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The United States’ Tax System and Flat Tax – The United States’ Tax System and Flat Tax The United States tax system is in complete disarray. Republicans and Democrats agree that the current tax code is complex, unfair, and costly. The income tax system is so complex; the IRS publishes 480 tax forms and 280 forms to explain the 480 forms (Armey 1). The main reason the tax system is so complex is because of the special preferences such as deductions and tax credits. Complexity in the current tax system forces Americans to spend 5.4 billion hours complying with the tax code, which is more time than it takes to manufacture every car, truck and van produced in the United States (Armey 1)…. [tags: Papers] 1896 words

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Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice – In Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is a story of how Elizabeth (and her true love, Darcy overcome all obstacles-including their own personal failings-to find romantic happiness. She questions weather she should marry Fitzwilliam Darcy for love or social stability. The first time he asked for her hand in marriage he was obviously was not wanting to marry for love but to upgrade her poor social standing in which Elizabeth turned down. When Darcy for the second time proposes to Elizabeth she is truly in love but for the sake of her pride she wants to say no but is taken over by love…. [tags: essays research papers] 617 words

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Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre; The Unrealistic Fairytale – The nineteenth century novel of Jane Eyre written by Charlotte Bronte is an unrealistic fairy tale because the main character is rescued by her prince and due to many coincidental events, her wrongs are righted and she lives happily every after. This is an unrealistic fairy tale due to the hardships of the main character of Jane. In fairytale the main character has hardships and like fairy tales Jane suffers many hardships; her aunt mistreating her, the inhumane living at Lowood School and the rude and obnoxious proposals she receives from men who love her…. [tags: Literary Analysis, Literary Criticism] 533 words

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The Lisbon Treaty and its Consequences on the European Union Decision Making – On 13 December 2007, the European heads of government signed the Lisbon Treaty, which was designed to make the European Union (EU) “more democratic , more transparent and more efficient” (BBC) after twelve new members have been added in 2004 and 2007. Before the treaty could enter into force, it had to be ratified by all EU members. This essay will summarize the Lisbon Treaty and the governmental and democratic consequences it will have on the EU decision making. It intends to state that Europe has the wish to change and actively tries to do so and partly succeeding, but failing to do so entirely…. [tags: European history] 1236 words

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The Stakeholder Society: A Rawlsian Interpretation – In Bruce Ackerman and Anne Alstott’s The Stakeholder Society, a sweeping proposal is introduced to tackle what the authors view as a widening inequality of opportunity within a system that reinforces this disparity. They claim that these growing economic disparities are “profoundly shaping the future of the next generation,” and that, without intervention, long-held distinctly American tenets will disappear from the moral horizon. The authors’ proposed solution is a stakeholding program, whereby all adults upon reaching the age of twenty-one would be guaranteed a sum of eighty thousand dollars, to be spent as they see fit…. [tags: Literary Analysis]

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The Role of Research in Marketing – INTRODUCTION This research aims at finding out basic research methods, principles and techniques in order to present them in a seminar entitled “The Role of Research in Marketing” that is going to be organized on 20 August 2010. For this reason, this study will collect data and information regarding research methods, principles and techniques from various sources, especially secondary sources. In this regard, this study taken into account various postulations made so far by the researchers, theorists and scholars…. [tags: Marketing] 2101 words

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Paideia: Teaching to Students’ Individual Learning Styles – The Paideia Proposal was created by Mortimer J. Adler to overcome elitism in the school system and replace it with a true democratic system. The Paideia Proposal aims to improve the quality of schools in America and to make education available to all students (Adler, 1984). To meet student individual needs educators need to adjust their instructional teaching strategies (Nolen, 2003). Educators need to be aware of how their students learn and how to meet the needs of their students. The potential benefits of using the Paideia Proposal in schools is to meet the purpose of education, understand students’ learning styles, and use instructional elements to meet those needs of student’s…. [tags: Education]

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Cellular Technologies Inc. (CTI) camera invention – Questions Presented Whether Cellular Technologies Inc. (CTI) made their camera invention sufficiently publically accessible before the critical date of their patent application, enough to be considered a printed publication and thus invalid under 35 U.S.C. §102(b), when CTI’s Chief Marketing Officer Lisa Toliver sent an e-mail proposal to the Consumer Electronic Show officer with a PDF attachment containing the exact details of the display prior to the tradeshow and did not give notice to prohibit disclosure of the attachment, when Lisa Toliver uploaded a copy of the PDF to the CTI sub-domain that is fairly well known to people in the industry, when CTI displayed the camera at the world’s largest electronic trade show for five days where they showed enough of the technology behind the camera to persons skilled in the relevant technology, and when CTI handed out brochures at the tradeshow containing all the detailed information from the display…. [tags: Law]

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critical Thinking Assignment – … For example, “budgeted personnel” could mean a predetermined number of people or a set amount allocated to personnel costs (CITE). Similarly, “state-of-the-art” and “professional expertise” allow for a range of explanations that could support or refute the author’s reasoning. Consequently, since Ms. Glenn’s arguments for opposing the proposal are based on these, a clear understanding of her interpretation would aid in understanding her counterarguments. The first argument contains several terms and phrases in need of clarification…. [tags: ]

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JSwift – … Swift had published a few more pieces between the 1720s and the 1730s. He passed away on October 19, 1745, leaving behind a legacy in the world of satire. Critical Analysis Swift is an author that uses satirical elements to mock different social, political and religious views. Swift is seen by some critics to be “the most savage and merciless satirist and ironist in the history of Western literature” (Bloom 1). However, I disagree with this statement because Swift has written some ingenious works such as “A Modest Proposal”…. [tags: comedy, great satirist ]

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why should college athletes be paid – Does the attempt to have high quality athletes on campus undermine educational standards. Sports that are provided by the college, are what attract a large number of students to the school. The standards that the school sets for these students are a reflection of how the school views academics, and the importance that academics are to the school. The attempt to have high quality athletes on campus is secondary in regards to academics. Any and all colleges have a minimum G.P.A. requirement that all students must maintain before they are able to graduate…. [tags: essays research papers] 558 words

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Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Cupid in the Kitchen – Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Cupid in the Kitchen As a reader in the 1990’s it’s tempting to see Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “Cupid in the Kitchen” as revolutionary and ahead of its time. She proposes the complete professionalization of the nutritive and execretive functions of society, a radical, if not revolutionary notion. However, in the light of the fin-de-siecle birth of the modern feminist movement, Gilman is but one voice in many crying for economic and social justice for women…. [tags: Cupid]

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Businesss Study Recommendations for Network Upgrade – Businesss Study Recommendations for Network Upgrade Background Mr. D the Chief Information Officer of M Computing has put the brilliant Information Technology department in charge of setting up a computer network for the company. The I.T. department must research the different options to come up with the most efficient decision for the network. The team must keep each system within the budget of $2700 and $3400 per user platform. Some of the problems the team may run into are listed below. · Different departments will require different systems…. [tags: Papers] 1267 words

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Voting Research Study – This research is targeting the population which are citizens eligible to vote, in this case above the age of 18. There are a mix of Qualitative and quantitative research. About 8 focus groups of sizes Between 6-8 will be conducted at the electoral commission. A couple Of depth interviews will be conducted. The profile of these participants Are citizens eligible to vote. They are picked at random. These research Methods provide a rich insight to the research problem. On the other hand, quantitative research is as important as qualitative research…. [tags: Voting Research Study Australia] 1666 words

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Importance Of Being Earnest – Love equals Excitement Mr. Algernon “I really don’t see anything romantic in proposing. It is very romantic to be in love. But there is nothing romantic about a definite proposal. Why, one may be accepted. One usually is, I believe. Then the excitement is all over. The very essence of romance is uncertainty. If ever I get married, I’ll certainly try to forget the fact” (Norton 2180). Through this statement and others in The Importance of Being Earnest Oscar Wilde creates a mockery and joke of the most sacred tradition in society; marriage…. [tags: Oscar Wilde] 1086 words

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Business Analysis of Peak Garage Doors Inc – Business Analysis of Peak Garage Doors Inc INTRODUCTION Peak Garage Door Inc. has set a goal to increase their sales for 2004. Garage door industry is expecting a growth of 2.4% while the management of Peak is looking to increase company’s sales 26.4%…. [tags: Business Management Analysis] 1494 words

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Selecting a Partner for NGO in Nigeria – Selecting a Partner for NGO in Nigeria 1. INTRODUCTION: This piece is an executive summary of the processes and steps required for selecting a winning Implementing Partner for development work. It is the first in a series meant to enrich the body of knowledge available on the topic and provide guidance to local Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) desiring to manage donor funds. Local NGOs provide the vehicle for effective intervention in their areas because of their closeness to the local communities…. [tags: Business Management Strategy] 1625 words

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The Common Rule and Human Research – Human research done in the United States nowadays is regulated by the Common Rule. The Common Rule is a policy on the topic of Human Subject Protection created by a number of agencies specifically the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects for Biomedical and Behavioral Research developed in 1974 to address detection of serious maltreatment of human subjects from the Syphilis Study at Tuskegee (Iltis, 2011). Some key requirements of the Common Rule are: assuring compliance by research institutions, obtaining and documenting informed consent, Institutional Review Board (IRB) membership, function, operations, review or research, and record keeping…. [tags: Ethics/Morality]

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How do Jane Austen and E.M Forster portray their heroines as remarkably independent? – The independence of the heroines in “Pride and Prejudice” and “A Room With a View” can be defined by their unconventional views and the fearlessness that they display. In “Pride and Prejudice”, Austen presents her heroine Elizabeth as having unconventional views on marriage and society. It is clear that in Austen’s choice of Elizabeth she is presenting an alternative role model for the women of Regency society. Similarly, in “A Room With a View”, E.M Forster’s heroine Lucy demonstrates an independence and fearlessness in her choices which challenges society’s expectations…. [tags: Literature] 1768 words

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The Flawed Electoral College System – … Any state that wants to adopt this way only has to pass a state law to do so. No constitutional amendment is required to do this. There is another criticism which is the faithless elector problem. This is when they meet in December in their respective state capitols they do not always vote for the candidate they officially pledged to. An example of this was in 1948 when Truman was running for president, elector Preston Parks of Tennessee voted for Strom Thurmond who was running on the pro-segregation Dixiecrat ticket…. [tags: Criticisms, Reform Suggestions]

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Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice – Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice Mr Collins is a wealthy, high-class clergyman who desires to have the hand of marriage from Elizabeth Bennet of Longbourne. The Bennet family however is not as prosperous as Mr Collins’, and it was on this basis that many marriages were established. During Mr Collins discussion with Elizabeth he declares his intentions to propose and Mrs Bennet gives her consent. When Jane Austin says ‘he set about it in an orderly manner which he supposed a regular part of business’ It demonstrates how Mr Collins being very narrow minded is a man that goes by the beliefs of his society and the period in which he lived in-so he thought that this was to be the right way to propose…. [tags: Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Essays] 739 words

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The Senate’s Bailout of Automakers – Recently, we have all heard about the financial crisis. Many industries have suffered beginning from the banks, the first and worst hit industry. Since many were retrenched, the consumer-based industries have suffered. This time, the auto industry was hit. Three big auto companies, General Motors, Daimler Chrysler LLC and Ford, were in trouble this time. The $14 billion emergency loan for the companies was cancelled as the Senate failed to approve of it. Why did they do so. What effects will it have…. [tags: bailout, automakers, USA, economy, ] 655 words

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Religion in Public Schools – Religion in School “Juliana. It is 7:00. Time to get up,” yelled my sister Jessica every Wednesday morning during our high school years. We got up earlier than usual those Wednesday mornings for FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). FCA was held in the classroom of my social studies teacher who was also the instructor of FCA. I never realized how lucky I was to have an organized religious group at my high school until I talked to some friends from other schools. I was then given a taste of the reality of religion in school in overall society in the United States…. [tags: Prayer in Public Schools]

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Oracle Implementations – Oracle Implementations Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Project Manager Role…………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Client Project Manager……………………………………………………………………………………….3 Consulting Project Manager ……………………………………………………………………………….3 Scope, Objectives and Approach……………………………………………………………………….4 Scope………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4 Assumptions………………………………………………………………………………………………………5 Approach ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………5 Objectives………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6 Project Team ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6 Project Risks ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7 AIM Methodology …………………………………………………………………………………………………9 Deliverables ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………………………14 3 Introduction An Oracle Applications Implementation requires careful planning and execution of numerous tasks…. [tags: Oracle Implementation Project Management Essays] 4787 words

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Crap – Methodology: The paper uses historical returns from 1871-2004 to assess the President’s personal accounts proposal. It does 91 different simulations for a worker born in 1990 assuming that he or she experiences the actual returns from 1871-1914, 1872-1915, 1873-1916, all the way through 1961-2004. This sample has an average real stock market return of 6.8% annually, slightly above the 6.5% annual return assumed by the Social Security actuaries. These historical returns are not, however, a good guide to future returns…. [tags: essays research papers] 394 words

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Analysis of Three Republican Presidential Candidates – The United States economy has always had its ups and downs like the rest of the world’s economies. Since December 2007 it has been in a recession, and it has not been able to come out of it yet; with the passage of time, we sink even more. Our current president Barack Obama has certain strategies to take us out of this, even though according to economists that recession ended since June 2009, the economy is growing too slow and the number of unemployed people is outrageous. For the 2012 elections many Republican candidates are trying to formulate new plans that differ from those that Obama has worked out, all these are strategies to get elected as presidents or in Obama’s case, reelected…. [tags: American Politics, Economy]

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Comparison (J. Swift & A. Pope) – The attitudes portrayed in Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Man and Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” towards mankind is strikingly similar. Both acknowledge the view that man has dominion over the earth, as created and instituted by God. However, the difference is seen in their approaches to this subject. Pope primarily focuses on man’s pride and place in society, whereas Swift discusses how man deals with certain situations reasonably or unreasonably. Pope and Swift present situations that man has to face in conjunction with illogical conclusions…. [tags: essays research papers] 565 words

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Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen – Chantal Fauconier Jane Austen, a writer in 19th Century England, wrote about what she knew; namely the societal norms of her era and class. In a time where men were given all the status and privileges, she wrote novels predominantly about women, their position in society, and the roles that they played. Since women were not entitled to property, they would often grow up with the goal of finding a suitable husband (Guidelines 1990:1). It is for this reason that people have criticised Jane Austen’s writings – saying that she reinforced the norms of patriarchy by reassuring the reader about the order and stability of society…. [tags: English Literature]

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Exterior of the Crystal Palace – Crystal Palace, Exterior The Crystal Palace was dismantled and rebuilt in Sydenham after the closing of the Fair and stood there until 1936 when it was destroyed by fire. Although it is no longer standing today, this structure is documented in photographs such as this one, through which it can continue to influence the worlds of architecture and engineering. The Great Exhibition of 1851 was the first event of its kind, bringing together people from all over the earth in an environment of peace and intellectual stimulation…. [tags: Architecture]

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Global Warming – Global Warming In the February 1st edition of the New York Times, journalist Andrew C. Revkin discusses the rising threat of global warming, and more importantly, the disagreement between various nations and institutions upon the definition of “dangerously high global warming.” Revkin’s article, titled “Deciding How Much Global Warming Is Too Much,” brings to light the various failed attempts at creating a barrier at which industrialized countries (the main producers of the greenhouse gasses which result in global warming) will cut the release of harmful gasses into the atmosphere…. [tags: Environmental Global Climate Change] 504 words

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Exemplification Essay: Three-Strikes Law is a Mindless Response to Crime – In 1983, a young man named Michael was brought before a Pennsylvania court on a charge of armed robbery: he stole $50 from a taxi driver using a toy gun. A few days later he was arrested and was subsequently convicted. Although the trial judge sentenced Michael to 6 months in prison and required that he repay the $50, the prosecutor demanded the 5 year minimum sentence required by state law. The trial judge ruled the mandatory sentencing law unconstitutional, and Michael served his prison time and repaid the money…. [tags: Argumentative Persuasive Topics] 2569 words

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Jane Austen – Star of the Literary Sky – Jane Austen – Star of the Literary Sky Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775 in a town called Steventon, Hampshire, near Basingstoke, England. In a family of eight children, she was the second eldest. Her mother was called Cassandra, as well as her older sister and her father was George Austen, the local rector (clergyman). When her sister Cassandra, who was only three years older and to whom she was really close, wanted to go to Oxford, she followed, but the two girls had to come back home after only a few months…. [tags: Biography Biographies Essays]

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Government of Spain – The Government of Spain Political System Spain is a parliamentary monarchy. Chief of state is the hereditary monarch and the head of government is the President of the Government. The President designates the cabinet which is called the Council of Ministers. Spain is also has a bicameral legislative branch. The General Courts or National Assembly or Las Cortes Generales consists of the Senate or Senado and the Congress of Deputies or Congreso de los Diputados (CIA World Factbook). In order for legislation to pass the two chambers must agree…. [tags: essays research papers fc]

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A Conflict in Interest – A Conflict in Interest The year 1910 marked the beginning of reform within the Mexican political order. Proposals such as Francisco Madero’s Plan of San Luis Potosi and The Plan de Ayala by Emiliano Zapata denounced the rigid control of dictator Porfirio Diaz, stating that the existing government offered no concessions to the Mexican people. In an effort to overthrow Diaz, Madero’s plan for revolution declared the current government nonexistent beginning at six o’clock on the evening of November 20, 1910…. [tags: Papers] 639 words

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The Electoral College – The Electoral College The Founding Fathers wrote the Electoral College into the United States Constitution as insurance against popular passion electing the chief executive into office. They believed there needed to be a buffer between the people and election of the president. Also a concern of the forefathers was they did not want the states with a larger population to completely overshadow the states with a smaller populace. The Electoral College system was devised to help cope with these problems…. [tags: Papers] 910 words

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Review of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice – Review of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice In the eighteenth century genteel woman were based around he home life. In this era women were not independent and had no right over the property that the family may own. The times were very patriarchal, males were much more dominant and inherited the property from their families, thus giving them wealth. Women had to find wealth in an alternative way, this being marriage. Marriage was seen as the only way for women to move on from their families…. [tags: Papers] 2372 words

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The Problem with Nuclear Waste – The Problem with Nuclear Waste The United States alone produces an average volume of commercial low-level radioactive waste of about 500,000 cubic feet each year. That is a lot of waste. This comes from a variety of places. Mainly though, it is produced by nuclear power plants. This waste brings up a problem though. It is difficult to dispose of radioactive materials for two reasons. One, some radioactive materials last for thousands of years. Two, most radioactive materials are hazardous and can’t be stored with conventional means…. [tags: Papers] 440 words

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The Cause and Effect of Voter Apathy – Cause and Effect Essay – The Cause of Voter Apathy What causes voter apathy. Why, in the most recent federal and provincial elections, did roughly 40% of eligible voters stay home. Perhaps candidate A, running for party A led by leader A, is not perceived as being significantly different from, or better than, candidate B, running for party B led by leader B. This lack of perceived difference between candidate-party-leader A and candidate-party-leader B, is not the only problem in an election. It is also impossible to vote directly on an issue…. [tags: Politics Political Essays] 1363 words

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Virtual Campus Tour – Virtual Campus Tour Virtual campus tour is a software program where the users can experience the same thing as in the real world. They can touch, walk, run, sit on a chair, or change direction. In other words, it is like an online expedition that is close to real campus walking tour. Virtual campus tour could be a useful reference in the future for architects, urban planners, and government entities. My part in this project is making the brochure and PowerPoint. The brochure contains information about the purpose of our project in asking for fundraiser…. [tags: Argumentative Persuasive Essays] 970 words

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The Holland Tunnel – The Holland Tunnel The concept for the Holland Tunnel was developed in 1906.1 In 1906, a coalition of the New York State and New Jersey Interstate Bridge and Tunnel Commission began studies for a bridge connecting lower Manhattan to Jersey City, New Jersey.2 By the end of World War I (1918), the number of cars and trucks on U.S. roads had skyrocketed. This trend did not differ in the streets of New York City.3 At this time the Hudson River ferries were carrying about 30 million vehicles each year (24,000 vehicles a day3) from New York to New Jersey…. [tags: ] 2595 words

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Public Slave System – Public Slave System In 1999, a young man named Ryan John Sargeant removed himself from the public school system. His letter of intent, filled with harsh, condemnatory rhetoric, decried a school system that uses students as, . a means to an end, a worthless commodity. Pupils are made nothing but workers by the educational system.. Such words would aptly describe a proposal by the United States government, which calls for three years of mandatory public service following high school before pursuing any higher education…. [tags: essays papers] 889 words

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army – Facing worldwide opposition, the United States has retreated from its demand that American peacekeepers be permanently immune from the new war crimes tribunal. U.S. diplomats are instead proposing a yearlong ban on any investigation. The compromise proposal made Wednesday marked a significant change in the Bush administration’s campaign to shield Americans from frivolous or politically motivated prosecutions by the new International Criminal Court. Members of the U.N. Security Council have been grappling with a U.S…. [tags: essays research papers] 666 words

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Booker T – BOOKER T WASHINGTON *V* WEB DUBOIS For more than a hundred years important Black leaders such as: Douglass, Elliot, Washington, and Du Bois have been both praised and sensationalized in our (Black) history books for their individual efforts in the struggle for the civil and political advancement of Black Americans; but among all others the two most “talked” about during that period would have to be Booker T. Washington and his fellow activist and most verbal critic W.E.B. DuBois. Although during the span of their prospective careers both have worked diligently to secure a place for Black Americans in society, agreeing in context with each others hope for the future, in methodology at least their difference of opinion as to the way to go about achieving that goal varied in as many ways as from star to star varies in its positioning in the universe…. [tags: essays research papers] 1394 words

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Juvenalian And Horatian Satire – Juvenalian and Horatian Satire “Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody’s face but their own; which is the chief reason for that kind of reception it meets in the world, and that so very few are offended with it.” Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), Anglo-Irish satirist. The Battle of the Books, Preface (written 1697; published 1704). Satire is known as the literary style which makes light of a subject, diminishing its importance by placing it in an amusing or scornful light…. [tags: Satire Comedy LIterary Essays]

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Decisions Made by Women in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen – Decisions Made by Women in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife’ This opening paragraph of “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin has become one of the most famous sentences in English literature. It states that the novel will explore the theme of marriage. Jane Austen lived in an opinionated world and this is reflected in her novel. In “Pride and Prejudice” no secret is made of the need to marry for money…. [tags: Papers] 2540 words

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The Sushi Law – The Sushi Law “Do not do what you would undo if caught” ~ Leah Arendt ~ Why is it a home buyer has so few options against a home seller when it is believed the home was fraudulently and intentionally misrepresented. Is it because, “Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty.” ~ Plato ~ There should be a new law to protect the home buyers interests. As in the auto industry the “Lemon Law” was created to protect auto buyers. So should there be a law to protect vulnerable and innocent home buyers…. [tags: Papers] 2291 words

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James Madison – James Madison In the years following the Revolutionary War, the economic and political condition in the newly declared nation was disastrous. The young states were in extreme debt after the expense of the war, and economic growth was hampered by the fact that each state had its own tariffs and currencies. The Continental Congress was helpless to repair the dilemma because of its inability to tax (Garraty, 1971). In the middle of all the confusion, however, a commercial dispute, the Oyster War, between Virginia and Maryland was successfully solved with assistance from General George Washington and James Madison…. [tags: Papers] 1959 words

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Southwest Texas State University Parking Control Memorandum – Southwest Texas State University Parking Control Memorandum Over the past few years, the parking control office has been expanded and made more efficient by the addition of computers and the implementation of new filing procedures. Unfortunately, the department is still not providing the services it is capable of. This is due to the fact that the parking control office is under staffed in respect to counter attendants. This lack of sufficient people to work the front counter causes the process of appealing and paying parking tickets to become extremely bogged down…. [tags: Papers] 1067 words

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Culpability Of US Involvement In Vietnam Coup – Kennedy Administration on Vietnam coup The Kennedy Administration believed in the credibility of the U.S. anti-communist commitments after WW2. By 1963, it aided South Vietnam and expanded its advisers in there to contain the spreading of communism which was the belief of the North Vietnam. Unfortunately, the leader of the South Vietnamese was poor in his ways; failing political and economical progress violating US-South Vietnam agreement. The US was privately well aware of the problems in the government and tried measures of all kinds to energize the South Vietnamese effort…. [tags: American History] 973 words

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Analysis Case Study:Shell Oil Company – The following analysis evaluates the challenges faced by Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company involving their monumental proposed investment into their Nigerian operations. When global companies experience extreme criticism such as Shell, they are usually tasked with identifying optimum solutions to reverse the negativity. In addition to assessing the challenges, this analysis provides some potential strategies that can be implemented to resolve the issues within this case. Problem Statement Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company proposed to execute the largest industrial investment ever made in Africa…. [tags: Business Management Analysis Strategy] 1914 words

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Justification by Reflective Equilibrium – Justification by Reflective Equilibrium Famously, John Rawls is regarded as using reflective equilibrium (RE) to justify his principles of justice. But the point of justification by RE in Rawls’s more recent work is not easily established since he regards his own work as still contractarian. In order to clarify matters, I distinguish between wide and narrow RE, as well as show that wide RE consists of several kinds of narrow RE: RE as a plea for (re)consideration, RE as a constructive procedure of choice, and safe ground RE…. [tags: Philosophy Science Papers]

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Risk Analysis on Investment Decision – Risk Analysis on Investment Decision Silicon Arts, INC. (SAI) is a four year old company that manufactures digital imaging integrated Circuits (IC’s) that are used in digital cameras, DVD players, computers, and medical and scientific instruments. Hal Eichner, SAI’s Chairman, has a two-point agenda for the company to increase market share and keep pace with technology. As the Financial Analyst for the company one must analyze two mutually exclusive capital investment proposals. The two options are to expand the existing Digital Imaging market share or enter the Wireless Communication (W-Comm) market…. [tags: Investment Finance Analysis] 806 words

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Voluntary Testing for Pregnant Women – Voluntary Testing for Pregnant Women During the past decade, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has become a leading cause of mortality among women. This population is now accounting for the most rapid increase in cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in recent years. As the numbers of cases of HIV infection have increased among women, particularly of childbearing age, increasing numbers of children have become infected as well. “Various studies conducted to date indicate that between 1/4 and 1/3 of infants born worldwide to women infected with HIV have become infected with the virus themselves” (HIV InSite, 1997)…. [tags: Pregnancy Birth Papers]

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Kantian Ethics vs. Utilitarianism – 1. Explain Onora O’neil’s argument for preferring Kantian ethics to Utilitarianism. 2. How would Richard Taylor respond to O’neil’s defense of Kantianism. In the following questions, Onora O’neil defends Kantian ethics while Richard Taylor agrees more with the Utilitarian ethics view. To fully understand both views and why each author defends their view, a brief introduction of each author and who they are is necessary. Onora O’neil is a philosophy professor at Cambridge University, while Richard Taylor also teaches philosophy, at the University of Rochester…. [tags: essays research papers] 1188 words

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Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice Miss Elizabeth Bennet had the offer of two marriage proposals within a few months. She refused them both, but for very different reasons. The first proposal, which was undertaken by Mr Collins, was declined under the circumstances that she did not love him. The second proposal was from Mr Darcy, a man who owned vast property and wealth, and had a very high social status. Lizzy refused his proposition on the basis that he asked her in an unacceptable manner…. [tags: Papers] 1329 words

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It’s Time to Burn the Books – It’s Time to Burn the Books It is a melancholy object to those who attend this great school or those similar, when they see the desks, the tables, and the lockers cluttered with textbooks of literature, often accompanied by a rather thick notebook, and importuning all with the reminder of wasted hours in that dreaded classroom. This class, rather than filled with the teachings of unique and worthwhile lore, instead is saturated with utterly boring and useless information. This class, when one has finally settled in life, has no effect on the outcome of his important decisions…. [tags: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays] 680 words

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Microsoft – Wednesday, many government sources confirmed that Justice Department lawyers have proposed splitting Microsoft Corp. as a remedy for the company’s allegedly anti-competitive behavior. The proposal was discussed over the weekend at a secret meeting of officials from the U.S. government and 19 states that have sued Microsoft. The position of the Federal government and the states was presented to Federal Mediator Richard Posner last Monday, which was the filing deadline. Posner has been meeting in Chicago with state and federal prosecutors every Monday and with the company each Tuesday…. [tags: essays research papers] 540 words

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Republican – n elephant as their official symbol, the Republican Party originated in Ripon, Wisconsin 28th of February, 1854. The reason for organizing this political party came from the opposition towards westward expansion of slavery. The very first convention was held on the 6th of July, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan. The political principles of the party include deregulated free- market capitalism, excepting corporate tax breaks and subsidies, nationalism, religiosity, social conservatism, and militarism. Considering the attacks on our country, the core focal point has been national security…. [tags: Politics] 527 words

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Article on 24 Hour Alcohol Law – Article on 24 Hour Alcohol Law The people of Preston have a mixed feelings on whether 24 hour drinking will help ease the city’s alcohol problem. Most people interviewed disagree with plans to relax licensing laws to enable 24 hour drinking. Only two people gave a firm yes with one person unsure. Figures for England show that out of 1.4million crimes in the second quarter of 2005, 318,000 were alcohol related. These figures also show that of the violent crimes more than half are believed to have been drink-fuelled…. [tags: Papers] 463 words

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Not Being Earnest in The Importance of Being Earnest – Not Being Earnest in The Importance of Being Earnest While some critics contend that The Importance of Being Earnest is completely fanciful and has no relation to the real world, others maintain that Oscar Wilde’s “trivial comedy for serious people” does make significant comments about social class and the institution of marriage. These observations include the prevalent utilization of deceit in everyday affairs. Indeed the characters and plot of the play appear to be entirely irreverent, thus lending weight to the comedic, fanciful aspect…. [tags: The Importance of Being Earnest] 866 words

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Euthanasia Should be Legal – Euthanasia Should be Legal Euthanasia is the intentional causing of a painless death. Euthanasia should be legal in every state. It is already legal in some areas and if put to a vote in every state, it most likely would become legal. Every state resident should be given the opportunity to vote on the issue. It should also the right of a competent patient to decide his own life, or death. If it is within an individual’s rights to commit suicide it should be legal to ask for help if needed…. [tags: Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide]

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English Literature – English Literature My greatest strength lies in my ability to communicate effectively through my writing skills. As a freshman, I entered college certain that I wanted to be an English major because of my love of literature. I had a rather romantic picture in my mind as to what my studies would include: late nights relaxing with a cup of tea and a Virginia Woolf novel. Though my courses did offer me the opportunity to read many fabulous works of literature, they also challenged my analytical skills far more than I ever imagined…. [tags: Graduate Admissions Essays] 1063 words

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Measure for Measure Essay: The Pontification of Isabella – The Pontification of Isabella in Measure for Measure Within Measure for Measure the character of Isabella is characterized as an innocent pure female, and there is a focus on her ever-present moral dilemma. By using Elizabethan perspectives on women, nuns, and chastity, Shakespeare uses Isabella to reveal character traits and morality of those around her. However in opposition Isabella made be seen as an individual who pontificates too much when her brother’s life is at stake, it is perhaps easier for Isabella to suffer the condemnation of a modern audience…. [tags: Measure for Measure]

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Electrical Vehicles and Benefits to the Environment – Electrical Vehicles and Benefits to the Environment There is a serious problem facing the world right now. It is air pollution. The number one contributor to this epidemic is automobile emissions. We have all heard of the issues that are involved with air pollution including the depletion of the o-zone layer, the green house effect, and acid rain. The problem has been scoped from every imaginable angle, and now it is time to solve the problem. I propose that each of the ‘Big Three’ (Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler) car manufacturers be required to have 10% of their product line as EV’s By the year 2010. I propose this because it will be the start of cleaner air, EV advancement, and awareness of EV’s and how they work…. [tags: Environment Environmental Pollution Preservation]

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Paideia, Prejudice and the Promise of the Practical – Paideia, Prejudice and the Promise of the Practical In an age of radical pluralism it is increasingly difficult to affirm and sustain the educational aspirations of Greek paideia (Latin humanitas). The most challenging attacks on these aspirations come from standpoints which share a postmodern attitude of opposition towards inherited cultural ideals, especially those which claim universality. This paper first examines optimistic and pessimistic prospects for the educational heritage of humanitas, concluding that, in the face of cultural disparateness which is increasingly evident in post-Enlightenment cultures, the pessimistic case seems to be more convincing…. [tags: Philosophy Diversity Science Papers] 4718 words

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Matrimony and Recompense in Measure for Measure – Matrimony and Recompense in Measure for Measure (A version of this essay appeared in Shakespeare Quarterly 46 (Winter, 1995), 454-464.) Since 1970, when the Isabella of John Barton’s RSC production of Measure for Measure first shocked audiences by silently refusing to acquiesce to the Duke’s offer of marriage at the end of the play, Isabella’s response (or lack thereof) to the Duke’s proposal has become one of the most prevalent subjects for Shakespearean performance criticism.See, for example, Jane Williamson, “The Duke and Isabella on the Modern Stage,” The Triple Bond: Plays, Mainly Shakespearean, in Performance, ed…. [tags: Shakespeare Measure Essays] 7072 words

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Increase in Tuition – Increase in Tuition Dear ISU Cyclone Family Member, Would you like to save yourself $300 to $900 every six months for four years. Maybe go treat yourself to something nice each month or save up and give yourself a big treat at the end of four years. Would you like to see ISU continue with low priced high quality education. These two things will be intangible if you turn and look the other way on this issue. This week Iowa State is hosting the Board of Regents in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union…. [tags: Education Argumentative Papers] 900 words

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Politics – Politics Since the beginning of American politics, we have lived in a two party political system. These two parties play a very important role in our government, they are a source of ideas for public policy, and they legally oppose each other (class citation), forcing compromises of ideas which are beneficial to the people of the United States of America. Though these two parties generally always oppose each other on the issues, some people believe that there are not significant differences between the Democratic National Party and the Republican National Party…. [tags: Governmental Political Essays]

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Singaporean Mentality Exposed – Singaporean Mentality Exposed Film critics and audiences have dubbed I Not Stupid an excellent commentary on the education system and government paternalism. The movie stars three school children who have been channelled into the undesirable EM3 stream, and shows the trials and tribulation of these children and their parents. I Not Stupid has been described as a “coming of age movie”1 for its rare ability to criticise the government and its policies and bring pertinent issues to light, so much so that many are surprised that it managed to get past the not-too-kind local board of censors…. [tags: I Not Stupid Education System Essays]

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Sung Ohm, Instructor – Sung Ohm, Instructor Purpose The documented researched essay allows you to understand the fundamentals of an academic conversation. In many respects, this essay is your entry into the conventions, methods, and rhetoric of an academic dialog. Participating in this conversation means that you will have to look carefully at the various positions academics and other experts take on a particular subject matter—especially when they differ from your own. You will need to negotiate and analyze the various arguments and eventually formulate your own stance…. [tags: Essays Papers] 1485 words

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An Analysis Of Media Coverage Of Ebonics: Incorporating Black English Into The Curriculum – An Analysis Of Media Coverage Of Ebonics: Incorporating Black English Into The Curriculum Introduction Over the past year, the debate on Ebonics has virtually left the media spotlight. The proposal by the Oakland School District in early 1997 to use Ebonics to help African-American children learn Standard English met with much opposition. Few people supported the Oakland resolution which, backed by the Linguistic Society of America, acknowledged Ebonics as a language variety complete with its own syntax, structure, and rules of grammar…. [tags: Ebonics Language African American Essays]

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Bipartisanship – Recently, the debate of whether bipartisanship has completely left this country incapacitated due to the lack of cooperation between Senators and House members with conflicting opinions has grown especially due to the Clinton Impeachment Debates. Many individuals feel that the only reason William Jefferson Clinton was impeached in the House was due to the fact that the majority of the House is republicans. This research proposal will attempt to define if the concept of bipartisanship does exist…. [tags: essays research papers] 950 words

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Kant’s Idea for a Universal History with Cosmopolitan Purpose – Question: In his essay “Idea for a Universal History with Cosmopolitan Purpose” Kant argues that the greatest problem for the human species is “that of attaining a civil society which can administer justice universally.” Discuss how Kant argues for this claim and what his proposal is for achieving it historically You may supplement your answer by briefly outlining one contemporary version of Kant’s proposal.. Do you think Kant’s proposal has at all been approximated in modernity. (Word count1820 words) First this article will explore the claims which ground Kant’s argument for a universal history by discussing the main arguments within each proposition in the essay…. [tags: essays research papers] 1781 words

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Offensive line – English Final Paper William Shakespeare and Henrik Ibsen are two great authors of their time and are still read by many today. William Shakespeare wrote many plays; one that is more well known is Hamlet. Henrik Ibsen is a not so well known author but wrote a great rival play named A Doll’s House. These two plays were extraordinary for their time and there has been much controversy and debates on which play made the greatest impact to culture and society. These two plays, written in very different time periods, show alternative views on society and how it should be…. [tags: essays research papers fc]

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Three Strikes And Youre Out Law – Three Strikes You’re Out Law We have all heard of the newest anti-crime law, the “Three strikes and you’re out” law. It wasn’t easy getting this law from the bill stage in Sacramento to the law stage, because it is not a criminal friendly law. Meaning that this law’s purpose is to bring pain, suffering, and intimidation to criminals. Our state government was basically ran by the Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, now mayor of San Francisco. Brown had the power to choose who sat on what committee in the house, and using this he could terminate any bill he did not agree with…. [tags: essays research papers] 1680 words

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Students with Special Needs in the Language Classroom – Students with Special Needs in the Language Classroom Students that show the need for special education are those who have more difficulties that the rest of the students in understanding curriculum that is at their age level. Reasons for the difficulties could be the result of a series of internal causes or the result of an inadequate educational approach. To overcome these deficiencies, the student needs a series of conditions that offer special adaptations to ordinary curriculum, such as including a list of specific resources that the students can use that differ than those which the school offers on a daily basis…. [tags: Economics] 1285 words

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Emma by Jane Austen – In Emma Jane Austen exposes the limitations of the role of women in her society. Examine Austen’s presentation of what is called in the novel, women’s usual occupations of eye, and hand, and mind. Emma – Role of Woman In Emma Jane Austen exposes the limitations of the role of women in her society. Examine Austen’s presentation of what is called in the novel, ‘women’s usual occupations of eye, and hand, and mind’. In Jane Austen’s society, the role of women was controlled by what was expected of them…. [tags: English Literature] 787 words

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A Sense of Place in Austen’s Pride and Prejudice – A Sense of Place in Austen’s Pride and Prejudice It is interesting to observe Dictionary.com’s definition of the word “place” in relation to “person”. Especially when it comes to Pride and Prejudice, where Austen has made great use of the objective correlative technique, in which many, if not all, of her settings considerably reflect the characteristics of their owners. She additionally employs several other techniques regarding the sense of place in her novel, which are important not only in the facilitation of numerous plot points, but also in establishing and understanding her characters and their relationships…. [tags: Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Essays] 1451 words

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Jane Eyre – Jane Eyre Jane and Rochester Belong Together The overriding theme of Jane Eyre is Jane’s continual quest for love. Jane searches for love and acceptance throughout the book. The intelligent, honest, plain-featured girl is forced to contend with oppression, inequality, and hardship. Jane’s meets with a series of individuals who threaten her autonomy, but she maintains her principles of justice, human dignity, and morality, as well as her values of intellectual and emotional fulfillment. As a governess though, she is subject to economic and gender enslavement…. [tags: essays papers] 1184 words

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Welfare Reform – The people that are on Welfare should be the only ones that need it. With this new proposal President Busch is cutting down those that are just sitting around soaking up the wealth. With the 70% more working after five years, the economy will go up, their respect will go up, and the those people with taxes will feel a little better knowing that their money is going to people who need it. The Welfare Reform is an excellent idea. President Busch is putting a hold on the TANF funds. He is holding this money because the numbers on welfare have gone down by 56%, and at this time we don’t need it…. [tags: Sociology]

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