam. “Come on Cass, It still sounds like no matter what we do, no matter how good we are there is no Peace on Earth Good Will to Men song going to be played.”

“Dean I am sorry things don’t come up roses for you. Man was tested and the success of that test relies entirely on each individual.”



“Sound like the elves of Dark Christmas has it better off.” Dean interrupted Castiel.

“No Dean they are not better off, because they have no choice.” Anger spewed with his words before Castiel paused and return to his monotone manner. “They can be saved.” This drew Sam and Dean’s attention. “I answered a call for help. How I got it I don’t know, but I wound up in a cell with a woman who says she drank from the bottle and became human again.” Castiel looked at Dean, “We need to collect the blood of Abel and return to hell.”

Far away from the Candy Cane Motel in Pine Creek Delaware, a bright light fills the air, in the center a dark circle grows and takes form. Larger and larger it grows until it takes on human shape and the light diminishes leaving Lucifer as Nick in the place where he took him. The room is cold and dark, everything just as it was. Lucifer takes in a deep breathe and grins with great pleasure. “Aaugh, I am reborn...”



Nostrils flare as Lucifer inhales deeply the fresh air coming through the open bedroom window, “The sweet smell of mother nature.” He grins for a moment then feels the stiffening pain of his body. “Taking this body out of Hell hurts like hell.” Walking over to the closet Lucifer shuffles through the clothing and picks out a dark grey suit. In no time he is enjoying a steaming hot shower while singing and humming an old rock and roll tune.

Once dressed and looking debonair Lucifer heads downstairs, hoping to find some food good enough to eat. A shuffling sound sends an alert there is someone else in the house. With no weapons, Lucifer grabs a glass vase sitting on the hall table and cautiously proceeds down the stairs ready to kill.

Keeping close to the wall, he stops and looks at the vase in his hand. “What the,” setting the vase on the stairs he holds out an arm. At the bottom of the stairs a young woman appears. She seems to be struggling with herself, trying to stay hidden but the powers of Lucifer are too strong. “Hello, there.” Lucifer gives an appealing smile. The young girl looks up for a moment and then faints.

Lucifer walks around the young woman passed out, but still standing by the support of his powers. He finds her attractive and finds a strong bond that forces him to release his hold and carry her to the couch where he sits and watches, waiting for her to wake.

With a soft moan her eyes slowly open. Raising herself into a sitting position she sees Lucifer watching her from a chair. “Nick,” her voice gets excited, “Oh, my God, Nick where have you been.” Getting up she rushes over to him and hugs him. “I knew you were OK, I just knew it.” She stands and looks him over. “I told them my brother is not crazy, he just needs time.”

Giving Lucifer another hug she heads to the kitchen, “Hey, I was just starting super. Join me in the kitchen and we can swap stories like the good old times over a cup of coffee and cinnamon rolls?” She watches Lucifer begin to follow, “I have been making cinnamon rolls everyday waiting, knowing you would return.” She looks back with a very excited smile on her face. “I put raisins in. I know how much you like them.”

Lucifer sat on a bar stool and watched as she busied herself pouring two cups of coffee. Seeing the cinnamon rolls stacked neatly in the middle of the island counter, he takes one and nibbles. “Wow!” Lucifer let out a voice of approval, “These are delicious,” He takes a big bite and watches the smile on the woman’s face get bigger. He wipes a bit of glaze from his lips, “You keep smiling like that and you are going to break your face.”

Seeing a black wallet sitting on the counter, he opens it up and sees the driver’s license. “So, Rebbecca how long have you been in my house.” His voice was a bit cold, and he saw her reaction shiver through her shoulders, “Oh, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean it in a negative way.”



After a few hours of talk Lucifer decided to take a walk, leaving Rebecca relieved he was going to let her stay at the house and take care of his possessions. It was late as he walked down the sidewalk away from the front door lighted by a small porch light that shadowed his sister’s face. She slowly closed the door watching her brother walk away.

Lucifer stood on the street sidewalk, looking left and breathing in the air then looking right and breathing in again. A smile came across his face and he darted across the street and headed east.

Lucifer turned down a dark alley and stopped by a large dumpster a homeless man was cuddling. From the back door of a local bar voices softly echoed across the night air. Kneeling down Lucifer looked the man in the eyes and spoke calmly to him. “It is time to get busy.”

His voice shook the vagrant who staggered to a standing position and without word followed Lucifer a few yards down the alley and then disappeared with him into a vortex.

Back in Hell Cane was sucking up all the blood he could from those elves he trapped inside his bedroom chamber while Castiel, Sam and Dean rounded up elves in the cell chamber and gave the blood of Abel to them.

Elves were soon scampering for a vile of Abel’s blood as they saw others returning to their naked human form then in a foggy haze return to the cell they arrived in and finding their clothes.



“There are too many people Castiel, how are we going to get all of them out of here.” Dean was concerned about the large group of people they were gathering. “Cass, take some back now while Sam finishes up here and I am going to see how many more are wondering around in Hell.” Dean checked his gun to make ready for a battle then headed towards the huge doors at the end of the hall.

Busy handing out Abel blood Sam had to stop, “Dean, wait. There are only a few more and I can go with.” Sam looked to Castiel, “Cass can you handle getting these people back to safety.” He received a nod and moved more quickly at handing out the blood.

While waiting for his brother curiosity encouraged Dean to pull on the red curtains that covered the full length of the wall. Everyone went quiet and looked at the small portion of the wall that exposed a young woman in a long white robe carrying a pottery vase of water. Her eyes were jet black and the vase tipped towards the earth pouring out red liquid.

As if in a hypnotic trance Castiel walked through the crowd of people and up to the wall. “There she is the true one.” He looked at Dean with surprise and disappointment in his eyes. “Why is she here?” Castiel asked no one, though he was looking at Dean who had no idea what he was talking about. Castiel grabbed a curtain and pulled it down exposing a large man made well surrounded by a small wading pool filled with water, which appeared to be moving.

Woman and children were scattered about gathering water from the well or playing in the pool while others stood about talking or drinking water from a ladle. Many had pure black eyes like the woman.

Down came another curtain exposing a large group of people huddled together in fear starring at the woman in white. Dean stepped away from the wall over to one of the cells where Sam was standing and they watched Castiel take down more curtains exposing a large mural.

“Dean,” Castiel said without taking his eyes off the mural. “We can not let Cane escape Hell.” A large part of the wall he exposed was a large pane widow. On the other side was Canes bed chamber. “The woman is God’s gift to Adam.” Castiel did not seem to hear the people behind him shutter in shock.

Inside his bed chamber Cane’s white rob dripped with blood, dead elves were tossed into a huge pile while others stood in line like cattle waiting their final fate. At first Cane was deep in thought of feeding then slowly looked up and saw the exposed window. Anger boiled across his face and he began to holler orders.

“I think we need to move much faster,” Dean responded to the emotion showing on Cane’s face as he could not hear what he was saying but guessed. “Cass, move these people,” he looked to Sam, “Ready to fight,” He watched Sam nod.



Looking beyond the glass they saw two demons in human form bow to Cane then rush out the door. “Dean, there coming, we need to get out of here as soon as we can.” His words were seconds late as demons entered through the door. Sam went into quick action and motioned everyone into one of the cells and shut the doors.

Dean stood sentry, like a warrior ready to take on the world. This did not stop the demons but did put hesitation in their approach. Long enough for Sam to lock everyone safely behind the bar cell then join Dean.

The battle was on twenty demons against two hunters. That is two hunters with demon killing knifes and demons who lived on fear and didn’t feel like dying but had to follow orders. This gave Sam and Dean a slight advantage but the odds were still not good.

While most the demons stood around like watching a dog fight, four would approach and battle it out, only to be greeted by a dagger blade and the end of their hellish existence.

While Sam and Dean held back Hell’s occupants Cane approached the rock. “Sam, I don’t think were going to get out of this one.” Dean watched Cane begin to slip between worlds through the rock.

Sam on the other hand was watching the door, “I think your right, what do you count sixty maybe seventy demons.” Sam looked at Dean and they stepped further away from the door until their backs were up against the wall. “If Cass doesn’t get back here now…”

Suddenly a large flash of white light filled the room and in an instant Dean and Sam were huddled side by side in their room at the Candy Cane Motel. Sam looked up, “Gabriel?”











PG01 / PG02 / PG03

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